32 resultados para Leyes de Toro, 1505


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We describe perfluoropolyether (PFPE) surfactants which are capable of stabilising the water/CO2 interface and present FTIR spectroscopic evidence for the formation of water in supercritical carbon dioxide microemulsions. A wide variety of single chain surfactants of differing chain lengths but similar structure has been screened and the effect of the surfactant chain length on the water uptake was studied. The ammonium carboxylate of the PFPE surfactant Krytox FSL(TM) with an average molecular weight of 2500 g mol(-1) was demonstrated to be the surfactant capable of dissolving the most water out of all the tested surfactants and hence to have the optimum chain length. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) having either cations or anions derived from naturally occurring amino acids have been synthesized and characterized as amino acid-based ionic liquids (AAILs) In this work, the experimental measurements of the temperature dependence or density. viscosity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of several AAILs, namely, tributylmethylammonium serinate ([N-444][Ser], tributylmethylammonium taurmate ([N-444][Tau]) tributylmethylammonium lysinate a [N-444][ Lys]), tributylmethylammonium threonate ([N-444][Thr]), tetrabutylphosphonium serinate ([P-4444][Ser]), tetrabutylphosphonium taurmate ([P-4444][Tau]), tetrabutylphosphonium lysinate ([P-4444][Lys]), tetrabutylphosphonium threonate P-4444 Thr tetrabutylphosphonium prolinate P-4444 ((Pro(), tetrabutylphosphonium valinate ([P-4444][Val]), and tetrabutylphosphonium cysteinate ([P-4444][Cys]), are presented The influence of cations and anions on studied properties is discussed. On the basis of experimental data. the QSPR (quantitative structure property relationship) correlations and group contribution methods for thermophysical properties of AAILs have been developed, which form the basis for the development of the computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) of AAILs It has also been demonstrated that that the predictive data obtained by con elation methods ale in good agreement with the experimental data The correlations developed, herein. can thus be used to evaluate the studied thermophysical properties of AAILs for use in process design or in the CAMD of new AAILs


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Structure-based modeling methods have been used to design a series of disubstituted triazole-linked acridine compounds with selectivity for human telomeric quadruplex DNAs. A focused library of these compounds was prepared using click chemistry and the selectivity concept was validated against two promoter quadruplexes from the c-kit gene with known molecular structures, as well as with duplex DNA using a FRET-based melting method. Lead compounds were found to have reduced effects on the thermal stability of the c-kit quadruplexes and duplex DNA structures. These effects were further explored with a series of competition experiments, which confirmed that binding to duplex DNA is very low even at high duplex:telomeric quadruplex ratios. Selectivity to the c-kit quadruplexes is more complex, with some evidence of their stabilization at increasing excess over human telomeric quadruplex DNA. Selectivity is a result of the dimensions of the triazole-acridine compounds; and in particular the separation of the two alkyl-amino terminal groups. Both lead compounds also have selective inhibitory effects on the proliferation of cancer cell lines compared to a normal cell line, and one has been shown to inhibit the activity of the telomerase enzyme, which is selectively expressed in tumor cells, where it plays a role in maintaining telomere integrity and cellular immortalization.


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Ceria (CeO2) is a technologically important rare earth material because of its unique properties and various engineering and biological applications. A facile and rapid method has been developed to prepare ceria nanoparticles using microwave with the average size 7 nm in the presence of a set of ionic liquids based on the bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide anion and different cations of 1-alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium. The structural features and optical properties of the nanoparticles were determined in depth with X-ray powder diffraction, transmission electron microscope, N-2 adsorption-desorption technique, dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, and Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The energy band gap measurements of nanoparticles of ceria have been carried out by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The surface charge properties of colloidal ceria dispersions in ethylene glycol have been also studied. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on using this type of ionic liquids in ceria nanoparticle synthesis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Supported ionic liquid membranes (SILMs) has the potential to be a new technological platform for gas/organic vapour separation because of the unique non-volatile nature and discriminating gas dissolution properties of room temperature ionic liquids (ILs). This work starts with an examination of gas dissolution and transport properties in bulk imidazulium cation based ionic liquids [Cnmim][NTf2] (n = 2.4, 6, 8.10) from simple gas H2, N2, to polar CO2, and C2H6, leading to a further analysis of how gas dissolution and diffusion are influenced by molecular specific gas-SILMs interactions, reflected by differences in gas dissolution enthalpy and entropy. These effects were elucidated again during gas permeation studies by examining how changes in these properties and molecular specific interactions work together to cause deviations from conventional solution–diffusion theory and their impact on some remarkably contrasting gas perm-selectivity performance. The experimental perm-selectivity for all tested gases showed varied and contrasting deviation from the solution–diffusion, depending on specific gas-IL combinations. It transpires permeation for simpler non-polar gases (H2, N2) is diffusion controlled, but strong molecular specific gas-ILs interactions led to a different permeation and selectivity performance for C2H6 and CO2. With exothermic dissolution enthalpy and large order disruptive entropy, C2H6 displayed the fastest permeation rate at increased gas phase pressure in spite of its smallest diffusivity among the tested gases. The C2H6 gas molecules “peg” on the side alkyl chain on the imidazulium cation at low concentration, and are well dispersed in the ionic liquids phase at high concentration. On the other hand strong CO2-ILs affinity resulted in a more prolonged “residence time” for the gas molecule, typified by reversed CO2/N2 selectivity and slowest CO2 transport despite CO2 possess the highest solubility and comparable diffusivity in the ionic liquids. The unique transport and dissolution behaviour of CO2 are further exploited by examining the residing state of CO2 molecules in the ionic liquid phase, which leads to a hypothesis of a condensing and holding capacity of ILs towards CO2, which provide an explanation to slower CO2 transport through the SILMs. The pressure related exponential increase in permeations rate is also analysed which suggests a typical concentration dependent diffusion rate at high gas concentration under increased gas feed pressure. Finally the strong influence of discriminating and molecular specific gas-ILs interactions on gas perm-selectivity performance points to future specific design of ionic liquids for targeted gas separations.


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The tentacles of deep-sea holothurians show a wide range of morphological diversity. The present paper examines gross tentacle morphology in surface deposit feeding holothurians from a range of bathymetric depths. Species studied included the elasipods: Oneirophanta mutabilis, Psychropotes longicauda and Benthogone rosea and the aspidochirotids: Paroriza prouhoi, Pseudostichopus sp., Bathyplotes natans and Paroriza pallens. The sympatric abyssal species Oneirophanta mutabilis, Psychropotes longicauda and Pseudostichopus sp. show subtle differences in diet and the structure and filling patterns of the gut that suggest differences in feeding strategies which may represent one mechanism to overcome competition for food resources in an environment where nutrient resources are considered to be, at least periodically, limiting. Interspecific differences in tentacle functional morphology and digestive strategies, which reflects taxonomic diversity could be explained in terms of Sanders'; Stability–Time Hypothesis. Since different tentacle types will turn over sediments to different extents, their impact on sedimentary communities will be enormous so that high diversity in meiofaunal communities may be explained most simply by Dayton and Hessler's Biological Disturbance Hypothesis.


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A novel class of anionic surfactants was prepared through the neutralization of pyrrolidine or imidazole by alkylcarboxylic acids. The compounds, namely the pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates ([Pyrr][CnH2n+1COO]) and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates ([Im][CnH2n+1COO]), were obtained as ionic liquids at room temperature. Their aggregation behavior has been examined as a function of the alkyl chain length (from n = 5 to 8) by surface tensiometry and conductivity. Decreases in the critical micelle concentration (cmc) were obtained, for both studied PIL families, when increasing the anionic alkyl chain length (n). Surprisingly, a large effect of the alkyl chain length was observed on the minimum surface area per surfactant molecule (Amin) and, hence the maximum surface excess concentration (Gmax) when the counterion was the pyrrolidinium cation. This unusual comportment has been interpreted in term of a balance between van der Waals and coulombic interactions. Conductimetric measurements permit determination of the degree of ionization of the micelle (a) and the molar conductivity (?M) of these surfactants as a function of n. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution in water (?8) of the [Pyrr]+ and [Im]+ cations have been then determined by using the classical Kohlraush equation. Observed change in the physicochemical, surface, and micellar properties of these new protonic ionic liquid surfactants can be linked to the nature of the cation. By comparison with classical anionic surfactants having inorganic counterions, pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates exhibit a higher ability to aggregate in aqueous solution, demonstrating their potential applicability as surfactant.


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In this article, we describe general trends to be expected at short times when an excess electron is generated or injected in different room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs). Perhaps surprisingly, the excess electron does not localize systematically on the positively charged cations. Rather, the excess charge localization pattern is determined by the cation and anion HOMO/LUMO gaps and, more importantly, by their relative LUMO alignments. As revealed by experiments, the short-time (ps/ns) transient UV spectrum of excess electrons in RTILs is often characterized by two bands, a broad band at low energies (above 1000 nm) and another weaker band at higher energies (around 400 nm). Our calculations show that the dry or presolvated electron spectrum (fs) also has two similar features. The broad band at low energies is due to transitions between electronic states with similar character on ions of the same class but in different locations of the liquid. The lower-intensity band at higher energies is due to transitions in which the electron is promoted to electronic states of different character, in some cases on counterions. Depending on the chemical nature of the RTIL, and especially on the anions, excess electrons can localize on cations or anions. Our findings hint at possible design strategies for controlling electron localization, where electron transfer or transport across species can be facilitated or blocked depending on the alignment of the electronic levels of the individual species.


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Two different natural zeolites having different phase compositions were obtained from different regions of Turkey and modified by ion-exchange (0.5 M NH4NO3) and acid leaching using 1 M HCl. The natural and modified samples were treated at low temperature (LT), high temperature (HT) and steam (ST) conditions and characterised by XRF, XRD, BET, FTIR, DR-UV-Vis, NH3-TPD and TGA. Ion-exchange with NH4+ of natural zeolites results in the exchange of the Na+ and Ca2+ cations and the partial exchange of the Fe3+ and Mg2+ cations. However, steam and acidic treatments cause significant dealumination and decationisation, as well as loss of crystalline, sintering of phases and the formation of amorphous material. The presence of mordenite and quartz phases in the natural zeolites increases the stability towards acid treatment, whereas the structure of clinoptilolite-rich zeolites is mostly maintained after high temperature and steam treatments. The natural and modified zeolites treated at high temperature and in steam were found to be less stable compared with synthetic zeolites, resulting in a loss of crystallinity, a decrease in the surface area and pore volume, a decrease in the surface acidity as well as dealumination, and decationisation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Modified DNA strands undergo a reversible light-induced reaction involving the intramolecular photodimerization of two appended anthracene tags. The photodimers exhibit markedly different binding behavior toward a complementary strand that depends on the number of bases between the modified positions. By preforming the duplex, photochromism can be suppressed, illustrating dual-mode gated behavior.


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When biological matter is subjected to ionizing radiation, a wealth of secondary low-energy (<20 eV) electrons are produced. These electrons propagate inelastically, losing energy to the medium until they reach energies low enough to localize in regions of high electron affinity. We have recently shown that in fully solvated DNA fragments, nucleobases are particularly attractive for such excess electrons. The next question is what is their longer-term effect on DNA. It has been advocated that they can lead to strand breaks by cleavage of the phosphodiester C-3'-O-3' bond. Here we present a first-principles study of free energy barriers for the cleavage of this bond in fully solvated nucleotides. We have found that except for dAMP, the barriers are on the order of 6 kcal/mol, suggesting that bond cleavage is a regular feature at 300 K. Such low barriers are possible only as a result of solvent and thermal fluctuations. These findings support the notion that low-energy electrons can indeed lead to strand breaks in DNA.


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Modified (oxidized and/or glycated) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) have been implicated in retinal pericyte loss, one of the major pathologic features of early-stage diabetic retinopathy. To delineate underlying molecular mechanisms, the present study was designed to explore the global effects of modified LDL on pericyte gene expression.