118 resultados para Referral pathways


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Understanding the impact of political violence on child maladjustment is a matter of international concern. Recent research has advanced a social ecological explanation for relations between political violence and child adjustment. However, conclusions are qualified by the lack of longitudinal tests. Toward examining pathways longitudinally, mothers and their adolescents (M = 12.33, SD = 1.78, at Time 1) from 2-parent families in Catholic and Protestant working class neighborhoods in Belfast, Northern Ireland, completed measures assessing multiple levels of a social ecological model. Utilizing autoregressive controls, a 3-wave longitudinal model test (T1, n = 299; T2, n = 248; T3, n = 197) supported a specific pathway linking sectarian community violence, family conflict, childrens insecurity about family relationships, and adjustment problems.


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The localization and distribution of cholinergic, serotoninergic (5-HT, serotonin) and peptidergic components of the nervous system of adult Cephalochlamys namaquensis (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea) have been determined using enzyme histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques interfaced with light and confocal scanning laser microscopy. All three classes of neuroactive substance showed a similar pattern of staining, occurring extensively throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems of the parasite. There were some minor regional differences in staining, suggesting specific roles for certain classes of neurone, and nerve cell bodies were most evident following immunostaining for serotonin. The general overlap in the distribution of staining may be indicative of som co-localization of neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulatory substances.


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Purpose: Cancer cells have been shown to be more susceptible to Ran knockdown than normal cells. We nowinvestigate whether Ran is a potential therapeutic target of cancers with frequently found mutations that lead to higher Ras/MEK/ERK [mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK; MEK)] and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mTORC1 activities.


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Despite major improvements in diagnostics and interventional therapies, cardiovascular diseases remain a major health care and socio-economic burden both in western and developing countries, in which this burden is increasing in close correlation to economic growth. Health authorities and the general population have started to recognize that the fight against these diseases can only be won if their burden is faced by increasing our investment on interventions in lifestyle changes and prevention. There is an overwhelming evidence of the efficacy of secondary prevention initiatives including cardiac rehabilitation in terms of reduction in morbidity and mortality. However, secondary prevention is still too poorly implemented in clinical practice, often only on selected populations and over a limited period of time. The development of systematic and full comprehensive preventive programmes is warranted, integrated in the organization of national health systems. Furthermore, systematic monitoring of the process of delivery and outcomes is a necessity. Cardiology and secondary prevention, including cardiac rehabilitation, have evolved almost independently of each other and although each makes a unique contribution it is now time to join forces under the banner of preventive cardiology and create a comprehensive model that optimizes long term outcomes for patients and reduces the future burden on health care services. These are the aims that the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation has foreseen to promote secondary preventive cardiology in clinical practice.


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Gene expression data can provide a very rich source of information for elucidating the biological function on the pathway level if the experimental design considers the needs of the statistical analysis methods. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of statistical methods for detecting the differentially expression of pathways (DEP). In contrast to many other studies conducted so far, we use three novel simulation types, producing a more realistic correlation structure than previous simulation methods. This includes also the generation of surrogate data from two large-scale microarray experiments from prostate cancer and ALL. As a result from our comprehensive analysis of 41,004 parameter configurations, we find that each method should only be applied if certain conditions of the data from a pathway are met. Further, we provide method-specific estimates for the optimal sample size for microarray experiments aiming to identify DEP in order to avoid an underpowered design. Our study highlights the sensitivity of the studied methods on the parameters of the system. © 2012 Tripahti and Emmert-Streib.


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Diffuse contaminants can make their way into rivers via a number of different pathways, including overland flow, interflow, and shallow and deep groundwater. Identification of the key pathway(s) delivering contaminants to a receptor is important for implementing effective water management strategies. The ‘Pathways Project’, funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, is developing a catchment management tool that will enable practitioners to identify the critical source areas for diffuse contaminants, and the key pathways of interest in assessing contaminant problems on a catchment and sub-catchment scale.
One of the aims of the project is to quantify the flow and contaminant loadings being delivered to the stream via each of the main pathways. Chemical separation of stream event hydrographs is being used to supplement more traditional physical hydrograph separation methods. Distinct, stable chemical signatures are derived for each of the pathway end members, and the proportion of flow from each during a rainfall event can be determined using a simple mass balance approach.
Event sampling was carried out in a test catchment underlain by poorly permeable soils and bedrock, which is predominantly used for grazing with a number of one-off rural residential houses. Results show that artificial field drainage, which includes subterranean land drains and collector drains around the perimeters of the 1 to 10 ha fields, plays an important role in the delivery of flow and nutrients to the streams in these types of hydrogeological settings.
Nitrate infiltrates with recharge and is delivered to the stream primarily via the artificial drains and the shallow groundwater pathway. Longitudinal stream profiles show that the nitrate load input is relatively uniform over the 8 km length of the stream at high flows, suggesting widespread diffuse contaminant input. In contrast, phosphorus is adsorbed in the clay-rich soil and is transported mainly via the overland flow pathway and the artificial drains. Longitudinal stream profiles for phosphorus suggest a pattern of more discrete points of phosphorus inputs, which may be related to point sources of contamination.
These techniques have application elsewhere within a toolkit of methods for determining the key pathways delivering contaminants to surface water receptors.


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The production of erythropoietin (Epo), the glycoprotein hormone which controls red blood cell formation, is regulated by feedback mechanisms sensing tissue oxygenation. The mechanism of the putative oxygen sensor has yet to be elucidated. There is evidence that at least two pathways participate in hypoxia signal transduction. One appears to involve a specific haem protein, and a second implicates reactive oxygen species (ROS). Iron catalyses the generation of intracellular ROS and therefore alters the cellular redox state. We have investigated the effect of modulating intracellular iron content on Epo production in Hep 3B cells. Iron chelation stimulates Epo production at 20% O2 and enhances Epo production at 1% O2, but it has no additive effect on cobalt-induced Epo production. Excess molar iron inhibited Epo production in response to hypoxia, desferrioxamine (DFO) and cobalt chloride and inhibited the DFO-enhancing effect of hypoxia-induced Epo production. We found that sulphydryl oxidising agents exert a differential inhibitory effect on hypoxia-induced versus DFO-induced Epo production, providing further evidence that multiple pathways of oxygen sensing exist.


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KNK437 is a benzylidene lactam compound known to inhibit stress-induced synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs). HSPs promote radioresistance and play a major role in stabilizing hypoxia inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a). HIF-1a is widely responsible for tumor resistance to radiation under hypoxic conditions. We hypothesized that KNK437 sensitizes cancer cells to radiation and overrides hypoxia-induced radioresistance via destabilizing HIF-1a. Treatment of human cancer cells MDA-MB-231 and T98G with KNK437 sensitized them to ionizing radiation (IR). Surprisingly, IR did not induce HSPs in these cell lines. As hypothesized, KNK437 abrogated the accumulation of HIF-1a in hypoxic cells. However, there was no induction of HSPs under hypoxic conditions. Moreover, the proteosome inhibitor MG132 did not restore HIF-1a levels in KNK437-treated cells. This suggested that the absence of HIF-1a in hypoxic cells was not due to the enhanced protein degradation. HIF-1a is mainly regulated at the level of post-transcription and AKT is known to modulate the translation of HIF-1a mRNA. Interestingly, pre-treatment of cells with KNK437 inhibited AKT signaling. Furthermore, down regulation of AKT by siRNA abrogated HIF-1a levels under hypoxia. Interestingly, KNK437 reduced cell survival in hypoxic conditions and inhibited hypoxia-induced resistance to radiation. Taken together, these data suggest that KNK437 is an effective radiosensitizer that targets multiple pro-survival stress response pathways.


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An appreciation of the quantity of streamflow derived from the main hydrological pathways involved in transporting diffuse contaminants is critical when addressing a wide range of water resource management issues. In order to assess hydrological pathway contributions to streams, it is necessary to provide feasible upper and lower bounds for flows in each pathway. An important first step in this process is to provide reliable estimates of the slower responding groundwater pathways and subsequently the quicker overland and interflow pathways. This paper investigates the effectiveness of a multi-faceted approach applying different hydrograph separation techniques, supplemented by lumped hydrological modelling, for calculating the Baseflow Index (BFI), for the development of an integrated approach to hydrograph separation. A semi-distributed, lumped and deterministic rainfall runoff model known as NAM has been applied to ten catchments (ranging from 5 to 699 km2). While this modelling approach is useful as a validation method, NAM itself is also an important tool for investigation. These separation techniques provide a large variation in BFI, a difference of 0.741 predicted for BFI in a catchment with the less reliable fixed and sliding interval methods and local minima turning point methods included. This variation is reduced to 0.167 with these methods omitted. The Boughton and Eckhardt algorithms, while quite subjective in their use, provide quick and easily implemented approaches for obtaining physically realistic hydrograph separations. It is observed that while the different separation techniques give varying BFI values for each of the catchments, a recharge coefficient approach developed in Ireland, when applied in conjunction with the Master recession Curve Tabulation method, predict estimates in agreement with those obtained using the NAM model, and these estimates are also consistent with the study catchments’ geology. These two separation methods, in conjunction with the NAM model, were selected to form an integrated approach to assessing BFI in catchments.


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Background: The interleukin 10 knockout mouse (IL10-KO) is a model of human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used to Study host microbial interactions and the action of potential therapeutics. Using Affymetrix data analysis, important signaling pathways and transcription factors relevant to gut inflammation and antiinflammatory probiotics were identified.

Methods: Affymetrix microarray analysis on both wildtype (WT) and IL10-KO mice orally administered with and without the probiotic VSL#3 was performed and the results validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunocytochemistry, proteomics, and histopathology. Changes in metabolically active bacteria were assessed with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).

Results: Inflammation in IL10-KO mice was characterized by differential regulation of inflammatory, nuclear receptor, lipid, and xenobiotic signaling pathways. Probiotic intervention resulted in downregulation of CXCL9 (fold change [FC] = -3.98, false discovery rate [FDR] = 0.019), CXCL10 (FC = -4.83, FDR = 0.0008), CCL5 (FC -3.47 FDR = 0.017), T-cell activation (Itgal [FC = -4.72, FDR = 0.00009], Itgae [FC = -2.54 FDR = 0.0044]) and the autophagy gene IRGM (FC = -1.94, FDR = 0.01), a recently identified susceptibility gene in human IBD. Consistent with a marked reduction in integrins, probiotic treatment decreased the number of CCL5+ CD3+ double-positive T Cells and upregulated galectin2, which triggers apoptosis of activated T cells. Importantly, genes associated with lipid and PPAR signaling (PPAR alpha [FC = 2.36, FDR = 0.043], PPARGC1 alpha [FC 2.58, FDR = 0.016], Nrld2 [FC = 3.11, FDR = 0.0067]) were also upregulated. Altered microbial diversity was noted in probiotic-treated mice.

Conclusions: Bioinformatics analysis revealed important immune response. phagocytic and inflammatory pathways dominated by elevation of T-helper cell 1 type (TH1) transcription factors in IL10-KO mice. Probiotic intervention resulted in a site-specific reduction of these pathways but importantly upregulated PPAR, xenobiotic, and lipid signaling genes. potential antagonists of NF-kappa B inflammatory pathways.