Shell scarring in Calliostoma zizyphinum (Prosobranch: Trochidae) from Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland.

Autoria(s): Roberts, David; Montgomery, Ian; Preston, Sarah



Pink and white shells of Calliostoma zizyphinum show both undamaged and damaged scars. White shelled individuals predominate in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland where Calliostoma densities and scarring levels are high. No white shells were found intertidally, outside the entrance channel to the Lough. Significant differences occur in the size of Calliostoma shells between sampling sites but not between different colour morphs at each site. However in pooled samples, pink individuals are significantly larger than white individuals. When sites and morphs are considered separately, pink Calliostoma density is negatively correlated with water movement. At sites where pink Calliostoma occur, the percentage of pink shelled individuals is negatively correlated with total Calliostoma density. Damaged and undamaged scarring values per unit area of shell, show highly significant differences between sites and damaged scars are significantly higher in white individuals. Undamaged scars are not correlated with any of the environmental parameters recorded, but are positively correlated with damaged scars suggesting a common causative factor. The level of damaged scarring is positively correlated with crab/total Calliostoma ratio at all sites and where each colour morph was considered separately. Multiple regression analyses reveal that crab/Calliostoma ratios account for 42% of the between site variation in damaged scars. Significantly higher levels of damaged scars are found at sites with high crab densities and significantly larger individuals are found at sites where crab densities are intermediate in value. The largest and most highly scarred individuals occur at sites with most coarse substrata where Calliostoma are present in their lowest densities. The higher scarring levels and smaller size of white individuals reflect either higher mortality or reduced growth in white shelled Calliostoma.

Identificador 10.1093/mollus/59.2.211






Roberts , D , Montgomery , I & Preston , S 1993 , ' Shell scarring in Calliostoma zizyphinum (Prosobranch: Trochidae) from Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. ' Journal of Molluscan Studies , vol 59 , pp. 211-222 . DOI: 10.1093/mollus/59.2.211

