94 resultados para MITOCHONDRIAL 16S


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An intriguing feature of mitochondrial complex I from several species is the so-called A/D transition, whereby the idle enzyme spontaneously converts from the active (A) form to the de-active (D) form. The A/D transition plays an important role in tissue response to the lack of oxygen and hypoxic deactivation of the enzyme is one of the key regulatory events that occur in mitochondria during ischaemia. We demonstrate for the first time that the A/D conformational change of complex I does not affect the macromolecular organisation of supercomplexes in vitro as revealed by two types of native electrophoresis. Cysteine 39 of the mitochondrially-encoded ND3 subunit is known to become exposed upon de-activation. Here we show that even if complex I is a constituent of the I + III + IV (S) supercomplex, cysteine 39 is accessible for chemical modification in only the D-form. Using lysine-specific fluorescent labelling and a DIGE-like approach we further identified two new subunits involved in structural rearrangements during the A/D transition: ND1 (MT-ND1) and 39 kDa (NDUFA9). These results clearly show that structural rearrangements during de-activation of complex I include several subunits located at the junction between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, in the region of the quinone binding site. De-activation of mitochondrial complex I results in concerted structural rearrangement of membrane subunits which leads to the disruption of the sealed quinone chamber required for catalytic turnover.


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Oxidation of NADH in the mitochondrial matrix of aerobic cells is catalysed by mitochondrial complex I. The regulation of this mitochondrial enzyme is not completely understood. An interesting characteristic of complex I from some organisms is the ability to adopt two distinct states: the so-called catalytically active (A) and the de-active, dormant state (D). The A-form in situ can undergo de-activation when the activity of the respiratory chain is limited (i.e. in the absence of oxygen). The mechanisms and driving force behind the A/D transition of the enzyme are currently unknown, but several subunits are most likely involved in the conformational rearrangements: the accessory subunit 39 kDa (NDUFA9) and the mitochondrially encoded subunits, ND3 and ND1. These three subunits are located in the region of the quinone binding site. The A/D transition could represent an intrinsic mechanism which provides a fast response of the mitochondrial respiratory chain to oxygen deprivation. The physiological role of the accumulation of the D-form in anoxia is most probably to protect mitochondria from ROS generation due to the rapid burst of respiration following reoxygenation. The de-activation rate varies in different tissues and can be modulated by the temperature, the presence of free fatty acids and divalent cations, the NAD/NADH ratio in the matrix, the presence of nitric oxide and oxygen availability. Cysteine-39 of the ND3 subunit, exposed in the D-form, is susceptible to covalent modification by nitrosothiols, ROS and RNS. The D-form in situ could react with natural effectors in mitochondria or with pharmacological agents. Therefore the modulation of the re-activation rate of complex I could be a way to ameliorate the ischaemia/reperfusion damage. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference. Guest Editors: Manuela Pereira and Miguel Teixeira.


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Biogenesis of mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes requires a concerted maturation of both the small (SSU) and large subunit (LSU). We demonstrate here that the m(5)C methyltransferase NSUN4, which forms a complex with MTERF4, is essential in mitochondrial ribosomal biogenesis as mitochondrial translation is abolished in conditional Nsun4 mouse knockouts. Deep sequencing of bisulfite-treated RNA shows that NSUN4 methylates cytosine 911 in 12S rRNA (m5C911) of the SSU. Surprisingly, NSUN4 does not need MTERF4 to generate this modification. Instead, the NSUN4/MTERF4 complex is required to assemble the SSU and LSU to form a monosome. NSUN4 is thus a dual function protein, which on the one hand is needed for 12S rRNA methylation and, on the other hand interacts with MTERF4 to facilitate monosome assembly. The presented data suggest that NSUN4 has a key role in controlling a final step in ribosome biogenesis to ensure that only the mature SSU and LSU are assembled.


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Purpose:The aim of this study was to determine whether mutations in mitochondrial DNA play a role in high-pressure primary open-angle glaucoma (OMIM 137760) by analyzing new data from massively parallel sequencing of mitochondrial DNA.
Methods:Glaucoma patients with high-tension primary open-angle glaucoma and ethnically matched and age-matched control subjects without glaucoma were recruited. The entire human mitochondrial genome was amplified in two overlapping fragments by long-range polymerase chain reaction and used as a template for massively parallel sequencing on an Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. All variants were confirmed by conventional Sanger sequencing.
Results:Whole-mitochondrial genome sequencing was performed in 32 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma from India (n = 16) and Ireland (n = 16). In 16 of the 32 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (50% of cases), there were 22 mitochondrial DNA mutations consisting of 7 novel mutations and 8 previously reported disease-associated sequence variants. Eight of 22 (36.4%) of the mitochondrial DNA mutations were in complex I mitochondrial genes.
Conclusion:Massively parallel sequencing using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine with confirmation by Sanger sequencing detected a pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutation in 50% of the primary open-angle glaucoma cohort. Our findings support the emerging concept that mitochondrial dysfunction results in the development of glaucoma and, more specifically, that complex I defects play a significant role in primary open-angle glaucoma pathogenesis.


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Kidneys are highly aerobic organs that are critically dependent on the normal functioning of mitochondria. Genetic variations disrupting mitochondrial function are associated with multifactorial disorders including kidney disease. This study sequenced the entire mitochondrial genome in a renal transplant cohort of 64 individuals, using next-generation sequencing, to evaluate the association of genetic variants with IgA nephropathy and end-stage renal disease (ESRD, n = 100).


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Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), have been demonstrated as effective preclinical radiosensitising agents in a range of cell models and radiation sources. These studies have also highlighted difficulty in predicted cellular radiobiological responses mediated by GNPs, based on physical assumptions alone, and therefore suggest a significant underlying biological component of response. This study aimed to determine the role of mitochondrial function in GNP radiosensitisation. Using assays of DNA damage and mitochondrial function through levels of oxidation and loss of membrane potential, we demonstrate a potential role of mitochondria as a central biological mechanism of GNP mediated radiosensitisation.


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Induced in high glucose-1 (IHG-1) is a conserved mitochondrial protein associated with diabetic nephropathy (DN) that amplifies profibrotic transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 signaling and increases mitochondrial biogenesis. Here we report that inhibition of endogenous IHG-1 expression results in reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity, ATP production, and mitochondrial fusion. Conversely, overexpression of IHG-1 leads to increased mitochondrial fusion and also protects cells from reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosis. IHG-1 forms complexes with known mediators of mitochondrial fusion-mitofusins (Mfns) 1 and 2-and enhances the GTP-binding capacity of Mfn2, suggesting that IHG-1 acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. IHG-1 must be localized to mitochondria to interact with Mfn1 and Mfn2, and this interaction is necessary for increased IHG-1-mediated mitochondrial fusion. Together, these findings indicate that IHG-1 is a novel regulator of both mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetic function and contributes to cell survival following oxidant stress. We propose that in diabetic kidney disease increased IHG-1 expression protects cell viability and enhances the actions of TGF-β, leading to renal proximal tubule dedifferentiation, an important event in the pathogenesis of this devastating condition.


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The geographic ranges of European plants and animals underwent periods of contraction and re-colonisation during the climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. The southern Mediterranean peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) have been considered the most likely refugia for temperate/warm adapted species. Recent studies however have revealed the existence of extra-Mediterranean refugia, including the existence of cryptic north-west European refugia during the Last Glacial Maxima (24-14.6 kyr BP). In this study we elucidated the phylogeographic history of two sibling bat species, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus in their western European range. We sequenced the highly variable mtDNA D-loop for 167 samples of P. pipistrellus (n = 99) and P. pygmaeus (n = 68) and combined our data with published sequences from 331 individuals. Using phylogenetic methodologies we assessed their biogeographic history. Our data support a single eastern European origin for populations of P. pygmaeus s.str., yet multiple splits and origins for populations of P. pipistrellus s.str., including evidence for refugia within refugia and potential cryptic refugia in north western Europe and in the Caucasus. This complex pattern in the distribution of mtDNA haplotypes supports a long history for P. pipistrellus s.str. in Europe, and the hypothesis that species with a broad ecological niche may have adapted and survived outside southern peninsula throughout the LGM.


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AIM: To evaluate the association with diabetic kidney disease of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction.

METHODS: The mitochondrial genome and 1039 nuclear genes that are integral to mitochondrial function were investigated using a case (n=823 individuals with diabetic kidney disease) vs. control (n=903 individuals with diabetes and no renal disease) approach. All people included in the analysis were of white European origin and were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes before the age of 31 years. Replication was conducted in 5093 people with similar phenotypes to those of the discovery collection. Association analyses were performed using the plink genetic analysis toolset, with adjustment for relevant covariates.

RESULTS: A total of 25 SNPs were evaluated in the mitochondrial genome, but none were significantly associated with diabetic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease. A total of 38 SNPs in nuclear genes influencing mitochondrial function were nominally associated with diabetic kidney disease and 16 SNPS were associated with end-stage renal disease, secondary to diabetic kidney disease, with meta-analyses confirming the same direction of effect. Three independent signals (seven SNPs) were common to the replication data for both phenotypes with Type 1 diabetes and persistent proteinuria or end-stage renal disease.

CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that SNPs in nuclear genes that influence mitochondrial function are significantly associated with diabetic kidney disease in a white European population


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AIMS: Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, can influence the risk of developing kidney disease. We studied methylation profiles in genes related to mitochondrial function to assess whether differences in these epigenetic features were associated with diabetic kidney disease in people with Type 1 diabetes.

METHODS: A case-control association study was undertaken (n = 196 individuals with diabetic kidney disease vs. n = 246 individuals without renal disease). Participants were White and diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes before 31 years of age. Genes that encode mitochondrial proteins (n = 780) were downloaded from mitoproteome. org. DNA methylation profiles from blood-derived DNA were generated using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 (262 samples) and Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27 (192 samples) arrays. Beta values (β) were calculated and quality control was conducted, including evaluating blind duplicate DNA samples.

RESULTS: Fifty-four Cytosine-phosphate-Guanine probes across 51 unique genes were significantly associated (P ≤ 10(-8) ) with diabetic kidney disease across both the 450K and the 27K methylation arrays. A subanalysis, employing the 450K array, identified 755 Cytosine-phosphate-Guanine probes in 374 genes that were significantly associated (P ≤ 10(-8) ) with end-stage renal disease. Forty-six of the top-ranked variants for diabetic kidney disease were also identified as being differentially methylated in individuals with end-stage renal disease. The largest change in methylation (Δβ = 0.2) was observed for cg03169527 in the TAMM41 gene, chromosome 3p25.2. Three genes, PMPCB, TSFM and AUH, were observed with differential methylation at multiple Cytosine-phosphate-Guanine sites each (P < 10(-12) ).

CONCLUSIONS: Differential methylation in genes that influence mitochondrial function are associated with kidney disease in individuals with Type 1 diabetes.