43 resultados para MOLECULAR EVOLUTION


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The recent detection of extra-solar planets and the increasing ability of modern instruments to image discs around young stars has brought a renewed interest in the formation of solar systems. In this article, I shall briefly review what we know about extra-solar planets and the physical structure of protostellar discs. One of the most powerful means of studying these disc systems is to observe the rotational line emission from molecules which can give information on physics and dynamics. At present, the observations are relatively crude but future instruments should be able to resolve molecular structures in the disc around nearby stars. As a prelude to these observations, I discuss some conceptually simple, although numerically challenging, models of the physical and chemical processes involved in determining the molecular distributions.


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We here analyse the observational SO and CS data presented in Nilsson ct al. (2000). The SO/CS integrated intensity ratio maps are presented for 19 molecular clouds, together with tables of relevant ratios at strategic positions, where we have also observed (SO)-S-34 and/or (CS)-S-34. The SO/CS abundance ratio as calculated from an LTE analysis is highly varying within and between the sources. Our isotopomer observations and Monte Carlo simulations verify that this is not an artifact due to optical depth problems. The variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds is 0.2-7. The largest variations within a cloud are found for the most nearby objects, possibly indicating resolution effects. We have also performed time dependent chemical simulations. We compare the simulations with our observed SO/CS abundance ratios and suggest a varying oxygen to carbon initial abundance, differing temporal evolution, density differences and X-ray sources associated with young stellar objects as possible explanations to the variations. In particular, the observed variation of the maximum SO/CS abundance ratio between the clouds can be explained by using initial O/C+ abundance ratios in the range 1.3-2.5. We finally derive a relationship between the SO/CS and O-2/CO abundance ratios, which may be used as a guide to find the most promising interstellar O-2 search targets.


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The speedup provided by quantum algorithms with respect to their classical counterparts is at the origin of scientific interest in quantum computation. However, the fundamental reasons for such a speedup are not yet completely understood and deserve further attention. In this context, the classical simulation of quantum algorithms is a useful tool that can help us in gaining insight. Starting from the study of general conditions for classical simulation, we highlight several important differences between two nonequivalent classes of quantum algorithms. We investigate their performance under realistic conditions by quantitatively studying their resilience with respect to static noise. This latter refers to errors affecting the initial preparation of the register used to run an algorithm. We also compare the evolution of the entanglement involved in the different computational processes.


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In a recent experimental study, the beam intensity profile of the Vulcan petawatt laser beam was measured; it was found that only 20% of the energy was contained within the full width at half maximum of 6.9 mu m and 50% within 16 mu m, suggesting a long-tailed non-Gaussian transverse beam profile. A q-Gaussian distribution function was suggested therein to reproduce this behavior. The spatial beam profile dynamics of a q-Gaussian laser beam propagating in relativistic plasma is investigated in this article. A non-paraxial theory is employed, taking into account nonlinearity via the relativistic decrease of the plasma frequency. We have studied analytically and numerically the dynamics of a relativistically guided beam and its dependence on the q-parameter. Numerical simulation results are shown to trace the dependence of the focusing length on the q-Gaussian profile.


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We calculate the chemical evolution of protoplanetary disks considering radial viscous accretion, vertical turbulent mixing, and vertical disk winds. We study the effects on the disk chemical structure when different models for the formation of molecular hydrogen on dust grains are adopted. Our gas-phase chemistry is extracted from the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (Rate06) to which we have added detailed gas-grain interactions. We use our chemical model results to generate synthetic near- and mid-infrared local thermodynamic equilibrium line emission spectra and compare these with recent Spitzer observations. Our results show that if H2 formation on warm grains is taken into consideration, the H2O and OH abundances in the disk surface increase significantly. We find that the radial accretion flow strongly influences the molecular abundances, with those in the cold midplane layers particularly affected. On the other hand, we show that diffusive turbulent mixing affects the disk chemistry in the warm molecular layers, influencing the line emission from the disk and subsequently improving agreement with observations. We find that NH3, CH3OH, C2H2, and sulfur-containing species are greatly enhanced by the inclusion of turbulent mixing. We demonstrate that disk winds potentially affect the disk chemistry and the resulting molecular line emission in a manner similar to that found when mixing is included.


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We present an experimental demonstration of nonresonant manipulation of vibrational states in a molecule by an intense ultrashort laser pulse. A vibrational wave packet is generated in D-2(+) through tunnel ionization of D-2 by a few-cycle pump pulse. A similar control pulse is applied as the wave packet begins to dephase so that the dynamic Stark effect distorts the electronic environment of the nuclei, transferring vibrational population. The time evolution of the modified wave packet is probed via the D-2(+) photodissociation yield that results from the application of an intense probe pulse. Comparing the measured yield with a quasiclassical trajectory model allows us to determine the redistribution of vibrational population caused by the control pulse. ©


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Lepidopleurida is the earliest diverged group of living polyplacophoran molluscs. They are found predominantly in the deep sea, including sunken wood, cold seeps, other abyssal habitats, and a few species are found in shallow water. The group is morphologically identified by anatomical features of their gills, sensory aesthetes, and gametes. Their shell features closely resemble the oldest fossils that can be identified as modern polyplacophorans. We present the first molecular phylogenetic study of this group, and also the first combined phylogenetic analysis for any chiton, including three gene regions and 69 morphological characters. The results show that Lepidopleurida is unambiguously monophyletic, and the nine genera fall into five distinct clades, which partly support the current view of polyplacophoran taxonomy. The genus Hanleyella Sirenko, 1973 is included in the family Protochitonidae, and Ferreiraellidae constitutes another distinct clade. The large cosmopolitan genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847 is not monophyletic; Leptochiton and Leptochitonidae sensu stricto are restricted to North Atlantic and Mediterranean taxa. Leptochitonidae s. str. is sister to Protochitonidae. The results also suggest two separate clades independently inhabiting sunken wood substrates in the south-west Pacific. Antarctic and other chemosynthetic-dwelling species may be derived from wood-living species. Substantial taxonomic revision remains to be done to resolve lepidopleuran classification, but the phylogeny presented here is a dramatic step forward in clarifying the relationships within this interesting group.


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Background: How migration evolved represents one of the most poignant questions in evolutionary biology. While studies on the evolution of migration in birds are well represented in the literature, migration in bats has received relatively little attention. Yet, more than 30 species of bats are known to migrate annually from breeding to non-breeding locations. Our study is the first to test hypotheses on the evolutionary history of migration in bats using a phylogenetic framework. Methods and Principal Findings: In addition to providing a review of bat migration in relation to existing hypotheses on the evolution of migration in birds, we use a previously published supertree to formulate and test hypotheses on the evolutionary history of migration in bats. Our results suggest that migration in bats has evolved independently in several lineages potentially as the need arises to track resources (food, roosting site) but not through a series of steps from short- to long-distance migrants, as has been suggested for birds. Moreover, our analyses do not indicate that migration is an ancestral state but has relatively recently evolved in bats. Our results also show that migration is significantly less likely to evolve in cave roosting bats than in tree roosting species. Conclusions and Significance: This is the first study to provide evidence that migration has evolved independently in bat lineages that are not closely related. If migration evolved as a need to track seasonal resources or seek adequate roosting sites, climate change may have a pivotal impact on bat migratory habits. Our study provides a strong framework for future research on the evolution of migration in chiropterans. © 2009 Bisson et al.


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This article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, Bashania fangiana, Bashania fargesii, Chaetodon vagabundus, Colletes floralis, Coluber constrictor flaviventris, Coptotermes gestroi, Crotophaga major, Cyprinella lutrensis, Danaus plexippus, Fagus grandifolia, Falco tinnunculus, Fletcherimyia fletcheri, Hydrilla verticillata, Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus, Leavenworthia alabamica, Marmosops incanus, Miichthys miiuy, Nasua nasua, Noturus exilis, Odontesthes bonariensis, Quadrula fragosa, Pinctada maxima, Pseudaletia separata, Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Podocarpus elatus, Portunus trituberculatus, Rhagoletis cerasi, Rhinella schneideri, Sarracenia alata, Skeletonema marinoi, Sminthurus viridis, Syngnathus abaster, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, Verticillium dahliae, Wasmannia auropunctata, and Zygochlamys patagonica. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Chaetodon baronessa, Falco columbarius, Falco eleonorae, Falco naumanni, Falco peregrinus, Falco subbuteo, Didelphis aurita, Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops paulensis, Monodelphis Americana, Odontesthes hatcheri, Podocarpus grayi, Podocarpus lawrencei, Podocarpus smithii, Portunus pelagicus, Syngnathus acus, Syngnathus typhle,Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvauceli and Verticillium albo-atrum. This article also documents the addition of nine sequencing primer pairs and sixteen allele specific primers or probes for Oncorhynchus mykiss and Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; these primers and assays were cross-tested in both species.


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We compare the results of our JCMT spectral line survey of molecular gas towards ultracompact HII regions with the predictions of models of sulphur chemistry in hot cores. We investigate the range of evolutionary models that are consistent with the observed physical conditions and chemical abundances, and see to what extent it is possible to constrain core ages by comparing abundances with the predictions of chemical models. The observed abundance ratios vary little from source to source, suggesting that all the sources are at a similar evolutionary stage. The models are capable of predicting the observed abundances of H2S, SO, SO2, and CS. The models fail to predict the amount of OCS observed, suggesting that an alternative formation route is required. An initial H2S abundance from grain mantle evaporation of similar to 10(-7) is preferred.


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The B5 dark cloud has been identified as a site of low-mass star formation. We report a survey of a selection of the molecular species modelled by the B5 dynamical and chemical model of Charnley et al. at the positions of circumstellar HCN clumps in B5 IRS1. All of the key species observed yield either abundances or upper limits to abundances below both the standard and the predicted values, appearing to show evidence of depletion and/or destruction if the transitions observed are thermalized. Our results are not in good agreement with the model, and they bring into question the interpretation of the structure of B5 IRS1 proposed by Fuller et al. It was expected that HCN clump C might exhibit a higher excitation than HCN clump A, since it appeared to be located within the blueshifted molecular outflow. However, there is no significant difference observed between the two clumps, suggesting that the near-infrared and optical nebulosity is evidence of a reflection nebula rather than shocked material in the outflow. Finally, it is observed that our results are more consistent with gas-grain models than with those models excluding gas-grain interaction.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a glycolipid molecule found on the outer leaflet of outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria, consists of three moieties: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and the O-specific polysaccharide chain. The O-specific side chain, which extends to the extracellular milieu, plays an important role in pathogenicity, especially during the initial stages of infection, because of its ability to interact with serum complement. In recent years, several laboratories have used recombinant DNA tools to determine, at the molecular level, the organization, expression, and regulation of genes involved in LPS biosynthesis in Salmonella and Escherichia coli. An increased understanding of the molecular aspects of the O-specific side-chain genes will shed light on the intimate details related with the formation of the O-specific side chain, its assembly onto the lipid A--core, and the translocation and insertion of the complete LPS molecule into the outer membrane. It will also contribute to the understanding of the evolution of these genes and the correlation of chemical diversity of O-specific side chains with the genetic diversity of O-specific side-chain genes. In addition, since the O-specific side chains are involved in the pathogenicity of medically important gram-negative bacteria, a basic understanding of the regulation and expression of O-specific side chain LPS genes will contribute to the field of molecular pathogenesis. This article provides an overview of the role of O-specific side chains in septicemic infections and also discusses the current status of molecular genetic studies on O-specific side-chain genes from E. coli.


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It has been generally acknowledged that the module structure of protein interaction networks plays a crucial role with respect to the functional understanding of these networks. In this paper, we study evolutionary aspects of the module structure of protein interaction networks, which forms a mesoscopic level of description with respect to the architectural principles of networks. The purpose of this paper is to investigate limitations of well known gene duplication models by showing that these models are lacking crucial structural features present in protein interaction networks on a mesoscopic scale. This observation reveals our incomplete understanding of the structural evolution of protein networks on the module level. © 2012 Emmert-Streib.


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The skin secretions of frogs and toads (Anura) have long been a known source of a vast abundance of bioactive substances. In the past decade, transcriptome data of the granular glands of anuran skin has given new impetus to investigations of the putative constituent peptides. Alytes obstetricans was recently investigated and novel peptides with antimicrobial activity were isolated and functionally characterised. However, genetic data for the evolutionarily ancient lineage to which Alytes belongs (midwife toads; Alytidae) remains unavailable.

Here we present the first such genetic data for Alytidae, derived via the granular gland transcriptome of a closely-related species of midwife toad, Alytes maurus. First, we present nucleotide sequences of the entire peptide precursors for four novel antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). The two precursors resemble those from Bombinatoridae in both their structural architecture and amino acid sequence. Each precursor comprises two AMPs as tandem repeats, with a member of the alyteserin-1 family (alyteserin-1Ma: GFKEVLKADLGSLVKGIAAHVAN-NH2 or alyteserin-1Mb: GFKEVLKAGLGSLVKGIPAHVAN-NH2) followed by its corresponding member from the alyteserin-2 family (alyteserin-2Ma: FIGKLISAASGLLSHL-NH2 or alyteserin-2Mb: ILGAIIPLVSGLLSHL-NH2). Synthetic replicates of the four AMPs possessed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 9.5 to 300 µM, with the most potent being alyteserin-2Ma. Second, we also cloned the cDNA encoding an alytesin precursor, with the active alytesin exhibiting high sequence identity to bombesin-related peptides from other frogs. All putative mature peptide sequences were confirmed to be present in the skin secretion via LC/MS.

The close structural resemblance of the alyteserin genes that we isolated for A. maurus with those of Bombina provide independent molecular evidence for a close evolutionary relationship between these genera as well as more support for the convergent evolution of the AMP system within anurans. In contrast to the more evolutionarily conserved nature of neuropeptides (including alytesin, which we also isolated), the more variable nature of the AMP system together with the sporadic distribution of AMPs among anuran amphibians fuels in part our hypothesis that the latter system was co-opted secondarily to fulfil a function in the innate immune system, having originally evolved for defence against potential macropredators.


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In this study, we investigate the skin secretion of the Madagascan Tomato Frog, Dyscophus guineti, which is characterized by its peculiarly adhesive and viscous nature, with a view toward the function of the member of the Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor family (BPTI) it is known to contain. Using “shotgun” cloning of a skin secretion-derived cDNA library, we obtained the full-length sequence of the respective precursor that encodes this trypsin inhibitor. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this enzyme has inhibitory activity against trypsin, but not against thrombin, and also has no antimicrobial activity. Moreover, we confirm that it appears to be the only bioactive peptide in the skin secretion of this species. Using these observations, we attempt to posit a role for this inhibitor. In particular, we hypothesize that the trypsin inhibitor in D. guineti (and possibly other microhylid frogs) maintains the soluble state of the skin secretion during storage in the glands. Upon discharge of the secretion, the trypsin inhibitor, which occurs in low concentrations, can no longer prevent the polymerisation process of other yet unidentified skin proteins, thereby resulting in the conversion of the secretion to its final glue-like state. Thus, the major defensive value of the skin secretion appears to be mechanical, impeding ingestion through a combination of adhesion and the body inflation typical for some microhylid frogs rather than chemical through antimicrobial activity or toxicity.