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The dissolution process of metal complexes in ionic liquids was investigated by a multiple-technique approach to reveal the solvate species of the metal in solution. The task-specific ionic liquid betainium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Hbet][Tf2N]) is able to dissolve stoichiometric amounts of the oxides of the rare-earth elements. The crystal structures of the compounds [Eu-2(bet)(8)(H2O)(4)][Tf2N](6), [Eu-2(bet)(8)(H2O)(2)][Tf2N](6)center dot 2H(2)O, and [Y-2(bet)(6)(H2O)(4)][Tf2N](6) were found to consist of dimers. These rare-earth complexes are well soluble in the ionic liquids [Hbet][Tf2N] and [C(4)mim]- [Tf2N] (C(4)mim = 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium). The speciation of the metal complexes after dissolution in these ionic liquids was investigated by luminescence spectroscopy, H-1, C-13, and Y-89 NMR spectroscopy, and by the synchrotron techniques EXAFS (extended X-ray absorption fine structure) and HEXS (high-energy X-ray scattering). The combination of these complementary analytical techniques reveals that the cationic dimers decompose into monomers after dissolution of the complexes in the ionic liquids. Deeper insight into the solution processes of metal compounds is desirable for applications of ionic liquids in the field of electrochemistry, catalysis, and materials chemistry.


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A range of ionic liquids was prepared by mixing 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride with gallium(III) chloride or indium(III) chloride in various ratios, producing both acidic and basic compositions. Their speciation was investigated using Ga-71 NMR or In-115 NMR spectroscopy, as well as extended X-ray absorption fine structure. Polynuclear Lewis acidic anions, [MxCl3x+1](-), were found in chlorogallate(III) ionic liquids, but not in chloroindate(III) systems.


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Uranium(VI) oxide has been dissolved in three different ionic liquids functionalized with a carboxyl group: betainium bis[trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-(carboxymethyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, and N-(carboxymethyl)-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide. The dissolution process results in the formation of uranyl complexes with zwitterionic carboxylate ligands and bis[trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide (bistriflimide) counterions. An X-ray diffraction study on single crystals of the uranyl complexes revealed that the crystal structure strongly depends on the cationic core appended to the carboxylate groups. The betainium ionic liquid gives a dimeric uranyl complex, the imidazolium ionic liquid a monomeric complex, and the pyrrolidinium ionic liquid a one-dimensional polymeric uranyl complex, Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements have been performed on the betainium uranyl complex. The absorption and luminescence spectra of the uranyl betainium complex have been studied in the solid state and dissolved in water, in acetonitrile, and in the ionic liquid betainium bistriflimide. The carboxylate groups remain coordinated to uranyl in acetonitrile and in betainium bistriflimide but not in water.


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A range of chloroindate(III) ionic liquid systems was prepared by mixing of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride with indium(III) chloride in various ratios, expressed as the mol fraction of indium(III) chloride, chi(InCl3). For chi(InCl3) 0.50, the products were biphasic (suspensions of a solid in an ionic liquid). Speciation of these chloroindate(III) systems was carried out using a wide range of techniques: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarised optical microscopy (POM), liquid-state and solid-state In-115 NMR spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Ionic liquids prepared using an excess of the organic chloride (chi(InCl3) 0.5) contained indium(III) chloride powder suspended in a neutral tetrachloroindate ionic liquid.


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A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order: iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain.


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The chemisorption and reactivity of SO2 on Pt{111} have been studied by HREELS, XPS, NEXAFS and temperature-programmed desorption. At 160 K SO2 adsorbs intact at high coverages, with eta(2) S-O coordination to the surface. On annealing to 270 K, NEXAFS indicates the SO2 molecular plane essentially perpendicular to the surface. Preadsorbed O-a reacts with SO2 to yield adsorbed SO4, identified as the key surface species responsible for SO2-promoted catalytic alkane oxidation. Coadsorbed CO or propene efficiently reduce SO2 overlayers to deposit S-a, and the implications of this for catalytic systems are discussed.


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A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order:? iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain. A compartmented soil-glass bead culture system was used to investigate characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants with different capacities of forming iron plaque on their roots. X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra and extended X-ray absorption fine structure were utilized to identify the mineralogical characteristics of iron plaque and arsenic sequestration in plaque on the rice roots. Iron plaque was dominated by (oxyhydr)oxides, which were composed of ferrihydrite (81-100%), with a minor amount of goethite (19%) fitted in one of the samples. Sequential extraction and XANES data showed that arsenic in iron plaque was sequestered mainly with amorphous and crystalline iron (oxyhydr)oxides, and that arsenate was the predominant species. There was significant variation in iron plaque formation between genotypes, and the distribution of arsenic in different components of mature rice plants followed the following order:? iron plaque > root > straw > husk > grain for all genotypes. Arsenic accumulation in grain differed significantly among genotypes. Inorganic arsenic and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were the main arsenic species in rice grain for six genotypes, and there were large genotypic differences in levels of DMA and inorganic arsenic in grain.


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An exact multiple-scattering formalism is used to simulate a wave multiply scattered from a cluster, and this is used to provide a direct quantitative analysis of the influence of multiple scattering on holographic imaging. Although multiple scattering may help in identifying atomic positions in real space, we show that it does cause a loss of resolution. We also show that a filter function can considerably reduce the multiple-scattering contribution to holographic images.


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Uranyl complexes dissolved in room-temperature ionic liquids have diagnostic absorption and emission spectra which reflect the molecular symmetry and geometry. In particular, the characteristic vibrational fine structure of the absorption spectra allows identification of the molecular symmetry of a uranyl complex. The concept of speciation of. uranyl complexes is illustrated for the hydrated uranyl ion, the tetrachloro complex [UO2Cl4](2-), the trinitrato complex [UO2(NO3)(3)](-), the triacetato complex [UO2(CH3COO)(3)](-) and the crown ether complex [UO2(18-crown-6)](2+) in imidazolium and pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids. The competition between 18- crown-6 and small inorganic ligands for coordination to the uranyl ion was investigated. The crystal structures of the hydrolysis product [(UO2)(2)(mu(2)-OH)(2)(H2O)(6)] [UO2Br4](18-crown-6)(4) and imidazolium salt [C(6)mim](2)[UO2Br4] are described.


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It is shown that ionic liquids are promising solvents for near-infrared emitting lanthanide complexes, because ionic liquids are polar non-coordinating solvents that can solubilize lanthanide complexes. Neodymium(III) tosylate, bromide, triflate and sulfonylimide complexes were dissolved in 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids that contain the same anion as the neodymium(III) complexes. Near-infrared luminescence spectra of these neodymium(III) salts were measured by direct excitation of the neodymium(III) ion. The absorption spectra show detailed crystal-field fine structure and Judd-Ofelt parameters have been determined. Intense near-infrared luminescence was observed upon ligand excitation for neodymium(III) complexes with 1,10-phenanthroline or beta-diketonate ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Context. Absorption or emission lines of Cr II are observed in a wide variety of astrophysical spectra and accurate atomic data are urgently needed to interpret these lines. Many of these data are impossible to measure experimentally and a full theoretical treatment is the only means by which these data can be obtained.

Aims. In this paper, we present collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of Cr II for forbidden transitions among the lowest-lying 74 fine-structure levels. Effective collision strengths have been computed for 18 individual electron temperatures of astrophysical importance, ranging from 2000-100 000 K.

Methods. The parallel suite of R-matrix packages, RMATRX II, which has recently been extended to allow for the inclusion of relativistic effects, has been used in the present work to compute the collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of Cr II. We concentrate in this publication on low-lying forbidden lines among the lowest 74 jj fine-structure levels with configurations 3d(5) and 3d(4)4s, although atomic data has been evaluated for all 39 060 transitions among the 280 jj levels of configurations 3d(5), 3d(4)4s and 3d(4)4p. This work constitutes the largest evaluation ever performed for this ion involving 1932 coupled channels.

Results. Collision and effective collision strengths are presented for all transitions among the lowest 74 J pi states of Cr II and comparisons made with the work of Bautista et al. (2009). While the effective collision strengths agree well for some transitions, significant discrepancies exist for others. We believe that the present atomic data represents the most accurate, most sophisticated and most complete data set for electron-impact excitation of Cr II and we would recommend them to astrophysicists and plasma physicists in their application work. We would expect that the effective collision strengths presented for the important low-lying forbidden lines are accurate to within 15%.


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The fine structure of the excretory system in the juvenile (plerocercoid-like) form of Trilocularia acanthiaevulgaris is described. The flame cell bears a bunch of 50-70 cilia, which are anchored in the cytoplasm by means of basal bodies possessing striated rootlets. All the cilia in the


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Effective collision strengths for transitions among the lowest 97 fine-structure levels belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p(2), 3s3p(3), 3s(2)3p3d, 3p(4), 3s3p(2)3d and 3s(2)3d(2) configurations of Fe XIII have been calculated using the fully relativistic Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (DARC) of Norrington & Grant (2004). Resonances have been resolved in the threshold region, and results are reported over a wide electron temperature range up to log T-e = 6.8 K. Comparisons are made with the earlier available R-matrix results of Gupta & Tayal (1998), and the accuracy of the data is assessed.


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Radiative rates for electric dipole (E I), electric quadrupole (E2), magnetic dipole (M1), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the lowest 60 fine-structure levels of the (1s(2)) 2S(2)2p(5), 2s2p(6), and 2S(2)2p(4)3l configurations of F-like Mo XXXIV have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Additionally, collision strengths for transitions among these levels have been computed over a wide energy range below 3200Ry, using the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in order to calculate the effective collision strengths. Results for radiative rates and excitation rates are presented for all transitions, and for collision strengths for transitions from the lowest three levels to the higher lying levels. The accuracy of the present data is assessed to be similar to 20%.


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Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions among the lowest 24 fine-structure levels belonging to the ls(2) nl (n <5) configurations of Li-like O VI have been calculated using the fully relativistic GRASP code. Additionally, collision strengths for transitions among these levels have been computed over a wide energy range below 63 Ry, using the Dirac Atomic R- matrix Code. Resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh in order to calculate the effective collision strengths. Results for radiative rates, collision strengths, and effective collision strengths are presented for all transitions. Comparisons with other available results are made, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed. Energy levels are expected to be accurate to within 1%, while other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%.