41 resultados para Galoisian cubic


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2-Aryl-substituted imidazo[4,5-f]-1,10-phenanthrolines were used as building blocks for metal-containing liquid crystals (metallomesogens). Imidazo[4,5-f]-1,10-phenanthrolines are versatile ligands because they can form stable complexes with various d-block transition metals, including platinum(II) and rhenium(I), as well as with lanthanide(III) and uranyl ions and they can easily be structurally modified by a judicious choice of benzaldehyde precursor. None of the ligands designed for this study were liquid-crystalline. However, mesomorphism could be induced by their coordination to various metallic fragments. The thermal behavior of the metal complexes depended on the metal-to-ligand ratio and the substitution pattern of the coordinating ligands. Complexes with a metal-to-ligand ratio of 1:1 [ML, with M = Pt(II), Re(I)] were not liquid-crystal line. The lanthanide(III) complexes with a metal-to-ligand ratio of 1:2 [ML2 with M = Ln(III)] formed an enantiotropic cubic mesophase or were not liquid-crystalline, depending on the nature of the lanthanide(III) ion and the substitution pattern of the ligands. A 1:3 uranyl complex of the type [ML3](2+) exhibited a hexagonal columnar mesophase over a broad temperature range. Self-assembled monolayers of a europium(III) complex were investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy, which revealed that the complex formed well-ordered structures over long distances at the 1-octanoic acid-graphite interface. The rhenium(I) complexes and the europium(III) complexes with 2-thenoyl-trifluoroacetonate or dibenzoylmethanate and imidazo[4,5-f]-1,10-phenanthroline showed good luminescence properties.


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Tetracatenar liquid crystals were obtained by substituting the 1,10-phenanthroline central core unit at the 3- and 8-positions by extended, rigid acetylene moieties, equipped at the termini with two alkoxy chains of various lengths (n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 14). The liquid crystals exhibit a rich mesomorphism including smectic C, cubic, hexagonal and rectangular columnar phases, depending on the alkoxy chain length. The corresponding rhenium(I) complexes containing the bulky [ReBr(CO)3] fragment are not liquid-crystalline. The ligands and rhenium(I) complexes were investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Both the ligands and the rhenium(I) complexes can be self-assembled into monolayers at the TCB–graphite and octanoic acid–graphite interfaces. The ligands and rhenium(I) complexes are luminescent.


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NH4[Hg-3(NH)(2)](NO3)(3) (1) and [Hg2N](NO3) (2) are obtained from cone. aqueous ammonia solutions of Hg(NO3)(2) at ambient temperature and under hydrothermal conditions at 180 degreesC, respectively, as colourless and dark yellow to light brown single crystals. The crystal structures {NH4[Hg-3(NH)(2)](NO3)(3): cubic, P4(I)32, a = 1030.4(2) pm, Z = 4, R-all = 0.028; [Hg2N](NO3): tetragonal, P4(3)2(1)2, a = 1540.4(1), c = 909.8(1) pm, Z = 4, R-all = 0.054} have been determined from single crystal data. Both exhibit network type structures in which [HNHg3] and [NHg4] tetrahedra of the partial structures of 1 and 2 are connected via three and four vertices, respectively. 1 transforms at about 270 degreesC in a straightforward reaction to 2 whereby the decomposition products of NH4NO3 are set free. 2 decomposes at about 380 degreesC forming yellow HgO. Most certainly, I is identical with a mineral previously analyzed as


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The linear and nonlinear properties of the Rao-dust-magnetohydrodynamic (R-D-MHD) waves in a dusty magnetoplasma are studied. By employing the inertialess electron equation of motion, inertial ion equation of motion, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and the continuity equation in a plasma with immobile charged dust grains, the linear and nonlinear propagation of two-dimensional R-D-MHD waves are investigated. In the linear regime, the existence of immobile dust grains produces the Rao cutoff frequency, which is proportional to the dust charge density and the ion gyrofrequency. On the other hand, the dynamics of amplitude modulated R-D-MHD waves is governed by the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The latter has been derived by using the reductive perturbation technique and the two-timescale analysis which accounts for the harmonic generation nonlinearity in plasmas. The stability of the modulated wave envelope against non-resonant perturbations is studied. Finally, the possibility of localized envelope excitations is discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The parametric interaction between large amplitude whistlers and ponderomotively driven quasistationary density perturbations in plasmas is considered. A cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation is derived and then solved analytically to show the occurrence of modulational instability as well as the existence of bright and dark envelope solitons, which are referred to as whistlerons. Explicit whistleron profiles are presented and the relevance to space and laboratory plasmas is discussed. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The amplitude modulation of magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electromagnetic (CPEM) waves in a magnetized pair plasma is reexamined. The nonlinear frequency shifts include the effects of the radiation pressure driven density and compressional magnetic field perturbations as well as relativistic particle mass variations. The dynamics of the modulated CPEM wave packets is governed by a nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which has attractive and repulsive interaction potentials for fast and slow CPEM waves. The modulational stability of a constant amplitude CPEM wave is studied by deriving a nonlinear dispersion from the cubic Schrodinger equation. The fast (slow) CPEM mode is modulationally unstable (stable). Possible stationary amplitude solutions of the modulated fast (slow) CPEM mode can be represented in the form of bright and dark/gray envelope electromagnetic soliton structures. Localized envelope excitations can be associated with the microstructures in pulsar magnetospheres and in laboratory pair magnetoplasmas. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The parametric coupling between large amplitude magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves and ponderomotively driven ion-acoustic perturbations in magnetized space plasmas is considered. A cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the modulated EMIC wave envelope is derived, and then solved analytically. The modulated EMIC waves are found to be stable (unstable) against ion-acoustic density perturbations, in the subsonic (supersonic, respectively) case, and they may propagate as "supersonic bright" ("subsonic dark", i.e. "black" or "grey") type envelope solitons, i.e. electric field pulses (holes, voids), associated with (co-propagating) density humps. Explicit bright and dark (black/grey) envelope excitation profiles are presented, and the relevance of our investigation to space plasmas is discussed.


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The kinetics of reductive dissolution of NaBiO3, by Mn-II and Ce-III ions are studied as a function of [Mn-II] or [Ce-III], [Bi-III], [H+] and temperature. They fit a simple inverse-cubic rate law and can be readily interpreted using a mechanism in which the rate-determining step is the reaction between an adsorbed reducing species (i.e. a Mn-II or Ce-III ion) and its associated surface site; protonation of the surface site promotes the rate of reaction. The rate of dissolution decreases with increasing initial concentration of Bi-III ions owing to competitive inhibition by the latter species. A kinetic model, based on this mechanism, is applied and provides a quantitative description of the observed kinetics.


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The kinetics of oxidative dissolution of a number of different samples of chromium(III) oxide by periodate ions in 1 mol dm-3 HClO4 solution have been studied and the results interpreted using the inverse-cubic rate law. The metaperiodate acts as a two-electron oxidant and the overall reaction stoichiometry involves the reaction of 3 mol of periodate with 1 mol of Cr(III) oxide. From a detailed study of the kinetics of dissolution the rate-determining step appears to be the reaction between an adsorbed periodate ion and its associated Cr(III) oxide surface site, with inhibition by one of the reaction products, iodate, through competitive adsorption. Analysis of the kinetic data generates values for the Langmuir adsorption coefficients for periodate and iodate ions on highly hydrated Cr(III) oxide of 84 +/- 8 and 2600 +/- 370 dm3 mol-1, respectively. The Cr(III) oxide-periodate reaction has a high overall activation energy, 82 +/- 6 kJ mol-1. The kinetics of dissolution of highly hydrated Cr(III) oxide under conditions in which the simple inverse-cubic rate law function does not apply can be successfully predicted using a simple kinetic model.


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Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) from a hot pressed manganese doped ZnS target using a KrF laser, has produced a high rate deposition method for growing luminescent thin films. Good stoichiometric quality and typical luminescent crystal structures have been observed with a predominant hexagonal phase and little evidence of the cubic phase. The luminescent characteristics were determined by cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation and stable electroluminescence was observed under pulsed dc conditions with a minimum brightness of 150 cd/m2. PLD film characteristics are compared with those observed in radio-frequency sputtered samples.


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One of the most important bird breeding and over wintering sites in the west of Europe, the Coto Doñana, was severely impacted by the release of 5 million cubic meters of acid waste from the processing of pyrite ore. The waste entered ecologically sensitive areas of the park (including breeding areas for internationally endangered bird species) causing sustained pH decreases from pH 8.5 to 4.5 and resulting in massive metal contamination of the impacted ecosystem. The contaminating sludge waste contained arsenic at 0.6%, lead at 1.2% and zinc at 0.8% on a dry weight basis. The acid conditions facilitated the solubilization of these metals, leading to water concentrations lethal for aquatic wildlife. The accident caused considerable fish and invertebrate kills and has severe consequences for the protected bird species dependent on the impacted habitats and adjacent areas.


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50nm thick nanogranular polycrystalline dysprosium thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K was found to be µ0MS,4K(C) = (3.28±0.26)T for samples deposited on wafers heated to 350°C with a Neel point of TN(C) = (173±2)K and a ferromagnetic transition at TC(C) = (80±2)K, measured via zero-field-cooled – field-cooled magnetization measurements, close to single-crystal values. The slightly reduced magnetization is explained in the light of a metastable face-centered cubic crystal phase which occurred at the seed interface and granularity related effects, that are still noticeably influential despite an in-plane magnetic easy axis. As deposited samples showed reduced magnetization of µ0MS,4K(A) = (2.26±0.18)T, however their ferromagnetic transition shifted to a much higher temperature of TC(A) = (172±2)K and the antiferromagnetic phase was completely suppressed probably as a result of strain.


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We describe extensive studies on a family of perovskite oxides that are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic at ambient temperatures. The data include x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, measurements of ferroelectric and magnetic hysteresis, dielectric constants, Curie temperatures, electron microscopy
(both scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)) studies, and both longitudinal and transverse magnetoelectric constants a33 and a31. The study extends earlier work to lower Fe, Ta, and Nb concentrations at the B-site (from 15%–20% down to 5%). The magnetoelectric
constants increase supralinearly with Fe concentrations, supporting the earlier conclusions of a key role for Fe spin clustering. The room-temperature orthorhombic C2v point group symmetry inferred from earlier x-ray diffraction studies is confirmed via TEM, and the primitive unit cell size is found to be the basic perovskite Z¼1 structure of BaTiO3, also the sequence of phase transitions with increasing temperature from rhombohedral to orthorhombic to tetragonal to cubic mimics barium titanate.


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A new compound, Mn8Pd15Si7, is reported to crystallize in a face centered cubic unit cell of dimension a = 12.0141(2) angstrom, space groupFm (3) over barm, and can thus be classified as a G-phase. The crystal structure was studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction, X-ray and neutron powder diffraction and electron diffraction. A filled Mg6Cu16Si7 type structure was found, corresponding to the Sc11Ir4 type structure. The magnetic properties were investigated by magnetization measurements and Reverse Monte Carlo modeling of low temperature magnetic short-range order (SRO). Dominating near neighbor antiferromagnetic correlations were found between the Mn atoms and geometric frustration in combination with random magnetic interactions via metal sites with partial Mn occupancy were suggested to hinder formation of long-range magnetic order. 


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A new phase in the ternary Ir-Mn-Si system has been synthesised. From powder neutron diffraction data the crystal structure was determined to be of the AlAu4 type and to be described in the cubic space group P2(1)3 with the unit cell a = 6.4973(3) Angstrom. Susceptibility measurements using a SQUID-magnetometer showed a transition typical of anti ferromagnetism, with T-N = 210 K. Low temperature antiferromagnetic order is confirmed by extra peaks in neutron diffractograms recorded at 10 and 80 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.