WASP-1b and WASP-2b: Two new transiting exoplanets detected with SuperWASP and SOPHIE

Autoria(s): Collier Cameron, A.; Bouchy, F.; Hebrard, G.; Maxted, P.; Pollacco, D.; Pont, F.; Skillen, I.; Smalley, B.; Street, R. A.; West, R. G.; Wilson, D.M.; Aigrain, S.; Christian, D. J.; Clarkson, W.I.; Enoch, B.; Evans, A.; Fitzsimmons, Alan; Fleenor, M.; Gillon, M.; Haswell, C.A.; Hebb, L.; Hellier, C.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Horne, K.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S.R.; Keenan, F. P.; Loeillet, B.; Lister, T.A.; Mayor, M.; Moutou, C.; Norton, A.J.; Osborne, J.; Parley, N.; Queloz, D.; Ryans, R.; Triaud, A.H.M.J.; Udry, S.; Wheatley, P.J.



We have detected low-amplitude radial-velocity variations in two stars, USNO-B1.0 1219-0005465 (GSC 02265-00107 = WASP-1) and USNO-B1.0 0964-0543604 (GSC 00522-01199 = WASP-2). Both stars were identified as being likely host stars of transiting exoplanets in the 2004 SuperWASP wide-field transit survey. Using the newly commissioned radial-velocity spectrograph SOPHIE at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, we found that both objects exhibit reflex orbital radial-velocity variations with amplitudes characteristic of planetary-mass companions and in-phase with the photometric orbits. Line-bisector studies rule out faint blended binaries as the cause of either the radial-velocity variations or the transits. We perform preliminary spectral analyses of the host stars, which together with their radial-velocity variations and fits to the transit light curves yield estimates of the planetary masses and radii. WASP-1b and WASP-2b have orbital periods of 2.52 and 2.15 d, respectively. Given mass estimates for their F7V and K1V primaries, we derive planet masses 0.80-0.98 and 0.81-0.95 times that of Jupiter, respectively. WASP-1b appears to have an inflated radius of at least 1.33 RJup, whereas WASP-2b has a radius in the range 0.65-1.26 RJup.












Collier Cameron , A , Bouchy , F , Hebrard , G , Maxted , P , Pollacco , D , Pont , F , Skillen , I , Smalley , B , Street , R A , West , R G , Wilson , D M , Aigrain , S , Christian , D J , Clarkson , W I , Enoch , B , Evans , A , Fitzsimmons , A , Fleenor , M , Gillon , M , Haswell , C A , Hebb , L , Hellier , C , Hodgkin , S T , Horne , K , Irwin , J , Kane , S R , Keenan , F P , Loeillet , B , Lister , T A , Mayor , M , Moutou , C , Norton , A J , Osborne , J , Parley , N , Queloz , D , Ryans , R , Triaud , A H M J , Udry , S & Wheatley , P J 2007 , ' WASP-1b and WASP-2b: Two new transiting exoplanets detected with SuperWASP and SOPHIE ' Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , vol 375 , pp. 951-957 . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.11350.x

Palavras-Chave #/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/1900/1912 #Space and Planetary Science
