96 resultados para COMPRESSED MONOLAYERS


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When a pulse of light reflects from a mirror that is travelling close to the speed of light, Einstein's theory of relativity predicts that it will be up-shifted to a substantially higher frequency and compressed to a much shorter duration. This scenario is realized by the relativistically oscillating plasma surface generated by an ultraintense laser focused onto a solid target. Until now, it has been unclear whether the conditions necessary to exploit such phenomena can survive such an extreme interaction with increasing laser intensity. Here, we provide the first quantitative evidence to suggest that they can. We show that the occurrence of surface smoothing on the scale of the wavelength of the generated harmonics, and plasma denting of the irradiated surface, enables the production of high-quality X-ray beams focused down to the diffraction limit. These results improve the outlook for generating extreme X-ray fields, which could in principle extend to the Schwinger limit.


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Laser driven proton beams have been used to diagnose transient fields and density perturbations in laser produced plasmas. Grid deflectometry techniques have been applied to proton radiography to obtain precise measurements of proton beam angles caused by electromagnetic fields in laser produced plasmas. Application of proton radiography to laser driven implosions has demonstrated that density conditions in compressed media can be diagnosed with million electron volt protons. This data has shown that proton radiography can provide unique insight into transient electromagnetic fields in super critical density plasmas and provide a density perturbation diagnostics in compressed matter.


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A theoretical and numerical study of fast electron transport in solid and compressed fast ignition relevant targets is presented. The principal aim of the study is to assess how localized increases in the target density (e. g., by engineering of the density profile) can enhance magnetic field generation and thus pinching of the fast electron beam through reducing the rate of temperature rise. The extent to which this might benefit fast ignition is discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729322]


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A study undertaken at the University of Liverpool has investigated the potential for using construction and demolition waste (C&DW) derived aggregate in the manufacture of a range of precast concrete products, i.e. building and paving blocks and pavement flags. Phase III, which is reported here, investigated
concrete pavement flags. This was subsequent to studies on building and paving blocks. Recycled demolition aggregate can be used to replace newly quarried limestone aggregate, usually used in coarse (6 mm) and fine (4 mm-to-dust) gradings. The first objective was, as was the case with concrete building
and paving blocks, to replicate the process used by industry in fabricating concrete pavement flags in the laboratory. The ‘‘wet’’ casting technique used by industry for making concrete flags requires a very workable mix so that the concrete flows into the mould before it is compressed. Compression squeezes out water from the top as well as the bottom of the mould. This industrial casting procedure was successfully replicated in the laboratory by using an appropriately modified cube crushing machine and a special mould typical of what is used by industry. The mould could be filled outside of the cube crushing machine and then rolled onto a steel frame and into the machine for it to be compressed. The texture and mechanical properties of the laboratory concrete flags were found to be similar to the factory ones. The experimental work involved two main series of tests, i.e. concrete flags made with concrete- and
masonry-derived aggregate. Investigation of flexural strength was required for concrete paving flags. This is different from building blocks and paving blocks which required compressive and tensile splitting strength respectively. Upper levels of replacement with recycled demolition aggregate were determined
that produced similar flexural strength to paving flags made with newly quarried aggregates, without requiring an increase in the cement content. With up to 60% of the coarse or 40% of the fine fractions replaced with concrete-derived aggregates, the target mean flexural strength of 5.0 N/mm2 was still
achieved at the age of 28 days. There was similar detrimental effect by incorporating the fine masonry-derived aggregate. A replacement level of 70% for coarse was found to be satisfactory and also conservative. However, the fine fraction replacement could only be up to 30% and even reduced to 15% when used for mixes where 60% of the coarse fraction was also masonry-derived aggregate.


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A study of Wagner's impact on Czech music in the later nineteenth century and Dvorak in particular


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Mammary epithelial cells cultured on a concentrated laminin-rich extracellular matrix formed 3D acinar structures that matured to polarized monolayers surrounding a lumen. In the absence of glucocorticoids mature acinus formation failed and the expression of an acinus-associated, activator protein 1 (AP1) and nuclear factor kappaB transcription factor DNA-binding profile was lost. Treatment with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125, caused similar effects, whereas normal organization of the mammary epithelial cells as acini caused JNK activation in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner. The forming acini expressed BRCA1, GADD45beta, MEKK4, and the JNK activating complex GADD 45beta-MEKK4 in a glucocorticoid-dependent fashion. JNK catalyzed phosphorylation of c-Jun was also detected in the acini. In addition, expression of beta4 integrin and in situ occupation of its promoter by AP1 components, c-Jun and Fos, was glucocorticoid dependent. These results suggest that glucocortocoid signaling regulates acinar integrity through a pathway involving JNK regulation of AP1 transcription factors and beta4 integrin expression.


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Increasing energy consumption has exerted great pressure on natural resources; this has led to a move towards sustainable energy resources to improve security of supply and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the rush to the cure may have been made in haste. Biofuels in particular, have a bad press both in terms of competition with good agricultural land for food, and also in terms of the associated energy balance with the whole life cycle analysis of the biofuel system. The emphasis is now very much on sustainable biofuel production; biofuels from wastes and lignocellulosic material are now seen as good sustainable biofuels that affect significantly better greenhouse gas balances as compared with first generation biofuels. Ireland has a significant resource of organic waste that could be a potential source of energy through anaerobic digestion. Ireland has 8% of the cattle population of the EU with less than 1% of the human population; as a result 91% of agricultural land in Ireland is under grass. Residues such as slurries and slaughter waste together with energy crops such as grass have an excellent potential to produce biogas that may be upgraded to biomethane. This biomethane may be used as a natural gas substitute; bio-compressed natural gas may then be an avenue for a biofuel strategy. It is estimated that a maximum potential of 33% of natural gas may be substituted by 2020 with a practical obtainable level of 7.5% estimated. Together with biodiesel from residues the practical obtainable level of this strategy may effect greater than a 5% substitution by energy of transport. The residues considered in this strategy to produce biofuel (excluding grass) have the potential to save 93,000 ha of agricultural land (23% of Irish arable land) when compared to a rapeseed biodiesel strategy. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Research on fusion fast ignition (FI) initiated by laser-driven ion beams has made substantial progress in the last years. Compared with electrons, FI based on a beam of quasi-monoenergetic ions has the advantage of a more localized energy deposition, and stiffer particle transport, bringing the required total beam energy close to the theoretical minimum. Due to short pulse laser drive, the ion beam can easily deliver the 200 TW power required to ignite the compressed D-T fuel. In integrated calculations we recently simulated ion-based FI targets with high fusion gain targets and a proof of principle experiment [1]. These simulations identify three key requirements for the success of ion-driven fast ignition (IFI): (1) the generation of a sufficiently high-energetic ion beam (approximate to 400-500 MeV for C), with (2) less than 20% energy spread at (3) more than 10% conversion efficiency of laser to beam energy. Here we present for the first time new experimental results, demonstrating all three parameters in separate experiments. Using diamond nanotargets and ultrahigh contrast laser pulses we were able to demonstrate >500 MeV carbon ions, as well as carbon pulses with Delta E/E


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Close-packed monolayers of 20 nm Au nanoparticles are self-assembled at hexane/water interfaces and transferred to elastic substrates. Stretching the resulting nanoparticle mats provides active and reversible tuning of their plasmonic properties, with a clear polarization dependance. Both uniaxial and biaxial strains induce strong blue shifts in the plasmonic resonances. This matches theoretical simulations and indicates that plasmonic coupling at nanometer scale distances is responsible for the observed spectral tuning. Such stretch-tunable metal nanoparticle mats can be exploited for the development of optical devices, such as flexible colour filters and molecular sensors. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3683535]


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The operation of supply chains (SCs) has for many years been focused on efficiency, leanness and responsiveness. This has resulted in reduced slack in operations, compressed cycle times, increased productivity and minimised inventory levels along the SC. Combined with tight tolerance settings for the realisation of logistics and production processes, this has led to SC performances that are frequently not robust. SCs are becoming increasingly vulnerable to disturbances, which can decrease the competitive power of the entire chain in the market. Moreover, in the case of food SCs non-robust performances may ultimately result in empty shelves in grocery stores and supermarkets.
The overall objective of this research is to contribute to Supply Chain Management (SCM) theory by developing a structured approach to assess SC vulnerability, so that robust performances of food SCs can be assured. We also aim to help companies in the food industry to evaluate their current state of vulnerability, and to improve their performance robustness through a better understanding of vulnerability issues. The following research questions (RQs) stem from these objectives:
RQ1: What are the main research challenges related to (food) SC robustness?
RQ2: What are the main elements that have to be considered in the design of robust SCs and what are the relationships between these elements?
RQ3: What is the relationship between the contextual factors of food SCs and the use of disturbance management principles?
RQ4: How to systematically assess the impact of disturbances in (food) SC processes on the robustness of (food) SC performances?
To answer these RQs we used different methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative. For each question, we conducted a literature survey to identify gaps in existing research and define the state of the art of knowledge on the related topics. For the second and third RQ, we conducted both exploration and testing on selected case studies. Finally, to obtain more detailed answers to the fourth question, we used simulation modelling and scenario analysis for vulnerability assessment.
Main findings are summarised as follows.
Based on an extensive literature review, we answered RQ1. The main research challenges were related to the need to define SC robustness more precisely, to identify and classify disturbances and their causes in the context of the specific characteristics of SCs and to make a systematic overview of (re)design strategies that may improve SC robustness. Also, we found that it is useful to be able to discriminate between varying degrees of SC vulnerability and to find a measure that quantifies the extent to which a company or SC shows robust performances when exposed to disturbances.
To address RQ2, we define SC robustness as the degree to which a SC shows an acceptable performance in (each of) its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) during and after an unexpected event that caused a disturbance in one or more logistics processes. Based on the SCM literature we identified the main elements needed to achieve robust performances and structured them together to form a conceptual framework for the design of robust SCs. We then explained the logic of the framework and elaborate on each of its main elements: the SC scenario, SC disturbances, SC performance, sources of food SC vulnerability, and redesign principles and strategies.
Based on three case studies, we answered RQ3. Our major findings show that the contextual factors have a consistent relationship to Disturbance Management Principles (DMPs). The product and SC environment characteristics are contextual factors that are hard to change and these characteristics initiate the use of specific DMPs as well as constrain the use of potential response actions. The process and the SC network characteristics are contextual factors that are easier to change, and they are affected by the use of the DMPs. We also found a notable relationship between the type of DMP likely to be used and the particular combination of contextual factors present in the observed SC.
To address RQ4, we presented a new method for vulnerability assessments, the VULA method. The VULA method helps to identify how much a company is underperforming on a specific Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the case of a disturbance, how often this would happen and how long it would last. It ultimately informs the decision maker about whether process redesign is needed and what kind of redesign strategies should be used in order to increase the SC’s robustness. The VULA method is demonstrated in the context of a meat SC using discrete-event simulation. The case findings show that performance robustness can be assessed for any KPI using the VULA method.
To sum-up the project, all findings were incorporated within an integrated framework for designing robust SCs. The integrated framework consists of the following steps: 1) Description of the SC scenario and identification of its specific contextual factors; 2) Identification of disturbances that may affect KPIs; 3) Definition of the relevant KPIs and identification of the main disturbances through assessment of the SC performance robustness (i.e. application of the VULA method); 4) Identification of the sources of vulnerability that may (strongly) affect the robustness of performances and eventually increase the vulnerability of the SC; 5) Identification of appropriate preventive or disturbance impact reductive redesign strategies; 6) Alteration of SC scenario elements as required by the selected redesign strategies and repeat VULA method for KPIs, as defined in Step 3.
Contributions of this research are listed as follows. First, we have identified emerging research areas - SC robustness, and its counterpart, vulnerability. Second, we have developed a definition of SC robustness, operationalized it, and identified and structured the relevant elements for the design of robust SCs in the form of a research framework. With this research framework, we contribute to a better understanding of the concepts of vulnerability and robustness and related issues in food SCs. Third, we identified the relationship between contextual factors of food SCs and specific DMPs used to maintain robust SC performances: characteristics of the product and the SC environment influence the selection and use of DMPs; processes and SC networks are influenced by DMPs. Fourth, we developed specific metrics for vulnerability assessments, which serve as a basis of a VULA method. The VULA method investigates different measures of the variability of both the duration of impacts from disturbances and the fluctuations in their magnitude.
With this project, we also hope to have delivered practical insights into food SC vulnerability. First, the integrated framework for the design of robust SCs can be used to guide food companies in successful disturbance management. Second, empirical findings from case studies lead to the identification of changeable characteristics of SCs that can serve as a basis for assessing where to focus efforts to manage disturbances. Third, the VULA method can help top management to get more reliable information about the “health” of the company.
The two most important research opportunities are: First, there is a need to extend and validate our findings related to the research framework and contextual factors through further case studies related to other types of (food) products and other types of SCs. Second, there is a need to further develop and test the VULA method, e.g.: to use other indicators and statistical measures for disturbance detection and SC improvement; to define the most appropriate KPI to represent the robustness of a complete SC. We hope this thesis invites other researchers to pick up these challenges and help us further improve the robustness of (food) SCs.


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We investigated and characterized the effect of externally applied electric fields (EF) on retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells by exposing primary cultures of human RPE cells (hRPE) and those from the ARPE19 immortalized cell line to various strengths of EF (EF-treated cells) or to no EF (control cells) under different conditions including presence or absence of serum and gelatin and following wounding. We evaluated changes in RPE cell behavior in response to EF by using a computer based image capture and analysis system (Metamorph). We found that RPE cells responded to externally applied EFs by preferential orientation perpendicular to the EF vector, directed migration towards the anode, and faster translocation rate than control, untreated cells. These responses were voltage-dependent. Responses were observed even at low voltages, of 50-300 mV. Furthermore, the migration of hRPE cell sheets generated by wounding of confluent monolayers of cells at early and late confluence could be manipulated by the application of EF, with directed migration towards the anode observed at both sides of the wounded hRPE. In conclusion, RPE cell behaviour can be controlled by an externally applied EF. The potential for externally applied EF to be used as a therapeutic strategy in the management of selected retinal diseases warrants further investigation. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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A biochip based on surface plasmon resonance was fabricated to detect prostate specific antigen-a1-antichymotrypsin (PSA-ACT complex) in both HBS buffer and human serum. To reduce non-specific binding and steric hindrance effect, the chemical surface of the sensor chips was constructed by using various oligo(ethylene glycol) mixtures of different molar ratios of HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)6OCH2COOH and HS(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)3OH. The self-assembled monolayers were biotinylated to facilitate the immobilization of streptavidin. Using the chip surfaces, PSA-ACT complex in HBS buffer and human serum was detected at 20.7 and 47.5 ng/ml by primary immunoresponse, respectively. However, the limit of detection could be simply enhanced by a sandwich strategy to improve the sensitivity and specificity of the immunoassay. An intact PSA polyclonal antibody was used as an amplifying agent in the strategy. As a result, PSA-ACT complex concentrations as low as 10.2 and 18.1 ng/ml were found in the HBS buffer and human serum sample, respectively. The result indicates that this approach could satisfy our goal without modifying the secondary interactant.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based inhibition assay method using a polyclonal anti-mouse IgM arrayed Cryptosporidium sensor chip was developed for the real-time detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. The Cryptosporidium sensor chip was fabricated by subsequent immobilization of streptavidin and polyclonal anti-mouse IgM (secondary antibody) onto heterogeneous self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The assay consisted of the immunoreaction step between monoclonal anti-C. parvum oocyst (primary antibody) and oocysts, followed by the binding step of the unbound primary antibody onto the secondary antibody surface. It enhanced not only the immunoreaction yield of the oocysts by batch reaction but also the accessibility of analytes to the chip surface by antibody–antibody interaction. Furthermore, the use of optimum concentration of the primary antibody maximized its binding response on the chip. An inversely linear calibration curve for the oocyst concentration versus SPR signal was obtained in the range of 1×106–1×102 oocysts ml-1. The oocyst detection was also successfully achieved in natural water systems. These results indicate that the SPR-based inhibition assay using the Cryptosporidium sensor chip has high application potential for the real-time analysis of C. parvum oocyst in laboratory and field water monitoring.


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Analysis of binding recognition and conformation of biomolecules is of paramount important in understanding of their vital functions in complex biological systems. By enabling sub-wavelength light localization and strong local field enhancement, plasmonic biosensors have become dominant tools used for such analysis owing to their label-free and real-time attributes1,2. However, the plasmonic biosensors are not well-suited to provide information regarding conformation or chemical fingerprint of biomolecules. Here, we show that plasmonic metamaterials, consisting of periodic arrays of artificial split-ring resonators (SRRs)3, can enable capabilities of both sensing and fingerprinting of biomolecules. We demonstrate that by engineering geometry of individual SRRs, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) frequency of the metamaterials could be tuned to visible-near infrared regimes (Vis-NIR) such that they possess high local field enhancement for surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS). This will provide the basis for the development of a dual mode label-free conformational-resolving and quantitative detection platform. We present here the ability of each sensing mode to independently detect binding adsorption and to identify different conformational states of Guanine (G)-rich DNA monolayers in different environment milieu. Also shown is the use of the nanosensor for fingerprinting and detection of Arginine-Glycine-Glycine (RGG) peptide binding to the G-quadruplex aptamer. The dual-mode nanosensor will significantly contribute to unraveling the complexes of the conformational dynamics of biomolecules as well as to improving specificity of biodetection assays that the conventional, population-averaged plasmonic biosensors cannot achieve.