100 resultados para Simulated temperature and precipitation change


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This article considers cows and dairying as the basis a17of value system in early societies, particularly in Ireland. Only in a very few instances is it possible to demonstrate that such systems existed. When it does, it can be shown that cows and dairying were imbedded in the social or religious institutions of these cultures. Cattle had a value and meaning much greater than their economic worth in terms of food, hides, tallow etc. Such a systems, however, does not allow economic development as dairy produce does not easily lend itself to the production, and accumulation, of significant surplus nor is dairy produce particularly suitable for economic expansion based on trade. Its perishable nature militates against both roles. In order to develop political power that is based on economic power and wealth it is necessary to change the emphasis from livestock to cereal production.


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Temperature loggers were attached to the carapace of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Ascension Island and Cyprus and to loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) at Cyprus, in order to record the ambient temperature experienced by individuals during the internesting interval, i.e. the period between consecutive clutches being laid. Internesting intervals were relatively short (10-14 days) and mean ambient temperatures relatively warm (27-28degreesC), compared to previous observations for these species nesting in Japan, although a single internesting interval versus temperature relationship described all the data for these two species from the different areas. The implication is that water temperature has both a common and a profound effect on the length of the internesting interval for these two species: internesting intervals are shorter when the water is warmer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The localized deposition of the energy of a laser pulse, as it ablates a solid target, introduces high thermal pressure gradients in the plasma. The thermal expansion of this laser-heated plasma into the ambient medium (ionized residual gas) triggers the formation of non-linear structures in the collisionless plasma. Here an electron-proton plasma is modelled with a particle-in-cell simulation to reproduce aspects of this plasma expansion. A jump is introduced in the thermal pressure of the plasma, across which the otherwise spatially uniform temperature and density change by a factor of 100. The electrons from the hot plasma expand into the cold one and the charge imbalance drags a beam of cold electrons into the hot plasma. This double layer reduces the electron temperature gradient. The presence of the low-pressure plasma modifies the proton dynamics compared with the plasma expansion into a vacuum. The jump in the thermal pressure develops into a primary shock. The fast protons, which move from the hot into the cold plasma in the form of a beam, give rise to the formation of phase space holes in the electron and proton distributions. The proton phase space holes develop into a secondary shock that thermalizes the beam.


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Published contemporary dinoflagellate distributional data from the NE Pacific margin and estuarine environments (n = 136) were re-analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and partial Canonical Correspondence Analysis (pCCA). These analyses illustrated the dominant controls of winter temperature and productivity on the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in this region. Dinoflagellate cyst-based predictive models for winter temperature and productivity were developed from the contemporary distributional data using the modern analogue technique and applied to subfossil data from two mid to late Holocene (~5500 calendar years before present–present) cores; TUL99B03 and TUL99B11, collected from Effingham Inlet, a 15 km long anoxic fjord located on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island that directly opens to the Pacific Ocean through Barkley Sound. Sedimentation within these basins largely comprises annually deposited laminated couplets, each made up of a winter deposited terrigenous layer and spring to fall deposited diatomaceous layer. The Effingham Inlet dinoflagellate cyst record provides evidence of a mid-Holocene gradual decline in winter SST, ending with the initiation of neoglacial advances in the region by ~3500 cal BP. A reconstructed Late Holocene increase in winter SST was initiated by a weakening of the California Current, which would have resulted in a warmer central gyre and more El Niño-like conditions.


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The inclusion of a synthetic fluoromica clay in PET affects its processability via biaxial stretching and stretching temperature (95 °C and 102 °C) and strain rate (1 s-1 and 2 s-1) influence the structuring and properties of the stretched material. The inclusion of clay has little effect on the temperature operating window for the PET–clay but it has a major effect on deformation behaviour which will necessitate the use of much higher forming forces during processing. The strain hardening behaviour of both the filled and unfilled materials is well correlated with tensile strength and tensile modulus. Increasing the stretching temperature to reduce stretching forces has a detrimental effect on clay exfoliation, mechanical and O2 barrier properties. Increasing strain rate has a lesser effect on the strain hardening behaviour of the PET–clay compared with the pure PET and this is attributed to possible adiabatic heating in the PET–clay sample at the higher strain rate. The Halpin–Tsai model is shown to accurately predict the modulus enhancement of the PET–clay materials when a modified particle modulus rather than nominal clay modulus is used.


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This paper discusses the marine and terrestrial shell on Epipalaeolithic to Classical-period sites in the Cyrenaican coastlands, northeast Libya, with particular reference to the Haua Fteah, with parallel studies at a late-Roman farmstead and two small caves. Together they provide evidence for coastal and terrestrial environments and for the continued nutritional importance of gastropods to humans during the Holocene. Land snail evidence is consistent with regional vegetation in coastal Cyrenaica becoming increasingly open through the Holocene, as a result of some combination of climate change and human impact. Marine species suggest that the coastline near the Haua had been rocky throughout the Holocene. At Hagfet al-Gama, changing faunas provide evidence for sand encroachment onto a previously rocky shoreline in Hellenistic times. A biometric study of Osilinus turbinatus shows that in the archaeological sites these shells are systematically smaller than modern specimens, providing evidence for long-term dietary stress in the human populations around the Haua Fteah, with particularly severe stress in parts of the Epipalaeolithic. A biometric study of Patella spp. provided evidence for size selection, but also seems to show evidence for resource pressure. It is unlikely that variations in resource pressure seen in the mollusc biometrics are the result of climatic stress or natural ecological factors and explanations must be sought in society-environment dynamics.


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Highly crystalline zeolite Beta coatings in a range of Si/Al ratios of 12-23 were synthesized on a surface-modified molybdenum substrate by hydrothermal synthesis. The average thickness of the coatings was ca. 2 mu m corresponding to a coverage of 2.5 gm(-2). The coatings were obtained from a viscous Na, K, and TEAOH containing aluminosilicate precursor mixture with silica sol as reactive silicon source. A mechanism for the in situ growth of zeolite Beta coatings is proposed. According to this mechanism, the deposition of an amorphous gel layer on the substrate surface in the initial stage of the synthesis is an important step for the crystallization of continuous zeolite Beta coatings. The heating rate of the precursor mixture and the synthesis temperature were optimized to control the level of supersaturation and to stimulate the initial formation of a gel layer. At a Si/Al ratio of 23, fast heating and a temperature of 150 degrees C are required to obtain high coverage, while at a Si/Al ratio of 15, hydrothermal synthesis has to be performed with a slow initial heating rate at 140 degrees C. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The manner in which 90? ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains respond to changes in temperature has been mapped in BaTiO3 single crystals using atomic force microscopy. Domain periodicity remains unaltered until approximately 2 ? C below the Curie temperature (TC ), whereupon domains coarsened dramatically. This behavior was successfully rationalized by considering the temperature dependence of the parameters associated with standard models of ferroelastic domain formation. However, while successful in describing the expected radical increase in equilibrium period with temperature, the model did not predict the unusual mechanism by which domain coarsening occurred; this was not continuous at a local level but instead involved discrete domain annihilation events. Subsequent insights from a combination of free energy analysis for the system and further experimental data from an analogous situation, in which domain period increases with increasing crystal thickness, suggested that domain annihilation is inevitable whenever a component of the relevant gradient that affects domain period is orientated parallel to the domain walls. Consistent with this thesis, we note that, for the observations presented herein, the thermal gradient possessed a significant component parallel to the domain walls. We suggest that domain annihilation is a general feature of domain structures in gradient fields.