70 resultados para Conditional correlations


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It is now possible to identify the specific gene defect in the majority of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia. A potential benefit of this knowledge, in addition to helping with family screens, is to be able to predict the future clinical course. In order to do this, detailed genotype/phenotype correlation studies are required.


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Purpose: The authors sought to quantify neighboring and distant interpoint correlations of threshold values within the visual field in patients with glaucoma. Methods: Visual fields of patients with confirmed or suspected glaucoma were analyzed (n = 255). One eye per patient was included. Patients were examined using the 32 program of the Octopus 1-2-3. Linear regression analysis among each of the locations and the rest of the points of the visual field was performed, and the correlation coefficient was calculated. The degree of correlation was categorized as high (r > 0.66), moderate (0.66 = r > 0.33), or low (r = 0.33). The standard error of threshold estimation was calculated. Results: Most locations of the visual field had high and moderate correlations with neighboring points and with distant locations corresponding to the same nerve fiber bundle. Locations of the visual field had low correlations with those of the opposite hemifield, with the exception of locations temporal to the blind spot. The standard error of threshold estimation increased from 0.6 to 0.9 dB with an r reduction of 0.1. Conclusion: Locations of the visual field have highest interpoint correlation with neighboring points and with distant points in areas corresponding to the distribution of the retinal nerve fiber layer. The quantification of interpoint correlations may be useful in the design and interpretation of visual field tests in patients with glaucoma.


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Quantum discord quantifies nonclassical correlations in a quantum system including those not captured by entanglement. Thus, only states with zero discord exhibit strictly classical correlations. We prove that these states are negligible in the whole Hilbert space: typically a state picked out at random has positive discord and, given a state with zero discord, a generic arbitrarily small perturbation drives it to a positive-discord state. These results hold for any Hilbert-space dimension and have direct implications for quantum computation and for the foundations of the theory of open systems. In addition, we provide a simple necessary criterion for zero quantum discord. Finally, we show that, for almost all positive-discord states, an arbitrary Markovian evolution cannot lead to a sudden, permanent vanishing of discord.


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The structure, thermal stability, and catalytic behavior of a novel highly dispersed silica-supported Pd/Sn catalyst prepared by an organometallic route have been examined by X-ray photoelectron, X-ray diffraction, and X-ray absorption, fine structure spectroscopies, the latter two measurements being carried outwith an in situ reaction cell. Additional reactor measurements were performed on a more Sn-rich catalyst and on a pure Pd catalyst. Varying the temperature of reduction induced large variations in catalytic performance toward ethyne-coupling reactions. These changes are understandable in terms of the destruction of SnO2-like structures surrounding the Pd core, yielding a skin of metallic Sn which subsequently undergoes intermixing with Pd. The overall thermal and catalytic behavior of these highly dispersed materials accords well with the analogous single-crystal model system.


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We perform an extensive study of the properties of global quantum correlations in finite-size one-dimensional quantum spin models at finite temperature. By adopting a recently proposed measure for global quantum correlations (Rulli and Sarandy 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 042109), called global discord, we show that critical points can be neatly detected even for many-body systems that are not in their ground state. We consider the transverse Ising model, the cluster-Ising model where three-body couplings compete with an Ising-like interaction, and the nearest-neighbor XX Hamiltonian in transverse magnetic field. These models embody our canonical examples showing the sensitivity of global quantum discord close to criticality. For the Ising model, we find a universal scaling of global discord with the critical exponents pertaining to the Ising universality class.


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Glycosylation of low density lipoproteins obtained from 16 patients with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes and from 16 age-, sex-, and race-matched controls, was determined. The diabetic patients were normolipaemic and were in good or fair glycaemic control. Eleven patients performed home blood glucose monitoring. Glycosylation of low density lipoproteins in the diabetic patients was significantly higher (p less than 0.001) than in the control subjects, and was significantly correlated with haemoglobin A1c, (p less than 0.01), glycosylation of plasma proteins, (p less than 0.001), and mean home blood glucose, (p less than 0.01). This study confirms that, in diabetic patients, increased glycosylation of low density lipoprotein occurs to an extent which correlates closely with other commonly used indices of glycaemic control.


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Clinical, pathological and experimental studies of radiation retinopathy confirm that the primary vascular event is endothelial cell loss and capillary closure. Pericytes are less susceptible, but typically atrophy as the capillaries become non-functional. The immediate effects of radiation reflect interphase and early mitotic death of injured endothelial cells, whereas later changes may be attributed to delayed mitotic death of compromised endothelial cells as they attempt division in the ordinary course of repair and replacement. Capillary occlusion leads to the formation of dilated capillary collaterals which may remain serviceable and competent for years. Microaneurysms develop in acellular and poorly supported capillaries, predominantly on the arterial side of the circulation and adjacent to regions of poorly perfused retina. Alterations in haemodynamics produce large telangiectatic-like channels which, typically develop a thick collagenous adventitia and may become fenestrated. Limited capillary regeneration occurs, usually evident as recanalisation of arterioles or venules by new capillaries. Vitreo-retinal neovascularisation may occur where retinal ischaemia is widespread. Radiation produces an exaggerated vasculopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, and five month streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats develop a severe ischaemic retinopathy with vitreoretinal neovascularisation when exposed to 1500 cGy of radiation. Later photocoagulation is useful in containing or reversing microvascular incompetence and vasoproliferation in some patients with advanced radiation retinopathy.


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We investigate the conditions under which the trace distance between two different states of a given open system increases in time due to the interaction with an environment, therefore signaling non-Markovianity. We find that the finite-time difference in trace distance is bounded by two sharply defined quantities that are strictly linked to the occurrence of system-environment correlations created throughout their interaction and affecting the subsequent evolution of the system. This allows us to shed light on the origin of non-Markovian behaviors in quantum dynamics. We best illustrate our findings by tackling two physically relevant examples: a non-Markovian dephasing mechanism that has been the focus of a recent experimental endeavor and the open-system dynamics experienced by a spin connected to a finite-size quantum spin chain.


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Starting from a four-partite photonic hyper-entangled Dicke resource, we report the full tomographic characterization of three-, two-, and one-qubit states obtained by projecting out part of the computational register. The reduced states thus obtained correspond to fidelities with the expected states larger than 87%, therefore certifying the faithfulness of the entanglement-sharing structure within the original four-qubit resource. The high quality of the reduced three-qubit state allows for the experimental verification of the Koashi-Winter relation for the monogamy of correlations within a tripartite state. We show that, by exploiting the symmetries of the three-qubit state obtained upon projection over the four-qubit Dicke resource, such relation can be experimentally fully characterized using only 5 measurement settings. We highlight the limitations of such approach and sketch an experimentally-oriented way to overcome them.


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How animals manage time and expend energy has implications for survivorship. Being able to measure key metabolic costs of animals under natural conditions is therefore an important tool in behavioral ecology. One method for estimating activity-specific metabolic rate is via derived measures of acceleration, often 'overall dynamic body acceleration' (ODBA), recorded by an instrumented acceleration logger. ODBA has been shown to correlate well with rate of oxygen consumption (V ?o) in a range of species during activity in the laboratory. This study devised a method for attaching acceleration loggers to decapod crustaceans and then correlated ODBA against concurrent respirometry readings to assess accelerometry as a proxy for activity-specific energy expenditure in a model species, the American lobster Homarus americanus. Where the instrumented animals exhibited a sufficient range of activity levels, positive linear relationships were found between V ?o and ODBA over 20min periods at a range of ambient temperatures (6, 13 and 20°C). Mixed effect linear models based on these data and morphometrics provided reasonably strong predictive power for estimating activity-specific V ?o from ODBA. These V ?o-ODBA calibrations demonstrate the potential of accelerometry as an effective predictor of behavior-specific metabolic rate of crustaceans in the wild during periods of activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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PURPOSE To characterise subtypes of fundus autofluorescence (AF), the progression of retinal atrophy and correlate these findings with genotype in Stargardt Disease. METHODS Full clinical examination and AF imaging was undertaken in 68 patients with Stargardt Disease. The baseline data were compared with those at follow-up. Patients were classified into three AF subtypes: type 1 had a localised low signal at the fovea surrounded by a homogeneous background; type 2 had a localised low signal at the macula surrounded by a heterogeneous background with numerous foci of abnormal signal; type 3 had multiple low signal areas at the posterior pole with a heterogeneous background. At baseline, there were 19 patients with type 1, 41 with type 2, and 8 with type 3. The areas of reduced AF signal were measured and rate of atrophy enlargement (RAE) was calculated as the difference of the atrophy size over time (mm2) divided by the follow-up interval (yrs). Molecular screening of ABCA4 was undertaken. RESULTS The mean follow-up interval was 9.1 years. 42% of type 1 progressed to type 2, and 12% of type 2 progressed to type 3. RAE (mm2/yr) based upon baseline AF subtypes was significantly different; 0.06 in type 1, 0.67 in type 2, and 4.37 in type 3. ABCA4 variants were identified in 57 patients. There was a significant association between AF subtype and genotype. CONCLUSIONS The AF pattern at baseline influences the enlargement of atrophy over time and has genetic correlates. These data are likely to assist in the provision of counselling on prognosis in Stargardt Disease and be valuable for future clinical trials.


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We study the long-range quantum correlations in the anisotropic XY model. By first examining the thermodynamic limit, we show that employing the quantum discord as a figure of merit allows one to capture the main features of the model at zero temperature. Furthermore, by considering suitably large site separations we find that these correlations obey a simple scaling behavior for finite temperatures, allowing for efficient estimation of the critical point. We also address ground-state factorization of this model by explicitly considering finite-size systems, showing its relation to the energy spectrum and explaining the persistence of the phenomenon at finite temperatures. Finally, we compute the fidelity between finite and infinite systems in order to show that remarkably small system sizes can closely approximate the thermodynamic limit.


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Motivation: To date, Gene Set Analysis (GSA) approaches primarily focus on identifying differentially expressed gene sets (pathways). Methods for identifying differentially coexpressed pathways also exist but are mostly based on aggregated pairwise correlations, or other pairwise measures of coexpression. Instead, we propose Gene Sets Net Correlations Analysis (GSNCA), a multivariate differential coexpression test that accounts for the complete correlation structure between genes.

Results: In GSNCA, weight factors are assigned to genes in proportion to the genes' cross-correlations (intergene correlations). The problem of finding the weight vectors is formulated as an eigenvector problem with a unique solution. GSNCA tests the null hypothesis that for a gene set there is no difference in the weight vectors of the genes between two conditions. In simulation studies and the analyses of experimental data, we demonstrate that GSNCA, indeed, captures changes in the structure of genes' cross-correlations rather than differences in the averaged pairwise correlations. Thus, GSNCA infers differences in coexpression networks, however, bypassing method-dependent steps of network inference. As an additional result from GSNCA, we define hub genes as genes with the largest weights and show that these genes correspond frequently to major and specific pathway regulators, as well as to genes that are most affected by the biological difference between two conditions. In summary, GSNCA is a new approach for the analysis of differentially coexpressed pathways that also evaluates the importance of the genes in the pathways, thus providing unique information that may result in the generation of novel biological hypotheses.