55 resultados para experimental visual perception


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Recent studies suggested that the control of hand movements in catching involves continuous vision-based adjustments. More insight into these adjustments may be gained by examining the effects of occluding different parts of the ball trajectory. Here, we examined the effects of such occlusion on lateral hand movements when catching balls approaching from different directions, with the occlusion conditions presented in blocks or in randomized order. The analyses showed that late occlusion only had an effect during the blocked presentation, and early occlusion only during the randomized presentation. During the randomized presentation movement biases were more leftward if the preceding trial was an early occlusion trial. The effect of early occlusion during the randomized presentation suggests that the observed leftward movement bias relates to the rightward visual acceleration inherent to the ball trajectories used, while its absence during the blocked presentation seems to reflect trial-by-trial adaptations in the visuomotor gain, reminiscent of dynamic gain control in the smooth pursuit system. The movement biases during the late occlusion block were interpreted in terms of an incomplete motion extrapolation--a reduction of the velocity gain--caused by the fact that participants never saw the to-be-extrapolated part of the ball trajectory. These results underscore that continuous movement adjustments for catching do not only depend on visual information, but also on visuomotor adaptations based on non-visual information.


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To date, the usefulness of stereoscopic visual displays in research on manual interceptive actions has never been examined. In this study, we compared the catching movements of 8 right-handed participants (6 men, 2 women) in a real environment (with suspended balls swinging past the participant, requiring lateral hand movements for interception) with those in a situation in which similar virtual ball trajectories were displayed stereoscopically in a virtual reality system (Cave Automated Virtual Environment [CAVE]; Cruz-Neira, Sandin, DeFranti, Kenyon, & Hart, 1992) with the head fixated. Catching the virtual ball involved grasping a lightweight ball attached to the palm of the hand. The results showed that, compared to real catching, hand movements in the CAVE were (a) initiated later, (b) less accurate, (c) smoother, and (d) aimed more directly at the interception point. Although the latter 3 observations might be attributable to the delayed movement initiation observed in the CAVE, this delayed initiation might have resulted from the use of visual displays. This suggests that stereoscopic visual displays such as present in many virtual reality systems should be used circumspectly in the experimental study of catching and should be used only to address research questions requiring no detailed analysis of the information-based online control of the catching movements.


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Local alpha-band synchronization has been associated with both cortical idling and active inhibition. Recent evidence, however, suggests that long-range alpha synchronization increases functional coupling between cortical regions. We demonstrate increased long-range alpha and beta band phase synchronization during short-term memory retention in children 6-10 years of age. Furthermore, whereas alpha-band synchronization between posterior cortex and other regions is increased during retention, local alpha-band synchronization over posterior cortex is reduced. This constitutes a functional dissociation for alpha synchronization across local and long-range cortical scales. We interpret long-range synchronization as reflecting functional integration within a network of frontal and visual cortical regions. Local desynchronization of alpha rhythms over posterior cortex, conversely, likely arises because of increased engagement of visual cortex during retention.


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This article explores the literature concerning responses to pain of both premature and term-born newborn infants, the evidence for short-term and long-term effects of pain, and behavioral sequelae in individuals who have experienced repeated early pain in neonatal life as they mature. There is no doubt that pain causes stress in babies and this in turn may adversely affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Although there are methods for assessing dimensions of acute reactivity to pain in an experimental setting, there are no very good measures available at the present time that can be used clinically. In the clinical setting repeated or chronic pain is more likely the norm rather than infrequent discrete noxious stimuli of the sort that can be readily studied. The wind-up phenomenon suggests that, exposed to a cascade of procedures as happens with clustering of care in the clinical setting in an attempt to provide periods of rest for stressed babies, an infant may in fact perceive procedures that are not normally viewed as noxious, as pain. Pain exposure during lifesaving intensive medical care of ELBW neonates may also affect subsequent reactivity to pain in the neonatal period, but behavioral differences are probably not likely to be clinically significant in the long term. Prolonged and repeated untreated pain in the newborn period, however, may produce a relatively permanent shift in basal autonomic arousal related to prior NICU pain experience, which may have long-term sequelae. In the long run, the most significant clinical effects of early pain exposure may be on neurodevelopment, contributing to later attention, learning, and behavior problems in these vulnerable children. Although there is considerable evidence to support a variety of adverse effects of early pain, there is less information about the long-term effects of opiates and benzodiazepines on the developing central nervous system. Current evidence reviewed suggests that judicious use of morphine for adjustment to mechanical ventilation may ameliorate the altered autonomic response. It may be very important, however, to distinguish stress from pain. Animal evidence suggests that the neonatal brain is affected differently when exposed to morphine administered in the absence of pain than in the presence of pain. Pain control may be important for many reasons but overuse of morphine or benzodiazepines may have undesirable long-term effects. This is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge of clear relevance to clinical management likely to affect long-term outcomes of high-risk children.


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Cognitive and neurophysiological correlates of arithmetic calculation, concepts, and applications were examined in 41 adolescents, ages 12-15 years. Psychological and task-related EEG measures which correctly distinguished children who scored low vs. high (using a median split) in each arithmetic subarea were interpreted as indicative of processes involved. Calculation was related to visual-motor sequencing, spatial visualization, theta activity measured during visual-perceptual and verbal tasks at right- and left-hemisphere locations, and right-hemisphere alpha activity measured during a verbal task. Performance on arithmetic word problems was related to spatial visualization and perception, vocabulary, and right-hemisphere alpha activity measured during a verbal task. Results suggest a complex interplay of spatial and sequential operations in arithmetic performance, consistent with processing model concepts of lateralized brain function.


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BACKGROUND: To investigate the visual outcome of glaucoma patients.

DESIGN: This is a retrospective study of case notes of patients who died while under follow up in a glaucoma clinic of a University Hospital in Scotland between 2006 and 2009.

PARTICIPANTS: Seventy-seven patients were identified.

METHODS: Data collected included type of glaucoma, coexisting pathology and best-corrected visual acuity in Snellen (converted to decimal values) for the first and final clinic visit. The final visual status was evaluated based on the best-corrected visual acuity of the better seeing eye at the last glaucoma clinic visit. Patients who had best-corrected visual acuity of less than Snellen decimal 0.5 were considered not to meet the standards for driving.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Snellen decimal best-corrected visual acuity, fulfilment of driving standards, and eligibility for partial sight and blind registration at the last clinic visit.

RESULTS: The mean ages at presentation and death were 71.8 ± 10.3 years and 82.2 ± 8.7 years respectively. The mean Snellen decimal best-corrected visual acuity of the better eye at presentation was 0.78, and at the final clinic visit was 0.61. At the final clinic visit, no patients were partial sight registrable, four (5.2%) were blind registrable, and 27 (35.1%) did not fulfil UK driving criteria. Glaucoma patients with other ocular pathologies were more likely to fail UK driving criteria at presentation (P = 0.02) and at last clinic visit (P = 0.03).

CONCLUSION: The majority of glaucoma patients maintained good visual function at the end of their lifetime.


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BACKGROUND: Recent National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidance suggests primary surgery should be offered to patients presenting with glaucoma with severe visual field loss. We undertook a survey of UK consultant ophthalmologists to determine if this represents current practice and explore attitudes towards managing patients with advanced glaucoma at presentation.

DESIGN: Questionnaire evaluation study.

PARTICIPANTS: All consultant ophthalmologists currently practicing in the UK.

METHODS: A single-page questionnaire was posted to all consultants (n = 910) currently practicing in the UK along with a pre-paid return envelope. A second questionnaire was sent to non-responders (n = 459).

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Questionnaire responses.

RESULTS: 626 responses were received representing 68.8% of the population surveyed. 152 (24%) volunteered a specialist interest in glaucoma. Consensus opinion for both glaucoma specialists (64.9%) and non-glaucoma specialists (62.4%) was to start with primary medical therapy, most commonly citing surgical risk as the primary reason (23% and 22%, respectively) for this approach. Most felt the highest intraocular pressure measurement during follow up (measured in clinic) was the most important variable for prevention of further visual loss (60% of glaucoma specialists and 55% of non-glaucoma specialists). Eighty-three per cent of all responders suggested they would change their practice if evidence supporting primary surgery as a safe and more effective approach existed.

CONCLUSIONS: Recent National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidance does not reflect the current management approach of UK ophthalmologists. The primary concern was related to potential complications of surgery although most practitioners would be willing to change their practice if evidence existed supporting primary surgery in patients presenting with advanced glaucoma.


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Purpose: To compare two fast threshold strategies of visual field assessment; SITA Fast (HSF) and Tendency Orientated Perimetry (TOP), in detecting visual field loss in patients with glaucoma. Methods: Seventy-six glaucoma, ocular hypertensive and normal patients had HSF and TOP performed in random order. Quantitative comparisons for the global visual field indices - mean deviation and defect (MD) for HSF and TOP, and pattern standard deviation (PSD) for HSF and loss variance (LV) for TOP - were made using correlation coefficients. Humphrey global parameters were converted to Octopus equivalents, and method comparison analysis was used to determine agreement between the two strategies. Test duration times were compared using t-test. Sensitivity and specificity for these two algorithms were determined according to predetermined criteria. Results: High correlation coefficient values were obtained for MD measurements between HSF and TOP (r=-0.89, P


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The application of slurry nutrients to land can be associated with unintended losses to the environment depending on soil and weather conditions. Correct timing of slurry application, however, can increase plant nutrient uptake and reduce losses. A decision support system (DSS), which predicts optimum conditions for slurry spreading based on the Hybrid Soil Moisture Deficit (HSMD) model, was investigated for use as a policy tool. The DSS recommendations were compared to farmer perception of suitable conditions for slurry spreading for three soil drainage classes (well, moderate and poorly drained) to better understand on farm slurry management practices and to identify potential conflict with farmer opinion. Six farmers participated in a survey over two and a half years, during which they completed a daily diary, and their responses were compared to Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD) calculations and weather data recorded by on farm meteorological stations. The perception of land drainage quality differed between farmers and was related to their local knowledge and experience. It was found that the allocation of grass fields to HSMD drainage classes using a visual assessment method aligned farmer perception of drainage at the national scale. Farmer opinion corresponded to the theoretical understanding that slurry should not be applied when the soil is wetter than field capacity, i.e. when drainage can occur. While weather and soil conditions (especially trafficability) were the principal reasons given by farmers not to spread slurry, farm management practices (grazing and silage) and current Nitrates Directive policies (closed winter period for spreading) combined with limited storage capacities were obstacles to utilisation of slurry nutrients. Despite the slightly more restrictive advice of the DSS regarding the number of suitable spreading opportunities, the system has potential to address an information deficit that would help farmers to reduce nutrient losses and optimise plant nutrient uptake by improved slurry management. The DSS advice was in general agreement with the farmers and, therefore, they should not be resistant to adopting the tool for day to day management.


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An experimental model of quinine induced blindness is presented. Electrophysiological, angiographical and morphological examinations were made. The occurrence of blindness and any recovery from blindness was dependent upon the dose of quinine taken. As no evidence of acute retinal ischaemia was found it is concluded that quinine is retinotoxic.


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Previous work has suggested that there are specific deficits in dorsal stream processing in a variety of developmental disorders. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated with two main genetic subtypes, deletion and disomy. Relative strengths in visual processing are shown in PWS, although these strengths may be specific to the deletion subtype. We investigated visual processing in PWS using an adapted Simon task which contrasted location (dorsal stream) and shape identity (ventral stream) tasks. Compared to a group of typically developing children, children with PWS deletion showed a greater degree of impairment in the dorsal stream task than in the ventral stream task, a pattern similar to that shown in a group of boys with Fragile-X syndrome. When matched on a measure of non-verbal ability, children with PWS disomy showed the opposite pattern with better performance in the location compared to the shape task, although these task performance asymmetries may have been linked to executive control processes. It is proposed that children with PWS deletion show a relative strength in visual processing in the ventral stream along with a specific deficit in dorsal stream processing. In contrast, children with PWS disomy show neither effect. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Objectives: A common behavioural symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is reduced step length (SL). Whilst sensory cueing strategies can be effective in increasing SL and reducing gait variability, current cueing strategies conveying spatial or temporal information are generally confined to the use of either visual or auditory cue modalities, respectively. We describe a novel cueing strategy using ecologically-valid ‘action-related’ sounds (footsteps on gravel) that convey both spatial and temporal parameters of a specific action within a single cue.
Methods: The current study used a real-time imitation task to examine whether PD affects the ability to re-enact changes in spatial characteristics of stepping actions, based solely on auditory information. In a second experimental session, these procedures were repeated using synthesized sounds derived from recordings of the kinetic interactions between the foot and walking surface. A third experimental session examined whether adaptations observed when participants walked to action-sounds were preserved when participants imagined either real recorded or synthesized sounds.
Results: Whilst healthy control participants were able to re-enact significant changes in SL in all cue conditions, these adaptations, in conjunction with reduced variability of SL were only observed in the PD group when walking to, or imagining the recorded sounds.
Conclusions: The findings show that while recordings of stepping sounds convey action information to allow PD patients to re-enact and imagine spatial characteristics of gait, synthesis of sounds purely from gait kinetics is insufficient to evoke similar changes in behaviour, perhaps indicating that PD patients have a higher threshold to cue sensorimotor resonant responses.


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In this paper, we propose a novel visual tracking framework, based on a decision-theoretic online learning algorithm namely NormalHedge. To make NormalHedge more robust against noise, we propose an adaptive NormalHedge algorithm, which exploits the historic information of each expert to perform more accurate prediction than the standard NormalHedge. Technically, we use a set of weighted experts to predict the state of the target to be tracked over time. The weight of each expert is online learned by pushing the cumulative regret of the learner towards that of the expert. Our simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive NormalHedge, compared to the standard NormalHedge method. Furthermore, the experimental results of several challenging video sequences show that the proposed tracking method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods.


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Purpose: To investigate the roles of the CCL2-CCR2 and CX3CL1-CX3CR1 pathways in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU)-mediated retinal tissue damage and angiogenesis.

Methods: The C57BL/6J wild-type (WT) and CCL2−/−CX3CR1gfp/gfp (double knockout [DKO]) mice were immunized with IRBP1-20. Retinal inflammation and tissue damage were evaluated clinically and histologically at different days postimmunization (p.i.). Retinal neovascular membranes were evaluated by confocal microscopy of retinal flat mounts, and immune cell infiltration by flow cytometry.

Results: At day 25 p.i., DKO mice had lower clinical and histological scores and fewer CD45highCD11b+ infiltrating cells compared with WT mice. The F4/80+macrophages constitute 40% and 21% and CD11b+Gr-1+Ly6G+ neutrophils constitute 10% and 22% of retinal infiltrating cells in WT and DKO mice, respectively. At the late stages of EAU (day 60–90 p.i.), DKO and WT mice had similar levels of inflammatory score. However, less structural damage and reduced angiogenesis were detected in DKO mice. Neutrophils were rarely detected in the inflamed retina in both WT and DKO mice. Macrophages and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accounted for 8% and 3% in DKO EAU retina, and 19% and 10% in WT EAU retina; 71% of infiltrating cells were T/B-lymphocytes in DKO EAU retina and 50% in WT EAU retina.

Conclusions: Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis–mediated retinal tissue damage and angiogenesis is reduced in CCL2−/−CX3CR1gfp/gfp mice. Retinal inflammation is dominated by neutrophils at the acute stage and lymphocytes at the chronic stage in these mice. Our results suggest that CCR2+ and CX3CR1+monocytes are both involved in tissue damage and angiogenesis in EAU.


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Sparse representation based visual tracking approaches have attracted increasing interests in the community in recent years. The main idea is to linearly represent each target candidate using a set of target and trivial templates while imposing a sparsity constraint onto the representation coefficients. After we obtain the coefficients using L1-norm minimization methods, the candidate with the lowest error, when it is reconstructed using only the target templates and the associated coefficients, is considered as the tracking result. In spite of promising system performance widely reported, it is unclear if the performance of these trackers can be maximised. In addition, computational complexity caused by the dimensionality of the feature space limits these algorithms in real-time applications. In this paper, we propose a real-time visual tracking method based on structurally random projection and weighted least squares techniques. In particular, to enhance the discriminative capability of the tracker, we introduce background templates to the linear representation framework. To handle appearance variations over time, we relax the sparsity constraint using a weighed least squares (WLS) method to obtain the representation coefficients. To further reduce the computational complexity, structurally random projection is used to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space while preserving the pairwise distances between the data points in the feature space. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms several state-of-the-art tracking methods.