66 resultados para Irrigation pumps.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that rice cultivated under flooded conditions has higher concentrations of arsenic (As) but lower cadmium (Cd) compared to rice grown in unsaturated soils. To validate such effects over long terms under Mediterranean conditions a field experiment, conducted over 7 successive years was established in SW Spain. The impact of water management on rice production and grain arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) was measured, and As speciation was determined to inform toxicity evaluation. Sprinkler irrigation was compared to traditional flooding.

Both irrigation techniques resulted in similar grain yields (similar to 3000 kg grain ha(-1)). Successive sprinkler irrigation over 7 years decreased grain total As to one-sixth its initial concentration in the flooded system (0.55 to 0.09 mg As kg(-1)), while one cycle of sprinkler irrigation also reduced grain total As by one-third (0.20 mg kg(-1)). Grain inorganic As concentration increased up to 2 folds under flooded conditions compared to sprinkler irrigated fields while organic As was also lower in sprinkler system treatments, but to a lesser extent. This suggests that methylation is favored under water logging. However, sprinkler irrigation increased Cd transfer to grain by a factor of 10, reaching 0.05 mg Cd kg(-1) in 7 years. Sprinlder systems in paddy fields seem particularly suited for Mediterranean climates and are able to mitigate against excessive As accumulation, but our evidence shows that an increased Cd load in rice grain may result.


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A study was undertaken to determine the effects of different concentrations of arsenic (As) in irrigation water on Boro (dry-season) rice (Oryza sativa) and their residual effects on the following Aman (wet-season) rice. There were six treatments, with 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg As L-1 applied as disodium hydrogen arsenate. All the growth and yield parameters of Boro rice responded positively at lower concentrations of up to 0.25 mg As L-1 in irrigation water but decreased sharply at concentrations more than 0.5 mg As L-1. Arsenic concentrations in grain and straw of Boro rice increased significantly with increasing concentration of As in irrigation water. The grain As concentration was in the range of 0.25 to 0.97 μg g-1 and its concentration in rice straw varied from 2.4 to 9.6 μg g-1 over the treatments. Residual As from previous Boro rice showed a very similar pattern in the following Aman rice, although As concentration in Aman rice grain and straw over the treatments was almost half of the As levels in Boro rice grain. Arsenic concentrations in both grain and straw of Boro and Aman rice were found to correlate with iron and be antagonistic with phosphorus. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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In this paper we compare conceptualising single factor technical and allocative efficiency as indicators of a single latent variable, or as separate observed variables. In the former case, the impacts on both efficiency types are analysed by means of structural equation modeling (SEM), in the latter by seemingly unrelated regression (SUR). We compare estimation results of the two approaches based on a dataset on single factor irrigation water use efficiency obtained from a survey of 360 farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China. The main methodological findings are that SEM allows identification of the most important dimension of irrigation water efficiency (technical efficiency) via comparison of their factor scores and reliability. Moreover, it reduces multicollinearity and attenuation bias. It thus is preferable to SUR. The SEM estimates show that perception of water scarcity is the most important positive determinant of both types of efficiency, followed by irrigation infrastructure, income and water price. Furthermore, there is a strong negative reverse effect from efficiency on perception.


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In this paper, an automatic Smart Irrigation Decision Support System, SIDSS, is proposed to manage irrigation in agriculture. Our system estimates the weekly irrigations needs of a plantation, on the basis of both soil measurements and climatic variables gathered by several autonomous nodes deployed in field. This enables a closed loop control scheme to adapt the decision support system to local perturbations and estimation errors. Two machine learning techniques, PLSR and ANFIS, are proposed as reasoning engine of our SIDSS. Our approach is validated on three commercial plantations of citrus trees located in the South-East of Spain. Performance is tested against decisions taken by a human expert.


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This article analyses adoption of farm-based irrigation water saving techniques, based on a cross-sectional data set of 357 farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Approximately 83% of the farmers use at least one farm-based water-saving technique. However, the traditional, inefficient techniques border and furrow irrigation are still prevalent whereas the use of advanced, more efficient techniques is still rather rare. We develop and estimate an adoption model consisting of two stages: awareness of water scarcity and intensity of adoption. We find that awareness of water scarcity and financial status enhance adoption of more advanced techniques whereas access to better community-based irrigation infrastructure discourages it. We furthermore find both community-based irrigation infrastructure and farm-based irrigation water-saving techniques have mitigating effects on production risk. From the results it follows that adoption can be stimulated via financial support and via extension aimed at enhancing awareness of water scarcity.


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Since 1995, when pumps were withdrawn from deep mines in East Fife (Scotland), mine waters have been rebounding throughout the coalfield. Recently, it has become necessary to pump and treat these waters to prevent their uncontrolled emergence at the surface. However, even relatively shallow pumping to surface treatment lagoons of the initially chemically-stratified mine water from a shaft in the coastal Frances Colliery during two dynamic step-drawdown tests to establish the hydraulic characteristics of the system resulted in rapid breakdown of the stratification within 24 h and a poor pumped water quality with high dissolved Fe loading. Further, data are presented here of hydrochemical and isotopic sampling of the extended pump testing lasting up to several weeks. The use in particular of the environmental isotopes d18O, d2H, d34S, 3H, 13C and 14C alongside hydrochemical and hydraulic pump test data allowed characterisation of the Frances system dynamics, mixing patterns and water quality sources feeding into this mineshaft under continuously pumped conditions. The pumped water quality reflects three significant components of mixing: shallow freshwater, seawater, and leakage from the surface treatment lagoons. In spite of the early impact of recirculating lagoon waters on the hydrochemistries, the highest Fe loadings in the longer-term pumped waters are identified with a mixed freshwater–seawater component affected by pyrite oxidation/melanterite dissolution in the subsurface system.


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Background: A number of cellular proteins, including P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and Multiple drug Resistance Protein (MRP-1), act as drug efflux pumps and are important in the resistance of many cancers to chemotherapy. We previously reported that a small number of NSAIDs could inhibit the activity of MRP-1. Materials and Methods: We chose sulindac as a candidate agent for further investigation as it has the most favourable efficacy and toxicity profile of the agents available for a potential specific MRP-1 inhibitor. NCI H460 cells expressed MRP-1 protein (by Western blot) and also the toxicity, of doxorubicin (a substrate of MRP-1) could be potentiated in this line using non-toxic concentrations of the MRP-1 substrate/inhibitor sulindac. These cells were implanted in nude mice and the animals divided into various groups which were administered doxorubicin and/or sulindac. Results: Sulindac was shown to significantly potentiate the tumour growth inhibitor activity of doxorubicin in this MRP-1-overexpressing human tumour xenograft model. Conclusion: Sulindac may be clinically useful as an inhibitor of the MRP-1 cancer resistance mechanism.


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Neuropeptide F is the most abundant neuropeptide in parasitic flatworms and is analogous to vertebrate neuropeptide Y. This paper examines the effects of neuropeptide F on tetrathyridia of the cestode Mesocestoides vogae and provides preliminary data on the signalling mechanisms employed. Neuropeptide F ( greater than or equal to 10 muM) had profound excitatory effects on larval motility in vitro. The effects were insensitive to high concentrations (I mM) of the anaesthetic procame hydrochloride suggesting extraneuronal sites of action. Neuropeptide F activity was not significantly blocked by a FMRFamide-related peptide analog (GNFFRdFamide) that was found to inhibit GNFFRFamide-induced excitation indicating the occurrence of distinct neuropeptide F and FMRFamide-related peptide receptors. Larval treatment with guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) trilithium salt prior to the addition of neuropeptide F completely abolished the excitatory effects indicating the involvement of G-proteins and a G-protein coupled receptor in neuropeptide F activity. Addition of guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) following neuropeptide F had limited inhibitory effects consistent with the activation of a signalling cascade by the neuropeptide. With respect to Ca2+ involvement in neuropeptide F-induced excitation of M. vogae larvae, the L-type Ca2+-channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine both abolished neuropeptide F activity as did high Mg+ concentrations and drugs which blocked sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-activated Ca2+-channels (ryanodine) and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pumps (cyclopiazonic acid). Therefore, both extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ is important for neuropeptide F excitation in M. vogae. With resepct to second messengers, the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine chloride and the adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL-2330A both abolished neuropeptide F-induced excitation. The involvement of a signalling pathway that involves protein kinase C was further supported by the fact that phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate,known to directly activate protein kinase C, had direct excitatory effects on larval motility. Although neuropeptide F is structurally analogous to neuropeptide Y, its mode-of-action in flatworms appears quite distinct from the common signalling mechanism seen in vertebrates. (C) 2003 on behalf of Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Throughout the last few decades, sulfate concentrations in streamwater have received considerable attention due to their dominant role in anthropogenic acidification of surface waters. The objectives of this study conducted in the Oldman River Basin in Alberta (Canada) were to determine the influence of geology, land use and anthropogenic activities on sources, concentrations and fluxes of riverine sulfate on a watershed scale. This was achieved by combining hydrological, chemical and isotopic techniques. Surface water samples were collected from the main stem and tributaries of the Oldman River on a monthly basis between December 2000 and March 2003 and analyzed for chemical and isotopic compositions. At a given sampling site, sulfate sources were primarily dependent on geology and did not vary with time or flow condition. With increasing flow distance a gradual shift from ?34S values > 10 ‰ and ?18O values > 0 ‰ of riverine sulfate indicating evaporite dissolution and soil-derived sulfate in the predominantly forested headwaters, to negative ?34S and ?18O values suggested that sulfide oxidation was the predominant sulfate source in the agriculturally used downstream part of the watershed. Significant increases in sulfate concentrations and fluxes with downstream distance were observed, and were attributed to anthropogenically enhanced sulfide oxidation due to the presence of an extensive irrigation drainage network with seasonally varying water levels. Sulfate-S exports in an artificially drained subbasin (64 kg S/ha/yr) were found to exceed those in a naturally drained subbasin (4 kg S/ha/yr) by an order of magnitude. Our dataset suggests that the naturally occurring process of sulfide oxidation has been enhanced in the Oldman River Basin by the presence of an extensive network of drainage and irrigation canals.


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The mechanism of energy converting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1) is Still unknown. A current controversy centers around the question whether electron transport of complex I is always linked to vectorial proton translocation or whether in some organisms the enzyme pumps sodium ions instead. To develop better experimental tools to elucidate its mechanism, we have reconstituted the affinity purified enzyme into proteoliposomes and monitored the generation of Delta pH and Delta psi. We tested several detergents to solubilize the asolectin used for liposome formation. Tightly coupled proteoliposomes containing highly active complex I were obtained by detergent removal with BioBeads after total solubilization or the phospholipids with n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. We have used dyes to monitor the formation of the two components of the proton motive force, Delta pH and Delta psi, across the liposomal membrane, and analyzed the effects of inhibitors, uncouplers and ionophores on this process. We show that electron transfer of complex I of the lower eukaryote Y. lipolytica is clearly linked to proton translocation. While this study was not specifically designed to demonstrate possible additional sodium translocating properties of complex 1, we did not find indications for primary or secondary Na+ translocation by Y lipolytica complex I. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Renal cell carcinoma patients respond poorly to conventional chemotherapy, this unresponsiveness may be attributable to multidrug resistance (MDR). The mechanisms of MDR in renal cancer are not fully understood and the specific contribution of ABC transporter proteins which have been implicated in the chemoresistance of various cancers has not been fully defined in this disease. Methods In this retrospective study the expression of two of these transporter efflux pumps, namely MDR-1 P-gp (ABCB1) and MRP-1 (ABCC1) were studied by immunohistochemistry in archival material from 95 renal cell carcinoma patients. Results In the first study investigating MDR-1 P-gp and MRP-1 protein expression patterns in renal cell carcinoma patients, high levels of expression of both efflux pumps are observed with 100% of tumours studied showing MDR-1 P-gp and MRP-1 positivity. Conclusion Although these findings do not prove a causal role, the high frequency of tumours expressing these efflux pumps suggests that they may be important contributors to the chemoresistance of this tumour type.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia are opportunistic Gram-negative bacteria that can cause chronic pulmonary infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. These bacteria demonstrate a high-level of intrinsic antibiotic resistance to most clinically useful antibiotics complicating treatment. We previously identified 14 genes encoding putative Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux pumps in the genome of B. cenocepacia J2315, but the contribution of these pumps to the intrinsic drug resistance of this bacterium remains unclear.


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Arsenic (As) contamination of paddy soils threatens rice cultivation and the health of populations relying on rice as a staple crop. In the present study, isotopic dilution techniques were used to determine the chemically labile (E value) and phytoavailable (L value) pools of As in a range of paddy soils from Bangladesh, India, and China and two arable soils from the UK varying in the degree and sources of As contamination. The E value accounted for 6.2-21.4% of the total As, suggesting that a large proportion of soil As is chemically nonlabile. L values measured with rice grown under anaerobic conditions were generally larger than those under aerobic conditions, indicating increased potentially phytoavailable pool of As in flooded soils. In an incubation study, As was mobilized into soil pore water mainly as arsenite under flooded conditions, with Bangladeshi soils contaminated by irrigation of groundwater showing a greater potential of As mobilization than other soils. Arsenic mobilization was best predicted by phosphate-extractable As in the soils.


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Irrigation with arsenic contaminated groundwater in the Bengal Delta may lead to As accumulation in the soil and rice grain. The dynamics of As concentration and speciation in paddy fields during dry season (boro) rice cultivation were investigated at 4 sites in Bangladesh and West Bengal, India. Three sites which were irrigated with high As groundwater had elevated As concentrations in the soils, showing a significant gradient from the irrigation inlet across the field. Arsenic concentration and speciation in soil pore water varied temporally and spatially; higher As concentrations were associated with an increasing percentage of arsenite, indicating a reductive mobilization. Concentrations of As in rice grain varied by 2-7 fold within individual fields and were poorly related with the soil As concentration. A field site employing alternating flooded-dry irrigation produced the lowest range of grain As concentration, suggesting a lower soil As availability caused by periodic aerobic conditions.