72 resultados para Perceptual Rivalry


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Listeners experience electroacoustic music as full of significance and meaning, and they experience spatiality as one of the factors contributing to its meaningfulness. If we want to understand spatiality in electroacoustic music, we must understand how the listener’s mental processes give rise to the experience of meaning. In electroacoustic music as in everyday life, these mental processes unite the peripheral auditory system with human spatial cognition. In the discussion that follows we consider a range of the listener’s mental processes relating space and meaning from the perceptual attributes of spatial imagery to the spatial reference frames for places and navigation. When considering multichannel loudspeaker systems in particular, an important part of the discussion is focused on the distinctive and idiomatic ways in which this particular mode of sound production contributes to and situates meaning. These idiosyncrasies include the phenomenon of image dispersion, the important consequences of the precedence effect and the influence of source characteristics on spatial imagery. These are discussed in close relation to the practicalities of artistic practice and to the potential for artistic meaning experienced by the listener.


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A recently generalized theory of perceptual guidance (general tau theory) was used to analyse coordination in skilled movement. The theory posits that (i) guiding movement entails controlling closure of spatial and/or force gaps between effecters and goals, by sensing and regulating the tau s of the gaps (the time-to-closure at current closure rate), (ii) a principal way of coordinating movements is keeping the rs of different gaps in constant ratio (known as tau-coupling), and (iii) intrinsically paced movements are guided and coordinated by tau-coupling onto a tau-guide, tau(g), generated in the nervous system and described by the equation tau(g) = 0.5(t-T-2/t) where T is the duration of the body movement and t is the time from the start of the movement. Kinematic analysis of hand to mouth movements by human adults, with eyes open or closed, indicated that hand guidance was achieved by maintaining, during 80-85% of the movement, the tau-couplings tau(alpha)-tau(t) and tau(t)-tau(g), where tau(t) is tau of the hand-mouth gap, tau(alpha) is tau of the angular gap to be closed by steering the hand and tau(g) is an intrinsic tau-guide.


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Previous studies have shown that balls subjected to spin induce large errors in perceptual judgements (Craig et al, 2006; Craig et al 2009) due to the additional accelerative force that causes the ball’s flight path to deviate from a standard parabolic trajectory. A recent review however, has suggested that the findings from such experiments may be imprecise due to the decoupling of perception and action and the reliance on the ventral system (Van der Kamp et al, 2008). The aim of this study was to present the same curved free kick trajectory simulations from the perception only studies (Craig et al, 2006; Craig et al, 2009) but this time allow participants to move to intercept the ball. By using immersive, interactive virtual reality technology participants were asked to control the movement of a virtual effector presented in a virtual soccer stadium so that it would make contact with a virtual soccer ball as it crossed the goal-line. As in the perception only studies the direction of spin had a significant effect on the participants’ responses (F(2,12)=222.340; p


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Affordances have recently been proposed as a guiding principle in perception–action research in sport (Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, 2009). In the present study, perception of the ’passability’ affordance of a gap between two approaching defenders in rugby is explored. A simplified rugby gap closure scenario was created using immersive, interactive virtual reality technology where 14 novice participants (attacker) judged the passability of the gap between two virtual defenders via a perceptual judgment (button press) task. The scenario was modeled according to tau theory (Lee, 1976) and a psychophysical function was fitted to the response data. Results revealed that a tau-based informational quantity could account for 82% of the variance in the data. Findings suggest that the passability affordance in this case, is defined by this variable and participants were able to use it in order to inform prospective judgments as to passability. These findings contribute to our understanding of affordances and how they may be defined in this particular sporting scenario; however, some limitations regarding methodology, such as decoupling perception and action are also acknowledged.


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This study investigated the relationship between a chronometric estimate of automaticity for the spelling of French words (Automaticity) and performance on four tests of French language attainment among a sample of Year 11 students of French as a foreign language. Fifty participants each completed a computerized test of French spelling and attainment tests in four aspects of French language learning: reading comprehension, writing fluency, oral fluency, and aural comprehension. Correlations were significant between Automaticity and performance on all four tests of French language attainment as well as on overall attainment.


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Across languages, children with developmental dyslexia have a specific difficulty with the neural representation of the sound structure (phonological structure) of speech. One likely cause of their difficulties with phonology is a perceptual difficulty in auditory temporal processing (Tallal, 1980). Tallal (1980) proposed that basic auditory processing of brief, rapidly successive acoustic changes is compromised in dyslexia, thereby affecting phonetic discrimination (e.g. discriminating /b/ from /d/) via impaired discrimination of formant transitions (rapid acoustic changes in frequency and intensity). However, an alternative auditory temporal hypothesis is that the basic auditory processing of the slower amplitude modulation cues in speech is compromised (Goswami , 2002). Here, we contrast children's perception of a synthetic speech contrast (ba/wa) when it is based on the speed of the rate of change of frequency information (formant transition duration) versus the speed of the rate of change of amplitude modulation (rise time). We show that children with dyslexia have excellent phonetic discrimination based on formant transition duration, but poor phonetic discrimination based on envelope cues. The results explain why phonetic discrimination may be allophonic in developmental dyslexia (Serniclaes , 2004), and suggest new avenues for the remediation of developmental dyslexia. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Introduction: Rhythm organises musical events into patterns and forms, and rhythm perception in music is usually studied by using metrical tasks. Metrical structure also plays an organisational function in the phonology of language, via speech prosody, and there is evidence for rhythmic perceptual difficulties in developmental dyslexia. Here we investigate the hypothesis that the accurate perception of musical metrical structure is related to basic auditory perception of rise time, and also to phonological and literacy development in children. Methods: A battery of behavioural tasks was devised to explore relations between musical metrical perception, auditory perception of amplitude envelope structure, phonological awareness (PA) and reading in a sample of 64 typically-developing children and children with developmental dyslexia. Results: We show that individual differences in the perception of amplitude envelope rise time are linked to musical metrical sensitivity, and that musical metrical sensitivity predicts PA and reading development, accounting for over 60% of variance in reading along with age and I.Q. Even the simplest metrical task, based on a duple metrical structure, was performed significantly more poorly by the children with dyslexia. Conclusions: The accurate perception of metrical structure may be critical for phonological development and consequently for the development of literacy. Difficulties in metrical processing are associated with basic auditory rise time processing difficulties, suggesting a primary sensory impairment in developmental dyslexia in tracking the lower-frequency modulations in the speech envelope. © 2010 Elsevier.


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Summary: The process of translation restores the materiality of time and space to a play. Performance, of course, takes place only within the here and now of an audience, but a play that comes from a different time or different place prompts an encounter with the conceptual and perceptual real from sometime or somewhere else. If we are to consider translation as an ethical practice, one concerned not only to present the dislocated other to the located self, but also to protect the other from wholesale assimilation by the self, then the translated play must in some ways prove resistant to such assimilation. But of course the retention of foreignness – or what Steiner called restitution – is problematic, not least because of the attendant danger of merely exoticising. The theatre of García Lorca in English presents an interesting case study in this regard.


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Natural environments often generate experiences that combine great emotional and moral power- "charged" experiences. Their characteristics are explored through writings that capture them convincingly. They appear to have a perceptual character. Perception of the scene is invested with a sense of something beyond it, and much bigger. It may be God, or immensity in time or space, or the essence of a nation. This encounter is often connected with moral authority. A recurring theme is the sense that environment and the things in it-including the observer-are a self-similar pattern. People are not passive recipients of these experiences. They seek them out. Evoking, the environment in words can often evoke the charged experience too-at least in part. The material suggests tasks for psychologists-most simply, finding systematic ways to describe these experiences. That may help other environmental disciplines, which face difficulty characterising the dimension of response. Theoretically, the material raises questions about the representations generated by perceptual processes. The observation that powerful moral imperatives seem to be given in the act of perceiving is also suggestive for the psychology of morality. Culture certainly plays a part in charged responses, but landscapes have the power to be invested with an emotional and moral charge where other stimuli may not.


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Ambisonics and higher order ambisonics (HOA) technologies aim at reproducing sound field either synthesised or previously recorded with dedicated microphones. Based on a spherical harmonic decomposition, the sound field is more precisely described when higher-order components are used. The presented study evaluated the perceptual and objective localisation accuracy of the sound field encoded with four microphones of order one to four and decoded over a ring of loudspeakers. A perceptual test showed an improvement of the localisation with higher order ambisonic microphones. Reproduced localisation indices were estimated for the four microphones and the respective synthetic systems of order one to four. The perceptual and objective analysis revealed the same conclusions. The localisation accuracy depends on the ambisonic order as well as the source incidence. Furthermore, impairments linked to the microphones were highlighted.


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Music is a rich form of nonverbal communication, in which the movements that expert musicians make during performance can influence the perception of expressive and structural features of the music. Whether the actual skill of a musician is perceivable from vision of movement was examined. In Experiment 1, musicians and non-musicians rated performances by novice, intermediate and expert clarinettists from point-light animations of their movements, sound recordings, or both. Performances by clarinettists of more advanced skill level were rated significantly higher from vision of movements, although this effect was stronger when sound was also presented. In Experiment 2, movements and sound from the novice and expert clarinettists' performances were switched for half the presentations, and were matched for the rest. Ratings of novice music were significantly higher when presented with expert movements, although the opposite was not found for expert sound presented with novice movements. No perceptual effect of raters' own level of musicianship was found in either experiment. These results suggest that expertise is perceivable from vision of musicians' body movements, although perception of skill from sound is dominant. The results from Experiment 2 further indicate a cross-modal effect of vision and audition on the perception of musical expertise. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Absence of leftward bias in a line bisection task is often used as a clinical hemispheric indicator, but the effect is not uniform in a normal population. Sex, handedness, and strategy variables affect the strength and direction of any bias.


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A 1983-1985 theory by Mitchell and Power predicts that, when rotating rectangles undergo certain kinds of speed fluctuation, they should appear to reverse just as trapezia do. The prediction is partially confirmed. One of two 'mimic' rectangles underwent apparent reversals more often than a control rectangle undergoing even rotation and in the same places as rotating trapezia. However, its reversal frequency was less than those of the trapezia, and a second 'mimic' showed an inappropriate distribution of reversals round the cycle. These anomalies call for some modification to Mitchell and Power's theory, but minor qualifications may be sufficient.


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Alex Proyas' science fiction film Dark City (1998) puts forth questions about the building process of a city. The aliens in the film constantly alter each street, building and room to create the right environment for humans to dwell. The ‘strangers’ believe that they need to study humans in their spaces to understand human nature. They use bits and pieces of people's memories to reconstruct the city.

Christian Norberg-Schulz identifies four elements of space: physical, perceptual, existential and conceptual. Physical space is physical existence as it is. Perceptual space is the temporary space the user perceives. Existential space, for instance, the meaning of the concept of home, is abstract and permanent; it does not change with changing conditions. Finally, conceptual space, in his spatial philosophy, is the space concept of specialists like architects, economists and mathematicians.

This article analyses the future noir environment of Dark City from a spatial perspective. The notion of building is studied as to physical, perceptual, existential and conceptual spaces of Norberg-Schulz through concepts of home, identity, belonging, and alienation with reference to the architecture of the city.


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Although coordinated patterns of body movement can be used to communicate action intention, they can also be used to deceive. Often known as deceptive movements, these unpredictable patterns of body movement can give a competitive advantage to an attacker when trying to outwit a defender. In this particular study, we immersed novice and expert rugby players in an interactive virtual rugby environment to understand how the dynamics of deceptive body movement influence a defending player’s decisions about how and when to act. When asked to judge final running direction, expert players who were found to tune into prospective tau-based information specified in the dynamics of ‘honest’ movement signals (Centre of Mass), performed significantly better than novices who tuned into the dynamics of ‘deceptive’ movement signals (upper trunk yaw and out-foot placement) (p<.001). These findings were further corroborated in a second experiment where players were able to move as if to intercept or ‘tackle’ the virtual attacker. An analysis of action responses showed that experts waited significantly longer before initiating movement (p<.001). By waiting longer and picking up more information that would inform about future running direction these experts made significantly fewer errors (p<.05). In this paper we not only present a mathematical model that describes how deception in body-based movement is detected, but we also show how perceptual expertise is manifested in action expertise. We conclude that being able to tune into the ‘honest’ information specifying true running action intention gives a strong competitive advantage.