106 resultados para peritoneal sheath


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We have established, through time correlated plasma emission and electrode and plasma potential measurements, that the near electrode emission observed in asymmetric capacitively coupled 13.56 MHz-driven hydrogen plasmas is caused by field reversal that leads to sheath collapse. Near-electrode emission has now been observed in Ar and He. The field reversal appears to be due to collision-induced electron drag. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Identification of Rhizoctonia solani, R. oryzae and R. oryzae-sativae, components of the rice sheath disease complex, is extremely difficult and often inaccurate and as a result may hinder the success of extensive breeding programmes throughout Asia. In this study, primers designed from unique regions within the rDNA internal transcribed spacers have been used to develop a rapid PCR-based diagnostic test to provide an accurate identification of the species on rice. Tests on the specificity of the primers concerned showed that they provide the means for accurate identification of the Rhizoctonia species responsible for sheath diseases in rice.


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Aging results in deterioration of the immune system, which is associated with increased susceptibility to infection and impaired wound healing in the elderly. Phagocytosis is an essential process in both wound healing and immune defence. As such, age-related impairments in phagocytosis impact on the health of the elderly population. Phagocytic efficiency in peritoneal macrophages, bone marrow-derived macrophages and bone marrow monocytes from young and old mice was investigated. Aging significantly impaired phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages, both in vitro and in vivo. However, bone marrow-derived macrophages and bone marrow monocytes did not exhibit age-related impairments in phagocytosis, suggesting no intrinsic defect in these cells. We sought to investigate underlying mechanisms in age-related impairments in phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages. We hypothesized that microenvironmental factors in the peritoneum of old mice impaired macrophage phagocytosis. Indeed, macrophages from young mice injected into the peritoneum of old mice exhibited impaired phagocytosis. Proportions of peritoneal immune cells were characterized, and striking increases in numbers of T cells, B1 and B2 cells were observed in the peritoneum of old mice compared with young mice. In addition, B cell-derived IL-10 was increased in resting and LPS-activated peritoneal cell cultures from old mice. These data demonstrate that aging impairs phagocytosis by tissue-resident peritoneal macrophages, but not by bone marrow-derived macrophages/monocytes, and suggest that age-related defects in macrophage phagocytosis may be due to extrinsic factors in the tissue microenvironment. As such, defects may be reversible and macrophages could be targeted therapeutically in order to boost immune function in the elderly.


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Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy, primarily because its origin and initiation factors are unknown. A secretory murine oviductal epithelial (MOE) model was generated to address the hypothesis that the fallopian tube is an origin for high-grade serous cancer. MOE cells were stably altered to express mutation in p53, silence PTEN, activate AKT, and amplify KRAS alone and in combination, to define if this cell type gives rise to tumors and what genetic alterations are required to drive malignancy. Cell lines were characterized in vitro and allografted into mice. Silencing PTEN formed high-grade carcinoma with wide spread tumor explants including metastasis into the ovary. Addition of p53 mutation to PTEN silencing did not enhance this phenotype, whereas addition of KRAS mutation reduced survival. Interestingly, PTEN silencing and KRAS mutation originating from ovarian surface epithelium generated endometrioid carcinoma, suggesting that different cellular origins with identical genetic manipulations can give rise to distinct cancer histotypes. Defining the roles of specific signaling modifications in tumorigenesis from the fallopian tube/oviduct is essential for early detection and development of targeted therapeutics. Further, syngeneic MOE allografts provide an ideal model for pre-clinical testing in an in vivo environment with an intact immune system.


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Oxybutynin, a drug of choice in the treatment of urinary incontinence, has low oral bioavailability due to extensive first-pass metabolism. A toxic metabolite, N-desethyloxybutynin, has been linked to adverse reactions to oral oxybutynin. This study, therefore, reports on the design of an oxybutynin intravaginal ring (IVR) of reservoir design, comprising an oxybutynin silicone elastomer core encased in a non-medicated silicone sheath, manufactured by reaction injection moulding at 50oC. An unusually high initial burst release of oxybutynin (42.7 mg in 24 h) was observed in vitro with a full length core (100 mg drug loading), with subsequent non-zero order drug release. Use of fractional segment cores substantially reduced the burst effect, yielding linear cumulative drug release versus time plots from days 2 to 14. Thus, a 1/8 fractional segment core gave a 24 h burst of 11.28 mg oxybutynin and, thereafter, zero order release at the target dose of 5 mg/day over 14 days. Two oxybutynin cores, each 1/16 of full length, gave a greater release than a single 1/8 core, due to core segment end effects resulting in an increased surface area for release. The burst release was investigated by determining drug solubilities in the propan-1-ol product of elastomer condensation cure (390 mg/ml) and in the elastomer itself (13.9-20.21 mg/ml, by direct extraction and indirect thermal methods). These high oxybutynin solubilities were considered the major contributors to the burst effect. It was concluded that use of a fractional segment core would allow development of a suitable oxybutynin reservoir IVR.


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On the basis of histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, an octadecapeptide was isolated from the skin extract of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens), This peptide was purified to homogeneity using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and found to have the following primary structure by Edman degradation and pyridylethylation: LVRGCWTKSYPPKPCFVR, in which Cys(5) and Cys(15) are disulfide bridged. The peptide was named peptide leucine-arginine (pLR), reflecting the N- and C-terminal residues. Molecular modeling predicted that pLR possessed a rigid tertiary loop structure with flexible end regions, pLR was synthesized and elicited rapid, noncytolytic histamine release that had a a-fold greater potency when compared with one of the most active histamine-liberating peptides, namely melittin, pLR was able to permeabilize negatively charged unilamellar lipid vesicles but not neutral vesicles, a finding that was consistent with its nonhemolytic action, pLR inhibited the early development of granulocyte macrophage colonies from bone marrow stem cells but did not induce apoptosis of the end stage granulocytes, i,e. mature neutrophils, pLR therefore displays biological activity with both granulopoietic progenitor cells and mast cells and thus represents a novel bioactive peptide from frog skin.


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Silicone elastomer vaginal rings are currently being pursued as a controlled-release strategy for delivering microbicidal substances for the prevention of heterosexual transmission of HIV. Although it is well established that the distribution of drugs in delivery systems influences the release characteristics, in practice the distribution is often difficult to quantify in-situ. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine whether Raman spectroscopy might provide a rapid, non-contact means of measuring the concentrations of the lead candidate HIV microbicide TMC120 in a silicone elastomer reservoir-type vaginal ring. Vaginal rings loaded with TMC120 were manufactured and sectioned before either Raman mapping an entire ring cross-section (100 µm resolution) or running line scans at appropriate time intervals up to 30 h after manufacture. The results demonstrated that detectable amounts of TMC120, above the silicone elastomer saturation concentration, could be detected up to 1 mm into the sheath, presumably as a consequence of permeation and subsequent reprecipitation. The extent of permeation was found to be similar in rings manufactured at 25 and 80°C.


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Amphibian defensive skin secretions remain a largely untapped resource for the peptide biochemist with an interest in the identification, structural characterization, and precursor cDNA cloning of novel bioactive peptides. Here we report the isolation, structural characterization, functional profiling, and nucleotide sequence of precursor cDNA of a novel histamine-releasing heptadecapeptide, FIPVTLLALHKIKEKLN-amide, from the defensive skin secretion of the African running frog, Kassina senegalensis. This peptide was found to be a potent histamine secretagogue (EC[5][0]=6 µM; maximal release = 25 µM) in a rat peritoneal mast cell model system and was accordingly named kassinakinin S. The open-reading frame of the cDNA encoding prepro-kassinakinin S was found to consist of 71 amino acid residues containing a single copy of kassinakinin S and its glycyl residue amide donor at the C-terminus. Kassinakinin S can thus be added to the growing list of amphibian skin bioactive peptide prototypes.


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The acceleration of multi-MeV protons from the rear surface of thin solid foils irradiated by an intense (similar to 10(18) W/cm(2)) and short (similar to 1.5 ps) laser pulse has been investigated using transverse proton probing. The structure of the electric field driving the expansion of the proton beam has been resolved with high spatial and temporal resolution. The main features of the experimental observations, namely, an initial intense sheath field and a late time field peaking at the beam front, are consistent with the results from particle-in-cell and fluid simulations of thin plasma expansion into a vacuum.


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Collisional effects can have strong influences on the population densities of excited states in gas discharges at elevated pressure. The knowledge of the pertinent collisional coefficient describing the depopulation of a specific level (quenching coefficient) is, therefore, important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. Phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES) applied to a capacitively coupled rf discharge excited with a frequency of 13.56 MHz in hydrogen allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emitting states of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as a collision partner. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to electron-impact excitation during the short field reversal phase within the sheath region from the time behavior of the fluorescence. The PROES technique based on electron-impact excitation is not limited â?? in contrast to laser techniques â?? by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the upper level of the observed transition. Measurements of quenching coefficients and natural fluorescence lifetimes are presented for several helium (3 1S,4 1S,3 3S,3 3P,4 3S), neon (2p1 ,2p2 ,2p4 ,2p6), argon (3d2 ,3d4 ,3d18 and 3d3), and krypton (2p1 ,2p5) states as well as for some states of the triplet system of molecular hydrogen.


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The reliable measurement of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) of plasmas is one of the most important subjects of plasma diagnostics, because this piece of information is the key to understand basic discharge mechanisms. Specific problems arise in the case of RF-excited plasmas, since the properties of electrons are subject to changes on a nanosecond time scale and show pronounced spatial anisotropy. We report on a novel spectroscopic method for phase- and space-resolved measurements of the electron energy distribution function of energetic (> 12 eV) electrons in RF discharges. These electrons dominate excitation and ionization processes and are therefore of particular interest. The technique is based on time-dependent measurements during the RF cycle of excited-state populations of rare gases admixed in small fractions. These measurements yield � in combination with an analytical model � detailed information on the excitation processes. Phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy allows us to overcome the difficulties connected with the very low densities (107�109 cm�3) and the transient character of the electrons in the sheath region. The EEDF of electrons accelerated in the sheath region can be described by a shifted Maxwellian with a drift velocity component in direction of the electric field. The method yields the high-energy tail of the EEDF on an absolute scale. The applicability of the method is demonstrated at a capacitively coupled RF discharge in hydrogen.


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The interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously ultra-large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly-transient, large-amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiments in which such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channeling in underdense plasmas have been studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser-irradiated thin metallic foils. Laser-driven impulsive fields at the surface of solid targets can be applied for energy-selective ion beam focusing.


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The existence of highly localized multisite oscillatory structures (discrete multibreathers) in a nonlinear Klein-Gordon chain which is characterized by an inverse dispersion law is proven and their linear stability is investigated. The results are applied in the description of vertical (transverse, off-plane) dust grain motion in dusty plasma crystals, by taking into account the lattice discreteness and the sheath electric and/or magnetic field nonlinearity. Explicit values from experimental plasma discharge experiments are considered. The possibility for the occurrence of multibreathers associated with vertical charged dust grain motion in strongly coupled dusty plasmas (dust crystals) is thus established. From a fundamental point of view, this study aims at providing a rigorous investigation of the existence of intrinsic localized modes in Debye crystals and/or dusty plasma crystals and, in fact, suggesting those lattices as model systems for the study of fundamental crystal properties.