24 resultados para Pressure method


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In this paper, we presented a facile way of preparing PVA/Au, PVA/Ag and PVA/AuAg nanocomposites through in situ synthesis of metal nanoparticles in PVA hydrogel network using a room temperature atmospheric pressure microplasma. This is the first time microplasma technology is used for the fabrication of hydrogel based nanocomposites. The materials synthesized have been characterized for their microstructure and antibacterial properties. The nanoparticles synthesized within the PVA hydrogel network are found to be better dispersed than those synthesized in water, and their size and shape are more uniform. The new approach has opened a new avenue towards multi-scale synthesis of green and multi-functional nanocomposites, which may find wide range of potential applications in biomedical field.


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After the development of a new single-zone meanline modelling technique, benchmarking of the technique and the modelling methods used during its development are presented. The new meanline model had been developed using the results of three automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors, and single passage CFD models based on their geometry.

The target of the current study was to test the new meanline modelling method on two new centrifugal compressor stages, again from the automotive turbocharger variety. Furthermore the single passage CFD modelling method used in the previous study would be again employed here and also benchmarked.

The benchmarking was twofold; firstly test the overall performance prediction accuracy of the single-zone meanline model. Secondly, test the detailed performance estimation of the CFD model using detailed interstage static pressure tappings.

The final component of this study exposed the weaknesses in the current modelling methods used (explicitly during this study). The non-axisymmetric flow field at the leading and trailing edges for the two compressors was measured and is presented here for the complete compressor map, highlighting the distortion relative to the tongue.


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PURPOSE: To study the accuracy and acceptability of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement by the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer in children. METHODS: Fifty children (5 to 14 years old) participated in this prospective comparative study. IOP was measured with the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer by three different examiners who were masked to the results. The children were also asked to grade the degree of discomfort from 0 to 5 (0 = no discomfort; 5 = most discomfort). RESULTS: The mean IOPs measured by the Goldmann tonometer, pressure phosphene tonometer, and non-contact tonometer were 15.9 mm Hg (standard deviation [SD]: = 5.5 mm Hg; range: 10 to 36 mm Hg), 16.0 mm Hg (SD: 2.9 mm Hg; range: 12 to 25 mm Hg), and 15.7 mm Hg (SD = 5.1 mm Hg; range: 8 to 32 mm Hg), respectively (P = .722). The mean difference between pressure phosphene tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was 2.9 mm Hg and that between non-contact tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was 2.1 mm Hg. The 95% confidence interval of the mean difference between pressure phosphene tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was -1.07 and 1.19, and that between non-contact tonometer and Goldmann tonometer readings was -1.07 and 0.53. The mean discomfort ratings for the pressure phosphene tonometer, non-contact tonometer, and Goldmann tonometer were 0.6, 2.0, and 2.3, respectively (P < .001). CONCLUSION: Although the pressure phosphene tonometer was less accurate than the non-contact tonometer compared with Goldmann tonometer, it gave a reasonably close estimate and had a high specificity of raised IOP. In addition, measurement by the pressure phosphene tonometer is most acceptable to children. The pressure phosphene tonometer can be considered as an alternative method of IOP measurement in children.


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A relatively simple, selective, precise and accurate high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method based on a reaction of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) with glucosamine (GL) in alkaline media was developed and validated to determine glucosamine hydrochloride permeating through human skin in vitro. It is usually problematic to develop an accurate assay for chemicals traversing skin because the excellent barrier properties of the tissue ensure that only low amounts of the material pass through the membrane and skin components may leach out of the tissue to interfere with the analysis. In addition, in the case of glucosamine hydrochloride, chemical instability adds further complexity to assay development. The assay, utilising the PITC-GL reaction was refined by optimizing the reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration. The reaction produces a phenylthiocarbamyl-glucosamine (PTC-GL) adduct which was separated on a reverse-phase (RP) column packed with 5 microm ODS (C18) Hypersil particles using a diode array detector (DAD) at 245 nm. The mobile phase was methanol-water-glacial acetic acid (10:89.96:0.04 v/v/v, pH 3.5) delivered to the column at 1 ml min-1 and the column temperature was maintained at 30 degrees C. Galactosamine hydrochloride (Gal-HCl) was used as an internal standard. Using a saturated aqueous solution of glucosamine hydrochloride, in vitro permeation studies were performed at 32+/-1 degrees C over 48 h using human epidermal membranes prepared by a heat separation method and mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a diffusional area 2.15+/-0.1 cm2. The optimum derivatisation reaction conditions for reaction temperature, reaction time and PITC concentration were found to be 80 degrees C, 30 min and 1% v/v, respectively. PTC-Gal and GL adducts eluted at 8.9 and 9.7 min, respectively. The detector response was found to be linear in the concentration range 0-1000 microg ml-1. The assay was robust with intra- and inter-day precisions (described as a percentage of relative standard deviation, %R.S.D.) <12. Intra- and inter-day accuracy (as a percentage of the relative error, %RE) was <or=-5.60 and <or=-8.00, respectively. Using this assay, it was found that GL-HCl permeates through human skin with a flux 1.497+/-0.42 microg cm-2 h-1, a permeability coefficient of 5.66+/-1.6x10(-6) cm h-1 and with a lag time of 10.9+/-4.6 h.


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The spouted bed was widely used due to its good mixing of particles and effective phase transferability between the gas and solid phase. In this paper, the transportation process of particles in a 3D spouted bed was studied using the Computational Particle Fluid Dynamics (CPFD) numerical method. Experiments were conducted to verify the validity of the simulation results. Distributions of the pressure, velocities and particle concentration of transportation devices were investigated. The motion state and characteristics of multiphase flows in the transportation device were demonstrated under various operating conditions. The results showed that a good consistency was obtained between the simulated results and the experimental results. The motion characteristics of the gas-solid two-phase flow in the device was effectively predicted, which could assist the optimal operating condition estimation for the spouted transportation process.


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To evaluate the combination of a pressure-indicating sensor film with hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays, as a method of feedback to confirm MN insertion in vivo.
Pilot in vitro insertion studies were conducted using a Texture Analyser to insert MN arrays, coupled with a pressure-indicating sensor film, at varying forces into excised neonatal porcine skin. In vivo studies involved twenty human volunteers, who self-applied two hydrogel-forming MN arrays, one with a pressure-indicating sensor film incorporated and one without. Optical coherence tomography was employed to measure the resulting penetration depth and colorimetric analysis to investigate the associated colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film.
Microneedle insertion was achieved in vitro at three different forces, demonstrating the colour change of the pressure-indicating sensor film upon application of increasing pressure. When self-applied in vivo, there was no significant difference in the microneedle penetration depth resulting from each type of array, with a mean depth of 237 μm recorded. When the pressure-indicating sensor film was present, a colour change occurred upon each application, providing evidence of insertion.
For the first time, this study shows how the incorporation of a simple, low-cost pressure-indicating sensor film can indicate microneedle insertion in vitro and in vivo, providing visual feedback to assure the user of correct application. Such a strategy may enhance usability of a microneedle device and, hence, assist in the future translation of the technology to widespread clinical use.


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The knowledge of thermodynamic high-pressure speed of sound in ionic liquids (ILs) is a crucial way either to study the nature of the molecular interactions, structure and packing effects or to determine other key thermodynamic properties of ILs essential for their applications in any chemical and industrial processes. Herein, we report the speed of sound as a function temperature at pressures up to 101 MPa in four ultrapure ILs: 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-pentyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, taking into consideration their relaxation behavior. Additionally, to further improve the reliability of the speed of sound results, the density, isentropic compressibility, and isobaric heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure are calculated using an acoustic method.


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The viscosity of ionic liquids (ILs) has been modeled as a function of temperature and at atmospheric pressure using a new method based on the UNIFAC–VISCO method. This model extends the calculations previously reported by our group (see Zhao et al. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2016, 61, 2160–2169) which used 154 experimental viscosity data points of 25 ionic liquids for regression of a set of binary interaction parameters and ion Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann (VFT) parameters. Discrepancies in the experimental data of the same IL affect the quality of the correlation and thus the development of the predictive method. In this work, mathematical gnostics was used to analyze the experimental data from different sources and recommend one set of reliable data for each IL. These recommended data (totally 819 data points) for 70 ILs were correlated using this model to obtain an extended set of binary interaction parameters and ion VFT parameters, with a regression accuracy of 1.4%. In addition, 966 experimental viscosity data points for 11 binary mixtures of ILs were collected from literature to establish this model. All the binary data consist of 128 training data points used for the optimization of binary interaction parameters and 838 test data points used for the comparison of the pure evaluated values. The relative average absolute deviation (RAAD) for training and test is 2.9% and 3.9%, respectively.


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To characterize non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas experimentally, a large variety of methods and techniques is available, each having its own specific possibilities and limitations. A rewarding method to investigate these plasma sources is laser Thomson scattering. However, that is challenging. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas (gas temperatures close to room temperature and electron temperatures of a few eV) have usually small dimensions (below 1 mm) and a low degree of ionization (below 10-4). Here an overview is presented of how Thomson scattering can be applied to such plasmas and used to measure directly spatially and temporally resolved the electron density and energy distribution. A general description of the scattering of photons and the guidelines for an experimental setup of this active diagnostic are provided. Special attention is given to the design concepts required to achieve the maximum signal photon flux with a minimum of unwanted signals. Recent results from the literature are also presented and discussed.