231 resultados para Transmitting telescope


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High-cadence multiwavelength optical observations were taken with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, accompanied by Advanced Stokes Polarimeter vector magnetograms. A total of 11 network bright points (NBPs) have been studied at different atmospheric heights using images taken in wave bands centered on Mg I b(1) - 0.4 Angstrom, Halpha, and Ca II K-3. Wavelet analysis was used to study wave packets and identify traveling magnetohydrodynamic waves. Wave speeds were estimated through the temporal cross-correlation of signals, in selected frequency bands of wavelet power, in each wavelength. Four mode-coupling cases were identified, one in each of four of the NBPs, and the variation of the associated Fourier power with height was studied. Three of the detected mode-coupling, transverse-mode frequencies were observed in the 1.2-1.6 mHz range (mean NBP apparent flux density magnitudes over 99-111 Mx cm(-2)), with the final case showing 2.0-2.2 mHz (with 142 Mx cm(-2)). Following this, longitudinal-mode frequencies were detected in the range 2.6-3.2 mHz for three of our cases, with 3.9-4.1 mHz for the remaining case. After mode coupling, two cases displayed a decrease in longitudinal-mode Fourier power in the higher chromosphere.


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The structure and properties of a newly emerged solar active region (NOAA Active Region 7985) are discussed using the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and the Extreme- Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. CDS obtained high-resolution EUV spectra in the 308-381 Angstrom and 513-633 Angstrom wavelength ranges, while EIT recorded full-disk EUV images in the He II (304 Angstrom), Fe IX/X (171 Angstrom), Fe xii (195 Angstrom), and Fe XV (284 Angstrom) bandpasses. Electron density measurements from Si rx, Si X, Fe xii, Fe XIII, and Fe xiv line ratios indicate that the region consists of a central high- density core with peak densities of the order of 1.2 x 10(10) cm(-3), which decrease monotonically to similar to5.0 X 10(8) cm(-3) at the active region boundary. The derived electron densities also vary systematically with temperature. Electron pressures as a function of both active region position and temperature were estimated using the derived electron densities and ion formation temperatures, and the constant pressure assumption was found to be an unrealistic simplification. Indeed, the active region is found to have a high-pressure core (1.3 x 10(16) cm(-3) K) that falls to 6.0 x 10(14) cm(-3) K just outside the region. CDS line ratios from different ionization stages of iron, specifically Fe xvi (335.4 Angstrom) and Fe xiv (334.4 Angstrom), were used to diagnose plasma temperatures within the active region. Using this method, peak temperatures of 2.1 x 10(6) K were identified. This is in good agreement with electron temperatures derived using EIT filter ratios and the two-temperature model of Zhang et al. The high- temperature emission is confined to the active region core, while emission from cooler (1-1.6) x 10(6) K lines originates in a system of loops visible in EIT 171 and 195 X images. Finally, the three-dimensional geometry of the active region is investigated using potential field extrapolations from a Kitt Peak magnetogram. The combination of EUV and magnetic field extrapolations extends the "core-halo" picture of active region structure to one in which the core is composed of a number of compact coronal loops that confine the hot, dense, high- pressure core plasma while the halo emission emerges from a system of cooler and more extended loops.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates among the 3s(2)3p(4) levels of Cl II are used to derive the nebular emission-line intensity ratios R-1=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(8578.7 Angstrom) and R-2=I(6161.8 Angstrom)/I(9123.6 Angstrom) as a function of electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e). The ratios are found to be very sensitive to changes in T-e but not N-e for densities lower than 10(5) cm(-3). Hence, they should, in principle, provide excellent optical T-e diagnostics for planetary nebulae. The observed values of R-1 and R-2 for the planetary nebulae NGC 6741 and IC 5117, measured from spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph on the 3 m Shane Telescope, imply temperatures in excellent agreement with those derived from other diagnostic lines formed in the same region of the nebula as [Cl II]. This provides some observational support for the accuracy of the [Cl II] line ratio calculations and hence the atomic data on which they are based. The [Cl II] 8578.7 and 9123.6 Angstrom lines are identified for the first time (to our knowledge) in a high-resolution spectrum of the symbiotic star RR Telescopii, obtained with the University College London Echelle Spectrograph on the 3.9 m Anglo- Australian Telescope. However, the 6161.8 Angstrom feature is unfortunately too weak to be identified in the RR Telescopii observations, consistent with its predicted line strength.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates among the 2s(2)2p(2) P-3, D-1, S-1, and 2s2p(3) S-5 levels of N II are presented. These results are used in conjunction with other recent calculations of electron impact excitation rates and Einstein A-coefficients for N II to derive the emission-line ratio: ratio diagrams and where (R-1, R-2) (R-1, R-3), where R-1 = I(5756.2 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 6585.2 Angstrom), R-2 = I(2143.5 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 6585.2 Angstrom), and R-3 = I(2139.7 Angstrom)/I(6549.9 + 658.2 Angstrom), for a range of electron temperatures (T-e = 5000-20,000 K) and electron densities (N-e = 10(2)-10(7) cm(-3)) appropriate to gaseous nebulae. These diagrams should, in principle, allow the simultaneous determination of T-e and N-e from measurements of the [N II] lines in a spectrum. Plasma parameters deduced for a sample of gaseous nebulae, using observational data obtained from ground-based telescopes plus the International Ultraviolet Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope satellites, are found to show generally excellent internal consistency and to be in good agreement with the values of T-e and N-e estimated from other line ratios. These results provide observational support for the accuracy of the theoretical ratios and hence the atomic data adopted in their derivation. Theoretical ratios are also presented for the infrared line pair R-4 = I(122 mum)/I(205 mum), and the usefulness of R-4 as an electron density diagnostic is briefly discussed.


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Recent R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Si VIII are used to derive theoretical emission line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 216 -320 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with an extensive dataset of solar active region, quiet- Sun, sub-flare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights of the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), indicates that the ratio R-1 = I(216.94 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) may provide a usable electron density diagnostic for coronal plasmas. The ratio involves two lines of comparable intensity, and varies by a factor of about 5 over the useful density range of 10(8)-10(11) cm(-3). However R-2 = I(276.85 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) and R-3 = I(277.05 Angstrom)/I(319.84 Angstrom) show very poor agreement between theory and observation, due to the severe blending of the 276.85 and 277.05 Angstrom lines with Si VII and Mg VII transitions, respectively, making the ratios unsuitable as density diagnostics. The 314.35 Angstrom feature of Si VIII also appears to be blended, with the other species contributing around 20% to the total line flux.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N- like S x are used to derive theoretical emission-line intensity ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 189-265 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observational data for solar flares and active regions, obtained with the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A spectrograph on board Skylab and the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph, reveals that many of the S x lines in the spectra are badly blended with emission features from other species. However, the intensity ratios I(228.70 Angstrom)/I(264.24 Angstrom) and I(228.70 Angstrom)/I(259.49 Angstrom) are found to provide useful electron density diagnostics for flares, although the latter cannot be employed for active regions, because of blending of the 259.49 Angstrom line with an unidentified transition in these solar features.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Mg vi are used to derive theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 269-403 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations of a solar active region, obtained during the 1989 flight of the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals good agreement between theory and observation for the 2s(2)2p(3) S-4-2s2p(4) P-4 transitions at 399.28, 400.67, and 403.30 Angstrom, and the 2s(2)2p(3) P-2-2s2p(4) D-2 lines at 387.77 and 387.97 Angstrom. However, intensities for the other lines attributed to Mg vi in this spectrum by various authors do not match the present theoretical predictions. We argue that these discrepancies are not due to errors in the adopted atomic data, as previously suggested, but rather to observational uncertainties or mis-identifications. Some of the features previously identified as Mg vi lines in the SERTS spectrum, such as 291.36 and 293.15 Angstrom, are judged to be noise, while others (including 349.16 Angstrom) appear to be blended.


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A preliminary search for stars that may have formed coevally with the apparently young halo B-type star PHL 346 has been performed with the 2dF multifibre spectrograph on the Anglo- Australian Telescope (AAT). Candidates were selected for spectroscopy from APM scans of B and R Schmidt plates centred on PHL 346. A total of 476 stars of spectral type A or F were found; radial velocity estimates and more accurate spectral type assignments narrowed the number of possible coeval candidates to 6 A-type and 14 F-type stars. A statistical analysis of these results using a comparison with a control field suggests that the number of A-type or F-type candidate stars around PHL 346 is not unexpected, and that they need not be associated with PHL 346. A number of ways to improve the project are suggested.


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New R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for Fe XI are used to determine theoretical emission line ratios applicable to solar and stellar coronal observations. These are subsequently compared to solar spectra of the quiet Sun and an active region made by the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS-95), as well as Skylab observations of two flares. Line blending is identified, and electron densities of 10(9.3), 10(9.7), greater than or equal to 10(10.8), and greater than or equal to 10(11.3) cm(-3) are found for the quiet Sun, active region, and the two flares, respectively. Observations of the F5 IV-V star Procyon, made with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite, are compared and contrasted with the solar observations. It is confirmed that Procyon's average coronal conditions are very similar to those seen in the quiet Sun, with N-e = 10(9.4) cm(-3). In addition, although the quiet Sun is the closest solar analog to Procyon, we conclude that Procyon's coronal temperatures are slightly hotter than solar. A filling factor of 25(-12)(+38)% was derived for the corona of Procyon.


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We present Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope HI images, Lovell telescope multibeam H I wide-field mapping, William Herschel Telescope long-slit echelle Ca II observations, Wisconsin Halpha Mapper (WHAM) facility images, and IRAS ISSA 60- and 100-mum co-added images towards the intermediate- velocity cloud (IVC) at + 70 km s(-1), located in the general direction of the M15 globular cluster. When combined with previously published Arecibo data, the H I gas in the IVC is found to be clumpy, with a peak H I column density of similar to1.5 x 10(20) cm(-2), inferred volume density (assuming spherical symmetry) of similar to24 cm(-3)/D (kpc) and a maximum brightness temperature at a resolution of 81 x 14 arcsec(2) of 14 K. The major axis of this part of the IVC lies approximately parallel to the Galactic plane, as does the low- velocity H I gas and IRAS emission. The H I gas in the cloud is warm, with a minimum value of the full width at half-maximum velocity width of 5 km s(-1) corresponding to a kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence, of similar to540 K. From the H I data, there are indications of two-component velocity structure. Similarly, the Ca II spectra, of resolution 7 km s(-1), also show tentative evidence of velocity structure, perhaps indicative of cloudlets. Assuming that there are no unresolved narrow-velocity components, the mean values of log(10)[N(Ca II K) cm(2)] similar to 12.0 and Ca II/H I similar to2 5 x 10(-8) are typical of observations of high Galactic latitude clouds. This compares with a value of Ca II/H I>10(-6) for IVC absorption towards HD 203664, a halo star of distance 3 kpc, some 3.degrees1 from the main M15 IVC condensation. The main IVC condensation is detected by WHAM in Halpha with central local-standard-of-rest velocities of similar to60-70 km s(-1), and intensities uncorrected for Galactic extinction of up to 1.3 R, indicating that the gas is partially ionized. The FWHM values of the Halpha IVC component, at a resolution of 1degrees, exceed 30 km s(-1). This is some 10 km s(-1) larger than the corresponding H I value at a similar resolution, and indicates that the two components may not be mixed. However, the spatial and velocity coincidence of the Halpha and H I peaks in emission towards the main IVC component is qualitatively good. If the Halpha emission is caused solely by photoionization, the Lyman continuum flux towards the main IVC condensation is similar to2.7 x 10(6) photon cm(-2) s(-1). There is not a corresponding IVC Halpha detection towards the halo star HD 203664 at velocities exceeding similar to60 km s(- 1). Finally, both the 60- and 100-mum IRAS images show spatial coincidence, over a 0.675 x 0 625 deg(2) field, with both low- and intermediate-velocity H I gas (previously observed with the Arecibo telescope), indicating that the IVC may contain dust. Both the Halpha and tentative IRAS detections discriminate this IVC from high-velocity clouds, although the H I properties do not. When combined with the H I and optical results, these data point to a Galactic origin for at least parts of this IVC.


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We present wide-field neutral hydrogen (H I) Lovell telescope multibeam, and Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Hi synthesis observations, of the high velocity cloud (HVC) located in the general direction of the globular cluster M92. This cloud is part of the larger Complex C and lies at velocities between similar to -80 and -130 km s(-1) in the Local Standard of Rest. The Lovell telescope observations, of resolution 12 arcmin spatially and 3.0 km s(-1) in velocity, fully sampling a 3.1 degrees x 12.6 degrees RA-Dec grid, have found that this part of HVC Complex C comprises two main condensations, lying approximately north-south in declination, separated by similar to2 degrees and being parallel to the Galactic plane. At this resolution, peak values of the brightness temperature and Hi column density of similar to1.4 K and similar to5 x 10(19) cm(-2) are determined, with relatively high values of the full width half maximum velocity (FWHM) of similar to 22 km s(-1) being observed, equivalent to a gas kinetic temperature, in the absence of turbulence and geometric effects of similar to 10 000 K. Each of these properties, as well as the sizes of the clouds, are similar in the two components. The DRAO observations, towards the Northern HVC condensation, are the first high-resolution Hi spectra of Complex C. When smoothed to a resolution of 3 arcmin, they identify several Hi intensity peaks with column densities in the range 4-7 x 10(19) cm(-2). Further smoothing of these data to 6 arcmin resolution tentatively indicates that parts of the HVC consist of two velocity components, of similar brightness temperature, separated by similar to7 km s(-1) in velocity, and with FWHM velocity widths of similar to5-7 km s(-1). No IRAS 60 or 100 micron flux is associated with the M92 HVC. Cloud properties are briefly discussed and compared to previous observations of HVCs.


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Boron abundances have been derived for seven main-sequence B- type stars from Hubble Space Telescope STIS spectra around the B III lambda2066 line. In two stars, boron appears to be undepleted with respect to the presumed initial abundance. In one star, boron is detectable but is clearly depleted. In the other four stars, boron is undetectable, implying depletions of 1-2 dex. Three of these four stars are nitrogen enriched, but the fourth shows no enrichment of nitrogen. Only rotationally induced mixing predicts that boron depletions are unaccompanied by nitrogen enrichments. The inferred rate of boron depletion from our observations is in good agreement with these predictions. Other boron-depleted nitrogen-normal stars are identified from the literature. In addition, several boron- depleted nitrogen-rich stars are identified, and while all fall on the boron-nitrogen trend predicted by rotationally induced mixing, a majority have nitrogen enrichments that are not uniquely explained by rotation. The spectra have also been used to determine iron group (Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) abundances. The seven B-type stars have near-solar iron group abundances, as expected for young stars in the solar neighborhood. We have also analyzed the halo B-type star PG 0832 + 676. We find [Fe/H] = -0.88 +/- 0.10, and the absence of the B III line gives the upper limit [B/H] <-2.5. These and other published abundances are used to infer the star's evolutionary status as a post-asymptotic giant branch star.


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Aims. Infrared and optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel are used to study the effects and properties of dust in symbiotic binaries containing a cool Mira component, as well as showing "obscuration events" of increased absorption, which are typical for such Miras. Methods. A set of photometric observations of the symbiotic nova RR Tel in different wavelength bands - visual from 1949 to 2002 and near-infrared (JHKL) from 1975 to 2002 - are presented. The variability due to the normal Mira pulsation was removed from the JHKL data, which were then compared with the American Association of Variable Star Observers' (AAVSO) visual light curve. The changes of the Fe II emission line fluxes during the 1996-2000 obscuration episode were studied in the optical spectra taken with the Anglo-Australian telescope. Results. We discuss the three periods during which the Mira component was heavily obscured by dust as observed in the different wavelength bands. A change in the correlations of J with other infrared magnitudes was observed with the colour becoming redder after JD 2 446 600. Generally, J-K was comparable, while K-L was larger than typical values for singleMiras. A distance estimate of 2.5 kpc, based on the IR data, is given. A larger flux decrease for the permitted than for the forbidden Fe II lines, during the obscuration episode studied, has been found. There is no evidence for other correlations with line properties, in particular with wavelength, which suggests obscuration due to separate optically thick clouds in the outer layers. Conclusions.


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We present Ca II K (lambda(air) = 3933.661 angstrom) interstellar observations towards 20 early-type stars, to place lower distance limits to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs) in their lines of sight. The spectra are also employed to estimate the Ca abundance in the low-velocity gas towards these objects, when combined with Leiden-Dwingeloo 21-cm HI survey data of spatial resolution 0 degrees.5. Nine of the stars, which lie towards IHVC complexes H, K and gp, were observed with the intermediate dispersion spectrograph on the Isaac Newton Telescope at a resolution R = lambda/Delta lambda of 9000 (similar to 33 km s(-1)) and signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) per pixel of 75-140. A further nine objects were observed with the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope at R = 40 000 (similar to 7.5 km s(-1)) and S/N per pixel of 10-25. Finally, two objects were observed in both Ca II K and Na I D lines using the 2D COUDE on the McDonald 2.7-m telescope at R = 35 000 (similar to 8.5 km s(-1)). The abundance of Ca II K {log(10)(A) = log(10)[N(Ca II K)]-log(10)[N(HI)]} plotted against HI column density for the objects in the current sample with heights above the Galactic plane (z) exceeding 1000 pc is found to obey the Wakker & Mathis (2000) relation. Also, the reduced column density of Ca II K as function of z is consistent with the larger sample taken from Smoker et al. (2003). Higher S/N observations than those previously taken towards HVC complex H stars HD 13256 and HILT 190 reinforce the assertion that this lies at a distance exceeding 4000 pc. No obvious absorption is detected in observations of ALS 10407 and HD 357657 towards IVC complex gp. The latter star has a spectroscopically estimated distance of similar to 2040 pc, although this was derived assuming the star lies on the main sequence and without any reddening correction being applied. Finally, no Ca II K absorption is detected towards two stars along the line of sight to complex K, namely PG 1610+529 and PG 1710+490. The latter is at a distance of similar to 700 pc, hence placing a lower distance limit to this complex, where previously only an upper distance limit of 6800 pc was available.


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We are searching for early-type stars towards the Galactic centre which are potentially young objects situated within the inner few kiloparsecs of the disk. Photographic photometry from the UK Schmidt Telescope has been used to identify the bluest candidates in nineteen Schmidt fields (centred close to the Galactic centre). We have previously obtained FLAIR low dispersion spectroscopy for three of these fields to estimate spectral types and here we present spectroscopy for an additional seven fields. Combining the results for all ten fields, 56 stars were initially classified as early-B type. Estimates of the equivalent widths of their Balmer and He I lines have been used to estimate atmospheric parameters and 32 targets have effective temperatures greater than or equal to 17 000 K (corresponding to a spectral type of B3 or earlier). The spectra of seven of these targets also have absorption lines due to O II and Si III and can be reliably classified as early- B type. Additionally 78 stars have estimated effective temperatures between 11 000 and 16 000 K with a further a further 50 objects identified as late-B (or early-A) type. All but two of the early B-type candidates have magnitudes in the range 12.0 less than or equal to V less than or equal to 16.0, and our best estimates of their distance suggest that they could be close to (i.e. R-g <3 kpc), or even beyond the Galactic centre.