62 resultados para 16S ribosomal RNA gene


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The unrestrained proliferation of cancer cells requires a high level of ribosome biogenesis. The first stage of ribosome biogenesis is the transcription of the large ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs); the structural and functional components of the ribosome. Transcription of rRNA is carried out by RNA Polymerase I (Pol-I) and its associated holoenzyme complex. Here we report that BRCA1, a nuclear phosphoprotein, and a known tumour suppressor involved in variety of cellular processes such as DNA damage response, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and ubiquitylation, is associated with rDNA repeats, in particular with the regulatory regions of the rRNA gene. We demonstrate that BRCA1 interacts directly with the basal Pol-I transcription factors; upstream binding factor (UBF), selectivity factor-1 (SL1) as well as interacting with RNA Pol-I itself. We show that in response to DNA damage, BRCA1 occupancy at the rDNA repeat is decreased and the observed BRCA1 interactions with the Pol-I transcription machinery are weakened. We propose, therefore, that there is a rDNA associated fraction of BRCA1 involved in DNA damage dependent regulation of Pol-I transcription, regulating the stability and formation of the Pol-I holoenzyme during initiation and/or elongation in response to DNA damage.


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Key tenets of modern biology are the central place of protein in cell regulation and the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that genomes are much more complex than hitherto thought with remarkably complex regulatory systems. The notion that the fraction of the genome involved in coding protein is all that matters is increasingly being questioned as the roles of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) in cellular systems becomes recognised. The RNA world, including microRNA (miRNA), small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) and other RNA species, are now recognised as being crucial for the regulation of chromatin structure, gene expression, mRNA processing and splicing, mRNA stability and translational control. Furthermore such ncRNA systems may be perturbed in disease states and most notably in neoplasia, including in haematological malignancies. Here the burgeoning evidence for a role of miRNA in neoplasia is reviewed and the importance of understanding the RNA world emphasised. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) replicase gene-encoded nonstructural protein 13 (nsp13) contains an N-terminal zinc-binding domain and a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain. A histidine-tagged form of nsp13, which was expressed in insect cells and purified, is reported to unwind efficiently both partial-duplex RNA and DNA of up to several hundred base pairs. Characterization of the nsp13-associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities revealed that all natural ribonucleotides and nucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed most efficiently. Using the NTPase active site, HCoV-229E nsp13 also mediates RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity, which may be involved in the capping of viral RNAs.


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The human coronavirus 229E replicase gene encodes a protein, p66HEL, that contains a putative zinc finger structure linked to a putative superfamily (SF) 1 helicase. A histidine-tagged form of this protein, HEL, was expressed using baculovirus vectors in insect cells. The purified recombinant protein had in vitro ATPase activity that was strongly stimulated by poly(U), poly(dT), poly(C), and poly(dA), but not by poly(G). The recombinant protein also had both RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities with 5'-to-3' polarity. The DNA helicase activity of the enzyme preferentially unwound 5'-oligopyrimidine-tailed, partial-duplex substrates and required a tail length of at least 10 nucleotides for effective unwinding. The combined data suggest that the coronaviral SF1 helicase functionally differs from the previously characterized RNA virus SF2 helicases.


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Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE) is the most commonly used method worldwide for tissue storage. This method preserves the tissue integrity but causes extensive damage to nucleic acids stored within the tissue. As methods for measuring gene expression such as RT-PCR and microarray are adopted into clinical practice there is an increasing necessity to access the wealth of information locked in the Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding archives. This paper reviews the progress in this field and discusses the unique opportunities that exist for the application of these techniques in the development of personalized medicine.


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A variety of genes expressed in preparasitic second-stage juveniles (J2) of plant-parasitic nematodes appear to be vulnerable to RNA interference (RNAi) in vitro by coupling double-stranded (ds)RNA soaking with the artificial stimulation of pharyngeal pumping. Also, there is mounting evidence that the in planta generation of nematode-specific double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) has real utility in the control of these pests. Although neuronally-expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans are commonly refractory to RNAi, we have discovered that neuronally-expressed genes in plant-parasitic nematodes are highly susceptible to RNAi and that silencing can be induced by simple soaking procedures without the need for pharyngeal stimulation. Since most front-line anthelmintics that are used for the control of nematode parasites of animals and humans act to disrupt neuromuscular coordination, we argue that intercellular signalling processes associated with neurons have much appeal as targets for transgenic plant-based control strategies for plant-parasitic nematodes. FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) are a large family of neuropeptides which are intimately associated with neuromuscular regulation, and our studies on flp gene function in plant-parasitic nematodes have revealed that their expression is central to coordinated locomotory activities. We propose that the high level of conservation in nervous systems across nematodes coupled with the RNAi-susceptibility of neuronally-expressed genes in plant-parasitic nematodes provides a valuable research tool which could be used to interrogate neuronal signalling processes in nematodes.


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Efficient transcription elongation from a chromatin template requires RNA polymerases (Pols) to negotiate nucleosomes. Our biochemical analyses demonstrate that RNA Pol I can transcribe through nucleosome templates and that this requires structural rearrangement of the nucleosomal core particle. The subunits of the histone chaperone FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription), SSRP1 and Spt16, co-purify and co-immunoprecipitate with mammalian Pol I complexes. In cells, SSRP1 is detectable at the rRNA gene repeats. Crucially, siRNA-mediated repression of FACT subunit expression in cells results in a significant reduction in 47S pre-rRNA levels, whereas synthesis of the first 40 nt of the rRNA is not affected, implying that FACT is important for Pol I transcription elongation through chromatin. FACT also associates with RNA Pol III complexes, is present at the chromatin of genes transcribed by Pol III and facilitates their transcription in cells. Our findings indicate that, beyond the established role in Pol II transcription, FACT has physiological functions in chromatin transcription by all three nuclear RNA Pols. Our data also imply that local chromatin dynamics influence transcription of the active rRNA genes by Pol I and of Pol III-transcribed genes.


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Cyclin D1 expression represents one of the key mitogen-regulated events during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, whereas Cyclin D1 overexpression is frequently associated with human malignancy. Here, we describe a novel mechanism regulating Cyclin D1 levels. We find that SNIP1, previously identified as a regulator of Cyclin D1 expression, does not, as previously thought, primarily function as a transcriptional coactivator for this gene. Rather, SNIP1 plays a critical role in cotranscriptional or posttranscriptional Cyclin D1 mRNA stability. Moreover, we show that the majority of nucleoplasmic SNIP1 is present within a previously undescribed complex containing SkIP, THRAP3, BCLAF1, and Pinin, all proteins with reported roles in RNA processing and transcriptional regulation. We find that this complex, which we have termed the SNIP1/SkIP–associated RNA-processing complex, is coordinately recruited to both the 3' end of the Cyclin D1 gene and Cyclin D1 RNA. Significantly, SNIP1 is required for the further recruitment of the RNA processing factor U2AF65 to both the Cyclin D1 gene and RNA. This study shows a novel mechanism regulating Cyclin D1 expression and offers new insight into the role of SNIP1 and associated proteins as regulators of proliferation and cancer.


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To investigate changes in gene expression during aging of the retina in the mouse.

Total RNA was extracted from the neuroretina of young (3-month-old) and old (20-month-old) mice and processed for microarray analysis. Age-related, differentially expressed genes were assessed by the empiric Bayes shrinkagemoderated t-statistics method. Statistical significance was based on dual criteria of a ratio of change in gene expression >2 and a P < 0.01. Differential expression in 11 selected genes was further verified by real-time PCR. Functional pathways involved in retinal ageing were analyzed by an online software package (DAVID-2008) in differentially expressed gene lists. Age-related changes in differential expression in the identified retinal molecular pathways were further confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of retinal flat mounts and retinal cryosections.

With ageing of the retina, 298 genes were upregulated and 137 genes were downregulated. Functional annotation showed that genes linked to immune responses (Ir genes) and to tissue stress/injury responses (TS/I genes) were most likely to be modified by ageing. The Ir genes affected included those regulating leukocyte activation, chemotaxis, endocytosis, complement activation, phagocytosis, and myeloid cell differentiation, most of which were upregulated, with only a few downregulated. Increased microglial and complement activation in the aging retina was further confirmed by confocal microscopy of retinal tissues. The most strongly upregulated gene was the calcitonin receptor (Calcr; >40-fold in old versus young mice).

The results suggest that retinal ageing is accompanied by activation of gene sets, which are involved in local inflammatory responses. A modified form of low-grade chronic inflammation (para-inflammation) characterizes these aging changes and involves mainly the innate immune system. The marked upregulation of Calcr in ageing mice most likely reflects this chronic inflammatory/stress response, since calcitonin is a known systemic biomarker of inflammation/sepsis. © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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Micro-(mi)RNAs play a pivotal role in the developmental regulation of plants and animals. We reasoned that disruption of normal heterochronic activity in differentiating Meloidogyne incognita eggs may lead to irregular development, lethality and by extension, represent a novel target for parasite control On silencing the nuclear RNase III enzyme drosha, a critical effector of miRNA maturation in animals, we found a significant inhibition of normal development and hatching in short interfering (sORNA-soaked M incognita eggs Developing juveniles presented with highly irregular tissue patterning within the egg, and we found that unlike our previous gene silencing efforts focused on FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2)-like peptides (FLPs), there was no observable phenotypic recovery following removal of the environmental siRNA. Aberrant phenotypes were exacerbated over time, and drosha knockdown proved embryonically lethal Subsequently, we identified and silenced the drosha cofactor pasha, revealing a comparable inhibition of normal embryonic development within the eggs to that of drosha-silenced eggs, eventually leading to embryonic lethality To further probe the link between normal embryonic development and the M. incognita RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, we attempted to examine the impact of silencing the cytosolic RNase III enzyme dicer. Unexpectedly, we found a substantial up-regulation of dicer transcript abundance, which did not impact on egg differentiation or hatching rates. Silencing of the individual transcripts in hatched J2s was significantly less successful and resulted in temporary phenotypic aberration of the J2s. which recovered within 24 h to normal movement and posture on washing out the siRNA. Soaking the J2s in dicer siRNA resulted in a modest decrease in dicer transcript abundance which had no observable impact on phenotype or behaviour within 48 h of initial exposure to siRNA. We propose that drosha, pasha and their ancillary factors may represent excellent targets for novel nematicides and/or in planta controls aimed at M incognita, and potentially other parasitic nematodes, through disruption of miRNA-directed developmental pathways. In addition, we have identified a putative Mi-en-I transcript which encodes an RNAi-inhibiting siRNA exonuclease We observe a marked up-regulation of MI-en-I transcript abundance in response to exogenously introduced siRNA, and reason that this may impact on the interpretation of RN/NI-based reverse genetic screens in plant parasitic nematodes. (C) 2010 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is a rare undifferentiated neoplasm. The prognosis is poor, even if therapy is instituted promptly. and thus it is important to differentiate it from other histologically and cytologically similar-looking malignancies of the young adult. We present a case of DSRCT in a 17-yr-old male with disseminated peritoneal disease and peritoneal effusion. The cytology sample showed a malignant small round cell tumor, the classical cytological features of DSRCT, and immunohistochemistry performed in the prepared cell block exhibited an antibody expression profile in keeping with DSRCT. Further material front the effusion was prepared for RNA extraction, following which a reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) and sequencing of the t(l l;22)(p13;q11 or q12) were carried out. The result showed the presence of the reciprocal translocation and thus confirmed the diagnosis of DSRCT. This case shows how molecular techniques (including sequencing) call be applied to cytology in clarifying and confirming certain difficult diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasms, DSRCT in this particular case. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2003;29:341-343. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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Marine sponges have never been directly examined with respect to the presence of viruses or their potential involvement in horizontal gene transfer. Here we demonstrate for the first time, the presence of viruses in the marine sponge Hymeniacidon perlevis. Moreover, bacterial 16s rDNA was detected in DNA isolated from these viruses, indicating that phage-derived transduction appears to occur in H. perlevis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that bacterial 16s rDNA isolated from sponge-derived viral and total DNA differed significantly, indicating that not all species are equally involved in transduction.


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Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a Gram-negative bacterium that preys on other Gram-negative bacteria. The lifecycle of B. bacteriovorus alternates between an extracellular flagellated and highly motile non-replicative attack-phase cell and a periplasmic non-flagellated growth-phase cell. The prey bacterium containing periplasmic bdellovibrios becomes spherical but osmotically stable, forming a structure known as the bdelloplast. After completing the growth phase, newly formed bdellovibrios regain their flagellum and escape the bdelloplast into the environment, where they encounter more prey bacteria. The obligate predatory nature of B. bacteriovorus imposes a major difficulty to introducing mutations in genes directly involved in predation, since these mutants could be non-viable. This work reports the cloning of the B. bacteriovorus 109J motAB operon, encoding proteins from the flagellar motor complex, and a genetic approach based on the expression of a motA antisense RNA fragment to downregulate motility. Periplasmic bdellovibrios carrying the plasmid expressing antisense RNA displayed a marked delay in escaping from bdelloplasts, while the released attack-phase cells showed altered motility. These observations suggest that a functionally intact flagellar motor is required for the predatory lifecycle of B. bacteriovorus. Also, the use of antisense RNA expression may be a useful genetic tool to study the Bdellovibrio developmental cycle.


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Background: Bacteria employ complex transcriptional networks involving multiple genes in response to stress, which is not limited to gene and protein networks but now includes small RNAs (sRNAs). These regulatory RNA molecules are increasingly shown to be able to initiate regulatory cascades and modulate the expression of multiple genes that are involved in or required for survival under environmental challenge. Despite mounting evidence for the importance of sRNAs in stress response, their role upon antibiotic exposure remains unknown. In this study, we sought to determine firstly, whether differential expression of sRNAs occurs upon antibiotic exposure and secondly, whether these sRNAs could be attributed to microbial tolerance to antibiotics.

Results: A small scale sRNA cloning strategy of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 challenged with half the minimal inhibitory concentration of tigecycline identified four sRNAs (sYJ5, sYJ20, sYJ75 and sYJ118) which were reproducibly upregulated in the presence of either tigecycline or tetracycline. The coding sequences of the four sRNAs were found to be conserved across a number of species. Genome analysis found that sYJ5 and sYJ118 mapped between the 16S and 23S rRNA encoding genes. sYJ20 (also known as SroA) is encoded upstream of the tbpAyabKyabJ operon and is classed as a riboswitch, whilst its role in antibiotic stress-response appears independent of its riboswitch function. sYJ75 is encoded between genes that are involved in enterobactin transport and metabolism. Additionally we find that the genetic deletion of sYJ20 rendered a reduced viability phenotype in the presence of tigecycline, which was recovered when complemented. The upregulation of some of these sRNAs were also observed when S. Typhimurium was challenged by ampicillin (sYJ5, 75 and 118); or when Klebsiella pneumoniae was challenged by tigecycline (sYJ20 and 118).

Conclusions: Small RNAs are overexpressed as a result of antibiotic exposure in S. Typhimurium where the same molecules are upregulated in a related species or after exposure to different antibiotics. sYJ20, a riboswitch, appears to possess a trans-regulatory sRNA role in antibiotic tolerance. These findings imply that the sRNA mediated response is a component of the bacterial response to antibiotic challenge.