56 resultados para subjected to violence


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The right to self-defence has lately been subjected to intense academic controversy, both at the domestic and international level. The debate is focused on the question of whether or not the requirement of imminence is merely a translator for the notion of necessity. At the domestic level, the debate has mainly been kindled by feminist scholars, who, in the context of the 'battered woman', argue that the requirement of imminence should be discarded from the contours of the self-defence doctrine. The purpose of this article is to prove the necessity of the imminence requirement as a litmus test to detect possible abuses of the self-defence doctrine.


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Growth-promoting agents are illicitly used during animal rearing processes and the detection of their use is limited by new compounds and dosing practices that limit the efficiency of current testing which is based on residue analysis by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) methodology. An alternative approach is to use indirect biological evidence as a screening tool to identify growth-promoter treated animals thus improving the effectiveness of residue testing through the targeted sampling of these animals. Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein which binds and controls the levels of sex-hormones within the circulation. Using a biosensor assay based on measurement of binding to an immobilised 1a-dihydrotestosterone (1a-DHT) derivative, reduced SHBG binding capacities were detected in growth-promoter treated animals. During the course of a veal treatment regime based on repeated oestradiol benzoate, nortestosterone decanoate and dexamethasone administrations, treated male and female calves were shown to have significantly lower SHBG capacities. To assess the effectiveness of using SHBG binding capacities as a biomarker of treatment and to investigate the role of individual growth-promoter components to the SHBG capacity lowering effects, adult heifer animals were subjected to repeated doses of nortestosterone decanoate. These animals also demonstrated a reduction in SHBG capacity levels at Day 39 of the study, in contrast to oestradiol benzoate treated adult steers who were found to have unaltered levels. These findings suggest that the measurement of SHBG binding capacities using a biosensor assay has potential in the identification of illegally treated animals, particularly those exposed to androgens.


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The European Court of Human Rights has now clearly established that domestic violence constitutes a human rights issue. However, there are a number of difficulties involved in using the Human Rights Act 1998 in relation to violence against women in the home. One of these obstacles is the restrictive test of standing found in the Act, which is problematic as regards an ‘unseen crime’ such as domestic violence. This article examines this test of standing and the difficulties it poses in the context of violence against women in the home. It then considers alternative models for the standing requirement and assesses whether a change in the test of standing would produce beneficial results as regards the issue of domestic violence.


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A novel approach has been developed to determine ranitidine in paediatric samples using dried blood spots (DBS) on Guthrie cards (Whatman 903). A selective and sensitive HPLC-MS/MS assay has been developed and validated using small volumes of blood (30µl). A 6mm disc was punched from each DBS and extracted with methanolic solution of the internal standard (IS) nizatidine. This was further subjected to solid phase extraction (SPE), followed by reversed phase HPLC separation, using a XBridge™ C18 column and mobile phase 10mM ammonium acetate/methanol (98:2 v/v) with a flow rate of 0.3mL/min. This was combined with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass detection using electrospray ionisation (ESI). The calibration curve for ranitidine was found linear over the range 10-500ng/mL (r=0.996). The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the method was validated at 10ng/mL. Accuracy and precision values for within and between days were


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Body mass has been shown to scale negatively with abundance in a wide range of habitats and ecosystems. It is believed that this relationship has important consequences for the distribution and maintenance of energy in natural communities. Some studies have shown that the relationship between body mass and abundance may be robust to major food web perturbations, fuelling the belief that natural processes may preserve the slope of this relationship and the associated cycling of energy and nutrients. Here, we use data from a long-term experimental food web manipulation to examine this issue in a semi-natural environment. Similar communities were developed in large experimental mesocosms over a six month period. Some of the mesocosms were then subjected to species removals, based on the mean strength of their trophic interactions in the communities. In treatments where the strongest interactors were removed, a community-level trophic cascade occurred. The biomass density of invertebrates increased dramatically in these communities, which led to a suppression of primary production. In spite of these widespread changes in ecosystem functioning, the slope of the relationship between body mass and abundance remained unchanged. This was the case whether average species body mass and abundance or individual organism size spectra were considered. An examination of changes in species composition before and after the experimental manipulations revealed an important mechanism for maintaining the body mass-abundance relationship. The manipulated communities all had a higher species turnover than the intact communities, with the highest turnover in communities that experienced cascading effects. As some species increased in body mass and abundance, new species filled the available size-abundance niches that were created. This maintained the overall body mass-abundance relationship and provided a stabilising structure to these experimental communities.


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Finding a ‘solution’ for the seemingly intractable problem of unemployment in post-Napoleonic rural England was the Holy Grail for many vestries. Yet, whilst we know much about the depth and consequences of unemployment, parish-driven schemes to set the poor to work have been subjected to remarkably little in the way of systematic study. This paper focuses on one such policy that remains entirely obscure: parish farms, the hiring of pre-existing farms or fields by the parish on which to employ those out of work. Bearing a ‘family resemblance’ to allotments and other land-based attempts to alleviate poverty, parish farms were unique in that they were managed in all regards by the parish and were an employment strategy as opposed to a scheme to supplement the incomes of the poor. Whilst the archive of parish farms is often frustratingly opaque, it is shown that before they were effectively outlawed by the passing of the New Poor Law, many southern parishes, especially in the Weald of Kent and Sussex, adopted the scheme, occasionally with great success.


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Objectives: To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of canrenone following administration of potassium canrenoate in paediatric patients. Patients and Methods: Data were collected prospectively from 23 paediatric patients (2 days to 10 years of age; median weight 4 kg, range 2.16-28.0 kg) who received intravenous potassium canrenoate (K-canrenoate) as part of their intensive care therapy for removal of retained fluids e.g. in pulmonary oedema due to chronic lung disease and for the management of congestive heart failure. Plasma samples were analysed by HPLC for determination of canrenone (the major metabolite and pharmacologically active moiety) and the data subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis using NONMEM. Results: A one-compartment model best described the data. The only significant covariate was weight (WT). The final population models for canrenone clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were CL/F (L/hr) = 11.4 × (WT /70.0)(0.75) and V/F (L) = 374.2 × (WT/70) where WT is in kg. The values of CL/F and V/F in a 4 kg child would be 1.33 L/hr and 21.4 L, respectively, resulting in an elimination half-life of 11.2 hr. Conclusions: The range of estimated CL/F in the study population was 0.67-7.38 L/hr. The data suggest that adjustment of K-canrenoate dosage according to body weight is appropriate in paediatric patients


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Management of dyspepsia remains a controversial area. Although the European Helicobacter pylori study group has advised empirical eradication therapy without oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) in young H pylori positive dyspeptic patients who do not exhibit alarm symptoms, this strategy has not been subjected to clinical trial.


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Investigation of the triclabendazole (TCBZ) resistance status of populations of Fasciola hepatica in field cases of fasciolosis, where treatment failure has been reported, can be supported by histological examination of flukes collected from recently treated hosts. In TCBZ-sensitive flukes (TCBZ-S) exposed to TCBZ metabolites for 1-4. days in vivo, but not in TCBZ-resistant flukes (TCBZ-R), morphological changes suggestive of apoptosis occur in cells undergoing meiosis or mitosis in the testis, ovary and vitelline follicles. In order to verify or refute the contention that efficacy of TCBZ treatment is associated with apoptosis in the reproductive organs of flukes, histological sections of TCBZ-S (Cullompton isolate) flukes and TCBZ-R (Sligo isolate) flukes were subjected to the TdT-mediated dUDP nick end labelling (TUNEL) in situ hybridisation method, a commercially available test specifically designed to label endonuclease-induced DNA strand breaks associated with apoptosis. Additionally, sections of in vivo-treated and untreated flukes originating from field outbreaks of suspected TCBZ-S and TCBZ-R fasciolosis were labelled by the TUNEL method. It was found that in treated TCBZ-S flukes, strong positive labelling indicating apoptosis was associated with morphologically abnormal cells undergoing mitosis or meiosis in the testis, ovary and vitelline follicles. Background labelling in the positive testis sections was attributed to heterophagy of cell debris by the sustentacular tissue. The triggering of apoptosis was probably related to failure of spindle formation at cell division, supporting the contention that TCBZ inhibits microtubule formation. In treated TCBZ-R (Sligo Type 1) flukes, and in treated flukes from field outbreaks of suspected TCBZ-R fasciolosis, no significant labelling was observed, while sections of fluke derived from a field case of fasciolosis where TCBZ resistance was not suspected were heavily labelled. Light labelling was associated with the testis of untreated Cullompton (TCBZ-S) and Sligo Type 2 (TCBZ-R) flukes, which exhibit abnormal spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis, respectively. This was attributed to apoptosis and to heterophagy of effete germ line cells by the sustentacular tissue. It is concluded that demonstration of apoptosis by in situ hybridisation using the TUNEL method on sections of 1-4. days in vivo TCBZ-treated F. hepatica can contribute to the diagnosis of TCBZ resistance in field outbreaks of fasciolosis. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The present study investigated the long-term consistency of individual differences in dairy cattles’ responses in tests of behavioural and hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis reactivity, as well as the relationship between responsiveness in behavioural tests and the reaction to first milking. Two cohorts of heifer calves, Cohorts 1 (N = 25) and 2 (N = 16), respectively, were examined longitudinally from the rearing period until adulthood. Cohort 1 heifers were subjected to open field (OF), novel object (NO), restraint, and response to a human tests at 7 months of age, and were again observed in an OF test during first pregnancy between 22 and 24 months of age. Subsequently, inhibition of milk ejection and stepping and kicking behaviours were recorded in Cohort 1 heifers during their first machine milking. Cohort 2 heifers were individually subjected to OF and NO tests as well as two HPA axis reactivity tests (determining ACTH and/or cortisol response profiles after administration of exogenous CRH and ACTH, respectively) at 6 months of age and during first lactation at approximately 29 months of age. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to condense correlated response measures (to behavioural tests and to milking) within ages into independent dimensions underlying heifers’ reactivity. Heifers demonstrated consistent individual differences in locomotion and vocalisation during an OF test from rearing to first pregnancy (Cohort 1) or first lactation (Cohort 2). Individual differences in struggling in a restraint test at 7 months of age reliably predicted those in OF locomotion during first pregnancy in Cohort 1 heifers. Cohort 2 animals with high cortisol responses to OF and NO tests and high avoidance of the novel object at 6 months of age also exhibited enhanced cortisol responses to OF and NO tests at 29 months of age. Measures of HPA axis reactivity, locomotion, vocalisation and adrenocortical and behavioural responses to novelty were largely uncorrelated, supporting the idea that stress responsiveness in dairy cows is mediated by multiple independent underlying traits. Inhibition of milk ejection and stepping and kicking behaviours during first machine milking were not related to earlier struggling during restraint, locomotor responses to OF and NO tests, or the behavioural interaction with a novel object. Heifers with high rates of OF and NO vocalisation and short latencies to first contact with the human at 7 months of age exhibited better milk ejection during first machine milking. This suggests that low underlying sociality might be implicated in the inhibition of milk ejection at the beginning of lactation in heifers.


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Animals subjected to hypoxia become hypocapnic and after some hours show an increase in circulating erythropoietin. The steps involved in the increased production of erythropoietin in response to hypoxia are not fully understood, although it has been postulated that changes in coincident variables such as acid-base balance may contribute to the mechanism of increased erythropoietin production. A rabbit model has been used to determine the physiological changes which occur in short-term hypobaric hypoxia. After 1 h, no changes were found in pCO2, pH, P50, base excess, standard bicarbonate or serum erythropoietic activity (SEA). After 3 h the pCO2, pH, base excess and standard bicarbonate had decreased while the P50 and SEA had increased. After 6 h, although the pCO2 was still significantly reduced, the pH, base excess and standard bicarbonate had returned to the initial levels and maximal SEA values. 20-fold greater than the pre-hypoxia values were found. Overall the data are consistent with the view that the magnitude of the erythropoietic response to hypoxia is modified by changes in acid-base balance.


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This study investigated how damage changes the modal parameters of a real bridge by means of a field experiment which was conducted on a real steel truss bridge consecutively subjected to four artificial damage scenarios. In the experiment, both the forced and free vibrations of the bridge were recorded, the former for identifying higher modes available exclusively and the latter for lower modes with higher resolution. Results show that modal parameters are little affected by damage causing low stress redistribution. Modal frequencies decrease as damage causing high stress redistribution is applied; such a change can be observed if the damage is at the non-nodal point of the corresponding mode shape. Mode shapes are distorted due to asymmetric damage; they show an amplification in the damaged side as damage is applied at the non-nodal point. Torsion modes become more dominant as damage is applied either asymmetrically or on an element against large design loads. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Creep of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) under flexural loads in the cracked state and to what extent different factors determine creep behaviour are quite understudied topics within the general field of SFRC mechanical properties. A series of prismatic specimens have been produced and subjected to sustained flexural loads. The effect of a number of variables (fiber length and slenderness, fiber content, and concrete compressive strength) has been studied in a comprehensive fashion. Twelve response variables (creep parameters measured at different times) have been retained as descriptive of flexural creep behaviour. Multivariate techniques have been used: the experimental results have been projected to their latent structure by means of Principal Components Analysis (PCA), so that all the information has been reduced to a set of three latent variables. They have been related to the variables considered and statistical significance of their effects on creep behaviour has been assessed. The result is a unified view on the effects of the different variables considered upon creep behaviour: fiber content and fiber slenderness have been detected to clearly modify the effect that load ratio has on flexural creep behaviour.


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An intralaminar damage model (IDM), based on continuum damage mechanics, was developed for the simulation of composite structures subjected to damaging loads. This model can capture the complex intralaminar damage mechanisms, accounting for mode interactions, and delaminations. Its development is driven by a requirement for reliable crush simulations to design composite structures with a high specific energy absorption. This IDM was implemented as a user subroutine within the commercial finite element package, Abaqus/Explicit[1]. In this paper, the validation of the IDM is presented using two test cases. Firstly, the IDM is benchmarked against published data for a blunt notched specimen under uniaxial tensile loading, comparing the failure strength as well as showing the damage. Secondly, the crush response of a set of tulip-triggered composite cylinders was obtained experimentally. The crush loading and the associated energy of the specimen is compared with the FE model prediction. These test cases show that the developed IDM is able to capture the structural response with satisfactory accuracy


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Chloride-induced corrosion of steel is one of the most commonly found problems affecting the durability of reinforced concrete structures in both marine environment and where de-icing salt is used in winter. As the significance of micro-cracks on chloride induced corrosion is not well documented, 24 reinforced concrete beams (4 different mixes - one containing Portland cement and another containing 35% ground granulated blastfurnace slag at 0.45 and 0.65 water-binder ratios) were subjected to three levels of sustained lateral loading (0%, 50% and 100% of the load that can induce 0.1 mm wide cracks on the tension surface of beam - F0.1) in this work. The beams were then subjected to weekly cycles of wetting with 10% NaCl solution for 1 day followed by 6 days of drying at 20 (±1) °C up to an exposure period of 60 weeks. The progress of corrosion of steel was monitored using half-cell potential apparatus and linear polarisation resistance (LPR) test. These results have shown that macro-cracks (at load F0.1) and micro-cracks (at 50% of F0.1) greatly accelerated both the initiation and propagation stages of the corrosion of steel in the concrete beams. Lager crack widths for the F0.1 load cases caused higher corrosion rates initially, but after about 38 weeks of exposure, there was a decrease in the rate of corrosion. However, such trends could not be found in 50% F 0.1 group of beams. The extent of chloride ingress also was influenced by the load level. These findings suggest that the effect of micro-cracking at lower loads are very important for deciding the service life of reinforced concrete structures in chloride exposure environments. © 2014 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures.