92 resultados para Electric field measurement


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The dynamics of transient electric fields generated by the interaction of high intensity laser pulses with underdense plasmas has been studied experimentally with the proton projection imaging technique. The formation of a charged channel, the propagation of its front edge and the late electric field evolution have been characterized with high temporal and spatial resolution. Particle-in-cell simulations and an electrostatic, ponderomotive model reproduce the experimental features and trace them back to the ponderomotive expulsion of electrons and the subsequent ion acceleration.


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This paper presents an innovative sensor system, created specifically for new civil engineering structural monitoring applications, allowing specially packaged fiber grating-based sensors to be used in harsh, in-the-field measurement conditions for accurate strain measurement with full temperature compensation. The sensor consists of two fiber Bragg gratings that are protected within a polypropylene package, with one of the fiber gratings isolated from the influence of strain and thus responding only to temperature variations, while the other is sensitive to both strain and temperature. To achieve this, the temperature-monitoring fiber grating is slightly bent and enclosed in a metal envelope to isolate it effectively from the strain. Through an appropriate calibration process, both the strain and temperature coefficients of each individual grating component when incorporated in the sensor system can be thus obtained. By using these calibrated coefficients in the operation of the sensor, both strain and temperature can be accurately determined. The specific application for which these sensors have been designed is seen when installed on an innovative small-scale flexi-arch bridge where they are used for real-time strain measurements during the critical installation stage (lifting) and loading. These sensors have demonstrated enhanced resilience when embedded in or surface-mounted on such concrete structures, providing accurate and consistent strain measurements not only during installation but subsequently during use. This offers an inexpensive and highly effective monitoring system tailored for the new, rapid method of the installation of small-scale bridges for a variety of civil engineering applications.


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We report on the non-volatile resistive switching properties of epitaxial nickel oxide (NiO) nanostructures, 10-100 nm wide and up to 30 nm high grown on (001)-Nb:SrTiO3 substrates. Conducting-atomic force microscopy on individual nano-islands confirms prominent bipolar switching with a maximum ON/OFF ratio of similar to 10(3) at a read voltage of similar to+0.4V. This ratio is found to decrease with increasing height of the nanostructure. Linear fittings of I-V loops reveal that low and high resistance states follow Ohmic-conduction and Schottky-emission mechanism, respectively. The switching behavior (dependence on height) is attributed to the modulation of the carrier density at the nanostructure-substrate interface due to the applied electric field.


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PbZrO3/SrRuO3/SrTiO3 (100) epitaxial heterostructures with different thickness of the PbZrO3 (PZO) layer (d(PZO) similar to 5-160 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition. The ultrathin PZO films (d(PZO) <= 10 nm) were found to possess a rhombohedral structure. On increasing the PZO film thickness, a bulk like orthorhombic phase started forming in the film with d(PZO) similar to 22 nm and became abundant in the thicker films. Nanobeam electron diffraction and room-temperature micro-Raman measurements revealed that the stabilization of the rhombohedral phase of PZO could be attributed to the epitaxial strain accommodated by the heterostructures. Room-temperature polarization vs electric field measurements performed on different samples showed characteristic double hysteresis loops of antiferroelectric materials accompanied by a small remnant polarization for the thick PZO films (dPZO >= 50 nm). The remnant polarization increased by reducing the PZO layer thickness, and a ferroelectric like hysteresis loop was observed for the sample with d(PZO) similar to 22 nm. Local ferroelectric properties measured by piezoresponse force microscopy also exhibited a similar thickness-dependent antiferroelectric-ferroelectric transition. Room-temperature electrical properties observed in the PZO thin films in correlation to their structural characteristics suggested that a ferroelectric rhombohedral phase could be stabilized in thin epitaxial PZO films experiencing large interfacial compressive stress.


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Bilayered Pb(Zr((1-x)),Ti(x))O(3) ferroelectric thin film heterostructures show complex ferroelastic nanodomain patterns. These ferroelastic nanodomains exist only in the upper layer, and hence are able to move under the application of an external electric field. Quantitative analysis reveals an enhanced piezoelectric coefficient of similar to 220 pm V(-1), rendering them attractive for a variety of electromechanical devices.


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A report is presented on a split ring slot frequency selective surface (FSS) reflector whose element design and distribution allows generation of far-field difference patterns. The reflector operates by converting linearly polarised plane wave fronts into two orthogonal polarisations each with a deep null in the centre of the radiation pattern. The far-field measurement presented is in good agreement with the simulation and demonstrates a null depth of ?20dB in the centre of the radiation pattern.


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The growth of magnetic fields in the density gradient of a rarefaction wave has been observed in simulations and in laboratory experiments. The thermal anisotropy of the electrons, which gives rise to the magnetic instability, is maintained by the ambipolar electric field. This simple mechanism could be important for the magnetic field amplification in astrophysical jets or in the interstellar medium ahead of supernova remnant shocks. The acceleration of protons and the generation of a magnetic field by the rarefaction wave, which is fed by an expanding circular plasma cloud, is examined here in form of a 2D particle-in-cell simulation. The core of the plasma cloud is modeled by immobile charges, and the mobile protons form a small ring close to the cloud's surface. The number density of mobile protons is thus less than that of the electrons. The protons of the rarefaction wave are accelerated to 1/10 of the electron thermal speed, and the acceleration results in a thermal anisotropy of the electron distribution in the entire plasma cloud. The instability in the rarefaction wave is outrun by a TM wave, which grows in the dense core distribution, and its magnetic field expands into the rarefaction wave. This expansion drives a secondary TE wave. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769128]


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The plasma dynamics resulting from the simultaneous impact, of two equal, ultra-intense laser pulses, in two spatially separated spots, onto a dense target is studied via particle-in-cell simulations. The simulations show that electrons accelerated to relativistic speeds cross the target and exit at its rear surface. Most energetic electrons are bound to the rear surface by the ambipolar electric field and expand along it. Their current is closed by a return current in the target, and this current configuration generates strong surface magnetic fields. The two electron sheaths collide at the midplane between the laser impact points. The magnetic repulsion between the counter-streaming electron beams separates them along the surface normal direction, before they can thermalize through other beam instabilities. This magnetic repulsion is also the driving mechanism for the beam-Weibel (filamentation) instability, which is thought to be responsible for magnetic field growth close to the internal shocks of gamma-ray burst jets. The relative strength of this repulsion compared to the competing electrostatic interactions, which is evidenced by the simulations, suggests that the filamentation instability can be examined in an experimental setting. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768426]


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Overdense plasmas are usually opaque to laser light. However, when the light is of sufficient intensity to drive electrons in the plasma to near light speeds, the plasma becomes transparent. This process—known as relativistic transparency—takes just a tenth of a picosecond. Yet all studies of relativistic transparency so far have been restricted to measurements collected over timescales much longer than this, limiting our understanding of the dynamics of this process. Here we present time-resolved electric field measurements (with a temporal resolution of ~ 50 fs) of the light, initially reflected from, and subsequently transmitted through, an expanding overdense plasma. Our result provides insight into the dynamics of the transparent-overdense regime of relativistic plasmas, which should be useful in the development of laser-driven particle accelerators, X-ray sources and techniques for controlling the shape and contrast of intense laser pulses.


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The manner in which ultrathin films of alumina, deposited at the dielectric-electrode interface, affect the recoverable energy density associated with (BiFeO3)0.6–(SrTiO3)0.4 (BFST) thin film capacitors has been characterised. Approximately 6 nm of alumina on 400 nm of BFST increases the maximum recoverable energy of the system by around 30% from 13 Jcc1 to 17 Jcc1.
Essentially, the alumina acts in the same way as a naturally present parasitic “dead-layer,” distorting the polarisation-field response such that the ultimate polarisation associated with the BFST is pushed to higher values of electric field. The work acts as a proof-of-principle to illustrate how the design of artificial interfacial dielectric “dead-layers” can increase energy densities in simple dielectric capacitors, allowing them to compete more generally with other energy storage technologies.


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The efficiency of fuel cells and metal-air batteries is significantly limited by the activation of oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. Despite the well-recognized role of oxygen reaction kinetics on the viability of energy technologies, the governing mechanisms remain elusive and until now have been addressable only by macroscopic studies. This lack of nanoscale understanding precludes optimization of material architecture. Here, we report direct measurements of oxygen reduction/evolution reactions and oxygen vacancy diffusion on oxygen-ion conductive solid surfaces with sub-10 nm resolution. In electrochemical strain microscopy, the biased scanning probe microscopy tip acts as a moving, electrocatalytically active probe exploring local electrochemical activity. The probe concentrates an electric field in a nanometre-scale volume of material, and bias-induced, picometre-level surface displacements provide information on local electrochemical processes. Systematic mapping of oxygen activity on bare and platinum-functionalized yttria-stabilized zirconia surfaces is demonstrated. This approach allows direct visualization of the oxygen reduction/evolution reaction activation process at the triple-phase boundary, and can be extended to a broad spectrum of oxygen-conductive and electrocatalytic materials.


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Piezoelectric materials, which convert mechanical to electrical energy and vice versa, are typically characterized by the intimate coexistence of two phases across a morphotropic phase boundary. Electrically switching one to the other yields large electromechanical coupling coefficients. Driven by global environmental concerns, there is currently a strong push to discover practical lead-free piezoelectrics for device engineering. Using a combination of epitaxial growth techniques in conjunction with theoretical approaches, we show the formation of a morphotropic phase boundary through epitaxial constraint in lead-free piezoelectric bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) films. Electric field-dependent studies show that a tetragonal-like phase can be reversibly converted into a rhombohedral-like phase, accompanied by measurable displacements of the surface, making this new lead-free system of interest for probe-based data storage and actuator applications.


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Nonlinear optics is an essential component of modern laser systems and optoelectronic devices. It has also emerged as an important tool in probing the electronic, vibrational, magnetic, and crystallographic structure of materials ranging from oxides and metals, to polymers and biological samples. This review focuses on the specific technique of optical second harmonic generation (SHG), and its application in probing ferroelectric complex oxide crystals and thin films. As the dominant SHG interaction mechanism exists only in materials that lack inversion symmetry, SHG is a sensitive probe of broken inversion symmetry, and thus also of bulk polar phenomena in materials. By performing in-situ SHG polarimetry experiments in different experimental conditions such as sample orientation, applied electric field, and temperature, one can probe ferroelectric hysteresis loops and phase transitions. Careful modeling of the polarimetry data allows for the determination of the point group symmetry of the crystal. In epitaxial thin films with a two-dimensional arrangement of well-defined domain orientations, one can extract information about intrinsic material properties such as nonlinear coefficients, as well as microstructural information such as the local statistics of the different domain variants being probed. This review presents several detailed examples of ferroelectric systems where such measurements and modeling are performed. The use of SHG microscopic imaging is discussed, and its ability to reveal domain structures and phases not normally visible with linear optics is illustrated.


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The magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic materials is promising for a wide range of applications, yet manipulating magnetic ordering by electric field proves elusive to obtain and difficult to control. In this paper, we explore the prospect of controlling magnetic ordering in misfit strained bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO) films, combining theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and experimental characterizations. Electric field induced transformation from a tetragonal phase to a distorted rhombohedral one in strain engineered BFO films has been identified by thermodynamic analysis, and realized by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) experiment. By breaking the rotational symmetry of a tip-induced electric field as suggested by phase field simulation, the morphology of distorted rhombohedral variants has been delicately controlled and regulated. Such capabilities enable nanoscale control of magnetoelectric coupling in strain engineered BFO films that is difficult to achieve otherwise, as demonstrated by phase field simulations.


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The nonlinear properties of metallodielectric DBRs are investigated via optical pump-probe techniques using a widely tunable, dual-colour, high-repetition rate, ultrafast setup. As a consequence of the Bragg-arranged multilayers, the electric field penetrates to different depths of the nanostructure at different excitation resonances, strongly enhancing the intrinsic nonlinear response of the metal in comparison with bulk films. The analyzed spectral response of these structures reveals how their nonlinear behavior is dominated by the pump-induced modification of the metal dielectric function. Fitting the simulated changes of the optical resonances using transfer-matrix methods matches experiment well, and shows the key effects of the spectral dependence of the spatial mode profiles.