81 resultados para coal reactivity


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The density functional theory (DFT) based hard-soft acid-base (HSAB) reactivity indices, including the electrophilicity index, have been successfully applied to many areas of molecular chemistry. In this work we test the applicability of such an approach to fundamental surface chemistry. We have considered, as prototypical surface reactions, both the hydrogenation of atomic nitrogen and the dissociative adsorption of the NH molecular radical. By use of a DFT methodology, the minimum energy reaction pathways, and corresponding reaction barriers, of the above reactions over Zr(001), Nb(110), Mo(110), Tc(001), Ru(001), Rh(111), and Pd(111) have been determined. By consideration of the chemical potential and chemical hardness of the surface metal atoms, and the principle of electronegativity equalization, it is found that the charge transferred to the NH radical during the process of dissociative adsorption correlates very well with that determined by Mulliken population analysis. Furthermore, it is found that the stability of the NH/surface transition state complex relates directly to this charge transfer and that the trend in transition state stability predicted by a HSAB; treatment correlates very strongly with that determined by DFT calculations. With regards to N hydrogenation, we find that during the course of the reaction, H loses cohesion to the surface, as it must migrate from a 3-fold hollow site to either a bridge or top site, to react with N. Partial density of states (PDOS) and Mulliken population analysis reveal that this loss of bonding is accompanied by charge transfer from H to the surface metal atoms. Moreover, by simple modeling, we show that the reaction barriers are directly proportional to this mandatory charge transfer. Indeed, it is found that the reaction barriers correlate very well with the electrophilicity index of the metal atoms.


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We have performed density functional theory calculations with the generalized gradient approximation to investigate CO oxidation on a close-packed transition metal surface, Pd(lll), and a more open surface, Pd(100), aiming to shed light on surface structure effects on reaction pathways and reactivity, an important issue in catalysis. Reaction pathways on both surfaces at two different coverages have been studied. It is found that the reaction pathways on both surfaces possess crucial common features despite the fact that they have different surface symmetries. Having determined reaction barriers in these systems, we find that the reaction on Pd(lll) is strongly coverage dependent. Surface coverages, however, have little effect on the reaction on Pd(100). Calculations also reveal that the low coverage reactions are structure sensitive while the medium coverage reactions are not. Detailed discussions on these results are given.


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Density functional theory has been used to investigate the surface relaxation of Cu2O(100) and the adsorption of NO. The calculations indicate the formation of surface copper dimers on relaxation coupled with a large contraction of the spacing between the first and second layers. Local density of states for atoms in the top three layers shows that the third layer copper atoms have the greatest change in bonding character. Adsorption energies have been calculated for the N-down and O-down adsorption of NO on the Cu2O(100) surface. These indicate that N-down adsorption is favoured and that in this case NO-lattice oxygen interactions dominate the adsorbate structure. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dynamics of adsorption and oxidation of CO on Ru(0001) electrode in sulfuric acid solution have been studied using in situ FTIR spectroscopy under potential control and at open circuit, the latter at 20 and 55 degrees C. The in situ IR data show clearly that the bisulfate anion adsorbs on the Ru(0001) surface over the potential range from -200 mV to 350 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) at 20 degrees C in the absence and presence of adsorbed CO; however, increasing the temperature to 55 degrees C and/ or increasing the concentration of dissolved O-2 reduces the bisulfate adsorption. The formation of surface (hydro-) oxide at higher potentials replaces the bisulfate adsorbates. Both linear (COL) and three-fold hollow bonded CO (COH) adsorbates were produced following CO adsorption at Ru(0001) in H2SO4, as was observed in our previous studies in HClO4. However, the amount of adsorbed CO observed in H2SO4 was ca. 10% less than that in HClO4; in addition, the COL and COH frequencies were higher in H2SO4, and the onset potential for COads oxidation 25 mV lower. These new results are interpreted in terms of a model in which the adsorbed bisulfate weakens the CO adlayer, allowing the active Ru oxide layer to form at lower potentials. Significantly different results were observed at open circuit in H2SO4 compared both to the data under potential control and to our earlier data in HClO4, and these observations were rationalized in terms of the adsorbed HSO4- anions (pre-adsorbed at -200 mV) inhibiting the oxidation of the surface at open circuit (after stepping from the initial potential of -200 mV), as the latter was no longer driven by the imposed electrochemical potential but via chemical oxidation by trace dissolved O-2. Results from experiments at open circuit at 55 degrees C and using oxygen-saturated H2SO4 supported this model. The difference in Ru surface chemistry between imposed electrochemical control and chemical control has potential implications with respect to fuel cell electrocatalysis.


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An array-based approach is put forward to obtain insight into reactivity under mechanochemical solvent-free conditions. We describe a survey of sixty potential reactions between twelve metal salts MX2 {(M = Cu, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (HCO2)(2), (F3CCO2)(2), (acac)(2), (F(6)acac)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Ni, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Zn, X-2 (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2)} and five bridging organic ligands {isonicotinic acid (HINA), 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H2BDC), acetylenedicarboxylic acid (H(2)ADC), 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (H3BTC), 4,4'-bipyridyl (BIPY). Reaction conditions involved a ball mill, applied for 15 min at 30 Hz, without external heating. When examined by XRPD, forty of the combinations gave detectable reactions, thirty-eight with crystalline products. Of these, twenty-nine reactions were quantitative (consuming all of at least one reactant). Comparison of XRPD patterns with patterns simulated from single crystal X-ray diffraction data in the Cambridge Structural Database allowed structural identification of six products. Of particular interest are the microporous framework materials [Cu(INA)(2)] and [Cu-3(BTC)(2)] (HKUST-1) obtained by reaction of the corresponding carboxylic acids with copper acetate. Other non-porous polymers with 3-dimensional connectivity, [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)], or 1-dimensional connectivity, [Cu(acac)(2)(BIPY)] and [Cu(F6acac)(BIPY)] were also obtained. Reaction between zinc acetate and H2ADC gave a new product which had not previously been characterised by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, but whose XRPD pattern suggests that it is isostructural with the known nickel polymer [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)]. Two further isostructural nickel and zinc products were obtained in reactions between HINA and nickel nitrate and zinc nitrate. Trends observed within the array are discussed. Copper acetate and copper formate were the most effective starting materials for reaction with carboxylic acids, potentially related to the basicity of their anions and the solvating effects of the formic and acetic acid byproducts. Amongst the ligands there was a general negative corelation between melting point and reactivity. The issue of pore templating in microporous phases and the generation of new structures is also discussed in relation to the Cu(INA)(2), Cu-3(BTC)(2) and nickel nitrate-BIPY systems. Overall, the study suggests that mechanochemical reactivity between metal salts and organic ligands under solvent free conditions is remarkably general. Use of array-based approaches as demonstrated here is advocated a useful way to reveal underlying trends in reactivity under solvent free mechanochemical conditions and to highlight particular cases for more detailed study.


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Ammonium chloride/mercuric chloride mixtures (molar ratio 2: 1) react at 350degreesC with Monel (Cu68Ni32) to yield (NH4)NiCl3 and mercury and copper amalgam, respectively. With larger amounts of (NH4)Cl in the reaction mixture, dark green (NH4)(2)(NH3)(x)[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4] (x approximate to 0.77) (1) is also formed as a main product. Light blue crystals of the mixed-valent copper(I,II) chloride (NH4)(5)Cl-5[CuCl2][CuCl4] (2) were obtained as a minor byproduct from a 4:1 reaction mixture. The crystal structures were determined from single crystal X-ray data; (1): tetragonal, I4/mmm, a = 770.9(1), e = 794.2(2) pm, 190 reflections, R-1 = 0.0263; (2): tetragonal, I4/mcm, a = 874.8(1), c = 2329.2(3) pm, 451 reflections, R-1 = 0.0736. In (1) Ni2+ resides in trans-[Ni(NH3)(2)Cl-4](2-) octahedra, and in (2) copper(l) is linearly two-coordinated in ECUC121- and copper(II) resides in a flattened tetrahedron [CuCl4](2-) with a tetrahedricity of 89%. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science.