39 resultados para Potassium Fluoride


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In agroecosystems, most isotopic investigations of NO3- involve the use of tracers that are artificially enriched in 15N. Although the dual isotope composition of NO3-— d15N and d18O is especially beneficial for understanding the origin and fate of NO3-, its use for KCl-extractable soil NO3- has been hampered by the lack of a suitable analytical technique. Our objective was to test whether the denitrifier method, whereby NO3- is reduced to N2O before mass spectrometric analysis, can be used to determine the N and O isotopic composition of NO3- from 2 M KCl soil extracts. Several internationally accepted NO3- standards were dissolved in 2 M KCl, the conventional extractant for soil inorganic N, and inoculated with the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens (ATCC no. 13985). The standard deviation of the NO3- standards analyzed did not exceed 0.2‰ for d15N and 0.3‰ for d18O values. After appropriate corrections, differences between our measured and consensus d15N and d18O values of standard NO3- generally were within the standard deviations given for the consensus values. Both d15N and d18O values were reproducible among separate analytical runs. The method was also tested on genuine 2 M KCl extracts from unfertilized and fertilized soils. Depending on N fertilization, the soils had distinct d15N and d18O values, which were attributed to amendment with NH4NO3 fertilizer. Hence, our data indicate that the denitrifier method provides a fast, reliable, precise, and accurate way of simultaneously analyzing the natural abundances of 15N and 18O in KCl-extractable soil NO3-.


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The occurrence of the fuel oxygenate methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in the environment has received considerable scientific attention. The pollutant is frequently found in the groundwater due to leaking of underground storage tanks or pipelines. Concentrations of more than several mg/L MTBE were detected in groundwater at several places in the US and Germany in the last few years. In situ chemical oxidation is a promising treatment method for MTBE-contaminated plumes. This research investigated the reaction kinetics for the oxidation of MTBE by permanganate. Batch tests demonstrated that the oxidation of MTBE by permanganate is second order overall and first order individually with respect to permanganate and MTBE. The second-order rate constant was 1.426 x 10(-6) L/mg/h. The influence of pH on the reaction rate was demonstrated to have no significant effect. However, the rate of MTBE oxidation by potassium permanganate is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than of other advanced oxidation processes. The slower rates of MTBE oxidation by permanganate limit the applicability of this process for rapid MTBE cleanup strategies. However, permanganate oxidation of MTBE has potential for passive oxidation risk management strategies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We previously showed inhibition of Kir2 inward rectifier K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the mitochondrial agents carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and sodium azide. Mutagenesis studies suggested that FCCP may act via phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) depletion. This mechanism could be reversible in intact cells but not in excised membrane patches which preclude PIP2 regeneration. This prediction was tested by investigating the reversibility of the inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP in intact cells and excised patches. We also investigated the effect of FCCP on Kir2.2 expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Kir2.2 current, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, increased in inside-out patches from FCCP-treated and untreated oocytes. The fraction of total current that increased was 0.79?±?0.05 in control and 0.89?±?0.03 in 10 µM FCCP-treated (P?>?.05). Following “run-up,” Kir2.2 current was re-inhibited by “cramming” inside-out patches into oocytes. Therefore, run-up reflected not reversal of inhibition by FCCP, but washout of an endogenous inhibitor. Kir2.2 current recovered in intact oocytes within 26.5 h of FCCP removal. Injection of oocytes with 0.1 U apyrase completely depleted ATP (P?<?.001) but did not inhibit Kir2.2 and inhibited Kir2.1 by 35% (P?<?.05). FCCP only partially reduced [ATP] (P?<?.001), despite inhibiting Kir2.2 by 75% (P?<?.01) but not Kir2.1. FCCP inhibited Kir2.2 expressed in HEK cells. The recovery of Kir2.2 from inhibition by FCCP requires intracellular components, but direct depletion of ATP does not reproduce the differential inhibitory effect of FCCP. Inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP is not unique to Xenopus oocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 8–13, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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La3FMo4O16 crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system with space group P (1) over bar [a = 724.86(2) pm, b = 742.26(2) pm, c = 1469.59(3) pm, a = 101.683(2)degrees, beta 102.118(2)degrees, gamma = 100.279(2)degrees] with two formula units per unit cell. The three crystallographically independent La3+ cations show a coordination number of nine each, with one F- and eight O2- anions forming distorted monocapped square antiprisms. The fluoride anion is coordinated by all three lanthanum cations to form a nearly planar triangle. Besides three crystallographically independent tetrahedral [MoO4](2-) units, a fourth one with a higher coordination number (CN = 4 +1) can be found in the crystal structure, forming a dimeric entity with a formula of [Mo2O8](4-) consisting of two edge-connected square pyramids. Several spectroscopic measurements were performed on the title compound, such as infrared, Raman, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Furthermore, La3FMo4O16 was investigated for its capacity to work as host material for doping with luminescent active cations, such as Ce3+ or Pr3+. Therefore, luminescence spectroscopic as well as EPR measurements were performed with doped samples of the title compound. Both the pure and the doped compounds can be synthesized by fusing La2O3, LaF3 and MoO3 (ratio 4:1:12; ca. 1 % CeF3 and PrF3 as dopant, respectively) in evacuated silica ampoules at 850 degrees C for 7 d.


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HL-1 is a line of immortalized cells of cardiomyocyte origin that are a useful complement to native cardiomyocytes in studies of cardiac gene regulation. Several types of ion channel have been identified in these cells, but not the physiologically important inward rectifier K(+) channels. Our aim was to identify and characterize inward rectifier K(+) channels in HL-1 cells. External Ba(2+) (100?µM) inhibited 44?±?0.05% (mean?±?s.e.m., n?=?11) of inward current in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. The reversal potential of the Ba(2+)-sensitive current shifted with external [K(+)] as expected for K(+)-selective channels. The slope conductance of the inward Ba(2+)-sensitive current increased with external [K(+)]. The apparent Kd for Ba(2+) was voltage dependent, ranging from 15?µM at -150 ?mV to 148?µM at -75 ?mV in 120 ?mM external K(+). This current was insensitive to 10?µM glybenclamide. A component of whole-cell current was sensitive to 150?µM 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), although it did not correspond to the Ba(2+)-sensitive component. The effect of external 1 mM Cs(+) was similar to that of Ba(2+). Polymerase chain reaction using HL-1 cDNA as template and primers specific for the cardiac inward rectifier K(ir)2.1 produced a fragment of the expected size that was confirmed to be K(ir)2.1 by DNA sequencing. In conclusion, HL-1 cells express a current that is characteristic of cardiac inward rectifier K(+) channels, and express K(ir)2.1 mRNA. This cell line may have use as a system for studying inward rectifier gene regulation in a cardiomyocyte phenotype.


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Inward rectifier potassium channels of the Kir2 subfamily are important determinants of the electrical activity of brain and muscle cells. Genetic mutations in Kir2.1 associate with Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS), a familial disorder leading to stress-triggered periodic paralysis and ventricular arrhythmia. To identify the molecular mechanisms of this stress trigger, we analyze Kir channel function and localization electrophysiologically and by time-resolved confocal microscopy. Furthermore, we employ a mathematical model of muscular membrane potential. We identify a novel corticoid signaling pathway that, when activated by glucocorticoids, leads to enrichment of Kir2 channels in the plasma membranes of mammalian cell lines and isolated cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. We further demonstrate that activation of this pathway can either partly restore (40% of cases) or further impair (20% of cases) the function of mutant ATS channels, depending on the particular Kir2.1 mutation. This means that glucocorticoid treatment might either alleviate or deteriorate symptoms of ATS depending on the patient's individual Kir2.1 genotype. Thus, our findings provide a possible explanation for the contradictory effects of glucocorticoid treatment on symptoms in patients with ATS and may open new pathways for the design of personalized medicines in ATS therapy. © FASEB.


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Objectives: To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of canrenone following administration of potassium canrenoate in paediatric patients. Patients and Methods: Data were collected prospectively from 23 paediatric patients (2 days to 10 years of age; median weight 4 kg, range 2.16-28.0 kg) who received intravenous potassium canrenoate (K-canrenoate) as part of their intensive care therapy for removal of retained fluids e.g. in pulmonary oedema due to chronic lung disease and for the management of congestive heart failure. Plasma samples were analysed by HPLC for determination of canrenone (the major metabolite and pharmacologically active moiety) and the data subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis using NONMEM. Results: A one-compartment model best described the data. The only significant covariate was weight (WT). The final population models for canrenone clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were CL/F (L/hr) = 11.4 × (WT /70.0)(0.75) and V/F (L) = 374.2 × (WT/70) where WT is in kg. The values of CL/F and V/F in a 4 kg child would be 1.33 L/hr and 21.4 L, respectively, resulting in an elimination half-life of 11.2 hr. Conclusions: The range of estimated CL/F in the study population was 0.67-7.38 L/hr. The data suggest that adjustment of K-canrenoate dosage according to body weight is appropriate in paediatric patients


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We present results of experiments studying the efficiency of high harmonic generation from a gas target using the TITANIA krypton fluoride laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The variation of harmonic yield for the 7th to 13th harmonics (355-191 Angstrom) is studied as a function of the backing pressure of a solenoid valve gas jet and of the axial position of the laser focus relative to the centre of the gas jet nozzle. Harmonic energies up to 1 mu J were produced in helium and neon targets from laser energies of approximately 200 mJ. This corresponds to absolute conversion efficiencies of up to 5 x 10(-6).


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We have recently isolated a cDNA (SKV1.1) encoding a Shakei-related K+ channel from the human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni. In order to better understand the functions of SKv1.1 protein, the distribution of SKv1.1 protein in adult S. mansoni was analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a region-specific antibody. SKV1.1 proteins were widely expressed in the nervous and muscular systems. The strongest immunoreactivity (IR) was observed in the nervous system of both male and female. In the nervous system, IR for SKv1.1 proteins was localized in cell bodies and nerve fibers of the anterior ganglia, the central commissure, and the main nerve cords. IR was also observed in the dorsal and the ventral peripheral nerve nets, fine nerve fibers entering into a variety of structures such as the dorsal tubercles, longitudinal and ventral muscle fibers, and oral and ventral suckers. In the muscular system, SKv1.1 proteins were localized to the longitudinal, circular, and ventral muscle fibers of male as well as in isolated muscle fibers where native A-type K+ currents were measured. Moderate IR was also seen in a large number of cell bodies in the parenchyma. These results indicate that SKv1.1 protein may play an important role in the regulation of the excitability of neurons and muscle cells of S. mansoni. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.