67 resultados para Elimination.


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A highly sensitive and specific competitive ELISA on 96-microwell plates was developed for the analysis of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac. Within the water cycle in Europe, this is one of the most frequently detected pharmaceutically active compounds. The LOD at a signal-tonoise ratio (S/N) of 3, and the IC 50, were found to be 6 ng/L and 60 ng/L respectively in tap water. In a comparative study using ELISA and GC-MS, diclofenac levels in wastewater from 21 sewage treatment plants were determined and a good correlation between these methods was found (ELISA vs. GCMS: r = 0.70, slope = 0,90, intercept = 0.37, n = 24). An average degradation rate of -25% can be calculated. Labscale-experiments on the elimination of diclofenac in continuous pilot sewage plants revealed a removal rate of only 5% over a period of 13 weeks. In a further study, the ELISA was applied to a number of extracts of various animal tissues from a range of species, and again a very good relationship between ELISA and LC-ESI/MS data sets was obtained (r = 0.90, p<0.0001; n = 117). The ELISA has proven to be a simple, rapid, reliable and affordable alternative to otherwise costly and advanced techniques for the detection of diclofenac in matrix diverse water samples and tissue extracts after only relatively simple sample preparation. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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The severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse model may be used to evaluate new approaches for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We have previously demonstrated the killing of SCID mouse leukemia initiating cells by in vitro incubation with human GM-CSF fused to Diphtheria toxin (DT-huGM-CSF). In this report, we show that in vivo treatment with DT-huGM-CSF eliminates AML growth in SCID mice. Seven cases of AML were studied. SCID mice were treated intraperitoneally with the maximally tolerated dose of 75 microg/kg/day for 7 days. Antileukemic efficacy was determined at days 40 and 80 after transplantation, by enumerating the percentages of human cells in SCID bone marrow using flow cytometry and short tandem repeat polymerase chain reaction (STR-PCR) analysis. Four out of seven AML cases were sensitive to in vivo treatment with DT-huGM-CSF at both evaluation time points. In three of these cases, elimination of human cells was demonstrated by flow cytometry and STR-PCR. One AML case showed moderate sensitivity for DT-huGM-CSF, and growth of the two remaining AML cases was not influenced by DT-huGM-CSF. Sensitivity was correlated with GM-CSFR expression. Our data show that DT-huGM-CSF can be used in vivo to reduce growth of AML and warrant further development of DT-huGM-CSF for the treatment of human AML.


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With advancements in the development of visible light responsive catalysts for H2 production frequently being reported, photocatalytic water splitting has become an attractive method as a potential ‘solar fuel generator’. The development of novel photo reactors which can enhance the potential of such catalyst, however, is rarely reported. This is particularly important as many reactor configurations are mass transport limited, which in term limits the efficiency of more effective photocatalysts in larger scale applications. This paper describes the performance of a novel fluidised photo reactor for the production of H2 over two catalysts under UV-Visible light and natural solar illumination. Catalysts Pt-C3N4 and NaTaO3.La were dispersed in the reactor and the rate of H2 was determined by GC-TCD analysis of the gas headspace. The unit was an annular reactor constructed from stainless steel 316 and quartz glass with a propeller located in the base to control fluidisation of powder catalysts. Reactor properties such as propeller rotational speed were found to enhance the photo activity of the system through the elimination of mass transport limitations and increasing light penetration. The optimum conditions for H2 evolution were found to be a propeller rotational speed of 1035 rpm and 144 W of UV-Visible irradiation, which produced a rate of 89 µmol h-1 g-1 over Pt-C3N4. Solar irradiation was provided by the George Ellery Hale Solar Telescope, located at the California Institute of Technology.


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A method is described for the rapid extraction of pectic substances from alcohol insoluble solids (AIS) from material of plant origin, especially fruit. Samples of AIS can be prepared for galacturonic acid assay within 60 min using extraction with 0·5m HCl in a Fibertec-1 system (Tecator) for 30 min. The extraction conditions are carefully standardised and operator error is reduced by the elimination of transfer steps, particularly during filtration. The results obtained for plant-derived alcohol insoluble solids containing from 10% to 33% pectic substances were in close agreement with those obtained by enzymic hydrolysis using a commercially available enzyme preparation (Ultrazyme). The method will have application in the rapid, routine estimation of pectic substances in plant materials. © 1987.


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Recent studies underscore the importance of angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) as a cause of world blindness. A major contribution in assessing the true impact of this disease has been an article estimating the number of persons with occludable angles, angle closure, and blindness from ACG in China as 28.2 million, 9.1 million, and 1.7 million, respectively. Although these numbers are based on data from Singapore and Mongolia, which may be applied to China only with caution, they emphasize the blinding potential of ACG, which is three times as likely to be associated with blindness as open-angle glaucoma (OAG).


Recent reports in the Chinese literature on ACG prevalence suffer from definitional problems that would appear to lead to systematic overestimates of ACG prevalence and underestimates of OAG prevalence. Nonetheless, data from studies by Chinese investigators further emphasize the strong association between ACG and blindness, with fully 16% of subjects with ACG blind in one report-a far higher proportion than for OAG in China and elsewhere. The importance of topiramate as a cause of secondary angle closure has recently been understood, in part, because of a series of 19 such cases reported by investigators at the Food and Drug Administration.


Angle closure in this setting appears to be caused by uveal effusion and anterior rotation of the ciliary body with resultant closure of the angle. The condition is not always responsive to laser iridectomy, and elimination of the causative agent appears to be critical. Ultrasonic biomicroscopy is a potential new diagnostic modality for ACG, allowing the measurement of novel parameters, such as the angle opening distance (AOD) at 500 microm (AOD 500). The efficacy of such parameters in improving screening for ACG can only be established by prospective studies of potentially at-risk eyes. A number of novel treatments for AC and angle closure have recently been proposed, including cataract extraction, paracentesis, and argon laser iridoplasty. As with proposed new diagnostic modalities, the efficacy of these treatments remains to be demonstrated with prospective studies, ideally organized in a controlled, randomized fashion.


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Bounding the tree-width of a Bayesian network can reduce the chance of overfitting, and allows exact inference to be performed efficiently. Several existing algorithms tackle the problem of learning bounded tree-width Bayesian networks by learning from k-trees as super-structures, but they do not scale to large domains and/or large tree-width. We propose a guided search algorithm to find k-trees with maximum Informative scores, which is a measure of quality for the k-tree in yielding good Bayesian networks. The algorithm achieves close to optimal performance compared to exact solutions in small domains, and can discover better networks than existing approximate methods can in large domains. It also provides an optimal elimination order of variables that guarantees small complexity for later runs of exact inference. Comparisons with well-known approaches in terms of learning and inference accuracy illustrate its capabilities.


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Schizophrenia is a heritable brain illness with unknown pathogenic mechanisms. Schizophrenia's strongest genetic association at a population level involves variation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus, but the genes and molecular mechanisms accounting for this have been challenging to identify. Here we show that this association arises in part from many structurally diverse alleles of the complement component 4 (C4) genes. We found that these alleles generated widely varying levels of C4A and C4B expression in the brain, with each common C4 allele associating with schizophrenia in proportion to its tendency to generate greater expression of C4A. Human C4 protein localized to neuronal synapses, dendrites, axons, and cell bodies. In mice, C4 mediated synapse elimination during postnatal development. These results implicate excessive complement activity in the development of schizophrenia and may help explain the reduced numbers of synapses in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia.