103 resultados para nitrocefin, HEK 293, HEK 293T, biopharmaceuticals


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Background: Elevated homocysteine is associated with ischaemic heart disease (IHD). The C677T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene results in reduced MTHFR enzyme activity and reduced methylation of homocysteine to methionine resulting in mild hyperhomocysteinaemia. Case-control association studies of the role of the C677T MTHFR polymorphism in IHD have produced conflicting results. We therefore used newly described family-based association tests to investigate the role of this polymorphism in IHD, in a well-defined population. Methods: A total of 352 individuals from 129 families (discordant sibships and parent-child trios) were recruited. Linkage disequilibrium between the polymorphism and IHD was tested for using the combined transmission disequilibrium test (TDT)/sib-TDT and pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT). Homocysteine levels were measured. Results: Both the TDT/sib-TDT and PDT analyses found a significantly reduced transmission of the T allele to affected individuals (P=0.016 and P=0.021). There was no significant difference in homocysteine levels between affected and unaffected siblings. TT homozygotes had mean homocysteine levels significantly higher than those of TC heterozygotes (P


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The purpose of this article is to examine the promotion of democracy through human rights law. The focus will be on the possibilities for using the European Convention on Human Rights to promote participatory democracy. The author argues that the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court is beginning to recognise some participatory measures such as the requirement of consultation, notably under Article 8 of the Convention.


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Cytokines regulate lymphocyte development and differentiation, but precisely how they control these processes is still poorly understood. By using microarray technology to detect cytokine-induced genes, we identified a cDNA encoding Cybr, which was increased markedly in cells incubated with IL-2 and IL-12. The mRNA was most abundant in hematopoietic cells and tissues. The predicted amino acid sequence is similar to that of GRP-1-associated protein (GRASP), a recently identified retinoic acid-induced cytohesin-binding protein. Physical interaction, dependent on the coiled-coil domains of Cybr and cytohesin-1, was demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation of the overexpressed proteins from 293T cells. Cytohesin-1, in addition to its role in cell adhesion, is a guanine nucleotide-exchange protein activator of ARF GTPases. Acceleration of guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) binding to ARF by cytohesin-1 in vitro was enhanced by Cybr. Because the binding protein modified activation of ADP ribosylation factor by cytohesin-1, we designate this cytokine-inducible protein Cybr (cytohesin binder and regulator).


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Objectives: This study examined: (i) the prevalence of trauma in a bipolar disorder (BD) sample, and (ii) how trauma histories mediated by interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence impact on the severity of BD. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its relationship to outcomes in BD were also examined.

Methods: Sixty participants were recruited from a geographically well-defined mental health service in Northern Ireland. Self-reported trauma histories, PTSD, interpersonal difficulties and alcohol dependence and were examined in relation to illness severity.

Results: A high prevalence of trauma was found. Trauma predicted the frequency of hospital admissions (R-2 = 0.08), quality of life (R-2 = 0.23) and inter-episode depressive symptoms (R-2 = 0.13). Interpersonal difficulties, but not alcohol dependence, appeared to play an important role in mediating these adverse effects. While only 8% of the sample met criteria for active PTSD, this comorbid disorder was associated with BD severity.

Conclusions: This study indicates that awareness of trauma is important in understanding individual differences in bipolar presentations. The theoretical and clinical implications of evidence that trauma is related to more adverse outcomes in BD are discussed. The finding that interpersonal difficulties mediate the relationship between trauma and BD severity is novel. The need for adjunctive evidence-based treatments targeting interpersonal difficulties is considered.


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Zero-valent iron (Fe0)-based permeable reactive barriertreatment has been generating great interest for passivegroundwater remediation, yet few studies have paid particularattention to the microbial activity and characteristics withinand in the vicinity of the Fe0-barrier matrix. The presentstudy was undertaken to evaluate the microbial population andcommunity composition in the reducing zone of influence byFe0 corrosion in the barrier at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plantsite. Both phospholipid fatty acids and DNA analyses were usedto determine the total microbial population and microbialfunctional groups, including sulfate-reducing bacteria,denitrifying bacteria, and methanogens, in groundwater andsoil/iron core samples. A diverse microbial community wasidentified in the strongly reducing Fe0 environment despitea relatively high pH condition within the Fe0 barrier (up topH 10). In comparison with those found in the backgroundsoil/groundwater samples, the enhanced microbial populationranged from 1 to 3 orders of magnitude and appeared to increase from upgradient of the barrier to downgradient soil. Inaddition, microbial community composition appeared to change overtime, and the bacterial types of microorganismsincreased consistently as the barrier aged. DNA analysisindicated the presence of sulfate-reducing and denitrifyingbacteria in the barrier and its surrounding soil. However, theactivity of methanogens was found to be relatively low,presumably as a result of the competition by sulfate/metal-reducing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria because of the unlimited availability of sulfate and nitrate in the site groundwater. Results of this study provide evidenceof a diverse microbial population within and in the vicinity ofthe iron barrier, although the important roles of microbial activity, either beneficially or detrimentally, on the longevityand enduring efficiency of the Fe0 barriers are yet to be evaluated.


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Employing Bak’s dimension theory, we investigate the nonstable quadratic K-group K1,2n(A, ) = G2n(A, )/E2n(A, ), n 3, where G2n(A, ) denotes the general quadratic group of rank n over a form ring (A, ) and E2n(A, ) its elementary subgroup. Considering form rings as a category with dimension in the sense of Bak, we obtain a dimension filtration G2n(A, ) G2n0(A, ) G2n1(A, ) E2n(A, ) of the general quadratic group G2n(A, ) such that G2n(A, )/G2n0(A, ) is Abelian, G2n0(A, ) G2n1(A, ) is a descending central series, and G2nd(A)(A, ) = E2n(A, ) whenever d(A) = (Bass–Serre dimension of A) is finite. In particular K1,2n(A, ) is solvable when d(A) <.


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We prove that every unital spectrally bounded operator from a properly infinite von Neumann algebra onto a semisimple Banach algebra is a Jordan homomorphism.


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R-matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates in N-like Mg vi are used to derive theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios involving 2s(2)2p(3)-2s2p(4) transitions in the 269-403 Angstrom wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations of a solar active region, obtained during the 1989 flight of the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals good agreement between theory and observation for the 2s(2)2p(3) S-4-2s2p(4) P-4 transitions at 399.28, 400.67, and 403.30 Angstrom, and the 2s(2)2p(3) P-2-2s2p(4) D-2 lines at 387.77 and 387.97 Angstrom. However, intensities for the other lines attributed to Mg vi in this spectrum by various authors do not match the present theoretical predictions. We argue that these discrepancies are not due to errors in the adopted atomic data, as previously suggested, but rather to observational uncertainties or mis-identifications. Some of the features previously identified as Mg vi lines in the SERTS spectrum, such as 291.36 and 293.15 Angstrom, are judged to be noise, while others (including 349.16 Angstrom) appear to be blended.


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This article highlights the importance of dedicating a whole special issue on New and Alternative Social movements in Spain. It sets the basis for this endeavour by emphasizing the importance of the 2004, unexpected, electoral victory of the Spanish socialists, and the subsequent satisfaction of the important demands promoted by certain social movements actors and Spanish society in general (the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq, the cancellation of the National Hydrological Plan and the Legalization of same sex marriages. The view supported is that these developments signify the end of a protest cycle, which could have the same effect with the early 1980s socialist victory. After a discussion around the low associationalism that characterizes Spanish society and recent experience of authoritarianism, it is suggested that it is time for the study of new and alternative social movements in Spain and other south European societies to move beyond the emphasis on exceptionality but appreciate differences by focusing on the available political opportunities and the identity of social movement actors. The remainder of the article is dedicated to introducing the contributing articles.