80 resultados para Banach Lattice


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In the paper we give an exposition of the major results concerning the relation between first order cohomology of Banach algebras of operators on a Banach space with coefficients in specified modules and the geometry of the underlying Banach space. In particular we shall compare the properties weak amenability and amenability for Banach algebras A(X), the approximable operators on a Banach space X. Whereas amenability is a local property of the Banach space X, weak amenability is often the consequence of properties of large scale geometry.


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In this letter, we propose a lattice-based full diversity design for rate-one quasi-orthogonal space time block codes (QSTBC) to obtain an improved diversity product for eight transmit antennas where the information bits are mapped into 4-D lattice points instead of the common modulation constellations. Particularly, the diversity product of the proposed code is directly determined by the minimum Euclidean distance of the used lattice and can be improved by using the lattice packing. We show analytically and by using simulation results that the proposed code achieves a larger diversity product than the rate-one QSTBCs reported previously.


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In this letter, we propose a simple space-time code to simultaneously achieve both the space and time diversities over time dispersive channels by using two-dimensional lattice constellations and Alamouti codes. The proposed scheme still reserves full space diversity and double-real-symbols joint maximum likelihood decoding which has the similar computation complexity as the Alamouti code.


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A comprehensive study of the Debye-Huckel repulsive and ion wakefield induced attractive potentials around a dust grain is presented, including ion flow. It is found that the modified interaction potential (especially the attractive wakefield force) can cause instability of linear dust oscillations propagating in a dusty plasma crystal composed of dust grains in a horizontal arrangement suspended in the sheath region near a conducting wall (electrode). The dependence of dust lattice modes on the ion flow is studied, revealing instability of dust lattice modes for certain values of the ion flow speed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of the modulational instability in transverse dust lattice waves propagating in a one-dimensional dusty plasma crystal is investigated. The amplitude modulation mechanism, which is related to the intrinsic nonlinearity of the sheath electric field, is shown to destabilize the carrier wave under certain conditions, possibly leading to the formation of localized envelope excitations. Explicit expressions for the instability growth rate and threshold are presented and discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A comprehensive nonlinear model is put forward for coupled longitudinal to transverse displacements in a horizontal dust mono-layer, levitated under the combined influence of gravity and an electric and/or magnetic sheath field. A set of coupled nonlinear evolution equations are obtained in a discrete description, and a pair of coupled (Boussinesq-like) PDEs are obtained in the continuum approximation. Finally, the amplitude modulation of the coupled modes is discussed, pointing out the importance of the coupling. All these results are generic, i.e. valid for any assumed form of the inter-grain interaction potential U and the sheath potential Phi.


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We discuss the effect of the attractive force associated with overlapping Debye spheres on the dispersion properties of the longitudinal and transverse dust lattice waves in strongly coupled dust crystals. The dust grain attraction is shown to contribute to a destabilization of the longitudinal dust lattice oscillations. The (optic-like) transverse mode dispersion law is shown to change. due to the Debye sphere dressing effect, from the known inverse-dispersive ("backward wave") form into a normal dispersive law (i.e. the group velocity changes sign). The stability of one-dimensionless bi-layers, consisting of (alternating) negatively and positively charged dust particles, is also discussed. The range of parameter values (mainly in terms of the lattice parameter kappa) where the above predictions are valid, are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A dusty plasma crystalline configuration with equal charge dust grains and mass is considered. Both charge and mass of each dust species are taken to be constant. Two differential equations for a two-dimensional hexagonal crystal on the basis of a Yukawa-type potential energy and a


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The amplitude modulation of dust lattice waves (DLWs) propagating in a two-dimensional hexagonal dust crystal is investigated in a continuum approximation, accounting for the effect of dust charge polarization (dressed interactions). A dusty plasma crystalline configuration with constant dust grain charge and mass is considered. The dispersion relation and the group velocity for DLWs are determined for wave propagation in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The reductive perturbation method is used to derive a (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). New expressions for the coefficients of the NLSE are derived and compared, for a Yukawa-type potential energy and for a


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The propagation of nonlinear dust-lattice waves in a two-dimensional hexagonal crystal is investigated. Transverse (off-plane) dust grain oscillatory motion is considered in the form of a backward propagating wave packet whose linear and nonlinear characteristics are investigated. An evolution equation is obtained for the slowly varying amplitude of the first (fundamental) harmonic by making use of a two-dimensional lattice multiple scales technique. An analysis based on the continuum approximation (spatially extended excitations compared to the lattice spacing) shows that wave packets will be modulationally stable and that dark-type envelope solitons (density holes) may occur in the long wavelength region. Evidence is provided of modulational instability and of the occurrence of bright-type envelopes (pulses) at shorter wavelengths. The role of second neighbor interactions is also investigated and is shown to be rather weak in determining the modulational stability region. The effect of dissipation, assumed negligible in the algebra throughout the article, is briefly discussed.


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We give a complete description of those separable Banach lattices E with the property that every bounded linear from E into itself is the difference of two positive operators.


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We investigate the simplicial cohomology of certain Banach operator algebras. The two main examples considered are the Banach algebra of all bounded operators on a Banach space and its ideal of approximable operators. Sufficient conditions will be given forcing Banach algebras of this kind to be simplicially trivial.


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The aim of this paper is to show that there exist infinite dimensional Banach spaces of functions that, except for 0, satisfy properties that apparently should be destroyed by the linear combination of two of them. Three of these spaces are: a Banach space of differentiable functions on Rn failing the Denjoy-Clarkson property; a Banach space of non Riemann integrable bounded functions, but with antiderivative at each point of an interval; a Banach space of infinitely differentiable functions that vanish at infinity and are not the Fourier transform of any Lebesgue integrable function.