92 resultados para coincidence spectroscopy beta decay nuclear mass defect excess


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The sheath dynamics in the afterglow of a pulsed inductively coupled plasma, operated in hydrogen, is investigated. It is found that the sheath potential does not fully collapse in the early post-discharge. Time resolved measurements of the positive ion flux in a hydrogen plasma, using a mass resolved ion energy analyser, reveal that a constant 2 eV mean ion energy persists for several hundred micro-seconds in the afterglow. The presence of a finite sheath potential is explained by super-elastic collisions between vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules and electrons in the afterglow, leading to an electron temperature of about 0.5 eV. Plasma density decay times measured using both the mass resolved energy analyser and a Langmuir probe are in good agreement. Vibrational temperatures measured using optical emission spectroscopy support the theory of electron heating through super-elastic collisions with vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules. Measurements are also supported by numerical simulations and modelling results.


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In gas discharges at elevated pressure, radiation-less collisional de-excitation (quenching) has a strong influence on the population of excited states. The knowledge of quenching coefficients is therefore important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. A novel time-resolved optical emission spectroscopic (OES) technique allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emission lines of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as collision partner. The technique exploits the short electron impact excitation during the field reversal phase within the sheath region of a hydrogen capacitively coupled RF discharge at 13.56 MHz. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to this excitation from the effective lifetime of the fluorescence decay at various hydrogen pressures. The measured quenching coefficients agree very well with results obtained by means of laser excitation. The time-resolved OES technique based on electron impact excitation is not limited - in contrast to laser techniques - by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the observed excited level.


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Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS Volume: 131 Pages: 1257-1273 Part: Part 6 Published: 2001 Times Cited: 5 References: 23 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We show that the Banach space M of regular sigma-additive finite Borel complex-valued measures on a non-discrete locally compact Hausdorff topological Abelian group is the direct sum of two linear closed subspaces M-D and M-ND, where M-D is the set of measures mu is an element of M whose Fourier transform vanishes at infinity and M-ND is the set of measures mu is an element of M such that nu is not an element of MD for any nu is an element of M \ {0} absolutely continuous with respect to the variation \mu\. For any corresponding decomposition mu = mu(D) + mu(ND) (mu(D) is an element of M-D and mu(ND) is an element of M-ND) there exist a Borel set A = A(mu) such that mu(D) is the restriction of mu to A, therefore the measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are singular with respect to each other. The measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are real if mu is real and positive if mu is positive. In the case of singular continuous measures we have a refinement of Jordan's decomposition theorem. We provide series of examples of different behaviour of convolutions of measures from M-D and M-ND.


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increasing prevalence of obesity combined with longevity will produce an epidemic of Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes in the next 20 years. This. disease is associated with defects in insulin secretion, specifically abnormalities of insulin secretory kinetics and pancreatic beta-cell glucose responsiveness. Mechanisms underlying beta-cell dysfunction include glucose toxicity, lipotoxicity and beta-cell hyperactivity. Defects at various sites in beta-cell signal transduction pathways contribute, but no single lesion can account for the common form of Type 2 diabetes. Recent studies highlight diverse beta-cell actions of GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). These intestinal hormones target the beta-cell to stimulate glucose-dependent insulin secretion through activation of protein kinase A and associated pathways. Both increase gene expression and proinsulin biosynthesis, protect against apoptosis and stimulate replication/neogenesis of beta-cells. Incretin hormones therefore represent an exciting future multi-action solution to correct beta-cell defect in Type 2 diabetes.


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Context: The masses previously obtained for the X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 inferred a compact object that was either a high-mass neutron star or low-mass black-hole, but used a previously published value for the rotational broadening (v sin i) with large uncertainties. Aims: We aim to determine an accurate mass for the compact object through an improved measurement of the secondary star's projected equatorial rotational velocity. Methods: We have used UVES echelle spectroscopy to determine the v sin i of the secondary star (V395 Car) in the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 by comparison to an artificially broadened spectral-type template star. In addition, we have also measured v sin i from a single high signal-to-noise ratio absorption line profile calculated using the method of Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD). Results: We determine v sin i to lie between 31.3±0.5 km s-1 to 34.7±0.5 km s-1 (assuming zero and continuum limb darkening, respectively) in disagreement with previous results based on intermediate resolution spectroscopy obtained with the 3.6 m NTT. Using our revised v sin i value in combination with the secondary star's radial velocity gives a binary mass ratio of 0.281±0.034. Furthermore, assuming a binary inclination angle of 75° gives a compact object mass of 1.37±0.13 M_?. Conclusions: We find that using relatively low-resolution spectroscopy can result in systemic uncertainties in the measured v sin i values obtained using standard methods. We suggest the use of LSD as a secondary, reliable check of the results as LSD allows one to directly discern the shape of the absorption line profile. In the light of the new v sin i measurement, we have revised down the compact object's mass, such that it is now compatible with a canonical neutron star mass.


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The FLASH XUV-free electron laser has been used to irradiate solid samples at intensities of the order 10(16) W cm(-2) at a wavelength of 13.5 nm. The subsequent time integrated XUV emission was observed with a grating spectrometer. The electron temperature inferred from plasma line ratios was in the range 5-8 eV with electron density in the range 10(21)-10(22) cm(-3). These results are consistent with the saturation of absorption through bleaching of the L-edge by intense photo-absorption reported in an earlier publication. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The applicability of ionic liquids within the nuclear industry has been investigated. The radiation stability of ionic liquids containing dialkylimidazolium cations has been tested through with alpha, beta and gamma irradiation. The results of these tests suggest that imidazolium salts have stabilities similar to alkylbenzenes and greater than tetrabutylphosphate / odorless kerosene (TBP/OK) mixtures. The oxidative dissolution of uranium dioxide and the anodic dissolution of uranium metal and plutonium metal have been carried out in various ionic liquid media (C) 2002 American Chemical Society.


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We present comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint transient SN 2008S discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC 6946. SN 2008S exhibited slow photometric evolution and almost no spectral variability during the first nine months, implying a long photon diffusion time and a high-density circumstellar medium. Its bolometric luminosity (similar or equal to 10(41) erg s(-1) at peak) is low with respect to most core-collapse supernovae but is comparable to the faintest Type II-P events. Our quasi-bolometric light curve extends to 300 d and shows a tail phase decay rate consistent with that of Co-56. We propose that this is evidence for an explosion and formation of Ni-56 (0.0014 +/- 0.0003 M-circle dot). Spectra of SN 2008S show intense emission lines of H alpha, [Ca II] doublet and Ca II near-infrared (NIR) triplet, all without obvious P-Cygni absorption troughs. The large mid-infrared (MIR) flux detected shortly after explosion can be explained by a light echo from pre-existing dust. The late NIR flux excess is plausibly due to a combination of warm newly formed ejecta dust together with shock-heated dust in the circumstellar environment. We reassess the progenitor object detected previously in Spitzer archive images, supplementing this discussion with a model of the MIR spectral energy distribution. This supports the idea of a dusty, optically thick shell around SN 2008S with an inner radius of nearly 90 AU and outer radius of 450 AU, and an inferred heating source of 3000 K. The luminosity of the central star is L similar or equal to 10(4.6) L-circle dot. All the nearby progenitor dust was likely evaporated in the explosion leaving only the much older dust lying further out in the circumstellar environment. The combination of our long-term multiwavelength monitoring data and the evidence from the progenitor analysis leads us to support the scenario of a weak electron-capture supernova explosion in a super-asymptotic giant branch progenitor star (of initial mass 6-8 M-circle dot) embedded within a thick circumstellar gaseous envelope. We suggest that all of main properties of the electron-capture SN phenomenon are observed in SN 2008S and future observations may allow a definitive answer.


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The cis-dihydrodiol metabolite from methyl benzoate has been used as a synthetic precursor of carba-beta-L-galactopyranose, carba-beta-L-talopyranose and carba-alpha-L-talopyranose. The structures and absolute configurations of these carbasugars were determined by a combination of NMR spectroscopy, stereochemical correlation and X-ray crystallography.


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Rhizopus delemar lipase catalyzed ester hydrolysis of the alpha-methoxy-beta-phenylpropanoate (I) affords the (R)-(+) and (S)-(-) isomers in > 84% enantiomeric excess. Abs. stereochem. was detd. by a single crystal X-ray anal. of a related synthetic analog. The activity of these two enantiomers on glucose transport in vitro and as anti-diabetic agents in vivo is reported and their unexpected equivalence attributed to an enzyme-mediated stereospecific isomerization of the (R)-(+) isomer. Binding studies using recombinant human PPAR-gamma (peroxisomal proliferator activated receptor gamma), now established as a mol. target for this compd. class, indicate a 20-fold higher binding affinity for the (S) antipode relative to the (R) antipode.


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We present an extensive set of optical spectroscopy of the nearby type Ia supernova, SN 2002er, with 24 epochs spanning -11 to +34 days. Its spectral evolution is fairly typical of a type Ia supernova although it suffers high extinction. Nevertheless, there are differences in the spectral evolution when compared to coeval spectra of other normal type Ia supernova with comparable decline-rate parameters. Modelling of the photospheric phase spectra using a homogeneous abundance distribution in the atmosphere provides a fair match to the observations, but only by pushing the adopted distance and risetime close to the observational limits. Future improvements here will require models with a more realistic stratified abundance distribution. From simple modelling of a nebular spectrum obtained at +215 d, we infer a Ni-56 mass of 0.69 M-circle dot, consistent with that derived from the light curve.


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The incorporation of melamine into food products is banned but its misuse has been widely reported in both animal feeds and food. The development of a rapid screening immunoassay for monitoring of the substance is an urgent requirement. Two haptens of melamine were synthesized by introducing spacer arms of different lengths and structures on the triazine ring of the analyte molecular structure. 6-Aminocaproic acid and 3-mercaptopropionic acid were reacted with 2-chloro-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazine (CAAT) to produce hapten 1[3-(4,6-diamino-1,6-dihydro-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylamino) hexanoic acid] and hapten 2[3-(4,6-diamino-1,6-dihydro-1,3,5-triazin-2-ylthio) propanoic acid]. respectively. The molecular structures of the two haptens were identified by I H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, mass spectrometry and infrared spectrometry. An immunogen was prepared by coupling hapten 1 to bovine serum albumin (BSA). Two plate coating antigens were prepared by coupling both haptens to egg ovalbumin (OVA). A competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ciELISA) was developed to evaluate homogeneous and heterogeneous assay formats. The results showed that polyclonal antibodies with high titers were obtained, and the heterogeneous immunoassay format demonstrated a better performance with an IC50 of 70.6 ng mL(-1), a LOD of 2.6 ng mL(-1) and a LOQ of 7.6 ng mL(-1). Except for cyromazine, no obvious cross-reactivity to common compounds was found. The data showed that the hapten synthesis was successful and the resultant antisera could be used in an immunoassay for the rapid and sensitive detection of this banned chemical. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) multi-residue method for the simultaneous quantitation and identification of sixteen synthetic growth promoters and bisphenol A in bovine milk has been developed and validated. Sample preparation was straightforward, efficient and economically advantageous. Milk was extracted with acetonitrile followed by phase separation with NaCl. After centrifugation, the extract was purified by dispersive solid-phase extraction with C18 sorbent material. The compounds were analysed by reversed-phase LC-MS/MS using both positive and negative ionization and operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, acquiring two diagnostic product ions from each of the chosen precursor ions for unambiguous confirmation. Total chromatographic run time was less than 10 min for each sample. The method was validated at a level of 1 mu g L-1. A wide variety of deuterated internal standards were used to improve method performance. The accuracy and precision of the method were satisfactory for all analytes. The confirmative quantitative liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method was validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The decision limit (CC alpha) and the detection capability (CC beta) were found to be below the chosen validation level of 1 mu g L-1 for all compounds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.