63 resultados para surface science


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Dealuminated beta zeolites exchanged with Pd and Fe were prepared to investigate the influence of iron and dealumination on the activity and selectivity of Pd/BEA zeolite for toluene total oxidation. The specific areas determined by BET method and EPR studies allowed to know that the palladium would be more easily agglomerated on the BEA than on the DBEA. Moreover, a quantification of the palladium saturation on the BEA zeolite was deduced by EPR. Effects of dynamic and static oxidation and weak and strong reduction treatments were studied by EPR. Several isolated and interacted Pd+ species and hole centers were detected. The Pd was much reduced after the catalytic test in dealuminated and Fe doped samples. This result could be directly correlated to the catalytic deactivation. The deactivation could be also explain by the type of coke deposed on the catalyst and by the hydroscopic behavior of the samples. Addition of Fe or dealumination could prevent the deactivation and then lead to better catalysts for VOCs oxidation.


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The chemisorption and reactivity of SO2 on Pt{111} have been studied by HREELS, XPS, NEXAFS and temperature-programmed desorption. At 160 K SO2 adsorbs intact at high coverages, with eta(2) S-O coordination to the surface. On annealing to 270 K, NEXAFS indicates the SO2 molecular plane essentially perpendicular to the surface. Preadsorbed O-a reacts with SO2 to yield adsorbed SO4, identified as the key surface species responsible for SO2-promoted catalytic alkane oxidation. Coadsorbed CO or propene efficiently reduce SO2 overlayers to deposit S-a, and the implications of this for catalytic systems are discussed.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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XPS, HREELS, ARUPS and Delta phi data show that furan chemisorbs non-dissociatively on Pd{111} at 175 K, the molecular plane being significantly tilted with respect to the surface normal. Bonding involves both the oxygen lone pair and significant a interaction with the substrate. The degree of decomposition that accompanies molecular desorption is a strong function of coverage: similar to 40% of the adsorbate desorbs molecularly from the saturated monolayer. Decomposition occurs via decarbonylation to yield COa and H-a followed by desorption rate limited loss of H-2 and CO. It seems probable that an adsorbed C3H3 species formed during this process undergoes subsequent stepwise dehydrogenation ultimately yielding H-2 and C-a.


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Recent experiments on Au break junctions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 216803] have characterized the nonlinear conductance of stretched short Au nanowires. They reveal in the voltage range 10-20 meV the signatures of dissipation effects, likely due to phonons in the nanowire, reducing the conductance below the quantized value of 2e(2)/h. We present here a theory, based on a model tight-binding Hamiltonian and on non-equilibrium Green's function techniques, which accounts for the main features of the experiment. The theory helps in revealing details of the experiment which need to be addressed with a more realistic, less idealized, theoretical framework. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The wettability and hydrophobicity of super-hydrophobic (SH) meshes is greatly influenced by their topographic structures, chemical composition and coating process. In this study, the properties of copper and stainless steel meshes, coated with super-hydrophobic electrolessly deposited silver were investigated. A new method to test the pressure resistance of super-hydrophobic mesh was applied to avoid any deformation of mesh. Results showed that SH copper mesh and SH stainless steel meshes with the same pore size have almost the same contact angle and the same hydrophobicity. SH copper mesh with a pore size of 122 μm can resist water pressure of 4900 Pa and a decrease of pore size of mesh can increase the pressure resistance of SH copper mesh. The SH copper mesh modified with 0.1 M HS(CH2)10COOH solution in ethanol has a controllable water permeation property by simply adjusting the pH of water solution. SH copper mesh shows super-oleophilicity with organic solvents and so with a water contact angle of 0° and it can be an effective tool for organic solvents/water separation. The separation efficiency of SH copper mesh for separating mixtures of organic solvent and water can be as high as 99.8%.


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The use of Raman and anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy to investigate the effect of exposure to high power laser radiation on the crystalline phases of TiO2 has been investigated. Measurement of the changes, over several time integrals, in the Raman and anti-stokes Raman of TiO2 spectra with exposure to laser radiation is reported. Raman and anti-stokes Raman provide detail on both the structure and the kinetic process of changes in crystalline phases in the titania material. The effect of laser exposure resulted in the generation of increasing amounts of the rutile crystalline phase from the anatase crystalline phase during exposure. The Raman spectra displayed bands at 144 cm-1 (A1g), 197 cm-1 (Eg), 398 cm-1 (B1g), 515 cm-1 (A1g), and 640 cm-1 (Eg) assigned to anatase which were replaced by bands at 143 cm-1 (B1g), 235 cm-1 (2 phonon process), 448 cm-1 (Eg) and 612 cm-1 (A1g) which were assigned to rutile. This indicated that laser irradiation of TiO2 changes the crystalline phase from anatase to rutile. Raman and anti-stokes Raman are highly sensitive to the crystalline forms of TiO2 and allow characterisation of the effect of laser irradiation upon TiO2. This technique would also be applicable as an in situ method for monitoring changes during the laser irradiation process