55 resultados para XCModel, cad 3d 2d, computer graphic, 64 bit porting, migrazione, analisi statica, metodi formali, modellazione resa rendering


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Despite pattern recognition methods for human behavioral analysis has flourished in the last decade, animal behavioral analysis has been almost neglected. Those few approaches are mostly focused on preserving livestock economic value while attention on the welfare of companion animals, like dogs, is now emerging as a social need. In this work, following the analogy with human behavior recognition, we propose a system for recognizing body parts of dogs kept in pens. We decide to adopt both 2D and 3D features in order to obtain a rich description of the dog model. Images are acquired using the Microsoft Kinect to capture the depth map images of the dog. Upon depth maps a Structural Support Vector Machine (SSVM) is employed to identify the body parts using both 3D features and 2D images. The proposal relies on a kernelized discriminative structural classificator specifically tailored for dogs independently from the size and breed. The classification is performed in an online fashion using the LaRank optimization technique to obtaining real time performances. Promising results have emerged during the experimental evaluation carried out at a dog shelter, managed by IZSAM, in Teramo, Italy.


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This paper describes an implementation of a method capable of integrating parametric, feature based, CAD models based on commercial software (CATIA) with the SU2 software framework. To exploit the adjoint based methods for aerodynamic optimisation within the SU2, a formulation to obtain geometric sensitivities directly from the commercial CAD parameterisation is introduced, enabling the calculation of gradients with respect to CAD based design variables. To assess the accuracy and efficiency of the alternative approach, two aerodynamic optimisation problems are investigated: an inviscid, 3D, problem with multiple constraints, and a 2D high-lift aerofoil, viscous problem without any constraints. Initial results show the new parameterisation obtaining reliable optimums, with similar levels of performance of the software native parameterisations. In the final paper, details of computing CAD sensitivities will be provided, including accuracy as well as linking geometric sensitivities to aerodynamic objective functions and constraints; the impact in the robustness of the overall method will be assessed and alternative parameterisations will be included.


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We study the growth of the explosion energy after shock revival in neutrino-driven explosions in two and three dimensions (2D/3D) using multi-group neutrino hydrodynamics simulations of an 11.2 M⊙ star. The 3D model shows a faster and steadier growth of the explosion energy and already shows signs of subsiding accretion after one second. By contrast, the growth of the explosion energy in 2D is unsteady, and accretion lasts for several seconds as confirmed by additional long-time simulations of stars of similar masses. Appreciable explosion energies can still be reached, albeit at the expense of rather high neutron star masses. In 2D, the binding energy at the gain radius is larger because the strong excitation of downward-propagating g modes removes energy from the freshly accreted material in the downflows. Consequently, the mass outflow rate is considerably lower in 2D than in 3D. This is only partially compensated by additional heating by outward-propagating acoustic waves in 2D. Moreover, the mass outflow rate in 2D is reduced because much of the neutrino energy deposition occurs in downflows or bubbles confined by secondary shocks without driving outflows. Episodic constriction of outflows and vertical mixing of colder shocked material and hot, neutrino-heated ejecta due to Rayleigh–Taylor instability further hamper the growth of the explosion energy in 2D. Further simulations will be necessary to determine whether these effects are generic over a wider range of supernova progenitors.


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We address the problem of 3D-assisted 2D face recognition in scenarios when the input image is subject to degradations or exhibits intra-personal variations not captured by the 3D model. The proposed solution involves a novel approach to learn a subspace spanned by perturbations caused by the missing modes of variation and image degradations, using 3D face data reconstructed from 2D images rather than 3D capture. This is accomplished by modelling the difference in the texture map of the 3D aligned input and reference images. A training set of these texture maps then defines a perturbation space which can be represented using PCA bases. Assuming that the image perturbation subspace is orthogonal to the 3D face model space, then these additive components can be recovered from an unseen input image, resulting in an improved fit of the 3D face model. The linearity of the model leads to efficient fitting. Experiments show that our method achieves very competitive face recognition performance on Multi-PIE and AR databases. We also present baseline face recognition results on a new data set exhibiting combined pose and illumination variations as well as occlusion.


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Density functional calculations of the structure, potential energy surface and reactivity for organic systems closely related to bisphenol-A-polycarbonate (BPA-PC) provide the basis for a model describing the ring-opening polymerization of its cyclic oligomers by nucleophilic molecules. Monte Carlo simulations using this model show a strong tendency to polymerize that is increased by increasing density and temperature, and is greater in 3D than in 2D. Entropy in the distribution of inter-particle bonds is the driving force for chain formation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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There are several factors which make the investigation and understanding of nanoscale ferroelectrics particularly timely and important. Firstly, there is a market pressure, primarily from the electronics industry, to integrate ferroelectrics into devices with progressive decreases in size and increases in morphological complexity. This is perhaps best illustrated through the roadmaps for product development in FeRAM (Ferroelectric Randorn Access Memory) where the need for increases in bit density will require a move from 2D planar capacitor structures to 3D trenched capacitors in the next few years. Secondly, there is opportunity for novel exploration, as it is only relatively recently that developments in thin film growth of complex oxides, self-assembly techniques and high-resolution 'top-down' patterning have converged to allow the fabrication of isolated and well-defined ferroelectric nanoshapes, the properties of which are not known. Thirdly, there is an expectation that the behaviour of small scale ferroelectrics will be different from bulk, as this group of functional materials is highly sensitive to boundary/surface conditions, which are expected to dominate the overall response when sizes are reduced into the nanoscale regime. This feature article attempts to introduce some of the current areas of discovery and debate surrounding studies on ferroelectrics at the nanoscale. The focus is directed primarily at the search for novel size-related properties and behaviour which are not necessarily observed in bulk.


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This paper presents some observations on how computer animation was used in the early years of a degree program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering to enhance the teaching of key skills and professional practice. This paper presents the results from two case studies. First, in a first year course which seeks to teach students how to manage and report on group projects in a professional way. Secondly, in a technical course on virtual reality, where the students are asked to use computer animation in a way that subliminally coerces them to come to terms with the fine detail of the mathematical principles that underlie 3D graphics, geometry, etc. as well as the most significant principles of computer architecture and software engineering. In addition, the findings reveal that by including a significant element of self and peer review processes into the assessment procedure students became more engaged with the course and achieved a deeper level of comprehension of the material in the course.


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This paper investigates the problem of seepage under the floor of hydraulic structures considering the compartment of flow that seeps through the surrounding banks of the canal. A computer program, utilizing a finite-element method and capable of handling three-dimensional (3D) saturated–unsaturated flow problems, was used. Different ratios of canal width/differential head applied on the structure were studied. The results produced from the two-dimensional (2D) analysis were observed to deviate largely from that obtained from 3D analysis of the same problem, despite the fact that the porous medium was isotropic and homogeneous. For example, the exit gradient obtained from 3D analysis was as high as 2.5 times its value obtained from 2D analysis. Uplift force acting upwards on the structure has also increased by about 46% compared with its value obtained from the 2D solution. When the canal width/ differential head ratio was 10 or higher, the 3D results were comparable to the 2D results. It is recommended to construct a core of low permeability soil in the banks of canal to reduce the seepage losses, uplift force, and exit gradient.