51 resultados para Resonance Raman Spectrum


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Density functional calculations, using B3LPY/6-31G(d) methods, have been used to investigate the conformations and vibrational (Raman) spectra of a series of long-chain, saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) with the formula CH2nO2 (n = 5-21) and two series of unsaturated FAMEs. The calculations showed that the lowest energy conformer within the saturated FAMEs is the simple (all-trans) structure and, in general, it was possible to reproduce experimental data using calculations on only the all-trans conformer. The only exception was C6H12O2, where a second low-lying conformer had to be included in order to correctly simulate the experimental Raman spectrum. The objective of the work was to provide theoretical justification for the methods that are commonly used to determine the properties of the fats and oils, such as chain length and degree of unsaturation, from experimental Raman data. Here it is shown that the calculations reproduce the trends and calibration curves that are found experimentally and also allow the reasons for the failure of what would appear to be rational measurements to be understood. This work shows that although the assumption that each FAME can simply be treated as a collection of functional groups can be justified in some cases, many of the vibrational modes are complex motions of large sections of the molecules and thus would not be expected to show simple linear trends with changes in structure, such as increasing chain length and/or unsaturation. Simple linear trends obtained from experimental data may thus arise from cancellation of opposing effects, rather than reflecting an underlying simplicity.


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The purpose of this tutorial review is to show how surface-enhanced Raman (SERS) and resonance Raman (SERRS) spectroscopy have evolved to the stage where they can be used as a quantitative analytical technique. SER(R)S has enormous potential for a range of applications where high sensitivity needs to be combined with good discrimination between molecular targets, particularly since low cost, compact spectrometers can read the high signal levels that SER(R)S typically provides. These advantages over conventional Raman measurements come at the cost of increased complexity and this review discusses the factors that need to be controlled to generate stable and reproducible SER(R)S calibrations.


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Large numbers of identical and stable SE(R)RS [surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman]-active media, which are convenient to handle and manipulate but sufficiently inexpensive that they can be used once and then discarded, have been prepared by isolating nanoparticles from Ag and Au sols in hydrophilic polymer gels. The preparation simply involves mixing a suitable polymer with the sol to give a viscous suspension that can be coated onto a substrate and dried to form a hard translucent film. The films remain inactive until they are treated with aqueous analyte solution, which causes the film to swell and brings the analyte into contact with the active metal particles. The swollen films give strong SERS spectra which are effectively identical to those obtained from simple sols. The advantage of this method is that the dried polymers can be stored indefinitely before use and that they give a high degree of spectral reproducibility.


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The influence of ageing and cooking on the Raman spectrum of porcine longissimus dorsi was investigated. The rich information contained in the Raman spectrum was highlighted, with numerous changes attributed to changes in the environment and conformations of the myofibrillar proteins.


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The Stein Collection in the British Library contains the Diamond Sutra, the world's oldest, dated, printed document. The paper of the Diamond Sutra and other documents from the Stein collection is believed to be dyed yellow by a natural extract, called huangbo, from the bark of Phellodendron amurense, which contains three major yellow chromophores: berberine, palmatine, and jatrorrhizine, Conservation of these documents requires definite information on the chemical composition of the dyes but no suitable, completely noninvasive analytical method is known. Here we report resonance Raman studies of a series of prate dyes, of plant materials and extracts, and of dyed ancient and modern paper samples. Resonance Raman spectroscopy is used to enhance the spectra of the dyes over the signals from the paper matrixes in which they are held. The samples an give resonance Raman spectra which are dominated by intense fluorescence, but by using SSRS (subtracted shifted Raman spectroscopy) we have obtained reliable spectra of the pure dyes, native bark from the Phellodendron amurense, modern paper dyed with huangbo extracted from this bark, and ancient paper samples. For both ancient paper samples whose pigment bands were detected, the relative intensities of the bands due to berberine and palmatine suggest that the ancient paper is richer in berberine than its modern counterpart, This is the first nondestructive in situ method for detection of these pigments in manuscripts, and as such has considerable potential benefit for the treatment of irreplaceable documents that are believed to be dyed with huangbo but documents on which conservation work cannot proceed without definite identification of the chemical compounds that they contain.


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Abnormal anti-Stokes Raman scattering (AASR) was unambiguously observed in carbon nanotubes (CNT's). In contrast to traditional Raman scattering theory, the absolute value of the Raman frequency of the anti-Stokes peak is not the same as that of the corresponding Stokes peak. It was demonstrated that AASR scattering originates from the unique nanoscale cylindrical structure of CNT's that can be considered naturally as a graphite structure with an intrinsic defect from its rolling. The double-resonance Raman scattering theory was applied to interpret the scattering mechanism of the AASR phenomenon successfully and quantitatively.


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The Raman spectra of carbon nanotubes prepared by catalytic (C-CNT) and d.c. arc discharge (D-CNT) methods are reported. A previously unnoticed third-order Raman peak at ca. 4248 cm-1 was observed in the Raman spectrum of D-CNT. The Raman features of D-CNT and C-CNT are similar to those of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and active carbon, respectively. The data also suggest that the increase in disorder in D-CNT compared with HOPG is due to structural defects in D-CNT. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The oxidation of six charged iron(III) tetraarylporphyrins with chemical oxidants has been investigated. In aqueous solution each can be converted by tert-butyl hydroperoxide or monopersulphate into its corresponding oxoiron(IV) porphyrin, whereas in methanol only the iron(III) tetra(N-methylpyridyl)porphyrins form detectable ferryl porphyrins at ambient temperatures. On standing, the iron species revert to the parent porphyrin with a small loss due to non-reversible oxidative destruction. That the oxidised porphyrin intermediates are oxoiron(IV) species has been determined using UV-VIS, resonance Raman, H1 NMR and EPR spectroscopy.


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Highly swellable polymer films doped with Ag nanoparticle aggregates (poly-SERS films) have been used to record very high signal:noise ratio, reproducible surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman (SER(R)S) spectra of in situ dried ink lines and their constituent dyes using both 633 and 785 nm excitation. These allowed the chemical origins of differences in the SERRS spectra of different inks to be determined. Initial investigation of pure samples of the 10 most common blue dyes showed that the dyes which had very similar chemical structures such as Patent Blue V and Patent Blue VF (which differ only by a single OH group) gave SERRS spectra in which the only indications that the dye structure had been changed were small differences in peak positions or relative intensities of the bands. SERRS studies of 13 gel pen inks were consistent with this observation. In some cases inks from different types of pens could be distinguished even though they were dominated by a single dye such as Victoria Blue B (Zebra Surari) or Victoria Blue BO (Pilot Acroball) because their predominant dye did not appear in other inks. Conversely, identical spectra were also recorded from different types of pens (Pilot G7, Zebra Z-grip) because they all had the same dominant Brilliant Blue G dye. Finally, some of the inks contained mixtures of dyes which could be separated by TLC and removed from the plate before being analysed with the same poly-SERS films. For example, the Pentel EnerGel ink pen was found to give TLC spots corresponding to Erioglaucine and Brilliant Blue G. Overall, this study has shown that the spectral differences between different inks which are based on chemically similar, but nonetheless distinct dyes, are extremely small, so very close matches between SERRS spectra are required for confident identification. Poly-SERS substrates can routinely provide the very stringent reproducibility and sensitivity levels required. This, coupled with the awareness of the reasons underlying the observed differences between similarly coloured inks allows a more confident assessment of the evidential value of inks SERS and should underpin adoption of this approach as a routine method for the forensic examination of inks.


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We prove that the Frobenius-Perron operator $U$ of the cusp map $F:[-1,1]\to [-1,1]$, $F(x)=1-2 x^{1/2}$ (which is an approximation of the Poincare section of the Lorenz attractor) has no analytic eigenfunctions corresponding to eigenvalues different from 0 and 1. We also prove that for any $q\in (0,1)$ the spectrum of $U$ in the Hardy space in the disk $\{z\in C:|z-q|


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The electric field enhancement associated with detailed structure within novel optical antenna nanostructures is modeled using the surface integral equation technique in the context of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The antennae comprise random arrays of vertically aligned, multi-walled carbon nanotubes dressed with highly granular Ag. Different types of "hot-spot" underpinning the SERS are identified, but contrasting characteristics are revealed. Those at the outer edges of the Ag grains are antenna driven with field enhancement amplified in antenna antinodes while intergrain hotspots are largely independent of antenna activity. Hot-spots between the tops of antennae leaning towards each other also appear to benefit from antenna amplification.


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The results of a study aimed at determining the most important experimental parameters for automated, quantitative analysis of solid dosage form pharmaceuticals (seized and model 'ecstasy' tablets) are reported. Data obtained with a macro-Raman spectrometer were complemented by micro-Raman measurements, which gave information on particle size and provided excellent data for developing statistical models of the sampling errors associated with collecting data as a series of grid points on the tablets' surface. Spectra recorded at single points on the surface of seized MDMA-caffeine-lactose tablets with a Raman microscope (lambda(ex) = 785 nm, 3 mum diameter spot) were typically dominated by one or other of the three components, consistent with Raman mapping data which showed the drug and caffeine microcrystals were ca 40 mum in diameter. Spectra collected with a microscope from eight points on a 200 mum grid were combined and in the resultant spectra the average value of the Raman band intensity ratio used to quantify the MDMA: caffeine ratio, mu(r), was 1.19 with an unacceptably high standard deviation, sigma(r), of 1.20. In contrast, with a conventional macro-Raman system (150 mum spot diameter), combined eight grid point data gave mu(r) = 1.47 with sigma(r) = 0.16. A simple statistical model which could be used to predict sigma(r) under the various conditions used was developed. The model showed that the decrease in sigma(r) on moving to a 150 mum spot was too large to be due entirely to the increased spot diameter but was consistent with the increased sampling volume that arose from a combination of the larger spot size and depth of focus in the macroscopic system. With the macro-Raman system, combining 64 grid points (0.5 mm spacing and 1-2 s accumulation per point) to give a single averaged spectrum for a tablet was found to be a practical balance between minimizing sampling errors and keeping overhead times at an acceptable level. The effectiveness of this sampling strategy was also tested by quantitative analysis of a set of model ecstasy tablets prepared from MDEA-sorbitol (0-30% by mass MDEA). A simple univariate calibration model of averaged 64 point data had R-2 = 0.998 and an r.m.s. standard error of prediction of 1.1% whereas data obtained by sampling just four points on the same tablet showed deviations from the calibration of up to 5%.


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We report the formation of highly scattering silver complexes of adenine, deoxyadenosine and 5'-dAMP under alkaline pH conditions in the colloidal silver solutions which are used for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. These complexes, and other pH-dependent phenomena, help to explain the diversity of previously reported adenine SERS spectra. Using conditions which promote complex formation allows nucleotides to be detected at <1 ppm, even in solutions with high salt concentrations.


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Optical techniques toward the realization of sensitive and selective biosensing platforms have received considerable attention in recent times. Techniques based on interferometry, surface plasmon resonance, and waveguides have all proved popular, while spectroscopy in particular offers much potential. Raman spectroscopy is an information-rich technique in which the vibrational frequencies reveal much about the structure of a compound, but it is a weak process and offers poor sensitivity. In response to this problem, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has received much attention, due to significant increases in sensitivity instigated by bringing the sample into contact with an enhancing substrate. Here we discuss a facile and rapid technique for the detection of pterins using SERS-active colloidal silver suspensions. Pterins are a family of biological compounds that are employed in nature in color pigmentation and as facilitators in metabolic pathways. In this work, small volumes of xanthopterin, isoxanthopterin, and 7,8-dihydrobiopterin have been examined while adsorbed to silver colloids. Limits of detection have been examined for both xanthopterin and isoxanthopterin using a 10-s exposure to a 12 mW 532 nm laser, which, while showing a trade-off between scan time and signal intensity, still provides the opportunity for the investigation of simultaneous detection of both pterins in solution. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3600658]


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A novel method of obtaining high-quality Raman spectra of luminescent samples was tested using cyclohexane solutions which had been treated with a fluorescent dye. The method involves removing the fixed pattern irregularity found in the spectra taken with CCD detectors by subtracting spectra taken at several different, closely spaced spectrometer positions. It is conceptually similar to SERDS (shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy) but has the distinct experimental advantage that it does not require a tunable laser source. The subtracted spectra obtained as the raw data are converted into a more recognisable and conventional form by iterative fitting of appropriate double Lorentzian functions whose peak parameters are then used to 'reconstruct' a conventional representation of the spectrum. Importantly, it is shown that the degree of uncertainty in the resultant 'reconstructed' spectra can be gauged reliably by comparing reconstructed spectra obtained at two different spectrometer shifts (delta and 2 delta), The method was illustrated and validated using a solvent (cyclohexane) the spectrum of which is well known and which contains both regions with complex overlapping bands and regions with isolated bands, Possible sources of error are discussed and it is shown that, provided the degree of uncertainty in the data is correctly characterised, it is completely valid to draw conclusions about the spectra of the sample on the basis of the reconstructed data. The acronym SSRS (subtracted shifted Raman spectroscopy; pronounced scissors) is proposed for this method, to distinguish it from the SERDS technique.