411 resultados para antennas


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We consider a multipair decode-and-forward relay channel, where multiple sources transmit simultaneously their signals to multiple destinations with the help of a full-duplex relay station. We assume that the relay station is equipped with massive arrays, while all sources and destinations have a single antenna. The relay station uses channel estimates obtained from received pilots and zero-forcing (ZF) or maximum-ratio combining/maximum-ratio transmission (MRC/MRT) to process the signals. To reduce significantly the loop interference effect, we propose two techniques: i) using a massive receive antenna array; or ii) using a massive transmit antenna array together with very low transmit power at the relay station. We derive an exact achievable rate in closed-form for MRC/MRT processing and an analytical approximation of the achievable rate for ZF processing. This approximation is very tight, especially for large number of relay station antennas. These closed-form expressions enable us to determine the regions where the full-duplex mode outperforms the half-duplex mode, as well as, to design an optimal power allocation scheme. This optimal power allocation scheme aims to maximize the energy efficiency for a given sum spectral efficiency and under peak power constraints at the relay station and sources. Numerical results verify the effectiveness of the optimal power allocation scheme. Furthermore, we show that, by doubling the number of transmit/receive antennas at the relay station, the transmit power of each source and of the relay station can be reduced by 1.5dB if the pilot power is equal to the signal power, and by 3dB if the pilot power is kept fixed, while maintaining a given quality-of-service.


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Radio-frequency (RF) impairments in the transceiver hardware of communication systems (e.g., phase noise (PN), high power amplifier (HPA) nonlinearities, or in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) imbalance) can severely degrade the performance of traditional multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Although calibration algorithms can partially compensate these impairments, the remaining distortion still has substantial impact. Despite this, most prior works have not analyzed this type of distortion. In this paper, we investigate the impact of residual transceiver hardware impairments on the MIMO system performance. In particular, we consider a transceiver impairment model, which has been experimentally validated, and derive analytical ergodic capacity expressions for both exact and high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). We demonstrate that the capacity saturates in the high-SNR regime, thereby creating a finite capacity ceiling. We also present a linear approximation for the ergodic capacity in the low-SNR regime, and show that impairments have only a second-order impact on the capacity. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of transceiver impairments on large-scale MIMO systems; interestingly, we prove that if one increases the number of antennas at one side only, the capacity behaves similar to the finite-dimensional case. On the contrary, if the number of antennas on both sides increases with a fixed ratio, the capacity ceiling vanishes; thus, impairments cause only a bounded offset in the capacity compared to the ideal transceiver hardware case.


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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are cellular networks where the base stations (BSs) are equipped with unconventionally many antennas. Such large antenna arrays offer huge spatial degrees-of-freedom for transmission optimization; in particular, great signal gains, resilience to imperfect channel knowledge, and small inter-user interference are all achievable without extensive inter-cell coordination. The key to cost-efficient deployment of large arrays is the use of hardware-constrained base stations with low-cost antenna elements, as compared to today's expensive and power-hungry BSs. Low-cost transceivers are prone to hardware imperfections, but it has been conjectured that the excessive degrees-of-freedom of massive MIMO would bring robustness to such imperfections. We herein prove this claim for an uplink channel with multiplicative phase-drift, additive distortion noise, and noise amplification. Specifically, we derive a closed-form scaling law that shows how fast the imperfections increase with the number of antennas.


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This study presents the design of a thin electromagnetic absorber which exhibits radar backscatter suppression that is independent of the wave polarisation at large incidence angles. The structure consists of a metal backed printed frequency selective surface (FSS), with resistors placed across narrow gaps inserted in the middle of each of the four sides of the conductor loops. The geometry of the periodic array and the value of the vertical and horizontal resistor pairs are carefully chosen to present a real impedance of 377 Ω at the centre operating frequency for both TE and TM polarised waves. Angular sensitivity and reflectivity bandwidth have been investigated for FSS absorber designs with thicknesses of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Each of the three structures was optimised to work at a centre frequency of 10 GHz and an incident angle of 45°. The design methodology is verified by measuring the radar backscatter suppression from a 3 mm (l / 10) thick screen in the frequency range 8–12 GHz. The absorber construction was simplified by filling the four metal gaps in each unit cell with shielding paint, and selecting the ink thickness to give the two required surface resistance values.


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The propagation of UWB signals for body-centric communications within a modern classroom/conference room environment was investigated. Presented results demonstrate that the body-antenna mounting position has a marked impact on the received power levels and positioning the antenna on the chest as opposed to the shoulder or wrist creates more extreme values in receive power, mean excess delay and rms delay spread. Additionally, the best fit models for each scenario are presented and highlight the difference between the chest and other compared antenna locations. The work concluded that the chest is a poor choice of mounting position for the antenna due to significant body shadowing effects, with the wrist or shoulder considered better options for UWB systems.


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A low-profile wearable antenna suitable for integration into low-cost, disposable medical vital signs monitors is presented. Simulated and measured antenna performance was characterized on a layered human tissue phantom, representative of the thorax region of a range of human bodies. The wearable antenna has sufficient bandwidth for the 868 MHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical frequency band. Wearable radiation efficiency of up to 30 % is reported when mounted in close proximity to the novel human tissue phantom antenna test-bed at 868 MHz.


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A novel dual-band printed diversity antenna is proposed and studied. The antenna, which consists of two back-to- back monopoles with symmetric configuration, is printed on a printed circuit board. The effects of some important parameters of the proposed antenna are deeply studied and the design methodology is given. A prototype of the proposed antenna operating at UMTS (1920-2170 MHz) and 2.4-GHz WLAN (2400-2484 MHz) bands is provided to demonstrate the usability of the methodology in dual-band diversity antenna for mobile terminals. In the above two bands, the isolations of the prototype are larger than 13 dB and 16 dB, respectively. The measured radiation patterns of the two monopoles in general cover complementary space regions. The diversity performance is also evaluated by calculating the envelope correlation coefficient, the mean effective gains of the antenna elements and the diversity gain. It is proved that the proposed antenna can provide spatial and pattern diversity to combat multipath fading.


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The use of biosensors attached to the body for health monitoring is now readily accepted, and the merits of such systems and their potential impact on healthcare receive much attention. Wearable medical systems used in clinical applications to monitor vital signs must be comfortable to wear, yet have robust performance to ensure reliable communications links. Additionally, and vital to the success of these innovations, is that these solutions are disposable to avoid risk of patient infection and this means that they must be ultra-low cost. Antennas optimized for printing using conductive inks offer new exciting advances in making a truly disposable solution.


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In this study, a far-field power pattern separation approach is proposed for the synthesis of directional modulation (DM) transmitter arrays. Separation into information patterns and interference patterns is enabled by far-field pattern null steering. Compared with other DM synthesis methods, for example, bit error rate-driven DM optimisation and orthogonal vector injection, the approach developed in this study facilitates manipulation of artificial interference spatial distributions. With such capability more interference power can be projected into those spatial directions most vulnerable to eavesdropping, that is, the information side lobes. In such a fashion, information leaked through radiation side lobes can be effectively mitigated in a transmitter power efficient manner. Furthermore, for the first time, the authors demonstrate how multi-beam DM transmitters can be synthesised via this approach.


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An iterative pattern synthesis approach for directional modulation (DM) transmitters is presented in this study. Unlike all previous work, this study offers the first discussion on constraining DM transmitter far-field radiation patterns so that energy is primarily concentrated in the spatial direction where low bit error rate is to be achieved, while interference projected along other directions is reduced.


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In this letter, a multiantenna system with four printed monopoles is presented. The monopoles that occupy relatively small area are positioned at the four corners of a printed circuit board, so that the four-element antenna system can be equipped on the lid of a folder-type mobile phone, leaving enough space for the circuits and reducing the effect of human hands. Based on simulation, a prototype for the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) operation has been constructed and tested. The measured -10-dB impedance bandwidths of the four elements are larger than 320 MHz with higher than 11.5-dB isolation. Moreover, the proposed antenna can provide spatial and pattern diversity in a diversity/multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system.


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The nonlinear scattering of two Gaussian pulses with different central frequencies incident at slant angles on the periodic stack of binary semiconductor layers has been modelled in the self-consistent problem formulation taking into account the dynamics of charges. The effects of the pump pulse length and central frequencies, and the stack physical and geometrical parameters on the properties of the emitted combinatorial frequency waveforms are analysed and discussed.


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A new type of active frequency selective surface (AFSS) is proposed to realise a voltage controlled bi-state (transparent and reflecting) response at the specified frequencies. The bi-state switching is achieved by combining a passive array of interleaved spiral slots in conducting screens and active dipole arrays with integrated pin diodes at the opposite sides of a thin dielectric substrate. Simulation results show that such active surfaces have high isolation between the transparency and reflection states, while retaining the merits of substantially sub-wavelength response of the unit cell and large fractional bandwidths (FBWs) inherent to the original passive interwoven spiral arrays. Potential applications include reconfigurable and controllable electromagnetic architecture of buildings.


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Interweaving planar spiral conductors in doubly periodic arrays enable substantially sub-wavelength resonant response along with broadening fractional bandwidth. A self-contained analytical model is proposed to accurately predict the characteristics of the intertwined quadrifilar spiral array near the fundamental resonance. The model, based upon a multiconductor transmission line (MTL) approach, provides physical insight into the unique properties of the distributed interactions between the interleaved counter-wound spiral arms extended beyond a single unit cell and elucidates the mechanisms underlying the array performance at normal and oblique incidence of TE and TM polarised waves. The developed MTL model is instrumental in the design of the artificial surfaces with the specified response.


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Reconfigurable bi-state interwoven spiral FSSs are explored in this work. Their switching capability is realized by pin diodes that enable the change of the electromagnetic response between transparent and reflecting modes at the specified frequencies in both singly and dual polarised unit cell configurations. The proposed topologies are single layer FSS with their elements acting also as dc current carrying conductors supplying the bias signal for switching pin diodes between the on and off states, thus avoiding the need of external bias lines that can cause parasitic resonances and affect the response at oblique incidence. The presented simulation results show that such active FSSs have potentially good isolation between the transmission and reflection states, while retaining the substantially subwavelength response of the unit cell with large fractional bandwidths (FBWs) inherent to the original passive FSSs.