52 resultados para In-plane


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50nm thick nanogranular polycrystalline dysprosium thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K was found to be µ0MS,4K(C) = (3.28±0.26)T for samples deposited on wafers heated to 350°C with a Neel point of TN(C) = (173±2)K and a ferromagnetic transition at TC(C) = (80±2)K, measured via zero-field-cooled – field-cooled magnetization measurements, close to single-crystal values. The slightly reduced magnetization is explained in the light of a metastable face-centered cubic crystal phase which occurred at the seed interface and granularity related effects, that are still noticeably influential despite an in-plane magnetic easy axis. As deposited samples showed reduced magnetization of µ0MS,4K(A) = (2.26±0.18)T, however their ferromagnetic transition shifted to a much higher temperature of TC(A) = (172±2)K and the antiferromagnetic phase was completely suppressed probably as a result of strain.


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The domain configuration of micron-sized permalloy ellipses was studied under the influence of an in-plane rotating magnetic field using magnetic force microscopy. The field amplitude was chosen such that when the field is applied parallel to the long axis of the ellipses they are saturated, but when the field is perpendicular to the long axis they exhibit multi-domain states. The rotation angle for nucleation and annihilation of domains was determined for different magnitudes of the applied magnetic field and for two different lateral sizes of ellipses, 6 Am x 2 Am and 3 Am x 1 Am. It was found that both nucleation and annihilation occur over a range of angles for both lateral sizes of ellipses. Saturated states are stable for a wider range of angles for larger values of the applied field.


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Arching or compressive membrane action (CMA) in reinforced concrete slabs occurs as a result of the great difference between the tensile and compressive strength of concrete. Cracking of the concrete causes a migration of the neutral axis which is accompanied by in-plane expansion of the slab at its boundaries. If this natural tendency to expand is restrained, the development of arching action enhances the strength of the slab. The term arching action is normally used to describe the arching phenomenon in one-way spanning slabs and compressive membrane action is normally used to describe the arching phenomenon in two-
way spanning slabs. This encyclopedic article presents the background to the discovery of the phenomenon of arching action and presents a factual history of the approaches to the treatment of arching action in the United Kingdom and North American bridge deck design codes. The article summarises the theoretical methodology used in the United Kingdom Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, BD81/02, which was based on the work by Kirkpatrick, Rankin & Long at Queen's University Belfast.


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The 71 degrees stripe domain patterns of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films are frequently being explored to achieve new functional properties, dissimilar from the BiFeO3 bulk properties. We show that in-plane switching and out-of-plane switching of these domains behave very differently. In the in-plane configuration the domains are very stable, whereas in the out-of-plane configuration the domains change their size and patterns, depending on the applied switching voltage frequency.


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In an effort to achieve large high-field magnetization and increased Curie temperature, polycrystalline DyRh, (DyRh)95X5 and (DyRh)85X15 (X = Fe, Co, Ni, Gd) thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC co-sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers, using Ta as seed and cap material. A body-centred cubic CsCl-like crystal formation (B2 phase) was achieved for DyRh around the equiatomic equilibrium, known from single crystals. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K in fields of μ0H = 5T of was found to be μ0MS,4K = (1.50 ± 0.09)T with a ferromagnetic transition at TC = (5 ± 1)K and a coercivity of μ0HC,4K[D] = (0.010 ± 0.001)T (at T = 4K) for layers deposited on substrates heated to 350°C. Samples prepared at room temperature exhibited poorer texture, smaller grains and less B2-phase content; this did impact on the Curie temperature which was higher compared to those layers with best crystallisation; however the maximal magnetization stayed unaffected. Ferromagnetic coupling was observed in ternary alloys of DyRhGd and DyRhNi with an increased Curie temperature, larger initial permeability, and
high-field magnetization which was best for (DyRh)85Gd15 with μ0MS,4K[Gd15] = (2.10 ± 0.13)T. DyRhFe and DyRhCo showed antiparallel coupling of the spontaneous magnetic moments.


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Queen's University Belfast and Wave Barrier Ltd have developed a tidal testing platform to test hydrokinetic turbines at medium scale. Multiple turbines can be pushed through still water conditions, in steady-state pushing tests. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the interactions between two identical, mono-strut, horizontal axis tidal turbines (HATTs) of 1.5 m diameter (D) rotor. Their relative performance when located individually, in-plane and in-line are investigated. The data shows a high consistency in the power curves at different flow speeds, which indicates high repeatability in this Reynolds range. For an individual turbine, there is no performance difference when the rotor is mounted either upstream or downstream of the supporting structure. When placed in-plane, the turbines have no adverse effect on one another. When spaced in-line with 2D separation, there is a 63% reduction in the performance of the downstream turbine. At 6D downstream this performance reduction is still 59%, indicating some wake recovery between 2D and 6D, though the influence from the upstream rotor persists to at least 6D downstream of the first device. In contrast the performance of the downstream turbine when placed at 1.5D offset of the upstream device at 6D downstream is approximately recovered to the individual turbine performance.


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This paper presents the results of a full-scale site fire test performed on a cold-formed steel portal frame building with semi-rigid joints. The purpose of the study is to establish a performance-based approach for the design of such structures in fire boundary conditions. In the full-scale site fire test, the building collapsed asymmetrically at a temperature of 714°C. A non-linear elasto-plastic finite-element shell model is described and is validated against the results of the full-scale test. A parametric study is presented that highlights the importance of in-plane restraint from the side rails in preventing an outwards sway failure for both a single portal and full building geometry model. The study also demonstrates that the semi-rigidity of the joints should be taken into account in the design. The single portal and full building geometry models display a close match to site test results with failure at 682°C and 704°C, respectively. A design case is described in accordance with Steel Construction Institute design recommendations. The validated single portal model is tested with pinned bases, columns protected, realistic loading and rafters subject to symmetric uniform heating in accordance with the ISO 834 standard fire curve; failure occurs at 703°C.


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An investigation was carried out on CLT panels made from Sitka spruce in order to establish the effect of the thickness of CLT panels on the bending stiffness and strength and the rolling shear. Bending and shear tests on 3-layer and 5-layer panels were performed with loading in the out-of-plane and in-plane directions. ‘Global’ stiffness measurements were found to correlate well with theoretical values. Based on the results, there was a general tendency that both the bending strength and rolling shear decreased with panel thickness. Mean values for rolling shear ranged from 1.0 N/mm2 to 2.0 N/mm2 .


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We report deterministic selection of polarization variant in bismuth BiFeO3 nanoislands via a two-step scanning probe microscopy procedure. The polarization orientation in a nanoisland is toggled to the desired variant after a reset operation by scanning a conductive atomic force probe in contact over the surface while a bias is applied. The final polarization variant is determined by the direction of the inhomogeneous in-plane trailing field associated with the moving probe tip. This work provides the framework for better control of switching in rhombohedral ferroelectrics and for a deeper under- standing of exchange coupling in multiferroic nanoscale hetero- structures toward the realization of magnetoelectric devices.


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Recent experimental measurements of large flexoelectric coefficients in ferroelectric ceramics suggest that strain gradients can affect the polarization and permittivity behaviour of inhomogeneously strained ferroelectrics. Here we present a phenomenological model of the effect of flexoelectricity on the dielectric constant, polarization, Curie temperature (T-C), temperature of maximum dielectric constant (T-m) and temperature of the onset of reversible polarization (T-ferro) for ferroelectric thin films subject to substrate-induced epitaxial strains that are allowed to relax with thickness, and the qualitative and quantitative predictions of the model are compared with experimental results for (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 thin films on SrRuO3 electrodes. It is shown that flexoelectricity can play an important role in decreasing the maximum dielectric constant of ferroelectric thin films under inhomogeneous in-plane strain, regardless of the sign of the strain gradient.


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The surface properties of the jellium model have been investigated by large supercell computations in the density functional theory-local spin-density (DFT-LSD) approach for planar slabs with up to 1000 electrons. A wide interval of densities has been explored, extending into the stability range of the Wigner crystal. Most computations have been carried out on nominally paramagnetic samples with an equal number of spin-up and spin-down electrons. The results show that within DFT-LSD spontaneous spin polarization and charge localization start nearly simultaneously at the surface for r(s) similar to 20, then, with decreasing density, they progress toward the center of the slab. Electrons are fully localized and spin polarized at r(s) = 30. At this density the charge distribution is the superposition of disjoint charge blobs, each corresponding to one electron. The distribution of blobs displays both regularities and disorder, the first being represented by well-defined planes and simple in-plane geometries, and the latter by a variety of surface defects. The surface energy, surface dipole, electric polarisability, and magnetization pattern have been determined as a function of density. All these quantities display characteristic anomalies at the density of the localization transition. The analysis of the low-frequency electric conductivity shows that in the fluid paramagnetic regime the in-plane current preferentially flows in the central region of the slab and the two spin channels are equally conducting. In the charge localized, spin-polarized regime, conductivity is primarily a surface effect, and an apparent asymmetry is observed in the two spin currents.


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The authors have recently described a cold-formed steel portal framing system in which simple bolted moment-connections, formed through brackets, were used for the eaves and apex joints. Such connections, however, cannot be considered as rigid because of localised in-plane elongation of the bolt-holes caused by bearing against the bolt-shanks. To therefore predict the initial stiffness of such connections, it is necessary to know the initial bolt-hole elongation stiffness k(b). In this paper, a finite element-solid idealisation of a bolted lap joint in shear will be described that can be used to determine k(b); the results obtained are validated against experimental data. A beam idealisation of a cold-formed steel bolted moment-connection is then described, in which spring elements are used to idealise the rotational flexibility of the bolt-groups resulting from bolt-hole elongation: Using the value of k(b) in the beam idealisation, the deflections predicted are shown to be similar to those measured experimentally in laboratory tests conducted on the apex joint of a cold-formed steel portal frame. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A simple linear beam idealization of a cold-formed steel portal frame is presented in which beam elements are used to idealize the column and rafter members, and rotational spring elements are used to represent the rotational flexibility of the joints. In addition, the beam idealization takes into account the finite connection length of the joints. Deflections predicted using the beam idealization are shown to be comparable to deflections obtained from both a linear finite element shell idealization and full-scale laboratory tests. Using the beam idealization, deflections under rafter load are divided into three components: Deflection due to flexure of the column and rafter members, deflection due to bolt-hole elongation, and deflection due to in-plane bracket deformation. Of these deflection components, the deflection due to bolt-hole elongation is the most significant and cannot, therefore, be ignored. Using the beam idealization, engineers can analyze and design cold-formed steel portal frames, including making appropriate allowances for connection effects, without the need to resort to expensive finite element shell analysis.


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Analysis of non-traditional Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, obtained by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve buckling load carrying capacity of flat rectangular panels under axial compressive loads. In some cases the buckling load of simply supported panels doubled compared to the best conventional laminate with straight fibers. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation, one due to fiber orientation variation in the direction of the loading, and the other one perpendicular to the loading direction, were identified as possible contributors to the buckling load improvements. In the first case, the increase was attributed to the favorable distribution of the transverse in-plane stresses over the panel platform. In the second case, a higher degree of improvement was obtained due to the re-distribution of the applied in-plane loads. Experimental results, however, showed substantially higher levels of buckling load improvements compared with theoretical predictions. The additional improvement was determined to be due to residual stresses introduced during curing of the laminates. The present paper provides a simplified thermomechanical analysis of residual stress state of variable stiffness laminates. Systematic parametric analyses of both cases of fiber orientation variations show that, indeed much higher buckling loads could result from the residual stresses present in such laminates.


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The influence of both compressive and tensile epitaxial strain along with the electrical boundary conditions on the ferroelastic and ferroelectric domain patterns of bismuth ferrite films was studied. BiFeO3 films were grown on SrTiO3(001), DyScO3(110), GdScO3(110), and SmScO3(110) substrates to investigate the effect of room temperature in-plane strain ranging from -1.4% to +0.75%. Piezoresponse force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction measurements, and ferroelectric polarization measurements were performed to study the properties of the films. We show that BiFeO3 films with and without SrRuO3 bottom electrode have different growth mechanisms and that in both cases reduction of the domain variants is possible. Without SrRuO3, stripe domains with reduced variants are formed on all rare earth scandate substrates because of their monoclinic symmetry. In addition, tensile strained films exhibit a rotation of the unit cell with increasing film thickness. On the other side, the presence of SrRuO3 promotes step flow growth of BiFeO3. In case of vicinal SrTiO3 and DyScO3 substrates with high quality SrRuO3 bottom electrode and a low miscut angle of approximate to 0.15 degrees we observed suppression of the formation of certain domain variants. The quite large in-plane misfit of SrRuO3 with GdScO3 and SmScO3 prevents the growth of high quality SrRuO3 films and subsequent domain variants reduction in BiFeO3 on these substrates, when SrRuO3 is used as a bottom electrode.