90 resultados para Blackburn, J. K. P. (James Knox Polk), 1837-1923.


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Halpha, Hbeta, He I D-3, Na I D-1,D-2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2.(d)8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Halpha, Ca II H K, Hbeta and He I D-3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D-1, D-2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Halpha and He I D-3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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omega Ori (HD37490, HR1934) is a Be star known to have presented variations. In order to investigate the nature and origin of its short-term and mid-term variability, a study is performed of several spectral lines (Halpha, Hdelta, HeI 4471, 4713, 4921, 5876, 6678, CII 4267, 6578, 6583, Mg II 4481, Si III 4553 and Si II 6347), based on 249 high signal-to-noise high-resolution spectra taken with 8 telescopes over 22 consecutive nights during the MuSiCoS (Multi SIte COntinuous Spectroscopy) campaign in November-December 1998. The stellar parameters are revisited and the projected rotational velocity (v sin i = 179 km s(-1)) is redetermined using several methods. With the MuSiCoS 98 dataset, a time series analysis of line-profile variations (LPVs) is performed using the Restricted Local Cleanest (RLC) algorithm and a least squares method. The behaviour of the velocity of the centroid of the lines, the equivalent widths and the apparent vsini for several lines, as well as Violet and Red components of photospheric lines affected by emission (red He i lines, Si II 6347, CII 6578, 6583) are analyzed. The non-radial pulsation (NRP) model is examined using phase diagrams and the Fourier-Doppler Imaging (FDI) method. The LPVs are consistent with a NRP mode with l = 2 or 3, \m\ = 2 with frequency 1.03 cd(-1). It is shown that an emission line outburst occurred in the middle of the campaign. Two scenarios are proposed to explain the behaviour of a dense cloud, temporarily orbiting around the star with a frequency 0.46 c d(-1), in relation to the outburst.


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Although histamine release is recognised as a common event during anaesthesia and surgery, few clinicians judge the resultant cardiorespiratory disturbances serious enough to warrant prophylaxis with antihistamines. We have assessed the incidence and importance of histamine release in a randomised 2 x 2 factorial study.


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The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-rich outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria provides a protective barrier that insulates these organisms from the action of numerous antibiotics. Breach of the LPS layer can therefore provide access to the cell interior to otherwise impermeant toxic molecules and can expose vulnerable binding sites for immune system components such as complement. Inhibition of LPS biosynthesis, leading to a truncated LPS molecule, is an alternative strategy for antibacterial drug development in which this vital cellular structure is weakened. A significant challenge for in vitro screens of small molecules for inhibition of LPS biosynthesis is the difficulty in accessing the complex carbohydrate substrates. We have optimized an assay of the enzymes required for LPS heptose biosynthesis that simultaneously surveys five enzyme activities by using commercially available substrates and report its use in a small-molecule screen that identifies an inhibitor of heptose synthesis.


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<p>GC-MS data on veterinary drug residues in bovine urine are used for controlling the illegal practice of fattening cattle. According to current detection criteria, peak patterns of preferably four ions should agree within 10 or 20% from a corresponding standard pattern. These criteria are rigid, rather arbitrary and do not match daily practice. A new model, based on multivariate modeling of log peak abundance ratios, provides a theoretical basis for the identification of analytes and optimizes the balance between the avoidance of false positives and false negatives. The performance of the model is demonstrated on data provided by five laboratories, each supplying GC-MS measurements on the detection of clenbuterol, dienestrol and 19 beta-nortestosterone in urine. The proposed model shows a better performance than confirmation by using the current criteria and provides a statistical basis for inspection criteria in terms of error probabilities.p>


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Self-potential and spectral induced polarization responses associated with microbial processes involved in sulphate reduction have been monitored in a Perspex Winogradsky column filled with glass beads and growth medium. Salt-bridge is utilized as an electrolytic contact between experiment and control column. Equally spaced SP electrodes are used in combination of Ag-AgCl electrodes to compare electrodic and SP signals associated with the microbial processes involved in sulphate reduction. This study reveals that magnitude of SP varies from 5 to -2 mV and Electrodic potential 0 to -20 mV at the time of domination (day 39) of sulphate reducing bacteria which are very small in comparison to those measured by fixing both measuring and reference Ag-AgCl electrodes in experiment column. We observed that real and imaginary parts of complex conductivities increase with increase in production of H2S and CO in the experiment column. Both real and imaginary parts of surface complex conductivity vary at low frequencies similar to typical growth curve of bacterial population. Sodium lactate as a carbon source, dissolved in Lagan River water was flushed into the column for biostimulation on 144th day. The dissolved oxygen in flushed fluid might have killed the anaerobes in the column and decrease in complex conductivities similar to death phase of bacteria is observed for one week. The results obtained from this experiment should contribute to further understanding the biogeophysical responses involved in complex environments.

Read More: http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/segj092009-001.57


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Introduction : Insulation defects with externalized conductors have been reported in the St. Jude Riata(®) family of defibrillation leads (St. Jude Medical, Sylmar, CA, USA). The objective of the Northern Ireland Riata(®) lead screening program was to identify insulation defects and externalized conductors by systematic fluoroscopic and electrical assessment in a prospectively defined cohort of patients. We sought to estimate the prevalence, identify risk factors, and determine the natural history of this abnormality. Methods : All patients with a Riata(®) lead under follow-up at the Royal Victoria Hospital were invited for fluoroscopic imaging and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator lead parameter checks. Fluoroscopic images were read independently by two cardiologists and the presence of externalized conductors was classified as positive, negative, or borderline. Results: One hundred and sixty-five of 212 patients with a Riata lead were evaluated by fluoroscopy and lead parameter measurements. The mean duration after implantation was 3.98+/-1.43 years. After screening 25 (15%) patients were classified as positive, 137 (83%) negative, and three (1.8%) borderline. Time since implantation (P = 0.001), presence of a single coil lead (P = 0.042), and patient age (P = 0.034) were significantly associated with externalized conductors. The observed rate of externalized conductors was 26.9% for 8-French and 4.7% for 7-French leads. No leads that were identified prospectively with externalized conductors had electrical abnormalities. Seven of 25 (28%) patients had a defective lead extracted by the end of this screening period. Conclusion: A significant proportion (15%) of patients with a Riata lead had an insulation breach 4 years after implantation. High-resolution fluoroscopic imaging in at least two orthogonal views is required to identify this abnormality. (PACE 2012;35:1498-1504).


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<p>Objectives To examine whether exposure to workplace stressors predicts changes in physical activity and the risk of insufficient physical activity.p><p>Methods Prospective data from the Finnish Public Sector Study. Repeated exposure to low job control, high job demands, low effort, low rewards and compositions of these (job strain and effort-reward imbalance) were assessed at Time 1 (2000-2002) and Time 2 (2004). Insufficient physical activity (<14 metabolic equivalent task hours per week) was measured at Time 1 and Time 3 (2008). The effect of change in workplace stressors on change in physical activity was examined using fixed-effects (within-subject) logistic regression models (N=6665). In addition, logistic regression analysis was applied to examine the associations between repeated exposure to workplace stressors and insufficient physical activity (N=13 976). In these analyses, coworker assessed workplace stressor scores were used in addition to individual level scores.p><p>Results The proportion of participants with insufficient physical activity was 24% at baseline and 26% at follow-up. 19% of the participants who were sufficiently active at baseline became insufficiently active at follow-up. In the fixed-effect analysis, an increase in workplace stress was weakly related to an increase in physical inactivity within an individual. In between-subjects analysis, employees with repeated exposure to low job control and low rewards were more likely to be insufficiently active at follow-up than those with no reports of these stressors; fully adjusted ORs ranged from 1.11 (95% CI 1.00 to 1.24) to 1.21 (95% CI 1.05 to 1.39).p><p>Conclusions Workplace stress is associated with a slightly increased risk of physical inactivity.p>


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We use images of high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution, obtained using both ground- and space-based instrumentation, to investigate the coupling between wave phenomena observed at numerous heights in the solar atmosphere. Analysis of 4170 Å continuum images reveals small-scale umbral intensity enhancements, with diameters ~0."6, lasting in excess of 30 minutes. Intensity oscillations of ˜3 minutes are observed to encompass these photospheric structures, with power at least three orders of magnitude higher than the surrounding umbra. Simultaneous chromospheric velocity and intensity time series reveal an 87?±8? out-of-phase behavior, implying the presence of standing modes created as a result of partial wave re?ection at the transition region boundary. We ?nd a maximum waveguide inclination angle of˜40? between photospheric and chromospheric heights, combined with a radial expansion factor of <76%. An average blueshifted Doppler velocity of ˜1.5 km s-1, in addition to a time lag between photospheric and chromospheric oscillatory phenomena, con?rms the presence of upwardly propagating slow-mode waves in the lower solar atmosphere. Propagating oscillations in EUV intensity are detected in simultaneous coronal fan structures, with a periodicity of 172±17 s and a propagation velocity of 45±7 km s-1. Numerical simulations reveal that the damping of the magnetoacoustic wave trains is dominated by thermal conduction. The coronal fans are seen to anchor into the photosphere in locations where large-amplitude umbral dot (UD) oscillations manifest. Derived kinetic temperature and emission measure time series display prominent outof-phase characteristics, and when combined with the previously established sub-sonic wave speeds, we conclude that the observed EUV waves are the coronal counterparts of the upwardly propagating magnetoacoustic slow modes detected in the lower solar atmosphere. Thus, for the ?rst time, we reveal how the propagation of 3 minute magnetoacoustic waves in solar coronal structures is a direct result of amplitude enhancements occurring in photospheric UDs.photospheric UDs.


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<p>In the preparation of silica-supported nickel oxide from nickel nitrate impregnation and drying, the replacement of the traditional air calcination step by a thermal treatment in 1% NO/Ar prevents agglomeration, resulting in highly dispersed NiO. The mechanism by which NO prevents agglomeration was investigated by using combined in situ diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). After impregnation and drying, a supported nickel hydroxynitrate phase with composition Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) had been formed. Comparison of the evolution of the decomposition gases during the thermal decomposition of Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) in labeled and unlabeled NO and O(2) revealed that NO scavenges oxygen radicals, forming NO(2). The DRIFT spectra revealed that the surface speciation evolved differently in the presence of NO as compared with in O(2) or Ar. It is proposed that oxygen scavenging by NO depletes the Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) phase of nitrate groups, creating nucleation sites for the formation of NiO, which leads to very small (similar to 4 nm) NiO particles and prevents agglomeration.p>


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Cushing's syndrome (CS) is a disorder associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to prolonged exposure to high cortisol concentrations.


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We report on our discovery and observations of the Pan-STARRS1 supernova (SN) PS1-12sk, a transient with properties that indicate atypical star formation in its host galaxy cluster or pose a challenge to popular progenitor system models for this class of explosion. The optical spectra of PS1-12sk classify it as a Type Ibn SN (c.f. SN 2006jc), dominated by intermediate-width (3x10^3 km/s) and time variable He I emission. Our multi-wavelength monitoring establishes the rise time dt = 9-23 days and shows an NUV-NIR SED with temperature > 17x10^3 K and a peak rise magnitude of Mz = -18.9 mag. SN Ibn spectroscopic properties are commonly interpreted as the signature of a massive star (17 - 100 M_sun) explosion within a He-enriched circumstellar medium. However, unlike previous Type Ibn supernovae, PS1-12sk is associated with an elliptical brightest cluster galaxy, CGCG 208-042 (z = 0.054) in cluster RXC J0844.9+4258. The expected probability of an event like PS1-12sk in such environments is low given the measured infrequency of core-collapse SNe in red sequence galaxies compounded by the low volumetric rate of SN Ibn. Furthermore, we find no evidence of star formation at the explosion site to sensitive limits (Sigma Halpha