91 resultados para Conductive wires


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Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a rapid geophysical technique that we have used to assess four illegally buried waste locations in Northern Ireland. GPR allowed informed positioning of the less-rapid, if more accurate use of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI). In conductive waste, GPR signal loss can be used to map the areal extent of waste, allowing ERI survey lines to be positioned. In less conductive waste the geometry of the burial can be ascertained from GPR alone, allowing rapid assessment. In both circumstances, the conjunctive use of GPR and ERI is considered best practice for cross-validation of results and enhancing data interpretation.


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We investigate the situation where there are obstructing elements present in the near field of a retrodirective array. We describe three scattering cases, (1) by an array of straight wires, (2) by low loss medium density fibre board partially obscuring the array, and (3) by concrete blocks, totally and then partially obscuring the array. For all scenarios retrodirective action was shown to be able to provide various degrees of automatic compensation for loss in gain relative to that which would have occurred for a conventional (non-retrodirective) array in the presence of the same scattering screens. Gain improvements of up to 10 dB were observed when the retrodirective array was used. In addition we show how the induced variation of received and re-transmited amplitudes across the array, caused by the scattering screens, is the principle mechanism causing deterioration of the retrodirective arrays monostatic response.


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A recent result for the curl of forces on ions under steady-state current in atomic wires with noninteracting electrons is extended to generalized forces on classical degrees of freedom in the presence of mean-field electron-electron screening. Current is described within a generic multiterminal picture, forces within the Ehrenfest approximation, and screening within an adiabatic, but not necessarily spatially local, mean-field picture.


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An idealized jellium model of conducting nanowires with a geometric constriction is investigated by density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density (LSD) approximation. The results reveal a fascinating variety of spin and charge patterns arising in wires of sufficiently low (r(s) >= 15) average electron density, pinned at the indentation by an apparent attractive interaction with the constriction. The spin-resolved frequency-dependent conductivity shows a marked asymmetry in the two spin channels, reflecting the spontaneous spin polarization around the wire neck. The relevance of the computational results is discussed in relation to the so-called 0.7 anomaly found by experiments in the low-frequency conductivity of nanowires at near-breaking conditions (see 2008 J. Phys.: Condens Matter 20, special issue on the 0.7 anomaly). Although our mean-field approach cannot account for the intrinsic many-body effects underlying the 0.7 anomaly, it still provides a diagnostic tool to predict impending transitions in the electronic structure.


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The electronic structure of thin conducting wires with a narrow geometric constriction has been determined by density-functional theory computations in the local spin density approximation. Spontaneous spin polarization arises in nominally paramagnetic wires at sufficiently low density (r(s)>= 15). Real-space spin-polarization maps show a fascinating variety of magnetic structures pinned at the constriction. The frequency-dependent conductivity is different for the spin-up and spin-down channels and significantly lower than in wires of identically vanishing spin polarization.


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Current high temperature superconducting (HTS) wires exhibit high current densities enabling their use in electrical rotating machinery. The possibility of designing high power density superconducting motors operating at reasonable temperatures allows for new applications in mobile systems in which size and weight represent key design parameters. Thus, all-electric aircrafts represent a promising application for HTS motors. The design of such a complex system as an aircraft consists of a multi-variable optimization that requires computer models and advanced design procedures. This paper presents a specific sizing model of superconducting propulsion motors to be used in aircraft design. The model also takes into account the cooling system. The requirements for this application are presented in terms of power and dynamics as well as a load profile corresponding to a typical mission. We discuss the design implications of using a superconducting motor on an aircraft as well as the integration of the electrical propulsion in the aircraft, and the scaling laws derived from physics-based modeling of HTS motors.


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In this paper we discuss the dualism of gene networks and their role in systems biology. We argue that gene networks ( 1) can serve as a conceptual framework, forming a fundamental level of a phenomenological description, and ( 2) are a means to represent and analyze data. The latter point does not only allow a systems analysis but is even amenable for a direct approach to study biological function. Here we focus on the clarity of our main arguments and conceptual meaning of gene networks, rather than the causal inference of gene networks from data. (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. WIREs Syst Biol Med 2011 3 379-391 DOI: 10.1002/wsbm.134


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The present work is focused on the demonstration of the advantages of miniaturized reactor systems which are essential for processes where potential for considerable heat transfer intensification exists as well as for kinetic studies of highly exothermic reactions at near-isothermal conditions. The heat transfer characteristics of four different cross-flow designs of a microstructured reactor/heat-exchanger (MRHE) were studied by CFD simulation using ammonia oxidation on a platinum catalyst as a model reaction. An appropriate distribution of the nitrogen flow used as a coolant can decrease drastically the axial temperature gradient in the reaction channels. In case of a microreactor made of a highly conductive material, the temperature non-uniformity in the reactor is strongly dependent on the distance between the reaction and cooling channels. Appropriate design of a single periodic reactor/heat-exchanger unit, combined with a non-uniform inlet coolant distribution, reduces the temperature gradients in the complete reactor to less than 4degreesC, even at conditions corresponding to an adiabatic temperature rise of about 1400degreesC, which are generally not accessible in conventional reactors because of the danger of runaway reactions. To obtain the required coolant flow distribution, an optimization study was performed to acquire the particular geometry of the inlet and outlet chambers in the microreactor/heat-exchanger. The predicted temperature profiles are in good agreement with experimental data from temperature sensors located along the reactant and coolant flows. The results demonstrate the clear potential of microstructured devices as reliable instruments for kinetic research as well as for proper heat management in the case of highly exothermic reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This review will summarize the significant body of research within the field of electrical methods of controlling the growth of microorganisms. We examine the progress from early work using current to kill bacteria in static fluids to more realistic treatment scenarios such as flow-through systems designed to imitate the human urinary tract. Additionally, the electrical enhancement of biocide and antibiotic efficacy will be examined alongside recent innovations including the biological applications of acoustic energy systems to prevent bacterial surface adherence. Particular attention will be paid to the electrical engineering aspects of previous work, such as electrode composition, quantitative electrical parameters and the conductive medium used. Scrutiny of published systems from an electrical engineering perspective will help to facilitate improved understanding of the methods, devices and mechanisms that have been effective in controlling bacteria, as well as providing insights and strategies to improve the performance of such systems and develop the next generation of antimicrobial bioelectric materials.


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We have demonstrated a self-aligned process to fabricate organized iron nanowires on a planarized surface with wire dimensions down to 50 nm. Polishing was used to expose an alternating silicon silicon dioxide edge and a dual selective metal deposition process produced the nanowires. The initial selective deposition produced a tungsten layer on the exposed polysilicon regions. The discovery that selective chemical vapor deposition of iron from Fe(CO)(5) precursor on dielectric surfaces over tungsten surfaces is the key factor that enables the self-alignment of the iron nanowires. Dimensions of the wires are determined by the thickness of the thermal oxide. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.


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This invention relates to electronic circuit packages designed to hold high frequency circuits operating particularly, but not exclusively, in the microwave, millimeter wave, and sub-millimeter wave bands. The invention provides a package incorporating a cavity in a material for containment of the circuits, wherein the package further incorporates at least one conductive surface mounted on an inner surface extending into the cavity, the conductivity thereof being adapted to be at least partially absorbent to electromagnetic radiation. The conductive surface according to the present invention will tend to attenuate electromagnetic radiation present within the cavity, and so help to prevent undesired coupling from one point to another within the cavity. The conductivity of the conductive material is preferably arranged to match the impedance of the radiation mode estimated or computed to be present within the cavity.


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Electrodeposition of metals onto conductive supports such as graphite potentially provides a lower-waste method to form heterogeneous catalysts than the standard methods such as wet impregnation. Copper electrodeposition onto pressed graphite disc electrodes was investigated from aqueous CuSO4-ethylenediamine solutions by chronoamperometry with scanning electron microscopy used to ascertain the particle sizes obtained by this method. The particle size was studied as a function of pH, CuSO4-ethylenediamine concentration, and electrodeposition time. It was observed that decreasing the pH, copper-ethylenediamine concentration and time each decreased the size of the copper particles observed, with the smallest obtained being around 5-20 nm. Furthermore, electroless aerobic oxidation of copper metal in the presence of ethylenediamine was successfully coupled with the electrodeposition in the same vessel. In this way, deposition was achieved sequentially on up to twenty different graphite discs using the same ethylenediamine solution, demonstrating the recyclability of the ligand. The materials thus prepared were shown to be catalytically active for the mineralisation of phenol by hydrogen peroxide. Overall, the results provide a proof-of-principle that by making use of aerobic oxidation coupled with electrochemical deposition, elemental base metals can be used directly as starting materials to form heterogeneous catalysts without the need to use metal salts as catalyst precursors.


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The emission measure distribution in the upper transition region and corona of e Eri is derived from observed emission-line fluxes. Theoretical emission measure distributions are calculated assuming that the radiation losses are balanced by the net conductive flux. We discuss how the area factor of the emitting regions as a function of temperature can be derived from a comparison between these emission measure distributions. It is found that the filling factor varies from ~0.2 in the mid-transition region to ~1.0 in the inner corona. The sensitivity of these results to the adopted ion fractions, the iron abundance and other parameters is discussed. The area factors found are qualitatively similar to the observed structure of the solar atmosphere, and can be used to constrain two-component models of the chromosphere. Given further observations, the method could be applied to investigate the trends in filling factors with indicators of stellar activity.


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The efficiency of fuel cells and metal-air batteries is significantly limited by the activation of oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. Despite the well-recognized role of oxygen reaction kinetics on the viability of energy technologies, the governing mechanisms remain elusive and until now have been addressable only by macroscopic studies. This lack of nanoscale understanding precludes optimization of material architecture. Here, we report direct measurements of oxygen reduction/evolution reactions and oxygen vacancy diffusion on oxygen-ion conductive solid surfaces with sub-10 nm resolution. In electrochemical strain microscopy, the biased scanning probe microscopy tip acts as a moving, electrocatalytically active probe exploring local electrochemical activity. The probe concentrates an electric field in a nanometre-scale volume of material, and bias-induced, picometre-level surface displacements provide information on local electrochemical processes. Systematic mapping of oxygen activity on bare and platinum-functionalized yttria-stabilized zirconia surfaces is demonstrated. This approach allows direct visualization of the oxygen reduction/evolution reaction activation process at the triple-phase boundary, and can be extended to a broad spectrum of oxygen-conductive and electrocatalytic materials.


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Electrochemical processes associated with changes in structure, connectivity or composition typically proceed via new phase nucleation with subsequent growth of nuclei. Understanding and controlling reactions requires the elucidation and control of nucleation mechanisms. However, factors controlling nucleation kinetics, including the interplay between local mechanical conditions, microstructure and local ionic profile remain inaccessible. Furthermore, the tendency of current probing techniques to interfere with the original microstructure prevents a systematic evaluation of the correlation between the microstructure and local electrochemical reactivity. In this work, the spatial variability of irreversible nucleation processes of Li on a Li-ion conductive glass-ceramics surface is studied with ~30 nm resolution. An increased nucleation rate at the boundaries between the crystalline AlPO4 phase and amorphous matrix is observed and attributed to Li segregation. This study opens a pathway for probing mechanisms at the level of single structural defects and elucidation of electrochemical activities in nanoscale volumes.