267 resultados para Absalon, abp., 1128-1201.


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The mobile element IS256 causes phase variation of biofilm formation in Staphylococcus epidermidis by insertion and precise excision from the icaADBC operon. Precise excision, i.e., removal of the target site duplications (TSDs) and restoration of the original DNA sequence, occurs rarely but independently of functional transposase. Instead, the integrity of the TSDs is crucial for precise excision. Excision increased significantly when the TSDs were brought into closer spatial proximity, suggesting that excision is a host-driven process that might involve most likely illegitimate recombination.


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Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency is caused by mutations in a-tocopherol transfer protein (a-TTP) gene and it can be experimentally generated in mice by a-TTP gene inactivation (a-TTP-KO). This study compared a-tocopherol (a-T) concentrations of five brain regions and of four peripheral organs from 5 months old, male and female, wild-type (WT) and a-TTP-KO mice. All brain regions of female WT mice contained significantly higher a-T than those from WT males. a-T concentration in the cerebellum was significantly lower than that in other brain regions of WT mice. These sex and regional differences in brain a-T concentrations do not appear to be determined by a-TTP expression which was undetectable in all brain regions. All the brain regions of a-TTP-KO mice were severely depleted in a-T. The concentration of another endogenous antioxidant, total glutathione, was unaffected by gender but was decreased slightly but significantly in most brain regions of a-TTP-KO mice. The results show that both gender and the hepatic a-TTP, but not brain a-TTP gene expression are important in determining a-T concentrations within the brain. Interestingly, functional abnormality (ataxia) develops only very late in a-TTP-KO mice in spite of the severe a-tocopherol deficiency in the brain starting at an early age.


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Proper application of stable isotopes (e. g., delta N-15 and delta C-13) to food web analysis requires an understanding of all nondietary factors that contribute to isotopic variability. Lipid extraction is often used during stable isotope analysis (SIA), because synthesized lipids have a low delta C-13 and can mask the delta C-13 of a consumer's diet. Recent studies indicate that lipid extraction intended to adjust delta C-13 may also cause shifts in delta N-15, but the magnitude of and reasons for the shift are highly uncertain. We examined a large data set (n = 854) for effects of lipid extraction (using Bligh and dyer's [ 1959] chloroform-methanol solvent mixtures) on the delta N-15 of aquatic consumers. We found no effect of chemically extracting lipids on the delta N-15 of whole zooplankton, unionid mussels, and fish liver samples, and found a small increase in fish muscle delta N-15 of similar to 0.4%. We also detected a negative relationship between the shift in delta N-15 following extraction and the C:N ratio in muscle tissue, suggesting that effects of extraction were greater for tissue with lower lipid content. As long as appropriate techniques such as those from Bligh and dyer (1959) are used, effects of lipid extraction on delta N-15 of aquatic consumers need not be a major consideration in the SIA of food webs.


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Objective: To investigate strain and mental health among family caregivers of oesophageal cancer patients and possible factors associated with caregiver mental health and strain.

Methods: Patients with oesophageal adenocarcinoma in Ireland were recruited into the FINBAR study (the main aim of which was to investigate factors influencing the Barrett's adenocarcinoma relationship). Carers completed the 13-item Caregiver Strain Index and the General Health Questionnaire-30 (GHQ) in the context of a brief interview with trained research staff that was undertaken separately from the interview with each cancer patient.

Results: Two hundred and twenty-seven patients participated in the FINBAR study. A total of 39 patients did not have a family carer or the carer could not be identified. Fifty percent (94/188) of carers completed the questionnaires. Mean (SD) scores for strain (6.65, SD=3.63) and mental health status (10.21, SD=7.30) were high and 71% of carers scored >5 on the GHQ indicating psychological distress. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between level of strain experienced by caregivers and the severity of their mental health status and whether or not carers scored >5 on the GHQ. Relatives were 1.70 (95% CI 1.34-2.15) times more likely to be defined as high scorers with each unit increase in the CSI score.

Conclusions: A significant proportion of caregivers experienced high levels of strain and psychological distress. There is a need to provide appropriate support and services targeted specifically at reducing the considerable strain of caring for patients with oesophageal cancer, particularly for carers of patients from lower socioeconomic groups.


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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), a member of the Picornaviridae, is a pathogen of cloven-hoofed animals and causes a disease of major economic importance. Picornavirus-infected cells show changes in cell morphology and rearrangement of cytoplasmic membranes, which are a consequence of virus replication. We show here, by confocal immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, that the changes in morphology of FMDV-infected cells involve changes in the distribution of microtubule and intermediate filament components during infection. Despite the continued presence of centrosomes in infected cells, there is a loss of tethering of microtubules to the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) region. Loss of labeling for -tubulin, but not pericentrin, from the MTOC suggests a targeting of -tubulin (or associated proteins) rather than a total breakdown in MTOC structure. The identity of the FMDV protein(s) responsible was determined by the expression of individual viral nonstructural proteins and their precursors in uninfected cells. We report that the only viral nonstructural protein able to reproduce the loss of -tubulin from the MTOC and the loss of integrity of the microtubule system is FMDV 3Cpro. In contrast, infection of cells with another picornavirus, bovine enterovirus, did not affect -tubulin distribution, and the microtubule network remained relatively unaffected.


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Nidoviruses (arteriviruses, coronaviruses, and roniviruses) are a phylogenetically compact but diverse group of positive-strand RNA viruses that includes important human and animal pathogens. Nidovirus RNA synthesis is mediated by a cytoplasmic membrane-associated replication/transcription complex that includes up to 16 viral nonstructural proteins (nsps), which carry common enzymatic activities, like the viral RNA polymerase, but also unusual and poorly understood RNA-processing functions. Of these, a conserved endoribonuclease (NendoU) is a major genetic marker that is unique to nidoviruses. NendoU activity was previously verified in vitro for the coronavirus nsp15, but not for any of its distantly related orthologs from other nidovirus lineages, like the arterivirus nsp11. Here, we show that the bacterially expressed nsp11 proteins of two arteriviruses, equine arteritis virus and porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus, possess pyrimidine-specific endoribonuclease activity. RNA cleavage was independent of divalent cations in vitro and was greatly reduced by replacement of residues previously implicated in catalysis. Comparative characterization of the NendoU activity in arteriviruses and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus revealed common and distinct features of their substrate requirements and reaction mechanism. Our data provide the first biochemical evidence of endoribonuclease activity associated with arterivirus nsp11 and support the conclusion that this remarkable RNA-processing enzyme, whose substrate in the infected cell remains to be identified, distinguishes nidoviruses from all other RNA viruses.


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We recently described a sonication technique for the diagnosis of prosthetic knee and hip infections. We compared periprosthetic tissue culture to implant sonication followed by sonicate fluid culture for the diagnosis of prosthetic shoulder infection. One hundred thirty-six patients undergoing arthroplasty revision or resection were studied; 33 had definite prosthetic shoulder infections and 2 had probable prosthetic shoulder infections. Sonicate fluid culture was more sensitive than periprosthetic tissue culture for the detection of definite prosthetic shoulder infection (66.7 and 54.5%, respectively; P = 0.046). The specificities were similar (98.0% and 95.1%, respectively; P = 0.26). Propionibacterium acnes was the commonest species detected among culture-positive definite prosthetic shoulder infection cases by periprosthetic tissue culture (38.9%) and sonicate fluid culture (40.9%). All subjects from whom P. acnes was isolated from sonicate fluid were male. We conclude that sonicate fluid culture is useful for the diagnosis of prosthetic shoulder infection.


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The antibacterial activities of 18 naturally occurring compounds (including essential oils and some of their isolated constituents, apple and green tea polyphenols, and other plant extracts) against three strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (a bovine isolate [NCTC 8578], a raw-milk isolate [806R], and a human isolate [ATCC 43015]) were evaluated using a macrobroth susceptibility testing method. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was grown in 4 ml Middlebrook 7H9 broth containing 10% oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase, 0.05% Tween 80 (or 0.2% glycerol), and 2 µg/ml mycobactin J supplemented with five concentrations of each test compound. The changes in the optical densities of the cultures at 600 nm as a measure of CFU were recorded at intervals over an incubation period of 42 days at 37°C. Six of the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The most effective compound was trans-cinnamaldehyde, with a MIC of 25.9 µg/ml, followed by cinnamon oil (26.2 µg/ml), oregano oil (68.2 µg/ml), carvacrol (72.2 µg/ml), 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (74 µg/ml), and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde (90.4 µg/ml). With the exception of carvacrol, a phenolic compound, three of the four most active compounds are aldehydes, suggesting that the structure of the phenolic group or the aldehyde group may be important to the antibacterial activity. No difference in compound activity was observed between the three M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains studied. Possible mechanisms of the antimicrobial effects are discussed.