94 resultados para evolutionary games


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A new bargaining set based on notions of both internal and external stability is developed in the context of endogenous coalition formation. It allows to make an explicit distinction between within-group and outside-group deviation options. This type of distinction is not present in current bargaining sets. For the class of monotonic proper simple games, the outcomes in the bargaining set are characterized. Furthermore, it is shown that the bargaining set of any homogeneous weighted majority game contains an outcome for which the underlying coalition structure consists of a minimal winning coalition and its complement.


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We study what coalitions form and how the members of each coalition split the coalition value in coalitional games in which only individual deviations are allowed. In this context we employ three stability notions: individual, contractual, and compensational stability. These notions differ in terms of the underlying contractual assumptions. We characterize the coalitional games in which individually stable outcomes exist by means of the top-partition property. Furthermore, we show that any coalition structure of maximum social worth is both contractually and compensationally stable.


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During the development of PCR primer sets for icrosatellite marker loci from enriched genomic libraries for three squat lobster species from Galatheidae (Decapoda: Anomura); Munida rugosa (Fabricius, 1775), M. sarsi (Huus, 1935), and Galathea strigosa (Linnaeus, 1761) (collectively known as squat lobsters), a number of unforeseen problems were encountered. These included PCR amplification failure, lack of amplification consistency, and the amplification of multiple fragments. Careful examination of microsatellite containing sequences revealed the existence of cryptic repeated elements on presumed unique flanking regions. BLAST analysis of these and other VNTR containing sequences (N 5 252) indicates that these cryptic elements can be grouped into families based upon sequence similarities. The unique features characterising these families suggest that different molecular mechanisms are involved. Of particular relevance is the association of microsatellites with mobile elements. This is the first reported observation of this phenomenon in crustaceans, and it also helps to explain why microsatellite primer development in galatheids has been relatively unsuccessful to date. We suggest a number of steps that can be used to identify similar problems in microsatellite marker development for other species, and also alternative approaches for both marker development and for the study of molecular evolution of species characterised by complex genome organisation. More specifically, we argue that new generation sequencing methodologies, which capitalise on parallel and multiplexed sequencing may pave the way forward for future crustacean research.


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The origin of eusociality is often regarded as a change of macroevolutionary proportions [1, 2]. Its hallmark is a reproductive division of labor between the members of a society: some individuals ("helpers" or "workers") forfeit their own reproduction to rear offspring of others ("queens"). In the Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps), there have been many transitions in both directions between solitary nesting and sociality [2-5]. How have such transitions occurred? One possibility is that multiple transitions represent repeated evolutionary gains and losses of the traits underpinning sociality. A second possibility, however, is that once sociality has evolved, subsequent transitions represent selection at just one or a small number of loci controlling developmental switches between preexisting alternative phenotypes [2, 6]. We might then expect transitional populations that can express either sociality or solitary nesting, depending on environmental conditions. Here, we use field transplants to directly induce transitions in British and Irish populations of the sweat bee Halictus rubicundus. Individual variation in social phenotype was linked to time available for offspring production, and to the genetic benefits of sociality, suggesting that helping was not simply misplaced parental care [7]. We thereby demonstrate that sociality itself can be truly plastic in a hymenopteran.


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In this paper we examine the properties of stable coalitions under sequential and simultaneous bargaining by competing labor unions. We do this using the Nash bargaining solution and various notions of stability, namely, Nash, coalitional, contractual and core stability. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,