231 resultados para Ultrashort pulsed laser beams


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In this paper we investigate the piezoelectric properties of PbTiO(3) thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition with piezoresponse force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The as-grown films exhibit an upward polarization, inhomogeneous distribution of piezoelectric characteristics concerning local coercive fields, and piezoelectric coefficient. In fact, the data obtained reveal imprints during piezoresponse force microscopy measurements, nonlinearity in the piezoelectric deformation, and limited polarization reversal. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of defects near the film/substrate interface, which can be associated with the variations of piezoelectric properties.


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This work demonstrates that instead of paraelectric PbTiO(3), completely c-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO(3) thin films were directly grown on (001)-SrTiO(3) substrates by pulsed-laser deposition with thickness up to 340 nm at a temperature well above the Curie temperature of bulk PbTiO(3). The influence of laser-pulse frequency, substrate-surface termination on growth, and functional properties were studied using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and piezoresponse force microscopy. At low growth rates (frequency 8 Hz) a domains were formed for film thickness above 20-100 nm. Due to coherency strains the Curie temperature (T(c)) of the monodomain films was increased approximately by 350 degrees C with respect to the T(c) of bulk PbTiO(3) even for 280-nm-thick films. Nonetheless, up to now this type of growth mode has been considered unlikely to occur since the Matthews-Blakeslee (MB) model already predicts strain relaxation for films having a thickness of only similar to 10 nm. However, the present work disputes the applicability of the MB model. It clarifies the physical reasons for the large increase in T(c) for thick films, and it is shown that the experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions based on the monodomain model of Pertsev et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1988 (1998)].


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The production of shock- and collimated jet-like features is recorded from the self-emission of a plasma using a 16- frame camera, which can show the progression of the interaction over short (100s ns) durations. A cluster of laser beams, with intensity 1015 W/cm2, was focused onto a planar aluminum foil to produce a plasma that expanded into 0.7 mbar of argon gas. The acquisition of 16 ultrafast images on a single shot allows prompt spatial and temporal characterization of the plasma and enables the velocity of the jet- and shock-like features to be calculated.


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We have excited mid-infrared surface plasmons in two YBCO thin films of contrasting properties using attenuated total reflection of light and found that the imaginary part of the dielectric function decreases linearly with reduction in temperature. This result is in contrast with the commonly reported conclusion of infrared normal reflectance studies. If sustained it may clarify the problem of understanding the normal state properties of YBCO and the other cuprates. The dielectric function of the films, epsilon = epsilon(1) + i epsilon(2), was determined between room temperature and 80K: epsilon(1) was found to be only slightly temperature dependent but somewhat sample dependent, probably as a result of surface and grain boundary contamination. The imaginary part, epsilon(2), (and the real part of the conductivity, sigma(1),) decreased linearly with reduction in temperature in both films. Results obtained were: for film 1: epsilon(1) = - 14.05 - 0.0024T and epsilon(2) - 4.11 + 0.086T and for film 2: epsilon(1) = - 24.09 + 0.0013T and epsilon(2) = 7.66 + 0.067T where T is the temperature in Kelvin. An understanding of the results is offered in terms of temperature-dependent intrinsic intragrain inelastic scattering and temperature-independent contributions: elastic and inelastic grain boundary scattering and optical interband (or localised charge) absorption. The relative contribution of each is estimated. A key conclusion is that the interband (or localised charge) absorption is only similar to 10%. Most importantly, the intrinsic scattering rate, 1/tau, decreases linearly with fall in temperature, T, in a regime where current theory predicts dependence on frequency, omega, to dominate. The coupling constant, lambda, between the charge carriers and the thermal excitations has a value of 1.7, some fivefold greater than the far infrared value. These results imply a need to restate the phenomenology of the normal state of high temperature superconductors and seek a corresponding theoretical understanding.


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A detailed knowledge of the physical phenomena underlying the generation and the transport of fast electrons generated in high-intensity laser-matter interactions is of fundamental importance for the fast ignition scheme for inertial confinement fusion.

Here we report on an experiment carried out with the VULCAN Petawatt beam and aimed at investigating the role of collisional return currents in the dynamics of the fast electron beam. To that scope, in the experiment counter-propagating electron beams were generated by double-sided irradiation of layered target foils containing a Ti layer. The experimental results were obtained for different time delays between the two laser beams as well as for single-sided irradiation of the target foils. The main diagnostics consisted of two bent mica crystal spectrometers placed at either side of the target foil. High-resolution X-ray spectra of the Ti emission lines in the range from the Ly alpha to the K alpha line were recorded. In addition, 2D X-ray images with spectral resolution were obtained by means of a novel diagnostic technique, the energy-encoded pin-hole camera, based on the use of a pin-hole array equipped with a CCD detector working in single-photon regime. The spectroscopic measurements suggest a higher target temperature for well-aligned laser beams and a precise timing between the two beams. The experimental results are presented and compared to simulation results.


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The dielectric properties of BaTiO3 thin films and multilayers are different from bulk materials because of nanoscale dimensions, interfaces, and stress-strain conditions. In this study, BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers deposited on SrTiO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition have been investigated by high-energy-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The fine structures in the spectra are discussed in terms of crystal-field splitting and the internal strain. The crystal-field splitting of the BaTiO3 thin layer is found to be a little larger than that of bulk BaTiO3, which has been interpreted by the presence of the internal strain induced by the misfit at the interface. This finding is consistent with the lattice parameters of the BaTiO3 thin layer determined by the selected area diffraction pattern. The near-edge structure of the oxygen K edge in BaTiO3 thin layers and in bulk BaTiO3 are simulated by first-principle self-consistent full multiple-scattering calculations. The results of the simulations are in a good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, the aggregation of oxygen vacancies at the rough BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interface is indicated by the increased [Ti]/[O] element ratio, which dominates the difference of dielectric properties between BaTiO3 layer and bulk materials.


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Epitaxial BaTiO3 films and epitaxial BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal surfaces of (001)-oriented Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) single-crystal substrates. Atomic force microscopy was used to investigate the surface topography of the deposited films. The morphology of the films, of the BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, and of the column boundaries was investigated by cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Measurements of the dielectric properties were performed by comparing BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers of different numbers of individual layers, but equal overall thickness. The dielectric loss saturates for a thickness above 300 nm and linearly decreases with decreasing film thickness below a thickness of 75 nm. At the same thickness of 75 nm, the thickness dependence of the dielectric constant also exhibits a change in the linear slope both for BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers. This behaviour is explained by the change observed in the grain morphology at a thickness of 75 nm. For the thickness dependence of the dielectric constant, two phenomenological models are considered, viz. a 'series-capacitor' model and a 'dead-layer' model.


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The initial growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films is studied by combined application of atomic force microscopy, cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) (001) substrates with well-defined terraces. X-ray diffraction and cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations revealed well-defined epitaxial films and a sharp interface between BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3:Nb substrates. The layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov mode) growth mechanism observed by analyzing the morphology of a sequence of films with increasing amount of deposited material has been confirmed by microstructure investigations. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Epitaxial SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films with well-defined (116) orientation have been grown by pulsed laser deposition on Si(100) substrates covered with an yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) buffer layer and an epitaxial layer of electrically conductive SrRuO3. Studies on the in-plane crystallographic relations between SrRuO3 and YSZ revealed a rectangle-on-cube epitaxy with respect to the substrate. X-ray diffraction pole figure measurements revealed well defined orientation relations, viz. SBT(116)\\ SrRuO3(110)\\ YSZ(100)\\ Si(100), SBT[110]\\ SrRuO3[001], and SrRuO3[111]\\ YSZ[110]\\ Si[110].


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Epitaxial BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on (001)-oriented Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) substrates. Measurements of the dielectric properties were performed comparing BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers of different number of individual layers, but equal overall thickness. The dielectric loss saturates for a thickness above 300 nm, and linearly decreases with decreasing film thickness below a thickness of 75 nm, and it is independent on the number of multilayers, pointing to some interface effect. The thickness dependence of the dielectric constant of BaTiO3 films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers; exhibits a change in the linear slope at a thickness of 75 nm. This behavior is explained by the change observed in the morphology at a thickness of 75 nm. In order to explain the thickness dependence of the dielectric constant, two approaches are considered in this paper, viz. a "series capacitor" model and a "dead layer" model.


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The growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (srTiO(3):Nb) (001) substrate surfaces was studied in terms of surface morphology, crystalline orientation, microstructure, and film/substrate interface. Well-oriented BaTiO3 thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates with well-defined terraces by pulsed laser deposition. The regularly terraced TiO2-terminated surfaces of vicinal SrTiO3:Nb (001) substrates were prepared by a definite chemical and thermal treatment. Under our conditions, BaTiO3 seems to grow with a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) growth mechanism. In order to investigate the orientation and crystallinity of the BaTiO3 films, x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission election microscopy were performed. Ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 films was proved by electrical measurements performed on Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb heterostructures.


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Detailed knowledge of fast electron energy transport following the interaction of ultrashort intense laser pulses is a key subject for fast ignition. This is a problem relevant to many areas of laser-plasma physics with particular importance to fast ignition and X-ray secondary source development, necessary for the development of large-scale facilities such as HiPER and ELI. Operating two orthogonal crystal spectrometers set at Bragg angles close to 45 degrees determines the X-ray s- and p-polarization ratio. From this ratio, it is possible to infer the velocity distribution function of the fast electron beam within the dense plasma. We report on results of polarization measurements at high density for sulphur and nickel buried layer targets in the high intensity range of 10(19) - 10(21) Wcm(-2). We observe at 45 degrees the Ly-alpha doublet using two sets of orthogonal highly-orientated pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) crystals set in 1(st) order for sulphur and 3(rd) order for nickel.


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Epitaxial heterostructures combining ferroelectric (FE) and ferromagnetic (FiM) oxides are a possible route to explore coupling mechanisms between the two independent order parameters, polarization and magnetization of the component phases. We report on the fabrication and properties of arrays of hybrid epitaxial nanostructures of FiM NiFe(2)O(4) (NFO) and FE PbZr(0.52)Ti(0.48)O(3) or PbZr(0.2)Ti(0.8)O(3), with large range order and lateral dimensions from 200 nm to 1 micron. METHODS: The structures were fabricated by pulsed-laser deposition. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy were employed to investigate the microstructure and the epitaxial growth of the structures. Room temperature ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic domains of the heterostructures were imaged by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM), respectively. RESULTS: PFM and MFM investigations proved that the hybrid epitaxial nanostructures show ferroelectric and magnetic order at room temperature. Dielectric effects occurring after repeated switching of the polarization in large planar capacitors, comprising ferrimagnetic NiFe2O4 dots embedded in ferroelectric PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 matrix, were studied. CONCLUSION: These hybrid multiferroic structures with clean and well defined epitaxial interfaces hold promise for reliable investigations of magnetoelectric coupling between the ferrimagnetic / magnetostrictive and ferroelectric / piezoelectric phases.


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As part of the ultrafast charge dynamics initiated by high intensity laser irradiations of solid targets,high amplitude EM pulses propagate away from the interaction point and are transported along anystalks and wires attached to the target. The propagation of these high amplitude pulses along a thinwire connected to a laser irradiated target was diagnosed via the proton radiography technique,measuring a pulse duration of 20 ps and a pulse velocity close to the speed of light. The strongelectric field associated with the EM pulse can be exploited for controlling dynamically the protonbeams produced from a laser-driven source. Chromatic divergence control of broadband laser drivenprotons (upto 75% reduction in divergence of >5 MeV protons) was obtained by winding the supportingwire around the proton beam axis to create a helical coil structure. In addition to providingfocussing and energy selection, the technique has the potential to post-accelerate the transiting protonsby the longitudinal component of the curved electric field lines produced by the helical coil lens.


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K alpha radiation generated by interaction of an ultrashort (1 ps) laser with thin (25 mu m) Ti foils at high intensity (2x10(16) W/cm(2)) is analyzed using data from a spherical Bragg crystal imager and a single hit charge-coupled device spectrometer together with Monte Carlo simulations of K alpha brightness. Laser to K alpha and electron conversion efficiencies have been determined. We have also measured an effective crystal reflectivity of 3.75 +/- 2%. Comparison of imager data with data from the relatively broadband single hit spectrometer has revealed a reduction in crystal collection efficiency for high K alpha yield. This is attributed to a shift in the K-shell spectrum due to Ti ionization. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.