97 resultados para CLOUD CORES


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At the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING in Stockholm, Sweden, we have investigated the dissociative recombination of DCOOD2+ at low relative kinetic energies, from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been found to follow the expression k(T) = 8.43 × 10-7 (T/300)^-0.78 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures, T, ranging from ~10 to ~1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction have been studied at ~2 meV relative kinetic energy. It has been found that ~87% of the reactions involve breaking a bond between heavy atoms. In only 13% of the reactions do the heavy atoms remain in the same product fragment. This puts limits on the gas-phase production of formic acid, observed in both molecular clouds and cometary comae. Using the experimental results in chemical models of the dark cloud, TMC-1, and using the latest release of the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry improves the agreement with observations for the abundance of formic acid. Our results also strengthen the assumption that formic acid is a component of cometary ices.


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Aims. We aim to investigate the chemistry and gas phase abundance of HNCO and the variation of the HNCO/CS abundance ratio as a diagnostic of the physics and chemistry in regions of massive star formation. Methods. A numerical-chemical model has been developed which self-consistently follows the chemical evolution of a hot core. The model comprises of two distinct stages. The first stage follows the isothermal, modified free-fall collapse of a molecular dark cloud. This is immediately followed by an increase in temperature which represents the switch on of a central massive star and the subsequent evolution of the chemistry in a hot, dense gas cloud (the hot core). During the collapse phase, gas species are allowed to accrete on to grain surfaces where they can participate in further reactions. During the hot core phase surface species thermally desorb back in to the ambient gas and further chemical evolution takes place. For comparison, the chemical network was also used to model a simple dark cloud and photodissociation regions. Results. Our investigation reveals that HNCO is inefficiently formed when only gas-phase formation pathways are considered in the chemical network with reaction rates consistent with existing laboratory data. This is particularly true at low temperatures but also in regions with temperatures up to ~200 K. Using currently measured gas phase reaction rates, obtaining the observed HNCO abundances requires its formation on grain surfaces – similar to other “hot core” species such as CH3OH. However our model shows that the gas phase HNCO in hot cores is not a simple direct product of the evaporation of grain mantles. We also show that the HNCO/CS abundance ratio varies as a function of time in hot cores and can match the range of values observed. This ratio is not unambiguously related to the ambient UV field as been suggested – our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis of Martín et al. (2008, ApJ, 678, 245). In addition, our results show that this ratio is extremely sensitive to the initial sulphur abundance. We find that the ratio grows monotonically with time with an absolute value which scales approximately linearly with the S abundance at early times.


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Context. Complex molecules such as ethanol and dimethyl ether have been observed in a number of hot molecular cores and hot corinos. Attempts to model the molecular formation process using gas phase only models have so far been unsuccessful. Aims. To demonstrate that grain surface processing is a viable mechanism for complex molecule formation in these environments. Methods. A variable environment parameter computer model has been constructed which includes both gas and surface chemistry. This is used to investigate a variety of cloud collapse scenarios. Results. Comparison between model results and observation shows that by combining grain surface processing with gas phase chemistry complex molecules can be produced in observed abundances in a number of core and corino scenarios. Differences in abundances are due to the initial atomic and molecular composition of the core/corino and varying collapse timescales. Conclusions. Grain surface processing, combined with variation of physical conditions, can be regarded as a viable method for the formation of complex molecules in the environment found in the vicinity of a hot core/corino and produce abundances comparable to those observed.


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We present near-UV transmission spectroscopy of the highly irradiated transiting exoplanet WASP-12b, obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra cover three distinct wavelength ranges: NUVA (2539-2580 Å), NUVB (2655-2696 Å), and NUVC (2770-2811 Å). Three independent methods all reveal enhanced transit depths attributable to absorption by resonance lines of metals in the exosphere of WASP-12b. Light curves of total counts in the NUVA and NUVC wavelength ranges show a detection at a 2.5s level. We detect extra absorption in the Mg II ??2800 resonance line cores at the 2.8s level. The NUVA, NUVB, and NUVC light curves imply effective radii of 2.69 ± 0.24 R J , 2.18 ± 0.18 R J , and 2.66 ± 0.22 R J respectively, suggesting the planet is surrounded by an absorbing cloud which overfills the Roche lobe. We detect enhanced transit depths at the wavelengths of resonance lines of neutral sodium, tin, and manganese, and at singly ionized ytterbium, scandium, manganese, aluminum, vanadium, and magnesium. We also find the statistically expected number of anomalous transit depths at wavelengths not associated with any known resonance line. Our data are limited by photon noise, but taken as a whole the results are strong evidence for an extended absorbing exosphere surrounding the planet. The NUVA data exhibit an early ingress, contrary to model expectations; we speculate this could be due to the presence of a disk of previously stripped material.


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We report the detection of microwave emission lines from the hydrocarbon anion C6H- and its parent neutral C6H in the star-forming region L1251A (in Cepheus), and the pre-stellar core L1512 (in Auriga). The carbon-chain-bearing species C4H, HC3N, HC5N, HC7N and C3S are also detected in large abundances. The observations of L1251A constitute the first detections of anions and long- chain polyynes and cyanopolyynes (with more than 5 carbon atoms) in the Cepheus Flare star- forming region, and the first detection of anions in the vicinity of a protostar outside of the Taurus molecular cloud complex, highlighting a wider importance for anions in the chemistry of star formation. Rotational excitation temperatures have been derived from the HC3N hyperfine structure lines, and are found to be 6.2 K for L1251A and 8.7 K for L1512. The anion-to-neutral ratios are 3.6% and 4.1%, respectively, which are within the range of values previously observed in the interstellar medium, and suggest a relative uniformity in the processes governing anion abundances in different dense interstellar clouds. This research contributes towards the growing body of evidence that carbon chain anions are relatively abundant in interstellar clouds throughout the Galaxy, but especially in the regions of relatively high density and high depletion surrounding pre-stellar cores and young, embedded protostars.


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We propose simple models to predict the performance degradation of disk requests due to storage device contention in consolidated virtualized environments. Model parameters can be deduced from measurements obtained inside Virtual Machines (VMs) from a system where a single VM accesses a remote storage server. The parameterized model can then be used to predict the effect of storage contention when multiple VMs are consolidated on the same server. We first propose a trace-driven approach that evaluates a queueing network with fair share scheduling using simulation. The model parameters consider Virtual Machine Monitor level disk access optimizations and rely on a calibration technique. We further present a measurement-based approach that allows a distinct characterization of read/write performance attributes. In particular, we define simple linear prediction models for I/O request mean response times, throughputs and read/write mixes, as well as a simulation model for predicting response time distributions. We found our models to be effective in predicting such quantities across a range of synthetic and emulated application workloads. 


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We have searched for HDS emission in a small number of hot cores. Using observations of (H2S)-S-34, we have derived upper limits to the [HDS]/[H2S] abundance ratio. The upper limits, which are close to 10(-3) can be interpreted in two ways, depending on whether grain surface reactions contribute to the formation of H2S. If grains do not dominate, then the H2S observed is formed in hot, post-shocked gas and a ratio close to the cosmic [D]/[H] ratio is expected for [HDS]/[H2S]. This scenario is consistent with our upper limits and with the relatively low abundance ratio found for [HDO]/[H2O] in hot cores but does not seem to account for all of the molecular [D]/[H] ratios observed in hot cores. If grains do dominate the formation of HBS, then the observed upper limit to the ratio is consistent with the formation of 'hot core ices' at a temperature of 60-80 K, close to the temperature at which cometary ices are thought to form.


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We have undertaken a 330-360 GHz molecular line survey of the halo gas surrounding the hot core associated with G34.26+0.15. In contrast to our molecular line survey of the hot core itself, where 338 lines from at least 38 species were detected, only 18 lines from 9 species were detected in the halo. The lines are mainly single transitions of simple di atomic and triatomic molecules. Lower limits to their column densities have been evaluated by an LTE method. In the case of methanol, where four transitions were detected, the rotation temperature and column density have been evaluated by the rotation diagram technique. We have modified the previous depth-dependent chemical model developed in Paper II to calculate the column densities observed along a general line of sight drawn through the model cloud. The model is also extended to produce beam-averaged column densities for better comparison with those observed. We compare the model column densities with those observed and make recommendations for future depth-dependent chemical modelling of hot cores.


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We have used the JCMT to survey molecular line emission towards 14 ultracompact HII regions (G5.89, G9.62, G10.30, G10.47, G12.21, G13.87, G29.96, G31.41, G34.26, G43.89, G45.12, G45.45, G45.47, and G75.78). For each source, we observed up to ten 1 GHz bands between 200 and 350 GHz, covering lines of more than 30 species including multiple transitions of CO isotopes, CH3OH, CH3CCH, CH3CN and HCOOCH3, and sulphuretted molecules. The number of transitions detected varied by a factor of 20 between sources; which were chosen following observations of high-excitation ammonia (Cesaroni et al. 1994a) and methyl cyanide (Olmi et al. 1993). In half our sample (the line-poor sources), only (CO)-O-17: (CO)-O-18, SO, (CS)-S-34 and CH3OH were detected. In the line-rich sources, we detected over 150 lines, including high excitation lines of CH3CN, HCOOCH3; C2H5CN, CH3OH, and CH3CCH. We have calculated the physical conditions of the molecular gas. To reproduce the emission from the line-rich sources requires both a hot, dense compact core and an ambient cloud consisting of less dense, cooler gas. The hot cores, which are less than 0.1 pc in size; reach densities of at least 10(8) cm(-3) and temperatures of more than 80 K. The line-poor sources can be modelled without a hot core by a 20-30 K, 10(5) cm(-3) cloud. We find no correlation between the size of the HII region and the current physical conditions in the molecular environment. A comparison with chemical models (Millar et al. 1997) confirms that grain surface chemistry is important in hot cores.


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We compare the results of our JCMT spectral line survey of molecular gas towards ultracompact HII regions with the predictions of models of sulphur chemistry in hot cores. We investigate the range of evolutionary models that are consistent with the observed physical conditions and chemical abundances, and see to what extent it is possible to constrain core ages by comparing abundances with the predictions of chemical models. The observed abundance ratios vary little from source to source, suggesting that all the sources are at a similar evolutionary stage. The models are capable of predicting the observed abundances of H2S, SO, SO2, and CS. The models fail to predict the amount of OCS observed, suggesting that an alternative formation route is required. An initial H2S abundance from grain mantle evaporation of similar to 10(-7) is preferred.


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We have observed the 3-2 transitions of DCN and (HCN)-N-15 in a number of hot molecular cores previously surveyed by us with the interesting result that the DCN/HCN ratio is low, a few times 10(-3), in the hot cores. The abundance ratio of DCN/HCN is derived both 'on-core' and 'off-core' and, in general is larger at the 'off-core' positions. Comparision with chemical models of these sources indicates that DCN liberated from evaporated ices can be destroyed rapidly in the hot gas by reaction with atomic hydrogen, which works to reset the the initial DCN/HCN ratio in the ice to the gas-phase atomic D/H ratio. The low DCN/HCN abundance ratio we measure can be reached in less than 10(4) years, consistent with previous estimates of the core ages, if the activation energy of the reaction is less than 500 K.


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Detections of CO, CS, SO, C2H, HCO+, HCN, HNC, H2CO, and C3H2 are reported from LIRS 36, a star-forming region in the Small Magellanic Cloud. (CO)-O-18, NO, CH3OH, and most notably CN have not been detected, while the rare isotopes (CO)-C-13 and, tentatively, (CS)-S-34 ar,seen. This is so far the most extensive molecular multiline study of an interstellar medium with a heavy element depletion exceeding a factor of four.