58 resultados para Satelites - Jupiter


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We present three newly discovered sub-Jupiter mass planets from the SuperWASP survey: WASP-54b is a heavily bloated planet of mass 0.636$^{+0.025}_{-0.024}$ \mj and radius 1.653$^{+0.090}_{-0.083}$ \rj. It orbits a F9 star, evolving off the main sequence, every 3.69 days. Our MCMC fit of the system yields a slightly eccentric orbit ($e=0.067^{+0.033}_{-0.025}$) for WASP-54b. We investigated further the veracity of our detection of the eccentric orbit for WASP-54b, and we find that it could be real. However, given the brightness of WASP-54 V=10.42 magnitudes, we encourage observations of a secondary eclipse to draw robust conclusions on both the orbital eccentricity and the thermal structure of the planet. WASP-56b and WASP-57b have masses of 0.571$^{+0.034}_{-0.035}$ \mj and $0.672^{+0.049}_{-0.046}$ \mj, respectively; and radii of $1.092^{+0.035}_{-0.033}$ \rj for WASP-56b and $0.916^{+0.017}_{-0.014}$ \rj for WASP-57b. They orbit main sequence stars of spectral type G6 every 4.67 and 2.84 days, respectively. WASP-56b and WASP-57b show no radius anomaly and a high density possibly implying a large core of heavy elements; possibly as high as $\sim$50 M$_{\oplus}$ in the case of WASP-57b. However, the composition of the deep interior of exoplanets remain still undetermined. Thus, more exoplanet discoveries such as the ones presented in this paper, are needed to understand and constrain giant planets' physical properties.


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We present an analysis of comet activity based on the Spitzer Space Telescope component of the Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. We show that the survey is well suited to measuring the activity of Jupiter-family comets at 3-7 AU from the Sun. Dust was detected in 33 of 89 targets (37 ± 6%), and we conclude that 21 comets (24 ± 5%) have morphologies that suggest ongoing or recent cometary activity. Our dust detections are sensitivity limited, therefore our measured activity rate is necessarily a lower limit. All comets with small perihelion distances (q <1.8 AU) are inactive in our survey, and the active comets in our sample are strongly biased to post-perihelion epochs. We introduce the quantity ɛfρ, intended to be a thermal emission counterpart to the often reported Afρ, and find that the comets with large perihelion distances likely have greater dust production rates than other comets in our survey at 3-7 AU from the Sun, indicating a bias in the discovered Jupiter-family comet population. By examining the orbital history of our survey sample, we suggest that comets perturbed to smaller perihelion distances in the past 150 yr are more likely to be active, but more study on this effect is needed.


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We present results from SEPPCoN, an on-going Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. In this report we discuss mid-infrared measurements of the thermal emission from 89 nuclei of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). All data were obtained in 2006 and 2007 using imaging capabilities of the Spitzer Space Telescope. The comets were typically 4-5 AU from the Sun when observed and most showed only a point-source with little or no extended emission from dust. For those comets showing dust, we used image processing to photometrically extract the nuclei. For all 89 comets, we present new effective radii, and for 57 comets we present beaming parameters. Thus our survey provides the largest compilation of radiometrically-derived physical properties of nuclei to date. We have six main conclusions: (a) The average beaming parameter of the JFC population is 1.03 ± 0.11, consistent with unity; coupled with the large distance of the nuclei from the Sun, this indicates that most nuclei have Tempel 1-like thermal inertia. Only two of the 57 nuclei had outlying values (in a statistical sense) of infrared beaming. (b) The known JFC population is not complete even at 3 km radius, and even for comets that approach to ˜2 AU from the Sun and so ought to be more discoverable. Several recently-discovered comets in our survey have small perihelia and large (above ˜2 km) radii. (c) With our radii, we derive an independent estimate of the JFC nuclear cumulative size distribution (CSD), and we find that it has a power-law slope of around -1.9, with the exact value depending on the bounds in radius. (d) This power-law is close to that derived by others from visible-wavelength observations that assume a fixed geometric albedo, suggesting that there is no strong dependence of geometric albedo with radius. (e) The observed CSD shows a hint of structure with an excess of comets with radii 3-6 km. (f) Our CSD is consistent with the idea that the intrinsic size distribution of the JFC population is not a simple power-law and lacks many sub-kilometer objects.


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We report the sky-projected orbital obliquity (spin–orbit angle) of WASP-84 b, a 0.69MJup planet in an 8.52 day orbit around a G9V/K0V star, to be λ = −0.3 ± 1.7°. We obtain a true obliquity of ψ = 17.3 ± 7.7° from a measurement of the inclination of the stellar spin axis with respect to the sky plane. Due to the young age and the weak tidal forcing of the system, we suggest that the orbit of WASP-84b is unlikely to have both realigned and circularized from the misaligned and/or eccentric orbit likely to have arisen from high-eccentricity migration. Therefore we conclude that the planet probably migrated via interaction with the protoplanetary disk. This would make it the first “hot Jupiter” (P d < 10 ) to have been shown to have migrated via this pathway. Further, we argue that the distribution of obliquities for planets orbiting cool stars (Teff < 6250 K) suggests that high-eccentricity migration is an important pathway for the formation of short-orbit, giant planets.


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We present observations of a statistically-significant number of Jupiter-family cometary nuclei as part of SEPPCoN (Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei). We present preliminary results on distributions of albedos and shapes.


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We present the latest analysis and results from SEPPCoN (Survey of Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei). This on-going survey involves studying 100 JFCs - about 25% of the known population - at both mid-infrared and visible wave-lengths to constrain the distributions of sizes, shapes, spins, and albedos of this population. Having earlier reported results from measuring thermal emissions of our sample nuclei [1,2,3,4], we report here progress on the visible-wavelength observations that we have obtained at many ground-based facilities in Chile, Spain, and the United States. To date we have attempted observations of 91% of our sample of 100 JFCs, and at least 64 of those were successfully detected. In most cases the comets were at heliocentric distances between 3.0 and 6.5 AU so as to decrease the odds of a comet having a coma. Of the 64 detected comets, 48 were apparently bare, having no extended emission. Our datasets are further augmented by archival data and photometry from the NEAT program [5]. An important goal of SEPPCoN is to accumulate a large comprehensive set of high quality physical data on cometary nuclei in order to make accurate statistical comparisons with other minor-body populations such as Trojans, Centaurs, and Kuiper-belt objects. Information on the size, shape, spin-rate, albedo and color distributions is critical for understanding their origins and evolutionary processes affecting them.


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Not Available


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We present new X-ray observations obtained with Chandra ACIS-S of the HD 189733 system, consisting of a K-type star orbited by a transiting Hot Jupiter and an M-type stellar companion. We report a detection of the planetary transit in soft X-rays with a significantly deeper transit depth than observed in the optical. The X-ray data favor a transit depth of 6%-8%, versus a broadband optical transit depth of 2.41%. While we are able to exclude several possible stellar origins for this deep transit, additional observations will be necessary to fully exclude the possibility that coronal inhomogeneities influence the result. From the available data, we interpret the deep X-ray transit to be caused by a thin outer planetary atmosphere which is transparent at optical wavelengths, but dense enough to be opaque to X-rays. The X-ray radius appears to be larger than the radius observed at far-UV wavelengths, most likely due to high temperatures in the outer atmosphere at which hydrogen is mostly ionized. We furthermore detect the stellar companion HD 189733B in X-rays for the first time with an X-ray luminosity of log LX = 26.67 erg s-1. We show that the magnetic activity level of the companion is at odds with the activity level observed for the planet-hosting primary. The discrepancy may be caused by tidal interaction between the Hot Jupiter and its host star.


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R band CCD photometric observations of short period Jupiter family comets in the heliocentric region of 2.11 AU less than or equal to R-h less than or equal to 5.63 AU were performed using the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma in December 1998. 22 comets were targeted, including the comet- asteroid transition object 49P/Arend-Rigaux. Out of a total of ten detected comets. six were seen to display substantial outgassing (48P, 65P, 74P, 103Pt 128P, and 139P), with the remaining four comets (7P. 9P, 22P. and 49P) being stellar in appearance. Nuclear radius measurements and relative dust production rates in terms of Af rho were measured for these comets, along with upper limits for the remaining twelve undetected comets (6P, 44P, 51P, 54P, 57P: 63P, 71P, 73P, 79P, 86P, 87P, and 100P). The inactive comets had nuclear radii in the range 1.8 km less than or equal to r(N) less than or equal to 4.4 km, while upper limits for the active and undetected comets (assuming they all lay within the held of view) were between 0.6 km and 12.7 km, for an assumed albedo of 0.04. Even if one applies the previously measured maximum axis ratio of 2.6:1 and the minimum measured albedo of 0.02 to the undetected comets. their projected semi-major axes are all constrained to below 8 km. For the active comets, photometric profiles of their dust comae were measured and are consistent with those of steady state coma models.


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We present time-series data on Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) 17P/Holmes, 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson and 137P/Shoemaker-Levy 2. In addition we also present results from `snap-shot' observations of comets 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 44P/Reinmuth 2, 103P/Hartley 2 and 104P/Kowal 2 taken during the same run. The comets were at heliocentric distances of between 3 and 7 au at this time. We present measurements of size and activity levels for the snap-shot targets. The time-series data allow us to constrain rotation periods and shapes, and thus bulk densities. We also measure colour indices (V - R) and (R - I) and reliable radii for these comets. We compare all of our findings to date with similar results for other comets and Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). We find that the rotational properties of nuclei and KBOs are very similar, that there is evidence for a cut-off in bulk densities at ~0.6 g cm-3 in both populations, and the colours of the two populations show similar correlations. For JFCs, there is no observational evidence for the optical colours being dependent on either position in the orbit or orbital parameters.


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We have detected low-amplitude radial-velocity variations in two stars, USNO-B1.0 1219-0005465 (GSC 02265-00107 = WASP-1) and USNO-B1.0 0964-0543604 (GSC 00522-01199 = WASP-2). Both stars were identified as being likely host stars of transiting exoplanets in the 2004 SuperWASP wide-field transit survey. Using the newly commissioned radial-velocity spectrograph SOPHIE at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, we found that both objects exhibit reflex orbital radial-velocity variations with amplitudes characteristic of planetary-mass companions and in-phase with the photometric orbits. Line-bisector studies rule out faint blended binaries as the cause of either the radial-velocity variations or the transits. We perform preliminary spectral analyses of the host stars, which together with their radial-velocity variations and fits to the transit light curves yield estimates of the planetary masses and radii. WASP-1b and WASP-2b have orbital periods of 2.52 and 2.15 d, respectively. Given mass estimates for their F7V and K1V primaries, we derive planet masses 0.80-0.98 and 0.81-0.95 times that of Jupiter, respectively. WASP-1b appears to have an inflated radius of at least 1.33 RJup, whereas WASP-2b has a radius in the range 0.65-1.26 RJup.


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Measurements of electron capture and ionization of O-2 molecules in collisions with H+ and O+ ions have been made over an energy range 10 - 100 keV. Cross sections for dissociative and nondissociative interactions have been separately determined using coincidence techniques. Nondissociative channels leading to O-2(+) product formation are shown to be dominant for both the H+ and the O+ projectiles in the capture collisions and only for the H+ projectiles in the ionization collisions. Dissociative channels are dominant for ionizing collisions involving O+ projectiles. The energy distributions of the O+ fragment products from collisions involving H+ and O+ have also been measured for the first time using time-of-flight methods, and the results are compared with those from other related studies. These measurements have been used to describe the interaction of the energetic ions trapped in Jupiter's magnetosphere with the very thin oxygen atmosphere of the icy satellite Europa. It is shown that the ionization of oxygen molecules is dominated by charge exchange plus ion impact ionization processes rather than photoionization. In addition, dissociation is predominately induced through excitation of electrons into high-lying repulsive energy states ( electronically) rather than arising from momentum transfer from knock-on collisions between colliding nuclei, which are the only processes included in current models. Future modeling will need to include both these processes.


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Jupiter Family comets (JFCs) are short period comets which have recently entered the inner solar system, having previously orbited in the Kuiper Belt since the formation of the planets. We used two nights on the 3.6 m New Technology Telescope (NTT) at the European Southern Observatory, to obtain VRI photometry of three JFCs; 7P/Pons-Winnecke, 14P/Wolf and 92P/Sanguin. These were observed to be stellar in appearance. We find mean effective radii of 2.24 ± 0.02 km for 7P, 3.16 ± 0.01 km for 14P and 2.08 ± 0.01 km for 92P, assuming a geometric albedo of 0.04. From light-curves for each comet we find rotation periods of 7.53 ± 0.10 and 6.22 ± 0.05 h for 14P and 92P respectively. 7P exhibits brightness variations which imply a rotation period of 6.8 = Prot = 9.5 h. Assuming the nuclei to be ellipsoidal the measured brightness variations imply minimum axial ratios a/b of 1.3 ± 0.1 for 7P and 1.7 ± 0.1 for both 14P and 92P. This in turn implies minimum densities of 0.23 ± 0.08 g cm-3 for 7P, 0.32 ± 0.02 g cm-3 for 14P and 0.49 ± 0.06 g cm-3 for 92P. Finally, we measure colour indices of (V-R) = 0.40 ± 0.05 and (R-I) = 0.41 ± 0.06 for 7P/Pons-Winnecke, (V-R) = 0.57 ± 0.07 and (R-I) = 0.51 ± 0.06 for 14P/Wolf, and (V-R) = 0.54 ± 0.04 and (R-I) = 0.54 ± 0.04 for 92P/Sanguin.


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We present results from broad-band V- and R-filter observations obtained at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma on 2002 July 12-14. A total of six comets were imaged, and their heliocentric distances ranged from 2.8 to 6.1 au. The comets observed were 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 129P/Shoemaker-Levy 3, 133P/Elst-Pizarro, 143P/Kowal-Mrkos, P/1998 U4 (Spahr) and P/2001 H5 (NEAT). A detailed surface brightness profile analysis indicates that three of the targeted comets (43P/Wolf-Harrington, 129P/Shoemaker-Levy 3 and P/1998 U4) were visibly active, and the remaining three comets were stellar in appearance. Further analysis shows that for the three `stellar-like' comets the possible coma contribution to the observed flux does not exceed 12.2 per cent, and in the case of comet 143P/Kowal-Mrkos the coma contribution is expected to be as low as 1 per cent, and so the resulting photometry most likely represents that of the projected nucleus surface. Effective radii for the inactive comets range from 1.02 to 4.56 km, and the effective radius upper limits for the active comets range from 1.94 to 4.15 km. We assume an albedo and phase coefficient of 0.04 and 0.035 mag deg-1, respectively, with the exception of comets 133P/Elst-Pizarro and 143P/Kowal-Mrkos for which phase coefficients were previously measured. These values are compared with previous measurements, and for comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington we find that the nucleus axial ratio a/b could be as large as 2.44. For the active comets we measured dust production levels in terms of the Af? quantity. Spectral gradients were extracted for two of the inactive comets from their measured broad-band colour indices, and compared with the rest of the comet population for which (V-R) colour and spectral gradient values exist. We find a spectral gradient for 143P/Kowal-Mrkos of 9.9 +/- 8.1 per cent/100 nm, which is very typical of Jupiter-family comets, the majority of which have reflectivity gradients in the range 0-13 per cent (100 nm)-1. The spectral gradient for comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro is amongst the bluest yet measured. We measure a (V-R) colour index value of 0.14 +/- 0.11 for the nucleus of 133P/Elst-Pizarro which is considerably lower than previous measurements. A possible explanation for this difference is considered.


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We report that a Jupiter-mass planet, WASP-7b, transits the V = 9.5 star HD 197286 every 4.95 d. This is the brightest discovery from the WASP-South transit survey so far and is currently the brightest transiting-exoplanet system in the southern hemisphere. WASP-7b is among the densest of the known Jupiter-mass planets, suggesting that it has a massive core. The planet mass is 0.96+0.12 -0.18 M Jup, the radius is 0.915+0.046 -0.040 R Jup, and the density is 1.26+0.25 -0.21 ?Jup (1.67+0.33 -0.28 g cm-3).