86 resultados para Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes


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Gene expression profiling signatures may be used to classify the subtypes of Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients. However, there are few reports on the global methylation status in MDS. The integration of genome-wide epigenetic regulatory marks with gene expression levels would provide additional information regarding the biological differences between MDS and healthy controls. Gene expression and methylation status were measured using high-density microarrays. A total of 552 differentially methylated CpG loci were identified as being present in low-risk MDS; hypermethylated genes were more frequent than hypomethylated genes. In addition, mRNA expression profiling identified 1005 genes that significantly differed between low-risk MDS and the control group. Integrative analysis of the epigenetic and expression profiles revealed that 66.7% of the hypermethylated genes were underexpressed in low-risk MDS cases. Gene network analysis revealed molecular mechanisms associated with the low-risk MDS group, including altered apoptosis pathways. The two key apoptotic genes BCL2 and ETS1 were identified as silenced genes. In addition, the immune response and micro RNA biogenesis were affected by the hypermethylation and underexpression of IL27RA and DICER1. Our integrative analysis revealed that aberrant epigenetic regulation is a hallmark of low-risk MDS patients and could have a central role in these diseases.


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Vitamin B-6 deficiency causes mild elevation in plasma homocysteine, but the mechanism has not been clearly established. Serine is a substrate in one-carbon metabolism and in the transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine catabolism, and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) plays a key role as coenzyme for serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) and enzymes of transsulfuration. In this study we used [H-2(3)]serine as a primary tracer to examine the remethylation pathway in adequately nourished and vitamin B-6-deficient rats pi and 0.1 mg pyridoxine (PN)/kg diet]. [H-2(3)]Leucine and [1-C-13]methionine were also used to examine turnover of protein and methionine pools, respectively, All tracers were injected intraperitoneally as a bolus dose, and then rats were killed (n = 4/time point) after 30, 60 and 120 min. Rats fed the low-PN diet had significantly lower growth and plasma and liver PLP concentrations, reduced liver SHMT activity, greater plasma and liver total homocysteine concentration, and reduced liver S-adenosylmethionine concentration. Hepatic and whole body protein turnover were reduced in vitamin B-6-deficient rats as evidenced by greater isotopic enrichment of [H-2(3)]leucine. Hepatic [H-2(2)]methionine production from [H-2(3)]serine via cytosolic SHMT and the remethylation pathway was reduced by 80.6% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The deficiency did not significantly reduce hepatic cystathionine-beta-synthase activity, and in vivo hepatic transsulfuration flux shown by production of [H-2(3)]cysteine from the [H-2(3)]serine increased over twofold. In contrast, plasma appearance of [H-2(3)]cysteine was decreased by 89% in vitamin B-6 deficiency. The rate of hepatic homocysteine production shown by the ratio of [1-C-13]homocysteine/[1-C-13]methionine areas under enrichment vs. time curves was not affected by vitamin B-6 deficiency. Overall, these results indicate that vitamin B-6 deficiency substantially affects one-carbon metabolism by impairing both methyl group production for homocysteine remethylation and flux through whole-body transsulfuration.


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To use protein kinase C (PKC) d-knockout mice to investigate the role of PKCd in lesion development and to understand the underlying mechanism of the vascular disease.


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Aim - To describe a surgical technique for autologous limbal stem cell transplantation and the outcome of a series of patients with unilateral stem cell deficiency. Methods - A report of six consecutive patients who underwent autologous limbal stem cell transplantation is presented. The primary diagnosis included alkali burn (n = 3), conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) (n = 1), recurrent pterygium (n = 1), and contact lens induced keratopathy (n = 1). The autologous transplanted tissue consisted of peripheral cornea, limbus, and conjunctiva obtained from the contralateral eye. Three of the above patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty in association with autolimbal transplantation. A significant modification to established techniques was the close monitoring of conjunctival epithelial migration in the immediate postoperative period. If conjunctival epithelium threatened to migrate on to the corneal surface, it was mechanically removed at the slit lamp and prevented from crossing the limbus. This was required in three patients. Results - The mean follow up was 18.8 months. The outcome was satisfactory in all cases: a stable corneal surface was restored and there was a substantial improvement in vision and symptoms. One patient had a primary failure of the corneal allograft associated with glaucoma, and 6 months later developed a retinal detachment. No complications were noted in the donor eye with the exception of one patient who developed filamentary keratitis along the edge of the donor site. Conclusion - Autologous limbal transplantation with corneal, limbal, and conjunctival carriers was found to be useful for ocular surface reconstruction, over a mid-term follow up, in patients with unilateral stem cell deficiency. Close monitoring of the migration of conjunctival epithelium in the immediate postoperative period, and preventing it from crossing the limbus, ensured that the corneal surface was re-epithelialised exclusively from epithelial cells derived from the transplanted limbal tissue. This approach should improve the success of this procedure.


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Defects in renewal and repair of ocular surface as a result of limbal stem cell deficiency are now known to cause varying ocular, surface morbidity including persistent photophobia, repeated and persistent surface breakdown and overt conjunctivalisation of the cornea. Ocular conditions with abnormalities of ocular surface repair include pterygium, limbal tumours, aniridia, severe scarring following burns, cicatricial pemphigoid and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, sequelae of mustard gas exposure and Herpes simplex epithelial disease, radiation keratopathy, contact lens induced keratopathy, neuroparalytic keratitis and drug toxicity. Restoring ocular health in these eyes has traditionally been frustrating. An understanding of these intricate cell renewal and maintenance processes has spurred the evolution in recent years of new treatment methods for several blinding diseases of the anterior segment; many more exciting modalities are in the offing. However, there is inadequate awareness among ophthalmologists about the current principles of management of ocular surface disorders. The purpose of this article is to help elucidate the important principles and current treatment methods relevant to ocular surface disorders.


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Aim - To report the outcome of a series of patients with stem cell deficiency who underwent allo-limbal transplantation and to describe a technique for this procedure. Methods - Six consecutive patients underwent allo-limbal stem cell transplantation. The primary diagnosis included alkali burn (n = 2), trachoma (n = 1), chronic rosacea blepharitis and keratoconjunctivitis (n = 1), aniridia (n = 1), and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (n = 1). The limbal rim consisted of peripheral cornea and perilimbal sclera, FK-506 was used postoperatively for immunosuppression. Results - The length of follow up ranged from 3 to 24 months (mean follow up 11.8 (SD 9.3) months). The outcome was considered satisfactory in five of six cases. The corneal surface was completely epithelialised within 2 weeks, and there was a substantial improvement in vision and symptoms. One patient had recurrent epithelial defects related to eyelid abnormalities. No side effects associated with systemic immunosuppression were noted. Conclusion - Allo-limbal transplantation, with systemic immunosuppression with FK-506 is useful in reconstruction of the ocular surface with improvement in vision in patients with severe stem cell deficiency.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the relative benefits and to identify any adverse effects of surgical interventions for limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD).

DESIGN: Systematic literature review.

METHODS: We searched the following electronic databases from January 1, 1989 through September 30, 2006: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science citation index, BIOSIS, and the Cochrane Library. In addition, reference lists were scanned to identify any additional reports. The quality of published reports was assessed using standard methods. The main outcome measure was improvement in vision of at least two Snellen lines of best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Data on adverse outcomes also were collected.

RESULTS: Twenty-six studies met the inclusion criteria. There were no randomized controlled studies. All 26 studies were either prospective or retrospective case series. For bilateral severe LSCD, keratolimbal allograft was the most common intervention with systemic immunosuppression. Other interventions included eccentric penetrating keratolimbal allografts and cultivated autologous oral mucosal epithelial grafts. An improvement in BCVA of two lines or more was reported in 31% to 67% of eyes. For unilateral severe LSCD, the most common surgical intervention was contralateral conjunctival limbal autograft, with 35% to 88% of eyes gaining an improvement in BCVA of two lines or more. The only study evaluating partial LSCD showed an improvement in BCVA of two lines or more in 39% of eyes.

CONCLUSIONS: Studies to date have not provided strong evidence to guide clinical practice on which surgery is most beneficial to treat various types of LSCD. Standardized data collection in a multicenter LSCD register is suggested.


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UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase (GALE) catalyzes the interconversion of UDP-galactose and UDP-glucose, an important step in galactose catabolism. Type III galactosemia, an inherited metabolic disease, is associated with mutations in human GALE. The V94M mutation has been associated with a very severe form of type III galactosemia. While a variety of structural and biochemical studies have been reported that elucidate differences between the wildtype and this mutant form of human GALE, little is known about the dynamics of the protein and how mutations influence structure and function. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on the wildtype and V94M enzyme in different states of substrate and cofactor binding. In the mutant, the average distance between the substrate and both a key catalytic residue (Tyr157) and the enzyme-bound NAD(+) cofactor and the active site dynamics are altered making substrate binding slightly less stable. However, overall stability or dynamics of the protein is not altered. This is consistent with experimental findings that the impact is largely on the turnover number (kcat), with less substantial effects on Km. Active site fluctuations were found to be correlated in enzyme with substrate bound to just one of the subunits in the homodimer suggesting inter-subunit communication. Greater active site loop mobility in human GALE compared to the equivalent loop in Escherichia coli GALE explains why the former can catalyze the interconversion of UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine while the bacterial enzyme cannot. This work illuminates molecular mechanisms of disease and may inform the design of small molecule therapies for type III galactosemia.


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Two novel mutations were identified in a compound heterozygous male with lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency. Exon sequence determination of the LCAT gene of the proband revealed two novel heterozygous mutations in exons one (C110T) and six (C991T) that predict non-conservative amino acid substitutions (Thr13Met and Pro307Ser, respectively). To assess the distinct functional impact of the separate mutant alleles, studies were conducted in the proband's 3-generation pedigree. The compound heterozygous proband had negligible HDL and severely reduced apolipoprotein A-I, LCAT mass, LCAT activity, and cholesterol esterification rate (CER). The proband's mother and two sisters were heterozygous for the Pro307Ser mutation and had low HDL, markedly reduced LCAT activity and CER, and the propensity for significant reductions in LCAT protein mass. The proband's father and two daughters were heterozygous for the Thr13Met mutation and also displayed low HDL, reduced LCAT activity and CER, and more modest decrements in LCAT mass. Mean LCAT specific activity was severely impaired in the compound heterozygous proband and was reduced by 50% in individuals heterozygous for either mutation, compared to wild type family members. It is also shown that the two mutations impair both catalytic activity and expression of the circulating protein.