74 resultados para computational fluid dynamics (CFD)


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The flowfield around a supersonic projectile using a pin actuator control method has been predicted using computational fluid dynamics. It has been predicted using both viscous and inviscid methods for a number of positions. Both methods showed that an optimal longitudinal position exists. However, the inviscid model over-predicted the lateral acceleration due to the difference in shock formation around the pin between the two approaches. The optimal location was predicted independent of solver, however the higher-fidelity solver predicted lower achievable lateral accelerations. This is due to the viscous interactions caused by the pin. The effect of projectile orientation has shown that shielding the pin leads to reduced effectiveness due to the wake of the fin enveloping the pin. When the pin is exposed to onset flow, the forces achieved are increased. There is also an increase in the achievable forces and moments with increasing Mach number.


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Flutter prediction as currently practiced is almost always deterministic in nature, based on a single structural model that is assumed to represent a fleet of aircraft. However, it is also recognized that there can be significant structural variability, even for different flights of the same aircraft. The safety factor used for flutter clearance is in part meant to account for this variability. Simulation tools can, however, represent the consequences of structural variability in the flutter predictions, providing extra information that could be useful in planning physical tests and assessing risk. The main problem arising for this type of calculation when using high-fidelity tools based on computational fluid dynamics is the computational cost. The current paper uses an eigenvalue-based stability method together with Euler-level aerodynamics and different methods for propagating structural variability to stability predictions. The propagation methods are Monte Carlo, perturbation, and interval analysis. The feasibility of this type of analysis is demonstrated. Results are presented for the Goland wing and a generic fighter configuration.


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A method is described to allow searches for transonic aeroelastic instability of realistically sized aircraft models in multidimensional parameter spaces when computational fluid dynamics are used to model the aerodynamics. Aeroelastic instability is predicted from a small nonlinear eigenvalue problem. The approximation of the computationally expensive interaction term modeling the fluid response is formulated to allow the automated and blind search for aeroelastic instability. The approximation uses a kriging interpolation of exact numerical samples covering the parameter space. The approach, demonstrated for the Goland wing and the multidisciplinary optimization transport wing, results in stability analyses over whole flight envelopes at an equivalent cost of several steady-state simulations.


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In this paper the use of eigenvalue stability analysis of very large dimension aeroelastic numerical models arising from the exploitation of computational fluid dynamics is reviewed. A formulation based on a block reduction of the system Jacobian proves powerful to allow various numerical algorithms to be exploited, including frequency domain solvers, reconstruction of a term describing the fluid–structure interaction from the sparse data which incurs the main computational cost, and sampling to place the expensive samples where they are most needed. The stability formulation also allows non-deterministic analysis to be carried out very efficiently through the use of an approximate Newton solver. Finally, the system eigenvectors are exploited to produce nonlinear and parameterised reduced order models for computing limit cycle responses. The performance of the methods is illustrated with results from a number of academic and large dimension aircraft test cases.


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Decreasing the constriction size and residence time in hydrodynamic cavitation is predicted to give increased hot spot temperatures at bubble collapse and increased radical formation rate. Cavitation in a 100 x 100 mu m(2) rectangular micro channel and in a circular 750 mu m diameter milli channel has been investigated with computational fluid dynamics software and with imaging and radical production experiments. No radical production has been measured in the micro channel. This is probably because there is no spherically symmetrical collapse of the gas pockets in the channel which yield high hot spot temperatures. The potassium iodide oxidation yield in the presence of chlorohydrocarbons in the milli channel of up to 60 nM min(-1) is comparable to values reported on hydrodynamic cavitation in literature, but lower than values for ultrasonic cavitation. These small constrictions can create high apparent cavitation collapse frequencies.


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In this paper, the results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow, temperature, and concentration distributions used in the design of a microreactor for the high-throughput screening of catalytic coatings (Mies et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2004, 101, 225) are compared with experimental data, and good agreement is obtained in all cases. The experimental results on flow distribution were obtained from laser Doppler anemometry measurements in the range of Reynolds numbers from 6 to 113. The measured flow nonuniformity in the separate reactor compartments was below 2%. The temperature distribution was obtained from thermocouple measurements. The temperature nonuniformity between the reactor compartments was below 3 K at a maximum heat production rate of 1.3 W in ethylene oxidation at 425 degrees C over CuO/Al2O3/Al coatings. With respect to concentration gradients, a deviation from the average rate of reaction of only 2.3% was obtained at realistic process conditions in the ethylene ammoxidation process over identical Co-ZSM-5 coatings in all reactor compartments. The cross talking noise between separate compartments does not exceed 0.1% when the reactor parts have a smooth surface finish. This illustrates the importance of ultraprecision machining of surfaces in microtechnology, when interfaces cannot be avoided.


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To enhance the uniformity of fluid flow distribution in microreactors, a header configuration consisting of a cone diffuser connected to a thick-walled screen has been proposed. The thick-walled screen consists of two sections: the upstream section constitutes a set of elongated parallel upstream channels and the downstream section constitutes a set of elongated parallel downstream channels positioned at an angle of 90 with respect to the upstream channels. In this approach the problem of flow, equalization reduces to that of flow equalization in the first and second downstream channels of the thick-walled screen. In turn, this requires flow equalization in the corresponding cross sections of the upstream channels. The computational fluid dynamics analysis of the fluid flow maldistribution shows that eight parallel upstream channels with a width of 300-600 pm are required per 1 cm of length for flow equalization. The length to width ratio of these channels has to be > 15. The numerical results suggest that the proposed header-configuration can effectively improve the performance of the downstream microstructured devices, decreasing the ratio of the maximum flow velocity to the mean flow velocity from 2 to 1.005 for a wide range of Reynolds numbers (0.5-10). 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AlChE J, 53: 28-38, 2007.


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This study evaluates the implementation of Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model within the CFX12 solver for turbulent transition prediction on a natural laminar flow nacelle. Some challenges associated with this type of modeling have been identified. The computational fluid dynamics transitional flow simulation results are presented for a series of cruise cases with freestream Mach numbers ranging from 0.8 to 0.88, angles of attack from 2 to 0 degrees, and mass flow ratios from 0.60 to 0.75. These were validated with a series of wind-tunnel tests on the nacelle by comparing the predicted and experimental surface pressure distributions and transition locations. A selection of the validation cases are presented in this paper. In all cases, computational fluid dynamics simulations agreed reasonably well with the experiments. The results indicate that Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model is capable of predicting laminar boundary-layer transition to turbulence on a nacelle. Nonetheless, some limitations exist in both the Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model and in the implementation of the computational fluid dynamics model. The implementation of a more comprehensive experimental correlation in Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model, preferably the ones from nacelle experiments, including the effects of compressibility and streamline curvature, is necessary for an accurate transitional flow simulation on a nacelle. In addition, improvements to the computational fluid dynamics model are also suggested, including the consideration of varying distributed surface roughness and an appropriate empirical correction derived from nacelle experimental transition location data.


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Bottom hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converters (OWSCs) are efficient devices for extracting power from ocean waves. There is limited knowledge about wave slamming on such devices. This paper deals with numerical studies of wave slamming on an oscillating flap to investigate the mechanism of slamming events. In our model, the Navier–Stokes equations are discretized using the Finite Volume method with the Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach for interface capturing. Waves are generated by a flaptype wave maker in the numerical wave tank, and the dynamic mesh method is applied to model the motion of the oscillating flap. Basic mesh and time step refinement studies are performed. The flow characteristics in a slamming event are analysed based on numerical results. Various simulations with different flap densities, water depths and wave amplitudes are performed for a better understanding of the slamming.


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Wave impacts on an oscillating wave surge converter are examined using experimental and numerical methods. The mechanics of the impact event are identified experimentally with the use of images recorded with a high-speed camera. It is shown that it is the device that impacts the wave rather than a breaking wave impacting the device. Numerical simulations using two different approaches are used to further understand the issue. Good agreement is shown between numerical simulations and experimental measurements at 25th scale.


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The Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) toolbox OpenFOAM is used to assess the applicability of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solvers to the simulation of Oscillating Wave Surge Converters (OWSC) in significant waves. Simulation of these flap type devices requires the solution of the equations of motion and the representation of the OWSC’s motion in a moving mesh. A new way to simulate the sea floor inside a section of the moving mesh with a moving dissipation zone is presented. To assess the accuracy of the new solver, experiments are conducted in regular and irregular wave traces for a full three dimensional model. Results of acceleration and flow features are presented for numerical and experimental data. It is found that the new numerical model reproduces experimental results within the bounds of experimental accuracy.


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Wave impacts on an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter are examined using experimental and numerical methods. The mechanics of the impact event are identified experimentally with the use of images recorded with a high speed camera. It is shown that it is the device which impacts the wave rather than a breaking wave impacting the device. Numerical simulations using two different approaches are used to further understand the issue. Good agreement is shown between numerical simulations and experimental measurements at 25th scale.


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Double Skin Façades (DSFs) are becoming increasingly popular architecture for commercial office buildings. Although DSFs are widely accepted to have the capacity to offer significant passive benefits and enable low energy building performance, there remains a paucity of knowledge with regard to their operation. Identification of the most determinant architectural parameters of DSFs is the focus of ongoing research. This paper presents an experimental and simulation study of a DSF installed on a commercial building in Dublin, Ireland. The DSF is south facing and acts to buffer the building from winter heat losses, but risks enhancing over-heating on sunny days. The façade is extensively monitored during winter months. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) models are used to simulate the convective operation of the DSF. This research concludes DSFs as suited for passive, low energy architecture in temperature climates such as Ireland but identifies issues requiring attention in DSF design.


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Oscillating wave surge converters are a promising technology to harvest ocean wave energy in the near shore region. Although research has been going on for many years, the characteristics of the wave action on the structure and especially the phase relation between the driving force and wave quantities like velocity or surface elevation have not been investigated in detail. The main reason for this is the lack of suitable methods. Experimental investigations using tank tests do not give direct access to overall hydrodynamic loads, only damping torque of a power take off system can be measured directly. Non-linear computational fluid dynamics methods have only recently been applied in the research of this type of devices. This paper presents a new metric named wave torque, which is the total hydrodynamic torque minus the still water pitch stiffness at any given angle of rotation. Changes in characteristics of that metric over a wave cycle and for different power take off settings are investigated using computational fluid dynamics methods. Firstly, it is shown that linearised methods cannot predict optimum damping in typical operating states of OWSCs. We then present phase relationships between main kinetic parameters for different damping levels. Although the flap seems to operate close to resonance, as predicted by linear theory, no obvious condition defining optimum damping is found.


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A novel surrogate model is proposed in lieu of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code for fast nonlinear aerodynamic modeling. First, a nonlinear function is identified on selected interpolation points defined by discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM). The flow field is then reconstructed by a least square approximation of flow modes extracted by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The proposed model is applied in the prediction of limit cycle oscillation for a plunge/pitch airfoil and a delta wing with linear structural model, results are validate against a time accurate CFD-FEM code. The results show the model is able to replicate the aerodynamic forces and flow fields with sufficient accuracy while requiring a fraction of CFD cost.