231 resultados para Transmitting telescope


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High-cadence, synchronized, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA 10794) are presented. The data were obtained with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak using a newly developed camera system: the rapid dual imager. Wavelet analysis is undertaken to search for intensity related oscillatory signatures, and periodicities ranging from 20 to 370 s are found with significance levels exceeding 95%. Observations in the H-α blue wing show more penumbral oscillatory phenomena when compared to simultaneous G-band observations. The H-α oscillations are interpreted as the signatures of plasma motions with a mean velocity of 20 km s-1. The strong oscillatory power over H-α blue-wing and G-band penumbral bright grains is an indication of the Evershed flow with frequencies higher than previously reported.


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Quality of Service (QoS) support in IEEE 802.11-based ad hoc networks relies on the networks’ ability to estimate the available bandwidth on a given link. However, no mechanism has been standardized to accurately evaluate this resource. This remains one of the main issues open to research in this field. This paper proposes an available bandwidth estimation approach which achieves more accurate estimation when compared to existing research. The proposed approach differentiates the channel busy caused by transmitting or receiving from that caused by carrier sensing, and thus improves the accuracy of estimating the overlap probability of two adjacent nodes’ idle time. Simulation results testify the improvement of this approach when compared with well known bandwidth estimation methods in the literature.


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A detailed study is presented of the decaying solar-active region NOAA 10103 observed with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS), the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Electron-density maps formed using Si x (356.03 angstrom/347.41 angstrom) show that the density varies from similar to 10(10) cm(-3) in the active-region core to similar to 7 x 108 cm-3 at the region boundaries. Over the 5 d of observations, the average electron density fell by similar to 30 per cent. Temperature maps formed using Fe XVI (335.41 angstrom)/Fe XIV (334.18 angstrom) show electron temperatures of similar to 2.34 x 10(6) K in the active-region core and similar to 2.10 x 10(6) K at the region boundaries. Similarly to the electron density, there was a small decrease in the average electron temperature over the 5-d period. The radiative, conductive and mass-flow losses were calculated and used to determine the resultant heating rate (P-H). Radiative losses were found to dominate the active-region cooling process. As the region decayed, the heating rate decreased by almost a factor of 5 between the first and last day of observations. The heating rate was then compared to the total unsigned magnetic flux (Phi(tot) = integral dA vertical bar B-z vertical bar), yielding a power law of the form P-H similar to Phi(0.81 +/- 0.32)(tot) This result suggests that waves rather than nanoflares may be the dominant heating mechanism in this active region.


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We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we find a large high-latitude spot which is deflected from the rotational axis in the same direction as seen on the K3-K5 IV/V secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. BV Cen also shows a similar relative paucity of spots at latitudes between 40° and 50° when compared with AE Aqr. Furthermore, we find evidence for an increased spot coverage around longitudes facing the white dwarf which supports models invoking star-spots at the L1 point to explain the low states observed in some cataclysmic variables. In total, we estimate that some 25 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of BV Cen is spotted. We also find evidence for a faint, narrow, transient emission line with characteristics reminiscent of the peculiar low-velocity emission features observed in some outbursting dwarf novae. We interpret this feature as a slingshot prominence from the secondary star and derive a maximum source size of 75000 km and a minimum altitude of 160000 km above the orbital plane for the prominence. The entropy landscape technique was applied to determine the system parameters of BV Cen. We find M1 = 1.18 +/-0.280.16Msolar and M2 = 1.05 +/-0.230.14Msolar and an orbital inclination of i = 53° +/- 4° at an optimal systemic velocity of ? = -22.3 km s-1. Finally, we also report on the previously unknown binarity of the G5IV star HD 220492.


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We report the discovery of a periodic modulation in the optical lightcurve of the candidate ultracompact X-ray binary 4U 1822-000. Using time-resolved optical photometry taken with the William Herschel Telescope we find evidence for a sinusoidal modulation with a semi-amplitude of 8 per cent and a period of 191 min, which is most likely close to the true orbital period of the binary. Using the van Paradijs & McClintock relation for the absolute magnitude and the distance modulus allowing for interstellar reddening, we estimate the distance to 4U 1822-000 to be 6.3 kpc. The long orbital period casts severe doubts on the ultracompact nature of 4U 1822-000.


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This paper details the implementation and operational performance of a minimum-power 2.45-GHz pulse receiver and a companion on-off keyed transmitter for use in a semi-active duplex RF biomedical transponder. A 50-Ohm microstrip stub-matched zero-bias diode detector forms the heart of a body-worn receiver that has a CMOS baseband amplifier consuming 20 microamps from +3 V and achieves a tangential sensitivity of -53 dBm. The base transmitter generates 0.5 W of peak RF output power into 50 Ohms. Both linear and right-hand circularly polarized Tx-Rx antenna sets were employed in system reliability trials carried out in a hospital Coronary Care Unit, For transmitting antenna heights between 0.3 and 2.2 m above floor level, transponder interrogations were 95% reliable within the 67-m-sq area of the ward, falling to an average of 46 % in the surrounding rooms and corridors. Overall, the circular antenna set gave the higher reliability and lower propagation power decay index.


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We present an analysis of the data from our Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope molecular line survey in the 1.3 mm band of the N, M, and NW positions in the Sgr B2 molecular cloud. The line emissions from 42 molecular species, and some of their isotopomers, were analyzed assuming a single temperature and a homogeneous source. In cases where a source size much smaller than the antenna beam (23


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We present a multimodal detection and tracking algorithm for sensors composed of a camera mounted between two microphones. Target localization is performed on color-based change detection in the video modality and on time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimation between the two microphones in the audio modality. The TDOA is computed by multiband generalized cross correlation (GCC) analysis. The estimated directions of arrival are then postprocessed using a Riccati Kalman filter. The visual and audio estimates are finally integrated, at the likelihood level, into a particle filter (PF) that uses a zero-order motion model, and a weighted probabilistic data association (WPDA) scheme. We demonstrate that the Kalman filtering (KF) improves the accuracy of the audio source localization and that the WPDA helps to enhance the tracking performance of sensor fusion in reverberant scenarios. The combination of multiband GCC, KF, and WPDA within the particle filtering framework improves the performance of the algorithm in noisy scenarios. We also show how the proposed audiovisual tracker summarizes the observed scene by generating metadata that can be transmitted to other network nodes instead of transmitting the raw images and can be used for very low bit rate communication. Moreover, the generated metadata can also be used to detect and monitor events of interest.


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Magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the internetwork are among the smallest objects in the solar photosphere and appear bright against the ambient environment. An algorithm is presented that can be used for the automated detection of the MBPs in the spatial and temporal domains. The algorithm works by mapping the lanes through intensity thresholding. A compass search, combined with a study of the intensity gradient across the detected objects, allows the disentanglement of MBPs from bright pixels within the granules. Object growing is implemented to account for any pixels that might have been removed when mapping the lanes. The images are stabilized by locating long-lived objects that may have been missed due to variable light levels and seeing quality. Tests of the algorithm, employing data taken with the Swedish Solar Telescope, reveal that approximate to 90 per cent of MBPs within a 75 x 75 arcsec(2) field of view are detected.


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We present nine newly observed transits of TrES-3, taken as part of a transit timing program using the RISE instrument on the Liverpool Telescope. A Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analysis was used to determine the planet star radius ratio and inclination of the system, which were found to be R-p/R-star = 0.1664(-0.0018)(+0.0011) and i = 81.73(-0.04)(+0.13), respectively, consistent with previous results. The central transit times and uncertainties were also calculated, using a residual-permutation algorithm as an independent check on the errors. A re-analysis of eight previously published TrES-3 light curves was conducted to determine the transit times and uncertainties using consistent techniques. Whilst the transit times were not found to be in agreement with a linear ephemeris, giving chi(2) = 35.07 for 15 degrees of freedom, we interpret this to be the result of systematics in the light curves rather than a real transit timing variation. This is because the light curves that show the largest deviation from a constant period either have relatively little out-of-transit coverage or have clear systematics. A new ephemeris was calculated using the transit times and was found to be T-c(0) = 2454632.62610 +/- 0.00006 HJD and P = 1.3061864 +/- 0.0000005 days. The transit times were then used to place upper mass limits as a function of the period ratio of a potential perturbing planet, showing that our data are sufficiently sensitive to have probed sub-Earth mass planets in both interior and exterior 2:1 resonances, assuming that the additional planet is in an initially circular orbit.


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High-cadence, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA AR 10969), obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope, are presented. Difference imaging of white light continuum data reveals a white-light brightening, 2 minutes in duration, linked to a cotemporal and cospatial C2.0 flare event. The flare kernel observed in the white-light images has a diameter of 300 km, thus rendering it below the resolution limit of most space-based telescopes. Continuum emission is present only during the impulsive stage of the flare, with the effects of chromospheric emission subsequently delayed by approximate to 2 minutes. The localized flare emission peaks at 300% above the quiescent flux. This large, yet tightly confined, increase in emission is only resolvable due to the high spatial resolution of the Swedish Solar Telescope. An investigation of the line-of-sight magnetic field derived from simultaneous MDI data shows that the continuum brightening is located very close to a magnetic polarity inversion line. In addition, an Ha flare ribbon is directed along a region of rapid magnetic energy change, with the footpoints of the ribbon remaining cospatial with the observed white-light brightening throughout the duration of the flare. The observed flare parameters are compared with current observations and theoretical models for M- and X-class events and we determine the observed white-light emission is caused by radiative back-warming. We suggest that the creation of white-light emission is a common feature of all solar flares.


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We report the discovery of WASP-10b, a new transiting extrasolar planet (ESP) discovered by the Wide Angle Search for Planets ( WASP) Consortium and confirmed using Nordic Optical Telescope FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph and SOPHIE radial velocity data. A 3.09-d period, 29 mmag transit depth and 2.36 h duration are derived for WASP-10b using WASP and high-precision photometric observations. Simultaneous fitting to the photometric and radial velocity data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure leads to a planet radius of 1.28R(J), a mass of 2.96M(J) and eccentricity of approximate to 0.06. WASP-10b is one of the more massive transiting ESPs, and we compare its characteristics to the current sample of transiting ESP, where there is currently little information for masses greater than approximate to 2M(J) and non-zero eccentricities. WASP-10's host star, GSC 2752-00114 (USNO-B1.0 1214-0586164) is among the fainter stars in the WASP sample, with V = 12.7 and a spectral type of K5. This result shows promise for future late-type dwarf star surveys.


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Electron impact excitation rates in Cl III, recently determined with the R-matrix code, are used to calculate electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e) emission line ratios involving both the nebular (5517.7, 5537.9 Angstrom) and auroral (8433.9, 8480.9, 8500.0 Angstrom) transitions. A comparison of these results with observational data for a sample of planetary nebulae, obtained with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph on the 3-m Shane Telescope, reveals that the R-1 = /(5518 Angstrom)/I(5538 Angstrom) intensity ratio provides estimates of N-e in excellent agreement with the values derived from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. This agreement indicates that R-1 is a reliable density diagnostic for planetary nebulae, and it also provides observational support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the line ratio calculations. However the [Cl III] 8433.9 Angstrom line is found to be frequently blended with a weak telluric emission feature, although in those instances when the [Cl III] intensity may be reliably measured, it provides accurate determinations of T-e when ratioed against the sum of the 5518 and 5538 Angstrom line fluxes. Similarly, the 8500.0 Angstrom line, previously believed to be free of contamination by the Earth's atmosphere, is also shown to be generally blended with a weak telluric emission feature. The [CI III] transition at 8480.9 Angstrom is found to be blended with the He I 8480.7 Angstrom line, except in planetary nebulae that show a relatively weak He I spectrum, where it also provides reliable estimates of T-e when ratioed against the nebular lines. Finally, the diagnostic potential of the near-UV [Cl III] lines at 3344 and 3354 Angstrom is briefly discussed.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in Ar IV are used to calculate the emission-line ratio: ratio diagrams (R1, R2), (R1, R3), and (R1, R4), where K1 = I(4711 Å)/I(4740 Å), R2 = I(7238 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), R3 = I(7263 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), and R4 = I(7171 Å)/I(4711 + 4740 Å), for a range of electron temperatures (Te = 5000-20,000 K) and electron densities (Ne = 10-106 cm-3) appropriate to gaseous nebulae. These diagrams should, in principle, allow the simultaneous determination of Te and Ne from measurements of the [Ar IV] lines in a spectrum. Plasma parameters deduced for a sample of planetary nebulae from (R1, R3) and (R1, R4), using observational date obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope at the Lick Observatory, are found to show excellent internal consistency and to be in generally good agreement with the values of Te and Ne estimated from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. These results provide observational support for the accuracy of the theoretical ratios and, hence, the atomic data adopted in their derivation. In addition, they imply that the 7171 Å line is not as seriously affected by telluric absorption as previously thought. However, the observed values of R2 are mostly larger than the theoretical high-temperature and density limit, which is due to blending of the Ar IV 7237.54 Å line with the strong C II transition at 7236 Å. 


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For Special Operations Forces, an important attribute of any future radio will be the ability to conceal transmissions from the enemy while transmitting large amounts of data for situational awareness and communications. These requirements will mean that military wireless systems designers will need to consider operating frequencies in the mm-wave bands: The high data rates that are achievable at these frequencies and the propagation characteristics at this wavelength will provide many benefits for the implementation of 'stealth radio'. This article discusses some of the recent advances in RF front-end technology, alongside physical layer transmission schemes that could be employed for millimeter-wave soldier-mounted radio. The operation of a hypothetical millimeter-wave soldier-to-soldier communications system that makes use of smart antenna technology is also described.