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In gas discharges at elevated pressure, radiation-less collisional de-excitation (quenching) has a strong influence on the population of excited states. The knowledge of quenching coefficients is therefore important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. A novel time-resolved optical emission spectroscopic (OES) technique allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emission lines of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as collision partner. The technique exploits the short electron impact excitation during the field reversal phase within the sheath region of a hydrogen capacitively coupled RF discharge at 13.56 MHz. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to this excitation from the effective lifetime of the fluorescence decay at various hydrogen pressures. The measured quenching coefficients agree very well with results obtained by means of laser excitation. The time-resolved OES technique based on electron impact excitation is not limited - in contrast to laser techniques - by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the observed excited level.


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We have operated 25-100 mu m diameter radio frequency microhollow cathode discharges stably, for many hours, in neon and in argon. Electrical and spectroscopic measurements were used to explore three possible electron heating modes and obtain detail regarding the electron energy distribution. Analysis points to the possibility of pendular electron heating at low voltages.


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A Holocene palaeoecological sequence from Villaverde, south-central Spain, is presented. The pollen stratigraphy is used to infer past vegetation changes within a catchment area that represents the boundary between semi-arid, plateau and mountain vegetation. From c. 9700–7530 cal. yr BP, Pinus is dominant, probably as a result of a combination of a relatively dry climate and natural fire disturbance. From c. 7530–5900 cal. yr BP, moderate invasion by Quercus appears to be a migrational response following increased moisture and temperature, but in part shaped by competitive adjustments. From c. 5900–5000 cal. yr BP, the pine forests are replaced by deciduous-Quercus forests with an important contribution from Corylus, Betula, Fraxinus and Alnus. Mediterranean-type forests spread from c. 5000 to 1920 cal. yr BP coincident with expansions of Artemisia, Juniperus and other xerophytes. From c. 1920–1160 cal. yr BP, Pinus becomes dominant after a disturbance- mediated invasion of the oak forests. Human impact upon the regional landscape was negligible during the Neolithic, and limited in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Local deforestation and the expansion of agro-pastoral activities occur after c. 1600 cal. yr BP.


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During the last decade Quaternary pollen analysis has developed towards improved pollen-taxonomical precision, automated pollen identification and more rigorous definition of pollen assemblage zones. There have been significant efforts to model the spatial representation of pollen records in lake sediments which is important for more precise interpretation of the pollen records in terms of past vegetation patterns. We review the difficulties in matching modelled post-glacial plant migration patterns with pollen-based palaeorecords and discuss the potential of DNA analysis of pollen to investigate the ancestry and past migration pathways of the plants. In population ecology there has been an acceleration of the widely advocated conceptual advance of pollen-analytical research from vaguely defined ‘environmental reconstructions’ towards investigating more precisely defined ecological problems aligned with the current ecological theories. Examples of such research have included an increasing number of investigations about the ecological impacts of past disturbances, often integrating pollen records with other palaeoecological data. Such an approach has also been applied to incorporate a time perspective to the questions of ecosystem restoration, nature conservation and forest management. New lines of research are the use of pollen analysis to study long-term patterns of vegetation diversity, such as the role of glacial-age vegetation fragmentation as a cause of Amazonian rain forest diversity, and to investigate links between pollen richness and past plant diversity. Palaeoclimatological use of pollen records has become more quantitative and has included more precise and rigorous testing of pollen-climate calibration models with modern climate data. These tests show the approximate nature of the models and warn against a too straightforward climatic interpretation of the small-scale variation in reconstructions. Pollenbased climate reconstructions over the Late Glacial–early Holocene boundary have indicated that pollen-stratigraphical changes have been rapid with no evidence for response lags. This does not rule out the possibility of migrational disequilibrium, however, as the rapid changes may be mostly due to nonmigrational responses of existing vegetation. It is therefore difficult to assess whether the amplitude of reconstructed climate change reflects real climate change. Other outstanding problems remain the obscure relationship of pollen production and climate, the role of human impact and other nonclimatic factors, and nonanalogue situations.


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This paper describes our recent extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) from Holocene pollen and discusses the potential of the technique for elucidating timescales of evolutionary change. We show that plastid DNA is recoverable and usable from pollen grains of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris from 10 ka and 100 years ago. Comparison of the ancient sequences with modern sequences, obtained from an extant population, establish a first genetic link between modern and fossil samples of Scots pine, providing a genetic continuity through time. One common haplotype is present in each of the three periods investigated, suggesting that it persisted near the lake throughout the postglacial. The retrieval of aDNA from pollen has major implications for palaeoecology by allowing (i) investigation of population level dynamics in time and space, and (ii) tracing ancestry of populations and developing phylogenetic trees that include extinct as well as extant taxa. The method should work over the last glacial oscillation, thus giving access to ancestry of populations over a crucial period of time for the understanding of the relationship between speciation and climate change.


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This paper evaluates how long-term records could and should be utilized in conservation policy and practice. Traditionally, there has been an extremely limited use of long-term ecological records (greater than 50 years) in biodiversity conservation. There are a number of reasons why such records tend to be discounted, including a perception of poor scale of resolution in both time and space, and the lack of accessibility of long temporal records to non-specialists. Probably more important, however, is the perception that even if suitable temporal records are available, their roles are purely descriptive, simply demonstrating what has occurred before in Earth’s history, and are of little use in the actual practice of conservation. This paper asks why this is the case and whether there is a place for the temporal record in conservation management. Key conservation initiatives related to extinctions, identification of regions of greatest diversity/threat, climate change and biological invasions are addressed. Examples of how a temporal record can add information that is of direct practicable applicability to these issues are highlighted. These include (i) the identification of species at the end of their evolutionary lifespan and therefore most at risk from extinction, (ii) the setting of realistic goals and targets for conservation ‘hotspots’, and (iii) the identification of various management tools for the maintenance/restoration of a desired biological state. For climate change conservation strategies, the use of long-term ecological records in testing the predictive power of species envelope models is highlighted, along with the potential of fossil records to examine the impact of sea-level rise. It is also argued that a long-term perspective is essential for the management of biological invasions, not least in determining when an invasive is not an invasive. The paper concludes that often inclusion of a long-term ecological perspective can provide a more scientifically defensible basis for conservation decisions than the one based only on contemporary records. The pivotal issue of this paper is not whether long-term records are of interest to conservation biologists, but how they can actually be utilized in conservation practice and policy.


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Isentropic compressibilities ?S, excess isentropic compressibilities image, excess molar volumes VE, viscosity deviations ??, and excess Gibbs energy of activation of viscous flow ?G*E for nine binary mixtures of C4H8O with CCl4, CHCl3, CHCl2CHCl2, 1-C6H13Cl, 1-C6H13Br, CH3CO2CH3, CH3CO2C2H5, CH3CO2C4H9, and CH3CO2C5H11 at 303.15 K have been derived from experimental densities ?, speeds of sound u, refractive indexes nD and viscosities ?. The limiting values of excess partial molar volumes of C4H8O at infinite dilution image in different solvents have been estimated. The results obtained for dynamic viscosity of binary mixtures were used to test the semi-empirical relations of Grunberg–Nissan, Tamura–Kurata, Hind–McLaughlin–Ubbelohde, Katti–Chaudhri, McAllister, Heric, and Auslaender. Finally, the experimental refractive indexes were compared with the predicted results for Lorentz–Lorenz, Dale–Gladstone, Eykman, Arago–Boit, Newton, Oster, Heller, and Wiener equations.


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Speeds of sound u, isentropic compressibilities ?S, viscosities ?, excess isentropic compressibilities ?SE, excess molar volumes VE, viscosity deviations ??, and excess Gibbs energies of activation ?G*E of viscous flow have been investigated for six binary mixtures of diethyl malonate, diethyl bromomalonate, and ethyl chloroacetate with tetra- and trichloromethane at 303.15 K. The values of ?SE, VE, ??, and ?G*E are highly dependent on the type of components involved and the composition curves are unsymmetrical. The results obtained for viscosity of binary mixtures were used to test the semi-empirical relations of Grunberg-Nissan, Tamura-Kurata, Hind-McLaughlin-Ubbelohde, Katti-Chaudhri, McAllister, Heric-Brewer and Auslaender. The experimental speeds of sound have been analyzed in terms of collision factor theory and free length theory of solutions.


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Thin film Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) capacitors of thickness similar to75 nm to similar to1200 nm, with Au top electrodes and SrRuO 3 (SRO) or (La, Sr)CoO3 (LSCO) bottom electrodes were fabricated using Pulsed Laser Deposition. Implementing the "series capacitor model," bulk and interfacial capacitance properties were extracted as a function of temperature and frequency. 'Bulk' properties demonstrated typical ceramic behaviour, displaying little frequency dependence and a permittivity and loss peak at 250 K and 150 K respectively. The interfacial component was found to be relatively temperature and frequency independent for the LSCO/BST capacitors, but for the SRO/BST configuration the interfacial capacitance demonstrated moderate frequency and little temperature dependence below T similar to 300 K but a relatively strong frequency and temperature dependence above T similar to3 00 K. This was attributed to the thermal activation of a space charge component combined with a thermally independent background. The activation energy for the space charge was found to be E-A similar to 0.6 eV suggesting de-trapping of electrons from shallow level traps associated with a thin interfacial layer of oxygen vacancies, parallel to the electrodes.


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The focused ion beam microscope (FIB) has been used to fabricate thin parallel-sided ferroelectric capacitors from single crystals of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3. A series of nano-sized capacitors ranging in thickness from similar to660 nm to similar to300 nm were made. Cross-sectional high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) revealed that during capacitor fabrication, the FIB rendered around 20 nm of dielectric at the electrode-dielectric interface amorphous, associated with local gallium impregnation. Such a region would act electrically in series with the single crystal and would presumably have a considerable negative influence on the dielectric properties. However, thermal annealing prior to gold electrodes deposition was found to fully recover the single crystal capacitors and homogenise the gallium profile. The dielectric testing of the STO ultra-thin single crystal capacitors was performed yielding a room temperature dielectric constant of similar to300, as is the case in bulk. Therefore, there was no evidence of a collapse in dielectric constant associated with thin film dimensions.


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175 nm-thick Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) thin film fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique is found to be a mixture of two distributions of material. We discuss whether these two components are nano-regions of paraelectric and ferroelectric phases, or a bimodal grain-size distribution, or an effect of oxygen vacancy gradient from the electrode interface. The fraction of switchable ferroelectric phase decreases under bipolar pulsed fields, but it recovers after removal of the external fields. The plot of capacitance in decreasing dc voltage (C(Vdown arrow) versus that in increasing dc 61 voltage C(Vup arrow) is a superposition of overlapping of two triangles, in contrast to one well-defined triangle for typical ferroelectric SrBi2Ta2O9 thin films.


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Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) was used to make Au/(Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3/(La0.5Sr0.5) CoO3/MgO thin film capacitor structures. Functional properties were studied with changing BST thickness from similar to1265 nm to similar to63 nm. The dielectric constant was found to decrease, and migration of T-m (the temperature at which the dielectric constant is maximum) to lower temperatures occurred as thickness was reduced. Curie-Weiss plots of the as-obtained dielectric data, indicated that the Curie temperature was also systemmatically progressively depressed. Further, fitting to expressions previously used to describe diffuse phase transitions suggested increased diffuseness in transformation behaviour as film thickness decreased. This paper discusses the care needed in interpreting the observations given above. We make particular distinction between the apparent Curie-temperature derived from Curie-Weiss plots of as-measured data, and the inherent Curie temperature determined after correction for the interfacial capacitance. We demonstrate that while the apparent Curie temperature decreases as thickness decreases, the inherent Curie temperature is thickness independent. Thickness-invariant phase transition behaviour is confirmed from analysis of polarisation loops, and from examination of the temperature dependence of the loss-tangent. We particularly note that correction of data for interfacial capacitance does not alter the position of T-m. We must therefore conclude that the position of T-m is not related simply to phase transformation behaviour in BST thin films.


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We have conducted a broad survey of switching behavior in thin films of a range of ferroelectric materials, including some materials that are not typically considered for FeRAM applications, and are hence less studied. The materials studied include: strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT), barium strontium titanate (BST), lead zicronate titanate (PZT), and potassium nitrate (KNO3). Switching in ferroelectric thin films is typically considered to occur by domain nucleation and growth. We discuss two models of frequency dependence of coercive field, the Ishisbashi-Orihara theory where the limiting step is domain growth and the model of Du and Chen where the limiting step is nucleation. While both models fit the data fairly well the temperature dependence of our results on PZT and BST suggest that the nucleation model of Du and Chen is more appropriate for the experimental results that we have obtained.