120 resultados para Microbial Viability


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is highly resistant to antimicrobial peptides and we hypothesized that the conversion of UDP-glucose to UDP-glucuronic acid, a reaction catalysed by the enzyme UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (Ugd) would be important for this resistance. The genome of B. cenocepacia contains three predicted ugd genes: ugd(BCAL2946), ugd(BCAM0855) and ugd(BCAM2034), all of which were individually inactivated. Only inactivation of ugd(BCAL2946) resulted in increased sensitivity to polymyxin B and this sensitivity could be overcome when either ugd(BCAL2946) or ugd(BCAM0855) but not ugd(BCAM2034) was expressed from plasmids. The growth of a conditional ugd(BCAL2946) mutant, created in the Deltaugd(BCAM0855) background, was significantly impaired under non-permissive conditions. Growth could be rescued by either ugd(BCAL2946) or ugd(BCAM0855) expressed in trans, but not by ugd(BCAM2034). Biochemical analysis of the purified, recombinant forms of Ugd(BCAL2946) and Ugd(BCAM0855) revealed that they are soluble homodimers with similar in vitro Ugd activity and comparable kinetic constants for their substrates UDP-glucose and NAD(+). Purified Ugd(BCAM2034) showed no in vitro Ugd activity. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression of ugd(BCAL2946) was 5.4- and 135-fold greater than that of ugd(BCAM0855) and ugd(BCAM2034), respectively. Together, these data indicate that the combined activity of Ugd(BCAL2946) and Ugd(BCAM0855) is essential for the survival of B. cenocepacia but only the most highly expressed ugd gene, ugd(BCAL2946), is required for polymyxin B resistance.


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Using a conditional mutagenesis strategy we demonstrate here that a gene cluster encoding putative aminoarabinose (Ara4N) biosynthesis enzymes is essential for the viability of Burkholderia cenocepacia. Loss of viability is associated with dramatic changes in bacterial cell morphology and ultrastructure, increased permeability to propidium iodide, and sensitivity to sodium dodecyl sulfate, suggesting a general cell envelope defect caused by the lack of Ara4N.


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Background: Bacteria employ complex transcriptional networks involving multiple genes in response to stress, which is not limited to gene and protein networks but now includes small RNAs (sRNAs). These regulatory RNA molecules are increasingly shown to be able to initiate regulatory cascades and modulate the expression of multiple genes that are involved in or required for survival under environmental challenge. Despite mounting evidence for the importance of sRNAs in stress response, their role upon antibiotic exposure remains unknown. In this study, we sought to determine firstly, whether differential expression of sRNAs occurs upon antibiotic exposure and secondly, whether these sRNAs could be attributed to microbial tolerance to antibiotics.

Results: A small scale sRNA cloning strategy of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 challenged with half the minimal inhibitory concentration of tigecycline identified four sRNAs (sYJ5, sYJ20, sYJ75 and sYJ118) which were reproducibly upregulated in the presence of either tigecycline or tetracycline. The coding sequences of the four sRNAs were found to be conserved across a number of species. Genome analysis found that sYJ5 and sYJ118 mapped between the 16S and 23S rRNA encoding genes. sYJ20 (also known as SroA) is encoded upstream of the tbpAyabKyabJ operon and is classed as a riboswitch, whilst its role in antibiotic stress-response appears independent of its riboswitch function. sYJ75 is encoded between genes that are involved in enterobactin transport and metabolism. Additionally we find that the genetic deletion of sYJ20 rendered a reduced viability phenotype in the presence of tigecycline, which was recovered when complemented. The upregulation of some of these sRNAs were also observed when S. Typhimurium was challenged by ampicillin (sYJ5, 75 and 118); or when Klebsiella pneumoniae was challenged by tigecycline (sYJ20 and 118).

Conclusions: Small RNAs are overexpressed as a result of antibiotic exposure in S. Typhimurium where the same molecules are upregulated in a related species or after exposure to different antibiotics. sYJ20, a riboswitch, appears to possess a trans-regulatory sRNA role in antibiotic tolerance. These findings imply that the sRNA mediated response is a component of the bacterial response to antibiotic challenge.


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An increasing number of studies have implicated serine proteinases in the development of apoptosis. In this study, we assessed the ability of a set of highly specific irreversible inhibitors (activity probes), incorporating an a-amino alkane diphenyl phosphonate moiety, to modulate cell death. In an initial assessment of the cellular toxicity of these activity probes, we discovered that one example, N-a-tetramethylrhodamine phenylalanine diphenylphosphonate {TMR-PheP(OPh)2} caused a concentration-dependent decrease in the viability of HeLa and U251 mg cells. This reduced cell viability was associated with a time-dependent increase in caspase-3 activity, PARP cleavage and phosphatidylserine translocation, establishing apoptosis as the mechanism of cell death. SDS-PAGE analysis of cell lysates prepared from the HeLa cells treated with TMR-PheP(OPh)2, revealed the presence of a fluorescent band of molecular weight 58 kDa. Given that we have previously reported on the use of this type of activity probe to reveal active proteolytic species, we believe that we have identified a chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase activity integral to the maintenance of cell viability.


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Microbial ecology is currently undergoing a revolution, with repercussions spreading throughout microbiology, ecology and ecosystem science. The rapid accumulation of molecular data is uncovering vast diversity, abundant uncultivated microbial groups and novel microbial functions. This accumulation of data requires the application of theory to provide organization, structure, mechanistic insight and, ultimately, predictive power that is of practical value, but the application of theory in microbial ecology is currently very limited. Here we argue that the full potential of the ongoing revolution will not be realized if research is not directed and driven by theory, and that the generality of established ecological theory must be tested using microbial systems.


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Self-potential and spectral induced polarization responses associated with microbial processes involved in sulphate reduction have been monitored in a Perspex Winogradsky column filled with glass beads and growth medium. Salt-bridge is utilized as an electrolytic contact between experiment and control column. Equally spaced SP electrodes are used in combination of Ag-AgCl electrodes to compare electrodic and SP signals associated with the microbial processes involved in sulphate reduction. This study reveals that magnitude of SP varies from 5 to -2 mV and Electrodic potential 0 to -20 mV at the time of domination (day 39) of sulphate reducing bacteria which are very small in comparison to those measured by fixing both measuring and reference Ag-AgCl electrodes in experiment column. We observed that real and imaginary parts of complex conductivities increase with increase in production of H2S and CO in the experiment column. Both real and imaginary parts of surface complex conductivity vary at low frequencies similar to typical growth curve of bacterial population. Sodium lactate as a carbon source, dissolved in Lagan River water was flushed into the column for biostimulation on 144th day. The dissolved oxygen in flushed fluid might have killed the anaerobes in the column and decrease in complex conductivities similar to death phase of bacteria is observed for one week. The results obtained from this experiment should contribute to further understanding the biogeophysical responses involved in complex environments.

Read More: http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/segj092009-001.57


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The influence of liming on rhizosphere microbial biomass C and incorporation of root exudates was studied in the field by in situ pulse labelling of temperate grassland vegetation with (13)CO(2) for a 3-day period. In plots that had been limed (CaCO(3) amended) annually for 3 years, incorporation into shoots and roots was, respectively, greater and lower than in unlimed plots. Analysis of chloroform-labile C demonstrated lower levels of (13)C incorporation into microbial biomass in limed soils compared to unlimed soils. The turnover of the recently assimilated (13)C compounds was faster in microbial biomass from limed than that from unlimed soils, suggesting that liming increases incorporation by microbial communities of root exudates. An exponential decay model of (13)C in total microbial biomass in limed soils indicated that the half-life of the tracer within this carbon pool was 4.7 days. Results are presented and discussed in relation to the absolute values of (13)C fixed and allocated within the plant-soil system.


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Plant-derived carbon is the substrate which drives the rate of microbial assimilation and turnover of nutrients, in particular N and P, within the rhizosphere. To develop a better understanding of rhizosphere dynamics, a tripartite reporter gene system has been developed. We used three lux-marked Pseudomonas fluorescens strains to report on soil (1) assimilable carbon, (2) N-status, and (3) P-status. In vivo studies using soil water, spiked with C, N and P to simulate rhizosphere conditions, showed that the tripartite reporter system can provide real-time assessment of carbon and nutrient status. Good quantitative agreement for bioluminescence output between reference material and soil water samples was found for the C and P reporters. With regard to soil nitrate, the minimum bioavailable concentration was found to be greater than that analytically detectable in soil water. This is the first time that bioavailable soil C, N and P have been quantified using a tripartite reporter gene system.


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Lux-marked bacterial biosensors and a commercial toxicity testing bacterial strain (Microtox) were exposed to 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) and the light output response measured. Increasing DCP concentrations caused a decrease in light output in all three biosensors with an order of sensitivity (in terms of luminescence decrease over the DCP concentration range) of Pseudomonas fluorescens <Escherichia coli <Microtox. Adsorption of DCP to E. coli was measured using uniformly ring labelled [14C]DCP and found to be very rapid. The effect of pH on toxicity and adsorption was also investigated. Low pH values increased the amount of DCP adsorbed to the cell and increased the toxicity of DCP.