113 resultados para Hilbert modules


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Distributed quantum information processing (QIP) is a promising way to bypass problems due to unwanted interactions between elements. However, this strategy presupposes the engineering of protocols for remote processors. In many of them, pairwise entanglement is a key resource. We study a model which distributes entanglement among elements of a delocalized network without local control. The model is efficient both in finite- and infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We suggest a setup of electromechanical systems to implement our proposal.


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We establish a mapping between a continuous-variable (CV) quantum system and a discrete quantum system of arbitrary dimension. This opens up the general possibility to perform any quantum information task with a CV system as if it were a discrete system. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state is mapped onto the maximally entangled state in any finite-dimensional Hilbert space and thus can be considered as a universal resource of entanglement. An explicit example of the map and a proposal for its experimental realization are discussed.


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An entangled two-mode coherent state is studied within the framework of 2 x 2-dimensional Hilbert space. An entanglement concentration scheme based on joint Bell-state measurements is worked out. When the entangled coherent state is embedded in vacuum environment, its entanglement is degraded but not totally lost. It is found that the larger the initial coherent amplitude, the faster entanglement decreases. We investigate a scheme to teleport a coherent superposition state while considering a mixed quantum channel. We find that the decohered entangled coherent state may be useless for quantum teleportation as it gives the optimal fidelity of teleportation less than the classical limit 2/3.


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Quantum teleportation for continuous variables is generally described in phase space by using the Wigner functions. We study quantum teleportation via a mixed two-mode squeezed state in Hilbert-Schmidt space by using the coherent-state representation and operators. This shows directly how the teleported state is related to the original state.


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We propose a scheme to physically interface superconducting nanocircuits and quantum optics. We address the transfer of quantum information between systems having different physical natures and defined in Hilbert spaces of different dimensions. In particular, we investigate the transfer of the entanglement initially in a nonclassical state of an infinite dimensional system to a pair of superconducting charge qubits. This setup is able to drive an initially separable state of the qubits into an almost pure, highly entangled state suitable for quantum information processing.


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We formulate a conclusive teleportation protocol for a system in d-dimensional Hilbert space utilizing the positive operator- valued measurement. The conclusive teleportation protocol ensures some perfect teleportation events when the channel is only partially entangled. at the expense of lowering the overall average fidelity. We discuss how much information remains in the inconclusive parts of the teleportation.


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Quantum nonlocality is tested for an entangled coherent state, interacting with a dissipative environment. A pure entangled coherent state violates Bell's inequality regardless of its coherent amplitude. The higher the initial nonlocality, the more rapidly quantum nonlocality is lost. The entangled coherent state can also be investigated in the framework of 2x2 Hilbert space. The quantum nonlocality persists longer in 2x2 Hilbert space. When it decoheres it is found that the entangled coherent state fails the nonlocality test, which contrasts with the fact that the decohered entangled state is always entangled.


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We study entanglement accumulation in a memory built out of two continuous variable systems interacting with a qubit that mediates their indirect coupling. We show that, in contrast with the case of bidimensional Hilbert spaces, entanglement superior to one ebit can be accumulated in the memory, even though no entangled resource is used. The protocol is immediately implementable and we assess the role of the main imperfections.


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In this article the authors explore and evaluate developments in the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) within social work education at Queen's University Belfast since the inception of the new degree in social work. They look at the staff development strategy utilised to increase teacher confidence and competence in use of the Queen's Online virtual learning environment tools as well as the student experience of participation in modules involving online discussions. The authors conclude that the project provided further opportunity to reflect on how ICT can be used as a platform to support a whole course in a systematic and coordinated way and to ensure all staff remained abreast of ongoing developments in the use of ICT to support learning which is a normative expectation of students entering universities. A very satisfying outcome for the leaders is our observation of the emergence of other 'experts' in different aspects of use of ICT amongst the staff team. This project also shows that taking a team as opposed to an individual approach can be particularly beneficial


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A complex number lambda is called an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator T on a Banach space B if there exists a non-zero bounded linear operator X acting on B such that XT = lambda TX. We show that there are compact quasinilpotent operators on a separable Hilbert space, for which the set of extended eigenvalues is the one-point set {1}.


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We develop two simple approaches to the construction of time operators for semigroups of continuous linear operators in Hilbert spaces provided that the generators of these semigroups are normal operators. The first approach enables us to give explicit formulas (in the spectral representations) both for the time operators and for their eigenfunctions. The other approach provides no explicit formula. However, it enables us to find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of time operators for semigroups of continuous linear operators in separable Hilbert spaces with normal generators. Time superoperators corresponding to unitary groups are also discussed.


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Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space. It is well known that A admits a unique decomposition into a direct sum of three self-adjoint operators A(p), A(ac) and A(sc) such that there exists an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors for the operator A(p) the operator A(ac) has purely absolutely continuous spectrum and the operator A(sc) has purely singular continuous spectrum. We show the existence of a natural further decomposition of the singular continuous component A c into a direct sum of two self-adjoint operators A(sc)(D) and A(sc)(ND). The corresponding subspaces and spectra are called decaying and purely non-decaying singular subspaces and spectra. Similar decompositions are also shown for unitary operators and for general normal operators.


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We present new general methods to obtain spectral decompositions of dynamical systems in rigged Hilbert spaces and investigate the existence of resonances and the completeness of the associated eigenfunctions. The results are illustrated explicitly for the simplest chaotic endomorphism, namely the Renyi map.


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The implementation of effective time analysis methods fast and accurately in the era of digital manufacturing has become a significant challenge for aerospace manufacturers hoping to build and maintain a competitive advantage. This paper proposes a structure oriented, knowledge-based approach for intelligent time analysis of aircraft assembly processes within a digital manufacturing framework. A knowledge system is developed so that the design knowledge can be intelligently retrieved for implementing assembly time analysis automatically. A time estimation method based on MOST, is reviewed and employed. Knowledge capture, transfer and storage within the digital manufacturing environment are extensively discussed. Configured plantypes, GUIs and functional modules are designed and developed for the automated time analysis. An exemplar study using an aircraft panel assembly from a regional jet is also presented. Although the method currently focuses on aircraft assembly, it can also be well utilized in other industry sectors, such as transportation, automobile and shipbuilding. The main contribution of the work is to present a methodology that facilitates the integration of time analysis with design and manufacturing using a digital manufacturing platform solution.


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Let H be a two-dimensional complex Hilbert space and P(3H) the space of 3-homogeneous polynomials on H. We give a characterization of the extreme points of its unit ball, P(3H), from which we deduce that the unit sphere of P(3H) is the disjoint union of the sets of its extreme and smooth points. We also show that an extreme point of P(3H) remains extreme as considered as an element of L(3H). Finally we make a few remarks about the geometry of the unit ball of the predual of P(3H) and give a characterization of its smooth points.