716 resultados para Condensed Matter Physics


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We present differential x-ray scattering cross sections for a radiatively heated plasma showing overall consistency, in both form and absolute value, with theoretical simulations. In particular, the evolution of the plasma from a strongly coupled high density phase to a lower density weakly coupled phase is quite clearly shown in both experiment and simulation. The success of this experiment shows that x-ray scattering has the potential to become an extremely useful diagnostic technique for dense plasma physics.


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Photon yields for the 1s(2)-1s2p (He-alpha) transition of He- like ions have been measured for laser irradiated, thin foils of Ti, V and Fe. The laser pulses were of 0.527 mum wavelength and of either 80 or 300 ps duration. The data shows significant shot-to-shot variation but the Ti data is broadly consistent with previous results. In this work, we extend the previous results to include, new elements, longer pulse lengths and yields measured for emission from both surfaces of the foils. We compare our data to simulations using a hydrodynamic code and a collisional radiative model.


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The focused ion beam microscope has been used to cut parallel-sided {100}-oriented thin lamellae of single crystal barium titanate with controlled thicknesses, ranging from 530 nm to 70 nm. Scanning transmission electron microscopy has been used to examine domain configurations. In all cases, stripe domains were observed with {011}-type domain walls in perovskite unit-cell axes, suggesting 90 degrees domains with polarization in the plane of the lamellae. The domain widths were found to vary as the square root of the lamellar thickness, consistent with Kittel's law, and its later development by Mitsui and Furuichi and by Roytburd. An investigation into the manner in which domain period adapts to thickness gradient was undertaken on both wedge-shaped lamellae and lamellae with discrete terraces. It was found that when the thickness gradient was perpendicular to the domain walls, a continuous change in domain periodicity occurred, but if the thickness gradient was parallel to the domain walls, periodicity changes were accommodated through discrete domain bifurcation. Data were then compared with other work in literature, on both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic systems, from which conclusions on the widespread applicability of Kittel's law in ferroics were made.


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Measurements on 'free-standing' single-crystal barium titanate capacitors with thickness down to 75 nm show a dielectric response typical of large single crystals, rather than conventional thin films. There is a notable absence of any broadening or temperature shift of the dielectric peak or loss tangent. Peak dielectric constants of similar to25 000 are observed, and Curie-Weiss analysis demonstrates first order transformation behaviour. This is in dramatic contrast to results on conventionally deposited thin film capacitor heterostructures, which show large dielectric peak broadening and temperature shifts (e.g. Parker et al 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 340), as well as an apparent change in the nature-of the paraelectric-ferroelectric transition from first to second order. Our data are compatible with a recent model by Bratkovsky and Levanyuk (2004 Preprint cond-mat/0402100), which attributes dielectric peak broadening to gradient terms that will exist in any thin film capacitor heterostructure. The observed recovery of first order transformation behaviour is consistent with the absence of significant substrate clamping in our experiment, as modelled by Pertsev et al (1998,Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 1988), and illustrates that the second order behaviour seen in conventionally deposited thin films cannot be attributed to the effects of reduced dimensionality in the system, nor to the influence of an intrinsic universal interfacial capacitance associated with the electrode- ferroelectric interface.


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The growth of magnetron sputtered Co/Au and Pd/Co/Au superlattices on Au and Pd buffer layers, deposited onto glass substrates, has been monitored optically and magneto-optically in real time, using rotating analyser ellipsometry and Kerr polarimetry, at a wavelength of 633 nm. The magneto-optical traces, combined with ex situ and in situ hysteresis loops, provide a detailed and informative fingerprint of the optical and magnetic properties of the films as they evolve during growth. For Co/Au, oscillations in the polar magneto-optical effect developed during the deposition of An overlayers on Co and these may be attributed to quantum well states. However, the hysteresis measurements show that the magnetic field required to maintain saturation magnetization throughout the experiment was larger than available in situ, introducing a degree of confusion concerning the interpretation of the data. This problem was overcome by the incorporation of Pd layers into the Co/Au structure, thereby eliminating variation in magnetic orientation during growth of the Au layers as a contributory factor to the observations.


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A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) generated by flowing helium between the parallel-plate electrodes of an open air reactor has been characterized using time resolved optical and electrical measurements. A sinusoidal voltage of up to 5 kV (peak to peak) of frequencies from 3 to 50 kHz has been applied to the discharge electrodes. The helium flow rate is varied up to 10 litre min(-1). The adjustment of flow rate allows the creation of uniform DBDs with optimized input power equal to 120 +/- 10 mW cm(-3). At flow rates from 4 to 6 litre min(-1) a uniform DBD is obtained. The maxima in the line intensities of N-2(+) and helium at 391.4 nm and 706.5 nm, respectively, 2 under those conditions indicate the importance of helium metastables and He-2(+) in sustaining such a discharge. The power efficiency and discharge 2 current show maxima when the DBD In He/air is uniform. The gas temperature during the discharge has been measured as 360 +/- 20 K.


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The dispersion relation for plane waves in uniaxial metamaterials with indefinite dielectric tensors and scalar positive permeability is theoretically investigated. It is found, that the isofrequency surfaces of the plane extraordinary waves have a hyperbolic shape which allows the propagation of waves with infinitely long wave vectors. As an example a metallodielectric multilayer was considered and the dispersion relations were determined using an effective medium approximation and an analytically exact Bloch wave calculation. The extraordinary waves in this structure are identified as multilayer plasmons and the validity of the effective medium approximation is examined.


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An analytical treatment of optical transmission through periodically nanosructured metal films capable of supporting surface-plasmon polaritons is presented. The optical properties of such metal films are governed by surface polariton behavior in a periodic surface structure forming a surface polaritonic crystal. Due to different configurations of the electromagnetic field of surface polariton modes, only states of even Brillouin zones are responsible for the optical transmission enhancement at normal incidence. The transmission enhancement is related to photon tunneling via resonant states of surface polariton Bloch modes in which the energy buildup takes place. Surface polariton states of at least one of the film interfaces contribute to the transmission resonance which occurs due to tunnel coupling between photons and surface polaritons on the opposite interfaces. Under double-resonance conditions, resonant tunneling between surface polariton states of both interfaces is achieved, which leads to further enhancement of the transmission efficiency. The double-resonance conditions occur not only in the case of a film in symmetric environment but can also be engineered for a film on a substrate. Light tunneling via surface polariton states can take place directly through a structured metal film and does not necessarily require holes in a film.


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By means of extensive first-principles calculations we studied the ferroelectric phase transition and the associated isotope effect in KH2PO4 (KDP). Our calculations revealed that the spontaneous polarization of the ferroelectric phase is due to electronic charge redistributions and ionic displacements which are a consequence of proton ordering, and not vice versa. The experimentally observed double-peaked proton distribution in the paraelectric phase cannot be explained by a dynamics of only protons. This requires, instead, collective displacements within clusters that include also the heavier ions. These tunneling clusters can explain the recent evidence of tunneling obtained from Compton scattering measurements. The sole effect of mass change upon deuteration is not sufficient to explain the huge isotope effect. Instead, we find that structural modifications deeply connected with the chemistry of the H bonds produce a feedback effect on tunneling that strongly enhances the phenomenon. The resulting influence of the geometric changes on the isotope effect agrees with experimental data from neutron scattering. Calculations under pressure allowed us to analyze the issue of universality in the disappearance of ferroelectricity upon compression. Compressing DKDP so that the distance between the two peaks in the deuteron distribution is the same as for protons in KDP, corresponds to a modification of the underlying double-well potential, which becomes 23 meV shallower. This energy difference is what is required to modify the O-O distance in such a way as to have the same distribution for protons and deuterons. At the high pressures required experimentally, the above feedback mechanism is crucial to explain the magnitude of the geometrical effect.


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An analysis on the conductance of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNT's) is presented. Recent experiment indicated that MWNT's are good quantum conductors. Our theory shows that tunneling current between states on different walls of a defect-free, infinitely long MWNT is vanishingly small in general, which leads to the quantization of the conductance of the MWNT's. With a reasonable simple model, we explicitly show that the conductance of a capped MWNT can be determined by the outermost wall for an infinitely long nanotube. We apply the theory to finite MWNT's and estimate the generic interwall conductance to be negligible compared to the intrawall ballistic conductance.


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Currents across thin insulators are commonly taken as single electrons moving across classically forbidden regions; this independent particle picture is well-known to describe most tunneling phenomena. Examining quantum transport from a different perspective, i.e., by explicit treatment of electron-electron interactions, we evaluate different single particle approximations with specific application to tunneling in metal-molecule-metal junctions. We find maximizing the overlap of a Slater determinant composed of single-particle states to the many-body current-carrying state is more important than energy minimization for defining single-particle approximations in a system with open boundary conditions. Thus the most suitable single particle effective potential is not one commonly in use by electronic structure methods, such as the Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham approximations.


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First steps are taken to model the electrochemical deposition of metals in nanometer-sized cavities. In the present work, the electrochemical deposition of Cu atoms in nanometer-sized holes dug on Au(111) is investigated through Monte Carlo simulations using the embedded atom method to represent particle interactions. By sweeping the chemical potential of Cu, a cluster is allowed to grow within the hole rising four atomic layers above the surface. Its lateral extension remains confined to the area defined by the borders of the original defect. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An efficient method for calculating the electronic structure of systems that need a very fine sampling of the Brillouin zone is presented. The method is based on the variational optimization of a single (i.e., common to all points in the Brillouin zone) basis set for the expansion of the electronic orbitals. Considerations from k.p-approximation theory help to understand the efficiency of the method. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the method as a function of the optimal basis set size are analyzed for a test calculation on a 16-atom Na supercell.