36 resultados para direct detection


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A proportion of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cases are causally associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) but the aetiology of the remaining cases remains obscure. Over the last 3 decades several studies have found an association between HL and measles virus (MV) including a recent cohort study describing the detection of MV antigens in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells, the tumour cells in HL. In the present study we looked at the relationship between history of MV infection and risk of developing HL in a population-based, case/control study of HL. In addition we used immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR to look for direct evidence of MV in HL biopsies. There was no significant difference in the proportion of cases reporting previous measles compared to controls in the entire data set or when young adults were considered separately. Using a robust immunohistochemical assay for MV infection, we failed to find evidence of MV in biopsies from 97 cases of HL and RT-PCR studies similarly gave negative results. This study therefore provides no evidence that MV is directly involved in the development of HL. However, when age at first reported MV infection was investigated, significant differences emerged with children infected before school-age having higher risk, especially of EBV-ve HL, when compared with children infected at older ages; the interpretation of these latter results is unclear.


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This paper considers a Q-ary orthogonal direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system with high-rate space-time linear dispersion codes (LDCs) in time-varying Rayleigh fading multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channels. We propose a joint multiuser detection, LDC decoding, Q-ary demodulation, and channel-decoding algorithm and apply the turbo processing principle to improve system performance in an iterative fashion. The proposed iterative scheme demonstrates faster convergence and superior performance compared with the V-BLAST-based DS-CDMA system and is shown to approach the single-user performance bound. We also show that the CDMA system is able to exploit the time diversity offered by the LDCS in rapid-fading channels.


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Okadaic acid, a diarrhetic shellfish poison, domoic acid, an amnesic shellfish poison, and saxitoxin, a paralytic shellfish poison, are three of the best-known marine biotoxins. The mouse bioassay is the method most widely used to detect many of these toxins in shellfish samples, but animal welfare concerns have prompted researchers to seek alternative methods of detection. In this study, three direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), each based on antibodies raised in rabbits against a conjugate of the analyte of interest, were developed for marine biotoxin detection in mussel, oyster, and scallop. One assay was for okadaic acid, one for saxitoxin, and one for domoic acid usually detected and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet light (HPLC-UV). All three compounds and a number of related toxins were extracted quickly and simply from the shellfish matrices with a 9 : 1 mixture of ethanol and water before analysis. The detection capabilities (CC values) of the developed ELISAs were 150 mu g kg-1 for okadaic acid, 50 mu g kg-1 for domoic acid, and 5 mu g kg-1 or less for saxitoxin. The assays proved satisfactory when used over a 4-month period for the analysis of 110 real samples collected in Belgium.


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Background: Epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) variants may be useful markers for identifying responders to gefitinib and erlotinib, small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors of EGFR; therefore, sensitive and cost-effective assays are needed to detect EGFR variants in routine clinical samples. We have developed a partially denaturing HPLC (pDHPLC) assay that is superior to direct sequencing with respect to detection limits, costs, and time requirements.


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Sudan dyes have been found to be added to chilli and chilli products for illegal colour enhancement purposes. Due to the possible carcinogenic effect, they are not authorized to be used in food in the European Union or the USA. However, over the last few years, many products imported from Asian and African countries have been reported via the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed in the European Union to be contaminated with these dyes. In order to provide fast screening method for the detection of Sudan I (SI), which is the most widely abused member of Sudan dyes family, a unique (20 min without sample preparation) direct disequilibrium enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed. The assay was based on polyclonal antibodies highly specific to SI. A novel, simple gel permeation chromatography clean-up method was developed to purify extracts from matrices containing high amounts of fat and natural pigments, without the need for a large dilution of the sample. The assay was validated according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. The detection capability was determined to be 15 ng g(-1) in sauces and 50 ng g(-1) in spices. The recoveries found ranged from 81% to 116% and inter- and intra-assay coefficients of variation from 6% to 20%. The assay was used to screen a range of products (85 samples) collected from different retail sources within and outside the European Union. Three samples were found to contain high amounts (1,649, 722 and 1,461 ng g(-1)) of SI by ELISA. These results were confirmed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. The innovative procedure allows for the fast, sensitive and high throughput screening of different foodstuffs for the presence of the illegal colorant SI.


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Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is increasingly being recognized as an important phosphorus sink within the environment, playing a central role in phosphorus exchange and phosphogenesis. Yet despite the significant advances made in polyP research there is a lack of rapid and efficient analytical approaches for the quantification of polyP accumulation in microbial cultures and environmental samples. A major drawback is the need to extract polyP from cells prior to analysis. Due to extraction inefficiencies this can lead to an underestimation of both intracellular polyP levels and its environmental pool size: we observed 23-58% loss of polyP using standard solutions and current protocols. Here we report a direct fluorescence based DAPI assay system which removes the requirement for prior polyP extraction before quantification. This increased the efficiency of polyP detection by 28-55% in microbial cultures suggesting quantitative measurement of the intracellular polyP pool. It provides a direct polyP assay which combines quantification capability with technical simplicity. This is an important step forward in our ability to explore the role of polyP in cellular biology and biogeochemical nutrient cycling.


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Ground vehicle tests have been performed to evaluate the performance of a Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) imager in reduced visibility conditions and in particular, the ability to detect power lines and cables. A PMMW imager was
compared with Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) and visible imaging cameras. The three sensors were mounted on a Land Rover, together with GPS and digital recording system. All three sensors plus the GPS data were recorded simultaneously in order to provide direct comparisons. The vehicle collected imagery from a number of sites in the vicinity of Malvern, UK, in January, 2008. Imagery was collected both while the vehicle was stationary at specific sites
and while it was moving. Weather conditions during the data collection included clear, drizzle, rain and fog. Imagery was collected during the day, at night, and during dusk/dawn transition periods. The PMMW imager was a prototype which operated at 94 GHz and was based on a conically scanned folded Schmidt camera and the LWIR and visible sensors were commercial off the shelf items.


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Probing non trivial magnetic ordering in quantum magnets realized with ultracold lattice gases demands detection methods with some spatial resolution built on it. Here we demonstrate that the Faraday matter-light interface provides an experimentally feasible tool to distinguish indubitably different quantum phases of a given many-body system in a non-demolishing way. We illustrate our approach by focussing on the Heisenberg chain for spin-1 bosons in the presence of a SU(2) symmetry breaking field. We explain how using the light signal obtained via homodyne detection one can reconstruct the phase diagram of the model. Further we show that the very same technique that provides a direct experimentally measurable signal of different order parameters can be extended to detect also the presence of multipartite entanglement in such systems.


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Sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were developed for the detection of two illegal synthetic dyes: Methyl Yellow (MY) and Rhodamine B (RB) in food. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthesised immunogens and employed in unique direct disequilibrium ELISAs. The time of the assays was only twenty minutes (five minutes for each incubation step with sample and enzyme conjugate and ten minutes with enzyme substrate). The IC50 for MY was in the range 1.4-4.2 ng mL(-1) and for RB 0.1-0.5 ng mL(-1). A simple sample preparation method was developed for the analysis of a range of sauces. In the case of spices a dispersive solid phase extraction was applied to purify the extracts. The testing of twenty samples took approximately one and a half hours (including sample preparation and analysis). Both assays were validated according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria for use in sauces and spices. The detection capability for MY in sauces and spices was determined to be less than 15 ng g(-1) and 50 ng g(-1), respectively and for RB, 10 ng g(-1) for both types of food samples. The precision of the developed assays was determined in a repeatability study. The intra-and inter-assay coefficients of variation were less than 25% for both tests and matrix types. The simplicity and performance of both assays indicate that they will be very reliable screening methods for the detection of the illegal dyes MY and RB in a range of food products.


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The development of an assay for the detection of streptomycin residues in pasteurized whole milk using an optical biosensor (Biacore) is reported. Streptomycin-adipic hydrazide coupled to bovine thyroglobulin was used to produce a sheep polyclonal antibody. The antibody displayed excellent cross-reactivity with dihydrostreptomycin (106%). There was no significant cross-reaction with other aminoglycosides or common antibiotics. Streptomycin was also immobilized onto a CM5 sensor chip to provide a stable, reusable surface. The developed assay permitted the direct analysis of whole milk samples (similar to3.5% fat) without prior centrifugation and defatting. Results were available in 5 min. The limit of detection of the assay was determined as 4.1 ng/mL, well below the European maximum residue limit (MRL) of 200 ng/mL. Repeatability (or coefficient of variation) between runs was determined as 3.5% (100 ng/mL; 0.5 x MRL), 5.7% (200 ng/mL; MRL), and 7.6% (400 ng/mL; 2 x MRL).


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Bystander responses underlie some of the current efforts to develop gene therapy approaches for cancer treatment. Similarly, they may have a role in strategies to treat tumours with targeted radioisotopes. In this study we show direct evidence for the production of a radiation-induced bystander response in primary human fibroblasts, We utilize a novel approach of using a charged-particle microbeam, which allows individual cells within a population to be selected and targeted with counted charged particles. Individual primary human fibroblasts within a population of 600-800 cells were targeted with between 1 and 15 helium ions (effectively, alpha -particles). The charged particles were delivered through the centre of the nucleus with an accuracy of +/- 2 mum and a detection and counting efficiency of greater than 99%. When scored 3 days later, even though only a single cell had been targeted, typically an additional 80-100 damaged cells were observed in the surviving population of about 5000 cells. The yield of damaged cells was independent of the number of charged particles delivered to the targeted cell, Similar results of a 2-3-fold increase in the background level of damage present in the population were observed whether 1 or 4 cells were targeted within the dish. Also, when 200 cells within one quadrant of the dish were exposed to radiation, there was a 2-3-fold increase in the damage level in an unexposed quadrant of the dish, This effect was independent of the presence of serum in the culture medium and was only observed when a cell was targeted, but not when only the medium was exposed, confirming that a cell-mediated response is involved. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.


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Color segmentation of images usually requires a manual selection and classification of samples to train the system. This paper presents an automatic system that performs these tasks without the need of a long training, providing a useful tool to detect and identify figures. In real situations, it is necessary to repeat the training process if light conditions change, or if, in the same scenario, the colors of the figures and the background may have changed, being useful a fast training method. A direct application of this method is the detection and identification of football players.


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Marine dinoflagellates of the genera Alexandrium are well known producers of the potent neurotoxic paralytic shellfish toxins that can enter the food web and ultimately present a serious risk to public health in addition to causing huge economic losses. Direct coastal monitoring of Alexandrium spp. can provide early warning of potential shellfish contamination and risks to consumers and so a rapid, sensitive, portable and easy-to-use assay has been developed for this purpose using an innovative planar waveguide device. The disposable planar waveguide is comprised of a transparent substrate onto which an array of toxin-protein conjugates is deposited, assembled in a cartridge allowing the introduction of sample, and detection reagents. The competitive assay format uses a high affinity antibody to paralytic shellfish toxins with a detection signal generated via a fluorescently labelled secondary antibody. The waveguide cartridge is analysed by a simple reader device and results are displayed on a laptop computer. Assay speed has been optimised to enable measurement within 15 min. A rapid, portable sample preparation technique was developed for Alexandrium spp. in seawater to ensure analysis was completed within a short period of time. The assay was validated and the LOD and CCß were determined as 12 pg/mL and 20 pg/mL respectively with an intra-assay CV of 11.3% at the CCß and an average recovery of 106%. The highly innovative assay was proven to accurately detect toxin presence in algae sampled from the US and European waters at an unprecedented cell density of 10 cells/L. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.