71 resultados para Response time


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Aims: To assess the reliability of drug use reports by young respondents, this study examined the extent of recanting previous drug use reports within an ongoing longitudinal survey of adolescent drug use. Here, recanting was defined as a positive report of life-time drug use that was subsequently denied 1 year later. The covariates of recanting were also studied. Design: An ongoing longitudinal survey of young adolescents (Belfast Youth Development Study) in Northern Ireland. Setting: Pencil and paper questionnaires were administered to pupils within participating schools. Measurements: Measures analysed included (a) recanting rates across 13 substances, (b) educational characteristics, (c) offending behaviour and (d) socioeconomic status. Findings: High levels of drug use recanting were identified, ranging from 7% of past alcohol use to 87% of past magic mushroom use. Recanting increased with the social stigma of the substance used. Denying past alcohol use was associated with being male, attending a catholic school, having positive attitudes towards school, having negative education expectations and not reporting any offending behaviour. Recanting alcohol intoxication was associated with being male and not reporting serious offending behaviour. Cannabis recanting was associated with having negative education expectations, receiving drugs education and not reporting serious offending behaviour. Conclusions: The high levels of recanting uncovered cast doubts on the reliability of drug use reports from young adolescents. Failure to address this response error may lead to biased prevalence estimates, particularly within school surveys and drug education evaluation trials.


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The state-by-state transient screening approach based on a pulse-response thin-zone TAP experiment is further developed whereby single-pulse kinetic tests are treated as small perturbations to catalyst compositions and analyzed using integral method of moments. Results on three primary kinetic characteristics, termed basic kinetic coefficients, are presented. These three coefficients were introduced as main observables from experimentally measured TAP-responses in a kinetic-model-free manner. Each was analytically determined from moments of responses with no assumption about the detailed kinetic model. In this paper, the inverse question of how well these coefficients represent the time evolution of the observed responses is addressed. Sets of three basic kinetic coefficients are calculated from model and experimental responses and these calculated values are used to generate 3-coefficient curves in a kinetic-model-free manner. The comparison of these 3-coefficient curves with original responses shows that three basic kinetic coefficients can be sufficient to describe the observed kinetics of exit flow time dependencies with no assumption regarding the detailed kinetic model.


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It is shown how the existing theory of the dynamic Kerr effect and nonlinear dielectric relaxation based on the noninertial Brownian rotation of noninteracting rigid dipolar particles may be generalized to take into account interparticle interactions using the Maier-Saupe mean field potential. The results (available in simple closed form) suggest that the frequency dependent nonlinear response provides a method of measuring the Kramers escape rate (or in the analogous problem of magnetic relaxation of fine single domain ferromagnetic particles, the superparamagnetic relaxation time).


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The harsh environment presented by engines, particularly in the exhaust systems, often necessitates the use of robust and therefore low bandwidth temperature sensors. Consequently, high frequencies are attenuated in the output. One technique for addressing this problem involves measuring the gas temperature using two sensors with different time-constants and mathematically reconstructing the true gas temperature from the resulting signals. Such a technique has been applied in gas turbine, rocket motor and combustion research. A new reconstruction technique based on difference equations has been developed and its effectiveness proven theoretically. The algorithms have been successfully tested and proven on experimental data from a rig that produces cyclic temperature variations. These tests highlighted that the separation of the thermocouple junctions must be very small to ensure that both sensors are subjected to the same gas temperatures. Exhaust gas temperatures were recorded by an array of thermocouples during transient operation of a high performance two-stroke engine. The results show that the increase in bandwidth arising from the dual sensor technique allowed accurate measurement of exhaust gas temperature with relatively robust thermocouples. Finally, an array of very fine thermocouples (12.5 - 50 microns) was used to measure the in-cycle temperature variation in the exhaust.


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Purpose: In an attempt to identify genes that are involved in resistance to SN38, the active metabolite of irinotecan (also known as CPT-11), we carried out DNA microarray profiling of matched HCT116 human colon cancer parental cell lines and SN38-resistant cell lines following treatment with SN38 over time.


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Cells subjected to various forms of stress have been shown to induce bystander responses in nontargeted cells, thus extending the stress response to a larger population. However, the mechanism(s) of bystander responses remains to be clearly identified, particularly for photodynamic stress. Oxidative stress and cell viability were studied on the spatial and temporal levels after photodynamic targeting of a subpopulation of EMT6 murine mammary cancer cells in a multiwell plate by computerized time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. In the targeted population a dose-dependent loss of cell viability was observed in accordance with increased oxidative stress. This was accompanied by increased oxidative stress in bystander populations but on different time scales, reaching a maximum more rapidly in targeted cells. Treatment with extracellular catalase, or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodinium, decreased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in both populations. These effects are ascribed to photodynamic activation of NADPH-oxidase in the targeted cells, resulting in a rapid burst of ROS formation with hydrogen peroxide acting as the signaling molecule responsible for initiation of these photodynamic bystander responses. The consequences of increased oxidative stress in bystander cells should be considered in the overall framework of photodynamic stress.


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Accurate estimates of the time-to-contact (TTC) of approaching objects are crucial for survival. We used an ecologically valid driving simulation to compare and contrast the neural substrates of egocentric (head-on approach) and allocentric (lateral approach) TTC tasks in a fully factorial, event-related fMRI design. Compared to colour control tasks, both egocentric and allocentric TTC tasks activated left ventral premotor cortex/frontal operculum and inferior parietal cortex, the same areas that have previously been implicated in temporal attentional orienting. Despite differences in visual and cognitive demands, both TTC and temporal orienting paradigms encourage the use of temporally predictive information to guide behaviour, suggesting these areas may form a core network for temporal prediction. We also demonstrated that the temporal derivative of the perceptual index tau (tau-dot) held predictive value for making collision judgements and varied inversely with activity in primary visual cortex (V1). Specifically, V1 activity increased with the increasing likelihood of reporting a collision, suggesting top-down attentional modulation of early visual processing areas as a function of subjective collision. Finally, egocentric viewpoints provoked a response bias for reporting collisions, rather than no-collisions, reflecting increased caution for head-on approaches. Associated increases in SMA activity suggest motor preparation mechanisms were engaged, despite the perceptual nature of the task.


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Objectives: To examine whether any response shift in quality of life assessment over the course of a cardiac rehabilitation programme could be explained by changes in individuals’ internal standards (recalibration), values (reprioritization) and/or conceptualization of quality of life and the extent to which any response shift could be explained by health locus of control, optimism and coping strategy. Design: Longitudinal survey design. Methods: The SEIQoL-DW was administered at the beginning and end of a cardiac rehabilitation programme. At the end of the programme, the SEIQoL-DW then-test was also administered to measure response shift. A total of 57 participants completed these measures and other measures to assess health locus of control, optimism and coping. Results: Response shift effects were observed in this population mainly due to recalibration. When response shift was incorporated into the analysis of QoL a larger treatment effect was observed. Active coping as a mechanism in the response shift model was found to have a significant positive correlation with response shift. Conclusion: This study showed that response shift occurs during cardiac rehabilitation. The occurrence of response shift in QoL ratings over time for this population could have implications for the estimation of the effectiveness of the intervention.


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Metachromatic cells obtained from asthmatic subjects demonstrate increased spontaneous and stimulated histamine release in vitro. Their ability to synthesize and store proinflammatory cytokines has focused renewed interest on their role in asthma.

Objective: The late asthmatic response provides a useful model of clinical asthma. The aim of the study was to examine metachromatic cell derived mediators and histamine releasability in vitro after in vivo allergen exposure in atopic subjects with and without asthma and relate them to the type of physiological response observed.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells were obtained 4 h after challenge from asthmatics exhibiting a single early response (EAR, n = 5), a dual response (LAR, n = 7), unchallenged (basal, n = 5), atopic non-asthmatic (ANA, n = 6) and non-atopic non-asthmatics (normal, n = 5). BAL histamine and tryptase concentrations and in vitro histamine release (HR) after stimulation with anti-IgE, allergen, A23187, conconavalin A and substance P were compared.

Results:Metachromatic cell numbers were lower in normal controls compared with all asthmatic groups and in LAR compared with EAR. Metachromatic cell derived mediators were higher in asthmatic compared with normal subjects. Spontaneous HR in LAR (20.5 ± 5.0%) was lower than EAR (29.5 ± 3.9%) and ANA (30.2 ± 1.4%) (P < 0.05). No differences were seen in stimulated HR between EAR and LAR. HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). After stimulation with ionophore A23187 (1 μM), release was greater in LAR compared with basal (P < 0.05) and no different at 5 μM. All subject groups responded to substance P (SP) but was significantly more in the asthmatic subjects compared to normal controls (P < 0.05). Allergen challenge did not modify the response of asthmatic subjects to SP.

Conclusion: Functional differences in metachromatic cell reactivity are present in atopic subjects 4 h after in vivo allergen exposure which relate to the physiological response observed after this time and suggest that there is ongoing metachromatic cell degranulation subjects who subsequently develop LAR.


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The authors investigated how different levels of detail (LODs) of a virtual throwing action can influence a handball goalkeeper's motor response. Goalkeepers attempted to stop a virtual ball emanating from five different graphical LODs of the same virtual throwing action. The five levels of detail were: a textured reference level (L0), a non-textured level (L1), a wire-frame level (L2), a point-light-display (PLD) representation (L3) and a PLD level with reduced ball size (L4). For each motor response made by the goalkeeper we measured and analyzed the time to respond (TTR), the percentage of successful motor responses, the distance between the ball and the closest limb (when the stopping motion was incorrect) and the kinematics of the motion. Results showed that TTR, percentage of successful motor responses and distance with the closest limb were not significantly different for any of the five different graphical LODs. However the kinematics of the motion revealed that the trajectory of the stopping limb was significantly different when comparing the L1 and L3 levels, and when comparing the L1 and L4 levels. These differences in the control of the goalkeeper's actions suggests that the different level of information available in the PLD representations ( L3 and L4) are causing the goalkeeper to adopt different motor strategies to control the approach of their limb to stop the ball.


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Many of the challenges faced in health care delivery can be informed through building models. In particular, Discrete Conditional Survival (DCS) models, recently under development, can provide policymakers with a flexible tool to assess time-to-event data. The DCS model is capable of modelling the survival curve based on various underlying distribution types and is capable of clustering or grouping observations (based on other covariate information) external to the distribution fits. The flexibility of the model comes through the choice of data mining techniques that are available in ascertaining the different subsets and also in the choice of distribution types available in modelling these informed subsets. This paper presents an illustrated example of the Discrete Conditional Survival model being deployed to represent ambulance response-times by a fully parameterised model. This model is contrasted against use of a parametric accelerated failure-time model, illustrating the strength and usefulness of Discrete Conditional Survival models.


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The motion of a clarinet reed that is clamped to a mouthpiece and supported by a lip is simulated in the time-domain using finite difference methods. The reed is modelled as a bar with non-uniform cross section, and is described using a one-dimensional, fourth-order partial differential equation. The interactions with the mouthpiece Jay and the player's lip are taken into account by incorporating conditional contact forces in the bar equation. The model is completed by clamped-free boundary conditions for the reed. An implicit finite difference method is used for discretising the system, and values for the physical parameters are chosen both from laboratory measurements and by accurate tuning of the numerical simulations. The accuracy of the numerical system is assessed through analysis of frequency warping effects and of resonance estimation. Finally, the mechanical properties of the system are studied by analysing its response to external driving forces. In particular, the effects of reed curling are investigated.


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A non-linear lumped model of the reed-mouthpiece-lip system of a clarinet is formulated, in which the lumped parameters are derived from numerical experiments with a finite-difference simulation based on a distributed reed model. The effective stiffness per unit area is formulated as a function of the pressure signal driving the reed, in order to simulate the effects of the reed bending against the lay, and mass and damping terms are added as a first approximation to the dynamic behaviour of the reed. A discrete-time formulation is presented, and its response is compared to that of the distributed model. In addition, the lumped model is applied in the simulation of clarinet tones, enabling the analysis of the effects of using a pressure-dependent stiffness per unit area on sustained oscillations. The analysed effects and features are in qualitative agreement with players' experiences and experimental results obtained in prior studies.


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The many-electron-correlated scattering (MECS) approach to quantum electronic transport was investigated in the linear-response regime [I. Bâldea and H. Köppel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 115315 (2008). The authors suggest, based on numerical calculations, that the manner in which the method imposes boundary conditions is unable to reproduce the well-known phenomena of conductance quantization. We introduce an analytical model and demonstrate that conductance quantization is correctly obtained using open system boundary conditions within the MECS approach.