72 resultados para Reconfigurable


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Side-channel attacks (SCA) threaten electronic cryptographic devices and can be carried out by monitoring the physical characteristics of security circuits. Differential Power Analysis (DPA) is one the most widely studied side-channel attacks. Numerous countermeasure techniques, such as Random Delay Insertion (RDI), have been proposed to reduce the risk of DPA attacks against cryptographic devices. The RDI technique was first proposed for microprocessors but it was shown to be unsuccessful when implemented on smartcards as it was vulnerable to a variant of the DPA attack known as the Sliding-Window DPA attack.Previous research by the authors investigated the use of the RDI countermeasure for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based cryptographic devices. A split-RDI technique wasproposed to improve the security of the RDI countermeasure. A set of critical parameters wasalso proposed that could be utilized in the design stage to optimize a security algorithm designwith RDI in terms of area, speed and power. The authors also showed that RDI is an efficientcountermeasure technique on FPGA in comparison to other countermeasures.In this article, a new RDI logic design is proposed that can be used to cost-efficiently implementRDI on FPGA devices. Sliding-Window DPA and realignment attacks, which were shown to beeffective against RDI implemented on smartcard devices, are performed on the improved RDIFPGA implementation. We demonstrate that these attacks are unsuccessful and we also proposea realignment technique that can be used to demonstrate the weakness of RDI implementations.


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A scalable large vocabulary, speaker independent speech recognition system is being developed using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for acoustic modeling and a Weighted Finite State Transducer (WFST) to compile sentence, word, and phoneme models. The system comprises a software backend search and an FPGA-based Gaussian calculation which are covered here. In this paper, we present an efficient pipelined design implemented both as an embedded peripheral and as a scalable, parallel hardware accelerator. Both architectures have been implemented on an Alpha Data XRC-5T1, reconfigurable computer housing a Virtex 5 SX95T FPGA. The core has been tested and is capable of calculating a full set of Gaussian results from 3825 acoustic models in 9.03 ms which coupled with a backend search of 5000 words has provided an accuracy of over 80%. Parallel implementations have been designed with up to 32 cores and have been successfully implemented with a clock frequency of 133?MHz.


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The most promising way to maintain reliable data transfer across the rapidly fluctuating channels used by next generation multiple-input multiple-output communications schemes is to exploit run-time variable modulation and antenna configurations. This demands that the baseband signal processing architectures employed in the communications terminals must provide low cost and high performance with runtime reconfigurability. We present a softcore-processor based solution to this issue, and show for the first time, that such programmable architectures can enable real-time data operation for cutting-edge standards
such as 802.11n; furthermore, by exploiting deep processing pipelines and interleaved task execution, the cost and performance of these architectures is shown to be on a par with traditional dedicated circuit based solutions. We believe this to be the first such programmable architecture to achieve this, and the combination of implementation efficiency and programmability makes this implementation style the most promising approach for hosting such dynamic architectures.


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A new, front-end image processing chip is presented for real-time small object detection. It has been implemented using a 0.6 µ, 3.3 V CMOS technology and operates on 10-bit input data at 54 megasamples per second. It occupies an area of 12.9 mm×13.6 mm (including pads), dissipates 1.5 W, has 92 I/O pins and is to be housed in a 160-pin ceramic quarter flat-pack. It performs both one- and two-dimensional FIR filtering and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network function using a reconfigurable array of 21 multiplication-accumulation cells which corresponds to a window size of 7×3. The chip can cope with images of 2047 pixels per line and can be cascaded to cope with larger window sizes. The chip performs two billion fixed point multiplications and additions per second.


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A dual-reflector antenna composed by a small reconfigurable reflectarray subreflector and a large parabolic main reflector is proposed for beam scanning application in the 120 GHz frequency band. The beam scanning is achieved by changing the phase distribution on the reflectarray surface which is supposed to contain reconfigurable cells. The phase distribution for the different beam deflecting states is obtained with a synthesis technique based on the analysis of the antenna in receive mode.


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A novel cost-effective and low-latency wormhole router for packet-switched NoC designs, tailored for FPGA, is presented. This has been designed to be scalable at system level to fully exploit the characteristics and constraints of FPGA based systems, rather than custom ASIC technology. A key feature is that it achieves a low packet propagation latency of only two cycles per hop including both router pipeline delay and link traversal delay - a significant enhancement over existing FPGA designs - whilst being very competitive in terms of performance and hardware complexity. It can also be configured in various network topologies including 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D. Detailed design-space exploration has been carried for a range of scaling parameters, with the results of various design trade-offs being presented and discussed. By taking advantage of abundant buildin reconfigurable logic and routing resources, we have been able to create a new scalable on-chip FPGA based router that exhibits high dimensionality and connectivity. The architecture proposed can be easily migrated across many FPGA families to provide flexible, robust and cost-effective NoC solutions suitable for the implementation of high-performance FPGA computing systems. © 2011 IEEE.


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We present a simple method of forming a switchable radar cross-section (RCS) in evanescent waveguide.Here, the antenna can be selected to be matched to free space, or to act as an almost perfect reflector of incident energy via a single SPST switch located at the antenna aperture. With the aperture switch open, the antenna is matched over a measured bandwidth of 17.5%, from 2.35 to 2.8 GHz, for reflection coefficient <-10 dB, in 2.725 GHz cutoff waveguide. With the aperture switch closed, a minimum reflection coefficient of -2.5 dB across the bandwidth is observed, proving that the antenna has the capacity to be made RCS reconfigurable. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:1849–1851, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com. DOI 10.1002/mop.26981


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The accurate measurement of the permittivity, loss tangent and dielectric anisotropy DC bias dependence for two different liquid crystal (LC) materials in the frequency range 140-165 GHz is described. The electrical characteristics are obtained by curve fitting computed transmission coefficients to the experimental spectral response of a new class of electronically reconfigurable frequency selective surface. The periodic structure is designed to yield bandpass filter characteristics with and without an applied bias control voltage in order to measure the tunability of the LC material which is inserted in a 705 µm-thick cavity.


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We consider the problem of self-healing in reconfigurable networks e.g., peer-to-peer and wireless mesh networks. For such networks under repeated attack by an omniscient adversary, we propose a fully distributed algorithm, Xheal, that maintains good expansion and spectral properties of the network, while keeping the network connected. Moreover, Xheal does this while allowing only low stretch and degree increase per node. The algorithm heals global properties like expansion and stretch while only doing local changes and using only local information. We also provide bounds on the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian which captures key properties such as mixing time, conductance, congestion in routing etc. Xheal has low amortized latency and bandwidth requirements. Our work improves over the self-healing algorithms Forgiving tree [PODC 2008] andForgiving graph [PODC 2009] in that we are able to give guarantees on degree and stretch, while at the same time preserving the expansion and spectral properties of the network.


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An electronically reconfigurable Rotman lens is described which generates multiple beams that can be switched from monopulse sum to difference radiation patterns when used in conjunction with a six element Vivaldi antenna array. This is achieved by exploiting the voltage-dependent dielectric anisotropy property of nematic state liquid crystals to provide switched 0 degrees and 180 degrees phase shifts in the array feed lines. The viability of the concept is demonstrated by designing an antenna which exhibits dynamically reconfigurable monopulse radiation patterns over the frequency band 6-10 GHz. Measured and simulated results are shown to be in good agreement. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We consider the problem of self-healing in peer-to-peer networks that are under repeated attack by an omniscient adversary. We assume that the following process continues for up to n rounds where n is the total number of nodes initially in the network: the adversary deletesan arbitrary node from the network, then the network responds by quickly adding a small number of new edges.

We present a distributed data structure that ensures two key properties. First, the diameter of the network is never more than O(log Delta) times its original diameter, where Delta is the maximum degree of the network initially. We note that for many peer-to-peer systems, Delta is polylogarithmic, so the diameter increase would be a O(loglog n) multiplicative factor. Second, the degree of any node never increases by more than 3 over its original degree. Our data structure is fully distributed, has O(1) latency per round and requires each node to send and receive O(1) messages per round. The data structure requires an initial setup phase that has latency equal to the diameter of the original network, and requires, with high probability, each node v to send O(log n) messages along every edge incident to v. Our approach is orthogonal and complementary to traditional topology-based approaches to defending against attack.


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Many modern networks are \emph{reconfigurable}, in the sense that the topology of the network can be changed by the nodes in the network. For example, peer-to-peer, wireless and ad-hoc networks are reconfigurable. More generally, many social networks, such as a company's organizational chart; infrastructure networks, such as an airline's transportation network; and biological networks, such as the human brain, are also reconfigurable. Modern reconfigurable networks have a complexity unprecedented in the history of engineering, resembling more a dynamic and evolving living animal rather than a structure of steel designed from a blueprint. Unfortunately, our mathematical and algorithmic tools have not yet developed enough to handle this complexity and fully exploit the flexibility of these networks. We believe that it is no longer possible to build networks that are scalable and never have node failures. Instead, these networks should be able to admit small, and maybe, periodic failures and still recover like skin heals from a cut. This process, where the network can recover itself by maintaining key invariants in response to attack by a powerful adversary is what we call \emph{self-healing}. Here, we present several fast and provably good distributed algorithms for self-healing in reconfigurable dynamic networks. Each of these algorithms have different properties, a different set of gaurantees and limitations. We also discuss future directions and theoretical questions we would like to answer. %in the final dissertation that this document is proposed to lead to.


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Modern networks are large, highly complex and dynamic. Add to that the mobility of the agents comprising many of these networks. It is difficult or even impossible for such systems to be managed centrally in an efficient manner. It is imperative for such systems to attain a degree of self-management. Self-healing i.e. the capability of a system in a good state to recover to another good state in face of an attack, is desirable for such systems. In this paper, we discuss the self-healing model for dynamic reconfigurable systems. In this model, an omniscient adversary inserts or deletes nodes from a network and the algorithm responds by adding a limited number of edges in order to maintain invariants of the network. We look at some of the results in this model and argue for their applicability and further extensions of the results and the model. We also look at some of the techniques we have used in our earlier work, in particular, we look at the idea of maintaining virtual graphs mapped over the existing network and assert that this may be a useful technique to use in many problem domains.