120 resultados para Vinyl chloride.


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he influence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) plasticiser content and molecular weight on the physicochemical properties of films cast from aqueous blends of poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) was investigated using thermal analysis, swelling studies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and attenuated total reflectance (ATR)-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. FTIR spectroscopy revealed a shift of the CO peak from 1708 to 1731 cm-1, indicating that an esterification reaction had occurred upon heating, thus producing crosslinked films. Higher molecular weight PEGs (10,000 and 1000 Da, respectively), having greater chain length, producing hydrogel networks with lower crosslink densities and higher average molecular weight between two consecutive crosslinks. Accordingly, such materials exhibited higher swelling rates. Hydrogels crosslinked with a low molecular weight PEG (PEG 200) showed rigid networks with high crosslink densities and, therefore, lower swelling rates. Polymer:plasticizer ratio alteration did not yield any discernable patterns, regardless of the method of analysis. The polymer–water interaction parameter (?) increased with increases in the crosslink density. SEM studies showed that porosity of the crosslinked films increased with increasing PEG MW, confirming what had been observed with swelling studies and thermal analysis, that the crosslink density must be decreased as the Mw of the crosslinker is increased. Hydrogels containing PMVE/MA/PEG 10,000 could be used for rapid delivery of drug, due to their low crosslink density. Moderately crosslinked PMVE/MA/PEG 1000 hydrogels or highly crosslinked PMVE/MA/PEG 200 systems could then be used in controlling the drug delivery rates. We are currently evaluating these systems, both alone and in combination, for use in sustained release drug delivery devices.


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The development of a reflective, gold-coated long-period grating-based sensor for the measurement of chloride ions in solution is discussed. The sensor scheme is based around a long-period fiber grating (LPG)-based Michelson interferometer where the sensor was calibrated and evaluated in the laboratory using sodium chloride solutions, over a wide range of concentrations, from 0.01 to 4.00 M. The grating response creates shifts in the spectral characteristic of the interferometer, formed using the LPG and a reflective surface on the distal end of the fiber, due to the change of refracting index of the solution surrounding it. It was found that the sensitivity of the device could be enhanced over that obtained from a bare fiber by coating the LPG-based interferometer with gold nanoparticles and the results of a cross-comparison of performance were obtained and details discussed. The approach will be explored as a basis to create a portable, low-power device, developed with the potential for installation in concrete structures to determine the ingress of chloride ions, operating through monitoring the refractive index change.


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A novel UV dosimeter is described comprising a tetrazolium dye, neotetrazolium chloride (NTC), dissolved in a film of polymer, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The dosimeter is pale yellow/colourless in the absence of UV light, and turns red upon exposure to UV light. The spectral characteristics of a typical UV dosimeter film and the mechanism through which the colour change occurs are detailed. The NTC UV dosimeter films exhibit a response to UV light that is related to the intensity and duration of UV exposure, the level of dye present in the films and the thickness of the films themselves. The response of the dosimeter is temperature independent over the range 20-40 degrees C and, like most UV dosimeters, exhibits a cosine-like response dependence upon irradiance angle. The introduction of a layer of a UV-screening compound which slows the rate at which the dosimeter responds to UVR enables the dosimeter response to be tailored to different UV doses. The possible use of these novel dosimeters to measure solar UV exposure dose is discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ruthenium(II) diimine complexes, such as ruthenium(II) tris( bipyridyl), Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), possess highly luminescent excited states that are not only readily quenched by oxygen but also by an increase in temperature. The former effect can be rendered insignificant by encapsulating the complex in an oxygen impermeable polymer, although encapsulation often leads also to a loss of temperature sensitivity. The luminescence properties of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) encapsulated in PVA were studied as a function of oxygen concentration and temperature and found to be independent of the former, but still very sensitive towards the latter. The results were fitted to an established Arrhenius-type equation, based on thermal quenching of the emitting state by a slightly higher (Delta E = 3100 cm(-1)) (3)d-d state that deactivates very rapidly (10(-13) s) via a non-radiative process.


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Thin (50-500 nm) films of TiO2 may be deposited on glass substrates by the atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) reaction of TiCl4 with ethyl acetate at 400600 C. The TiO2 films are exclusively in the form of anatase, as established by Raman microscopy and glancing angle X-ray diffraction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy gave a 1:2 Ti:O ratio with Ti 2P(3/2) at 458.6 eV and O 1s is at 530.6 eV. The water droplet contact angle drops from 60degrees to


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C-60 is more effective than graphite or diamond as a redox catalyst for the oxidation of chloride to chlorine by cerie ions.


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A number of different carbon blacks are tested for activity as chlorine catalysts in the oxidation of chloride (2 mol dm-3 in 0.5 mol dm-3 H2SO4) to chlorine by Ce(IV) ions, that is,


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A number of different, characterised, supported and unsupported oxides of Ru(IV) and Ir(IV) have been tested for activity as a chlorine catalyst in the oxidation of brine by Ce(IV) ions. All the different materials tested gave yields of chlorine of > 90% and first-order kinetics for the reduction of the Ce(IV) ions. The samples prepared by the Adams method were the most active of the materials tested and are typified by high surface areas and appreciable activities per unit area. The kinetics of the catalysed reduction of Ce(IV) ions by brine were studied in detail using an Ru(IV) oxide prepared by the Adams method and supported on TiO2 and the results were rationalised in terms of an electrochemical model in which the rate-determining step is the diffusion-controlled reduction of Ce(IV) ions. In support of this model the measured activation energies for the oxidation of brine by Ce(IV) ions, catalysed by either a supported or unsupported Adams catalyst, were both close (18-21 kJ mol-1) to that expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction (ca. 15 kJ mol-1).


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This study reports the effects of: the molecular weight ratio of poly(epsilon -caprolactone) (PCL) in blends containing polymer of high (50 000 g mol(-1)) and low (4000 g mol(-1)) molecular weight; the concentration (0, 1, and 5 wt-%) of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone/iodine) (PVP/I); and storage at 30 degreesC and 75% relative humidity; on the thermomechanical properties of films prepared by solvent evaporation from solutions containing both PCL and PVP/I. The tensile properties were found to be statistically dependent on the molecular weight ratio of PCL but not on the concentration of PVP/I. The reductions in tensile strength and elongation at break associated with increasing amounts of low molecular weight PCL were attributed to a reduction in the concentration of chain entanglements. No changes were observed in viscoelastic properties or the glass transition temperature. Following storage there were no changes in the tensile strength, glass transition temperature, or viscoelastic properties of the films; however, significant reductions in elongation at break were observed. It is suggested that this is due to hydrolytic chain scission of amorphous PCL. Inclusion of 5 wt-% PVP/I increased this process in films containing 100:0 and 80:20 high/low molecular weight PCL (but not 60.40), but the extent of this was small. This study highlighted significant aging properties of PCL in a moist atmosphere. Consequently, it is recommended that suitable packaging materials should be employed to control the exposure of PCL films to water during storage.