39 resultados para laura algebras


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We determine the structure of spectral isometries between unital Banach algebras under the hypothesis that the codomain is commutative.


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By the Golod–Shafarevich theorem, an associative algebra $R$ given by $n$ generators and $<n^2/3$ homogeneous quadratic relations is not 5-step nilpotent. We prove that this estimate is optimal. Namely, we show that for every positive integer $n$, there is an algebra $R$ given by $n$ generators and $\lceil n^2/3\rceil$ homogeneous quadratic relations such that $R$ is 5-step nilpotent.


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We consider Sklyanin algebras $S$ with 3 generators, which are quadratic algebras over a field $\K$ with $3$ generators $x,y,z$ given by $3$ relations $pxy+qyx+rzz=0$, $pyz+qzy+rxx=0$ and $pzx+qxz+ryy=0$, where $p,q,r\in\K$. this class of algebras has enjoyed much attention. In particular, using tools from algebraic geometry, Feigin, Odesskii \cite{odf}, and Artin, Tate and Van Den Bergh, showed that if at least two of the parameters $p$, $q$ and $r$ are non-zero and at least two of three numbers $p^3$, $q^3$ and $r^3$ are distinct, then $S$ is Artin--Schelter regular. More specifically, $S$ is Koszul and has the same Hilbert series as the algebra of commutative polynomials in 3 indeterminates (PHS). It has became commonly accepted that it is impossible to achieve the same objective by purely algebraic and combinatorial means like the Groebner basis technique. The main purpose of this paper is to trace the combinatorial meaning of the properties of Sklyanin algebras, such as Koszulity, PBW, PHS, Calabi-Yau, and to give a new constructive proof of the above facts due to Artin, Tate and Van Den Bergh. Further, we study a wider class of Sklyanin algebras, namely
the situation when all parameters of relations could be different. We call them generalized Sklyanin algebras. We classify up to isomorphism all generalized Sklyanin algebras with the same Hilbert series as commutative polynomials on
3 variables. We show that generalized Sklyanin algebras in general position have a Golod–Shafarevich Hilbert series (with exception of the case of field with two elements).


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In the book ’Quadratic algebras’ by Polishchuk and Positselski [23] algebras with a small number of generators (n = 2, 3) are considered. For some number r of relations possible Hilbert series are listed, and those appearing as series of Koszul algebras are specified. The first case, where it was not possible to do, namely the case of three generators n = 3 and six relations r = 6 is formulated as an open problem. We give here a complete answer to this question, namely for quadratic algebras with dimA_1 = dimA_2 = 3, we list all possible Hilbert series, and find out which of them can come from Koszul algebras, and which can not. As a consequence of this classification, we found an algebra, which serves as a counterexample to another problem from the same book [23] (Chapter 7, Sec. 1, Conjecture 2), saying that Koszul algebra of finite global homological dimension d has dimA_1 > d. Namely, the 3-generated algebra A given by relations xx + yx = xz = zy = 0 is Koszul and its Koszul dual algebra A^! has Hilbert series of degree 4: HA! (t) = 1 + 3t + 3t^2 + 2t^3 + t^4, hence A has global homological dimension 4.


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